protected function _channel_influencer() { try { $id = $this->input->post('id'); $campaign = new Campaign($id); $cinfo = $campaign->get(); if (!$cinfo) { throw new \Exception('Invalid campaign'); } if (!($influencer = $this->input->post('influencer'))) { throw new \Exception('Invalid influencer'); } $comment = $this->input->post('comment'); if (empty($comment)) { throw new \Exception('Comment must not be empty'); } $comments = MongoDoc::get($cinfo, 'comments.brand_influencer', array()); if (!isset($comments[$influencer])) { $comments[$influencer] = array(); } $comments[$influencer][] = array('from' => UserSession::get('user._id'), 'from_username' => UserSession::get('user.username'), 'user' => 'brand', 'created_at' => time(), 'text' => $comment); $comments[$influencer] = array_slice($comments[$influencer], -20); $campaign->update(array('comments.brand_influencer' => $comments)); Alert::once('success', 'Comment added', Url::referrer()); } catch (\Exception $e) { Alert::once('error', $e->getMessage(), Url::referrer()); } }
public function limit_remaining($key) { if ($a = $this->get()) { return max(0, MongoDoc::get($a, 'package.limits.' . $key, 0) - MongoDoc::get($a, 'limits.' . $key, 0)); } return 0; }
protected function _add() { if (!($id = $this->input->post('id'))) { Json::error('Invalid influencer id'); } $id = new \MongoId($id); $brand = new Brand(UserSession::get('user._id')); $binfo = $brand->get(); $lists = MongoDoc::get($binfo, 'lists', array()); $list_idx = $this->input->post('list'); $new_list = $this->input->post('new_list'); if ($list_idx !== null && isset($lists[$list_idx])) { if (in_array($id, $lists[$list_idx]['influencers'])) { Json::success('Influencer is already preset in the list'); } $lists[$list_idx]['influencers'][] = $id; } else { if (!empty($new_list)) { foreach ($lists as $l) { if ($l['name'] === $new_list) { Json::error(sprintf('List with name "%s" already exists', $new_list)); } } $lists[] = array('name' => $new_list, 'influencers' => array($id)); } else { Json::error('Invalid list'); } } $brand->update(array('lists' => $lists)); Json::success('Success'); }
public function get($id) { $favorite = false; if (UserSession::get('user.type') === 'influencer') { $iinfo = (new Influencer(UserSession::get('user._id')))->get(); $favorite = in_array(new \MongoId($id), MongoDoc::get($iinfo, 'favorites', array())); } $this->_display->view(array('main/app/brand/view.php'), array('user' => (new Brand($id))->get(), 'favorite' => $favorite)); }
protected function _get_data($binfo) { $data = array('brand' => $binfo['_id'], 'points' => 0, 'state' => 'pending'); if (!in_array($data['type'] = $this->input->post('type'), array('digital-pr', 'ad-serving', 'custom'))) { throw new \Exception('Invalid type: ' . $data['type']); } if ($data['type'] == 'digital-pr') { if (!in_array($data['subtype'] = $this->input->post('subtype'), array('create', 'amplify'))) { throw new \Exception('Invalid subtype: ' . $data['type']); } $data['social'] = array(); $key = 'social_' . $data['subtype']; foreach (array('facebook', 'twitter', 'instagram', 'google-analytics', 'google-youtube', 'google-plus', 'vine') as $k) { $data['social'][$k] = $this->input->post($key, str_replace('-', '_', $k)); if ($data['subtype'] == 'create') { $data['social'][$k] = $data['social'][$k] ? true : false; } } } $df = $this->input->post('date', 'from'); $dt = $this->input->post('date', 'to'); if (!($df && $dt)) { throw new \Exception('Dates must be specified'); } $df_ts = (new \DateTime($df, new \DateTimeZone(UserSession::get('user.timezone') ?: TIMEZONE)))->setTimezone(new \DateTimeZone(TIMEZONE))->getTimestamp(); $dt_ts = (new \DateTime($dt, new \DateTimeZone(UserSession::get('user.timezone') ?: TIMEZONE)))->setTimezone(new \DateTimeZone(TIMEZONE))->getTimestamp(); $now = strtotime(date('Y-m-d')); if ($df_ts - $now < 0) { throw new \Exception('Start date must not be in past'); } if ($df_ts > $dt_ts) { throw new \Exception('End date must be greater than start date'); } $data['date'] = array('start' => array('date' => $df, 'timestamp' => $df_ts), 'end' => array('date' => $dt, 'timestamp' => $dt_ts)); if (!($data['title'] = $this->input->post('title'))) { throw new \Exception('Title must be specified'); } $data['title'] = trim($data['title']); if (strlen($data['title']) < 10) { throw new \Exception('Title must be atleast 10 characters long'); } if (!($data['brief'] = $this->input->post('brief'))) { throw new \Exception('Brief must be specified'); } $data['brief'] = trim($data['brief']); if (strlen($data['brief']) < 50) { throw new \Exception('Brief must be atleast 50 characters long'); } $data['influencers_select'] = array(); if (($idx = $this->input->post('influencer_list')) !== null) { $data['influencers_select'] = MongoDoc::get($binfo, 'lists.' . $idx . '.influencers', array()); } return $data; }
protected function _set_picture(&$u) { // Set profile image $image = null; foreach (array('picture', 'social.facebook.details.picture.url', 'social.twitter.details.profile_image_url_https') as $t) { if ($a = MongoDoc::get($u, $t)) { $image = $a; } } $u['picture'] = $image; }
protected function _remove() { try { $influencer = new Influencer(UserSession::get('user._id')); $iinfo = $influencer->get(); if ($social = MongoDoc::get($iinfo, 'social')) { unset($social['instagram']); $influencer->update(array('social' => $social)); } } catch (\Exception $e) { Alert::once('error', 'Failed to remove account: ' . $e->getMessage(), Url::base('influencer/social')); } Alert::once('success', 'Account remove successfully', Url::base('influencer/social')); }
protected function _remove() { try { $brand = new Brand(UserSession::get('user._id')); $iinfo = $brand->get(); if ($social = MongoDoc::get($iinfo, 'social')) { unset($social['twitter']); $brand->update(array('social' => $social)); } } catch (\Exception $e) { Alert::once('error', 'Failed to remove account: ' . $e->getMessage(), Url::base('brand/social')); } Alert::once('success', 'Account remove successfully', Url::base('brand/social')); }
protected function _get_social_differential($info, $days = 5) { $stats = new Statistics(); $stat = $stats->get($info['_id'], date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-' . $days . ' days'))); $items = array('facebook' => array('details.likes', 'insights.engaged_users'), 'twitter' => array('details.statuses_count', 'details.followers_count'), 'instagram' => array('counts.followed_by'), 'google-youtube' => array('statistics.subscriberCount', 'statistics.videoCount'), 'google-analytics' => array(''), 'vine' => array('followerCount'), 'klout' => array('score.score')); $result = array(); foreach ($items as $k => $fields) { if (!($a = MongoDoc::get($info, 'social.' . $k))) { continue; } $c = array(); if ($stat) { foreach ($fields as $f) { //echo 'VAL', PHP_EOL; //var_dump($f, 'social.'.$k.'.'.$f, MongoDoc::get($stat, 'social.'.$k.'.'.$f, null)); //var_dump($f, MongoDoc::get($a, $f, null)); $p = 1.0; if ($stat && ($v_old = MongoDoc::get($stat, 'social.' . $k . '.' . $f, null)) !== null && ($v_new = MongoDoc::get($a, $f, null)) !== null) { /* switch ($k.'.'.$f) { case 'twitter.details.statuses_count': $x = strtotime(MongoDoc::get($a, 'details.created_at')); $d = floor((time() - $x)/(3600*24)); $v_new1 = $d? ($v_new / $d) : 0; $d -= $days; $v_old1 = $d? ($v_new / $d) : 0; $c['details.statuses_per_day'] = round(($v_new1 - $v_old1)*100/$v_new1, 4); break; } */ //echo 'Found value: ', $v_new, ' - ' , $v_old, PHP_EOL; if ($v_new + $v_old == 0) { $p = 0; } else { if ($v_new) { $p = round(($v_new - $v_old) * 100 / $v_new, 4); } } } $c[$f] = $p; } } if ($c) { $result[$k] = $c; } } return MongoDoc::explode($result); }
public function get($brand_id = null) { $user = new Influencer(UserSession::get('user._id')); $uinfo = $user->get(); $brands = array(); $bmodel = new Brand(null); foreach (MongoDoc::get($uinfo, 'favorites', array()) as $b) { $brands[] = $bmodel->filter_one(array('_id' => $b), array('_id' => true, 'name' => true, 'username' => true)); } $river = array(); if ($brands && !$brand_id) { $brand_id = $brands[0]['_id']; } if ($brand_id) { $river = MongoDoc::get((new Brand($brand_id))->get(), 'social_river', array()); } $this->_display->view(array('main/app/influencer/river.php'), array('brands' => $brands, 'brand_id' => $brand_id, 'river' => $river)); }
public function post() { if (UserSession::get('user.type') !== 'brand') { $this->_403(); } if (!($id = $this->input->post('id'))) { Json::error('Invalid influencer id'); } $id = new \MongoId($id); $brand = new Brand(UserSession::get('user._id')); $binfo = $brand->get(); $favorites = MongoDoc::get($binfo, 'favorites', array()); if ($reset = in_array($id, $favorites)) { $favorites = array_values(array_diff($favorites, array($id))); } else { $favorites[] = $id; } $brand->update(array('favorites' => $favorites)); Json::success('Success', null, array('set' => !$reset)); }
protected function _save_river($key) { try { $user = new Brand(UserSession::get('user._id')); $uinfo = $user->get(); $auto = !!$this->input->post('auto'); if ($auto) { if (($r = MongoDoc::get($uinfo, 'social_river.data_custom')) && isset($r[$key])) { unset($r[$key]); $user->update(array('social_river.data_custom' => (object) $r)); } } else { if (($u = $this->input->post('url')) && !empty($u)) { $user->update(array('social_river.data_custom.' . $key => trim($u))); } } Alert::once('success', 'URL updated successfully', Url::current()); } catch (\Exception $e) { Alert::once('error', $e->getMessage(), Url::current()); } }
protected function _render_approval() { $id = $this->input->post('id'); try { $campaign = new Campaign(null); $cinfo = $campaign->filter_one(array('_id' => new \MongoId($id), 'state' => array('$in' => array('pending', 'rejected')))); if (!$cinfo) { Alert::once('error', 'Invalid campaign', Url::referrer()); } $i_sel = array(); $influencer = new Influencer(null); $sel = array(); foreach (MongoDoc::get($cinfo, 'influencers_select', array()) as $i) { $i_sel[] = $influencer->filter_one(array('_id' => $i), array('_id' => true, 'username' => true)); $sel[] = (string) $i; } $cinfo['influencers_select'] = $i_sel; $this->_display->view(array('main/app/admin/campaign/approve.php'), array('campaign' => $cinfo, 'influencers_select_string' => implode(',', $sel), 'influencers' => (new Influencer(null))->filter(array('active' => true)))); } catch (\Exception $e) { Alert::once('error', $e->getMessage(), Url::base('admin/campaign/view/' . $id)); } }
protected function _compute_status_latest($u, &$update) { $river = array(); if (MongoDoc::get($u, 'social_river.enabled', false)) { foreach (array('facebook', 'twitter', 'instagram', 'google-youtube', 'google-plus') as $item) { if ($info = MongoDoc::get($update, 'social\\.' . $item)) { $s = null; switch ($item) { case 'facebook': $this->_fetch_status_facebook($u, $s, $info, $item); break; case 'twitter': $this->_fetch_status_twitter($u, $s, $info, $item); break; case 'instagram': $this->_fetch_status_instagram($u, $s, $info, $item); break; case 'google-youtube': $this->_fetch_status_google_youtube($u, $s, $info, $item); break; case 'google-plus': $this->_fetch_status_google_plus($u, $s, $info, $item); break; } if ($s) { printf("%-15s %-30s\n", 'STATUS-SET', $item); $river[$item] = $s; } } } $update[''] = array_replace_recursive(MongoDoc::get($u, '', array()), $river); } }
protected function _compute_fluenz_score($u, &$update) { // Calculate Fluenz score $s = MongoDoc::get($update, 'social\\', 0); $p = 100; $map = array(1000 => 50, 5000 => 60, 10000 => 70, 50000 => 75, 100000 => 80, 500000 => 85, 2000000 => 90, 5000000 => 95); foreach ($map as $k => $v) { if ($s < $k) { $p = $v; break; } } $update['score'] = round(($p + MongoDoc::get($update, 'social\\.klout.score.score', 0)) / 2); }
public function create($data) { return parent::create(array('name' => $data['name'], 'email' => $data['email'], 'username' => $data['username'], 'password' => $data['password'], 'phone' => $data['phone'], 'city' => $data['city'], 'genre' => $data['genre'], 'type' => $this->_type, 'active' => MongoDoc::get($data, 'active', true), 'last_login' => null)); }
protected function _insert_statistics($u) { $stats = new Statistics(); $items = array('facebook' => array('details.likes', 'insights.engaged_users'), 'twitter' => array('details.statuses_count', 'details.followers_count'), 'instagram' => array('counts.followed_by'), 'google-youtube' => array('statistics.subscriberCount', 'statistics.videoCount'), 'google-analytics' => array(''), 'vine' => array('followerCount'), 'klout' => array('score.score')); $data = array(); foreach ($items as $k => $fields) { if (!($a = MongoDoc::get($u, 'social.' . $k))) { continue; } $c = array(); foreach ($fields as $f) { $c[$f] = MongoDoc::get($a, $f, 0); } if ($c) { $data[$k] = $c; } } if ($data) { try { $stats->save($u['_id'], date('Y-m-d'), array('social' => MongoDoc::explode($data))); } catch (\Exception $e) { echo 'Error updating document: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; } } }