public function onAuthenticationSuccess(Request $request, TokenInterface $token)
     $username = $token->getUser()->getUsername();
     $user = new UserModel();
     $website = Website::get();
     if (!$user->readByUserName($username) or $user->role != SystemRoles::SYSTEM_ADMIN and !($user->siteRole->offsetExists($website->domain) and $user->siteRole[$website->domain] != SiteRoles::NONE)) {
         return $this->httpUtils->createRedirectResponse($request, '/app/logout');
     $request->getSession()->set('user_id', $user->id->asString());
     $request->getSession()->set('user', array('username' => $username));
     $projectId = $user->getDefaultProjectId($website->domain);
     if ($projectId) {
         $request->getSession()->set('projectId', $projectId);
     $referer = $this->determineTargetUrl($request);
     if ($referer and strpos($referer, '/app/') !== false) {
         return $this->httpUtils->createRedirectResponse($request, $referer);
     } elseif ($projectId) {
         $project = ProjectModel::getById($projectId);
         $url = '/app/' . $project->appName . '/' . $projectId;
         return $this->httpUtils->createRedirectResponse($request, $url);
     } else {
         return $this->httpUtils->createRedirectResponse($request, '/');
 public function run($userId, $mode = 'test')
     $testMode = $mode != 'run';
     $message = "Ensure DB Indexes\n";
     $numberOfIndexesCreated = 0;
     $website = Website::get();
     $onDevMachine = strpos($website->domain, 'dev.') !== false;
     $onLocalMachine = strrpos($website->domain, '.local') !== false;
     $message .= "\n-------------  Main Database:\n";
     $mainCollectionName = ProjectModelMongoMapper::instance()->getCollectionName();
     $mainIndexes = ProjectModelMongoMapper::instance()->INDEXES_REQUIRED;
     $mainIndexesToCreate = MongoStore::getIndexesNotSetInCollection(SF_DATABASE, $mainCollectionName, $mainIndexes);
     $numberOfIndexesCreated += count($mainIndexesToCreate);
     $message .= count($mainIndexesToCreate) . " main indexes created.\n";
     if (($onDevMachine || $onLocalMachine) && MongoStore::hasDB(SF_TEST_DATABASE)) {
         $message .= "\n-------------  Test Database:\n";
         $mainIndexesToCreate = MongoStore::getIndexesNotSetInCollection(SF_TEST_DATABASE, $mainCollectionName, $mainIndexes);
         $numberOfIndexesCreated += count($mainIndexesToCreate);
         $message .= count($mainIndexesToCreate) . " test indexes created.\n";
     if (!$testMode) {
         MongoStore::ensureIndexesInCollection(SF_DATABASE, $mainCollectionName, $mainIndexes);
         if (($onDevMachine || $onLocalMachine) && MongoStore::hasDB(SF_TEST_DATABASE)) {
             MongoStore::ensureIndexesInCollection(SF_TEST_DATABASE, $mainCollectionName, $mainIndexes);
     // loop over every project
     $projectList = new ProjectListModel();
     foreach ($projectList->entries as $projectParams) {
         $project = ProjectModel::getById($projectParams['id']);
         if ($project->appName == 'lexicon') {
             $message .= "\n-------------  {$project->projectName} project:\n";
             $lexiconCollectionName = LexEntryModel::mapper($project->databaseName())->getCollectionName();
             $lexiconIndexes = LexEntryModel::mapper($project->databaseName())->INDEXES_REQUIRED;
             $lexiconIndexesToCreate = MongoStore::getIndexesNotSetInCollection($project->databaseName(), $lexiconCollectionName, $lexiconIndexes);
             $numberOfIndexesCreated += count($lexiconIndexesToCreate);
             $optionListCollectionName = LexOptionListModel::mapper($project->databaseName())->getCollectionName();
             $optionListIndexes = LexOptionListModel::mapper($project->databaseName())->INDEXES_REQUIRED;
             $optionListIndexesToCreate = MongoStore::getIndexesNotSetInCollection($project->databaseName(), $optionListCollectionName, $optionListIndexes);
             $numberOfIndexesCreated += count($optionListIndexesToCreate);
             if (count($lexiconIndexesToCreate) + count($optionListIndexesToCreate) > 0) {
                 $message .= count($lexiconIndexesToCreate) . " lexicon indexes created.\n";
                 $message .= count($optionListIndexesToCreate) . " option list indexes created.\n";
             } else {
                 $message .= "No indexes needed creating.\n";
             if (!$testMode) {
                 MongoStore::ensureIndexesInCollection($project->databaseName(), $lexiconCollectionName, $lexiconIndexes);
                 MongoStore::ensureIndexesInCollection($project->databaseName(), $optionListCollectionName, $optionListIndexes);
     if ($numberOfIndexesCreated > 0) {
         $message .= "\nCreated {$numberOfIndexesCreated} DB Indexes.\n\n";
     } else {
         $message .= "\nAll indexes were present.\n\n";
     return $message;
 public function __construct($domain = '')
     $this->db = MongoStore::connect(SF_DATABASE);
     $this->website = Website::get($domain);
     if (!isset($this->uploadFilePaths)) {
         $this->uploadFilePaths = array();
Пример #4
 public function testGet_Works()
     $website = Website::get('');
     $this->assertEqual($website->domain, '');
     $this->assertEqual($website->base, 'scriptureforge');
     $this->assertEqual($website->theme, 'default');
     $website = Website::get('');
 public function run($userId, $mode = 'test')
     $testMode = $mode != 'run';
     $message = "Fix site roles integrity\n\n";
     // loop over every project
     $projectlist = new ProjectListModel();
     $fixCount = array();
     $userNoRoleCount = 0;
     foreach ($projectlist->entries as $projectParams) {
         // foreach existing project
         $projectId = $projectParams['id'];
         $project = new ProjectModel($projectId);
         $hostname = $project->siteName;
         $website = Website::get($hostname);
         $fixCount[$hostname] = 0;
         $projectUserRefs = array_keys($project->users->getArrayCopy());
         //$message .= "-------------  " . $project->projectName . "\n";
         foreach ($projectUserRefs as $userId) {
             // foreach user that is a member of this project
             $user = new UserModel($userId);
             if (!array_key_exists($hostname, $user->siteRole) && $user->username != '') {
                 $message .= "Fixed user '" . $user->username . "' who did not have a site role on " . $hostname . "\n";
                 $user->siteRole[$hostname] = $website->userDefaultSiteRole;
                 if (!$testMode) {
     // loop over users who do not belong to any projects
     $userlist = new UserListModel();
     foreach ($userlist->entries as $userParams) {
         // foreach existing user
         $userId = $userParams['id'];
         $user = new UserModel($userId);
         if (count($user->projects->refs) == 0 && count(array_keys($user->siteRole->getArrayCopy())) == 0) {
             //$message .= "Warning: user '" . $user->username . "' has no projects and no siteRoles on any site!\n";
     foreach ($fixCount as $site => $count) {
         if ($count > 0) {
             $message .= "\n\n{$site} : Fixed {$count} non-existent site roles \n\n";
         } else {
             $message .= "\n\n{$site} : Nothing to do \n\n";
     if ($userNoRoleCount > 0) {
         $message .= "Warning: {$userNoRoleCount} useless users had no projects and no siteRoles on any site!\n";
     return $message;
Пример #6
 public function __construct(Application $app)
     $this->app = $app;
     $this->website = Website::get();
     $this->userId = SilexSessionHelper::getUserId($app);
     $this->projectId = SilexSessionHelper::getProjectId($app, $this->website);
     // "Kick" session every time we use an API call, so it won't time out
     // TODO put in the LanguageForge style error handler for logging / jsonrpc return formatting etc. CP 2013-07
     ini_set('display_errors', 0);
Пример #7
 public function __construct($controller)
     $this->_userId = (string) $controller['session']->get('user_id');
     $this->_projectId = (string) $controller['session']->get('projectId');
     $this->_controller = $controller;
     $this->_website = Website::get();
     // "Kick" session every time we use an API call, so it won't time out
     // TODO put in the LanguageForge style error handler for logging / jsonrpc return formatting etc. CP 2013-07
     ini_set('display_errors', 0);
 private static function _createEmptyProject($languageCode, $languageName, $userId)
     $website = Website::get();
     $projectCode = SemDomTransProjectModel::projectCode($languageCode);
     $projectName = SemDomTransProjectModel::projectName($languageCode, $languageName);
     $projectID = ProjectCommands::createProject($projectName, $projectCode, LfProjectModel::SEMDOMTRANS_APP, $userId, $website);
     $project = new SemDomTransProjectModel($projectID);
     $project->languageIsoCode = $languageCode;
     $project->isSourceLanguage = false;
     $project->semdomVersion = SemDomTransProjectModel::SEMDOM_VERSION;
     // by default all created projects have English as their source.  A future feature would allow creating projects off of other source languages
     $englishProject = SemDomTransProjectModel::getEnglishProject();
     $project->sourceLanguageProjectId->id = $englishProject->id->asString();
     return $project->write();
 public function loadUserByUsername($usernameOrEmail)
     $user = new UserModelWithPassword();
     // try to load user by email address
     if (strpos($usernameOrEmail, '@') !== false) {
     } else {
     if ($user->id->asString() == '') {
         throw new UsernameNotFoundException(sprintf('Username "%s" does not exist.', $usernameOrEmail));
     if (!$user->hasRoleOnSite($this->website) and $user->role != SystemRoles::SYSTEM_ADMIN) {
         $shouldThrowException = true;
         // special case: if known user on logs in on and vice versa, we automatically add them to the site.
         // This is because scriptureforge and languageforge are sister sites where cross-login is expected and allowed.
         $sisterSiteMap = array('' => '', 'scriptureforge.local' => 'languageforge.local', '' => '');
         $sisterSiteMap = array_merge($sisterSiteMap, array_flip($sisterSiteMap));
         if (array_key_exists($this->website->domain, $sisterSiteMap)) {
             $otherWebsite = Website::get($sisterSiteMap[$this->website->domain]);
             if ($user->hasRoleOnSite($otherWebsite)) {
                 $shouldThrowException = false;
                 $user->siteRole[$this->website->domain] = $this->website->userDefaultSiteRole;
         if ($shouldThrowException) {
             throw new AccessDeniedException(sprintf('Username "%s" not available on "%s". Use "Create an Account".', $usernameOrEmail, $this->website->domain));
     $identityCheck = UserCommands::checkIdentity($usernameOrEmail, '', $this->website);
     if (! $identityCheck->usernameExists) {
         throw new UsernameNotFoundException(sprintf('Username "%s" does not exist.', $usernameOrEmail));
     if (! $identityCheck->usernameExistsOnThisSite and $user->role != SystemRoles::SYSTEM_ADMIN) {
         throw new AccessDeniedException(sprintf('Username "%s" not available on "%s". Use "Create an Account".', $usernameOrEmail, $this->website->domain));
     $roles = array('ROLE_' . $user->role);
     if ($user->siteRole and $user->siteRole->offsetExists($this->website->domain) and $user->siteRole[$this->website->domain] !== SiteRoles::NONE) {
         $roles[] = 'ROLE_SITE_' . $user->siteRole[$this->website->domain];
     return new UserWithId($user->username, $user->password, $user->id->asString(), $roles);
Пример #10
 public function __construct()
     $this->website = Website::get();
     $this->_isLoggedIn = false;
     $this->data['isLoggedIn'] = $this->_isLoggedIn;
     $this->data['isAdmin'] = false;
     $this->data['projects'] = array();
     $this->data['smallAvatarUrl'] = '';
     $this->data['userName'] = '';
     $this->data['version'] = VERSION;
     $this->data['http_host'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
     $this->data['jsFiles'] = array();
     $this->data['jsNotMinifiedFiles'] = array();
     $this->data['cssFiles'] = array();
     $this->addCssFiles($this->getThemePath() . "/css");
 public function run($userId, $mode = 'test')
     $testMode = $mode != 'run';
     $message = "Fix project site name integrity\n\n";
     // loop over every project
     $projectlist = new ProjectListModel();
     $fixCount = 0;
     foreach ($projectlist->entries as $projectParams) {
         // foreach existing project
         $projectId = $projectParams['id'];
         $project = new ProjectModel($projectId);
         $hostname = $project->siteName;
         $website = Website::get($hostname);
         if (!$website) {
             // the website does not exist anymore
             $message .= "{$hostname} does not exist anymore...";
             // see if there is a redirect
             $redirect = Website::getRawRedirect($hostname);
             if ($redirect) {
                 $message .= "changed to {$redirect}\n";
                 $project->siteName = $redirect;
                 if (!$testMode) {
             } else {
                 $message .= "ERROR: dont know what to change it to since no redirect is available\n";
     if ($fixCount > 0) {
         $message .= "\n\nFixed siteNames in {$fixCount} project(s)\n\n";
     } else {
         $message .= "\n\nNo non-existent siteNames were found in the projects collection\n\n";
     return $message;
 public function onAuthenticationSuccess(Request $request, TokenInterface $token)
     $username = $token->getUser()->getUsername();
     $user = new UserModel();
     $website = Website::get();
     // automatically logout if 1) the user doesn't exist or 2) the user is not a system admin and has no site rights on the current site
     if (!$user->readByUserName($username) or $user->role != SystemRoles::SYSTEM_ADMIN and !($user->siteRole->offsetExists($website->domain) and $user->siteRole[$website->domain] != SiteRoles::NONE)) {
         return $this->httpUtils->createRedirectResponse($request, '/app/logout');
     $projectId = $user->getCurrentProjectId($website->domain);
     // redirect to page before the login screen was presented, or to the default project for this user
     $referer = $this->determineTargetUrl($request);
     $url = '/app/projects';
     if ($referer and strpos($referer, '/app/') !== false) {
         $url = $referer;
     } elseif ($projectId && ProjectModel::projectExistsOnWebsite($projectId, $website)) {
         $project = ProjectModel::getById($projectId);
         if ($project->userIsMember($user->id->asString())) {
             $url = '/app/' . $project->appName . '/' . $projectId;
     return $this->httpUtils->createRedirectResponse($request, $url);
use Api\Model\Shared\Command\ProjectCommands;
use Api\Model\Shared\Command\UserCommands;
use Api\Model\Shared\Mapper\MongoStore;
use Api\Model\Shared\ProjectModel;
use Api\Model\Shared\Rights\ProjectRoles;
use Api\Model\Shared\Rights\SystemRoles;
use Api\Model\Shared\UserModel;
$constants = json_decode(file_get_contents(TestPath . 'app/testConstants.json'), true);
// Fake some $_SERVER variables like HTTP_HOST for the sake of the code that needs it
$hostname = "languageforge.local";
if (count($argv) > 1) {
    // hostname is passed in on command line
    $hostname = $argv[1];
$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] = $hostname;
$website = Website::get($hostname);
if (is_null($website)) {
    exit("Error: {$hostname} is not a registered website hostname!\n\n");
$site = $website->base;
// start with a fresh database
// Also empty out databases for the test projects
$projectArrays = array($constants['testProjectName'] => $constants['testProjectCode'], $constants['otherProjectName'] => $constants['otherProjectCode'], $constants['fourthProjectName'] => $constants['fourthProjectCode'], $constants['srProjectName'] => $constants['srProjectCode']);
foreach ($projectArrays as $projectName => $projectCode) {
    $projectModel = new ProjectModel();
    $projectModel->projectName = $projectName;
    $projectModel->projectCode = $projectCode;
// drop the third database because it is used in a rename test
Пример #14
 public function testSendSignup_WithProject_PropertiesToFromBodyOk()
     $e = new MongoTestEnvironment();
     $userId = $e->createUser('User', 'Name', '*****@*****.**');
     $user = new UserModel($userId);
     $project = $e->createProject(SF_TESTPROJECT, SF_TESTPROJECTCODE);
     $project->projectCode = 'test_project';
     $delivery = new MockCommunicateDelivery();
     $website = Website::get('');
     $website->defaultProjectCode = 'test_project';
     Communicate::sendSignup($user, $website, $delivery);
     // What's in the delivery?
     $senderEmail = 'no-reply@' . $e->website->domain;
     $expectedTo = array($user->emailPending => $user->name);
     $this->assertPattern('/' . $e->website->name . '/', $delivery->from[$senderEmail]);
     $this->assertEqual($expectedTo, $delivery->to);
     $this->assertPattern('/' . $e->website->name . '/', $delivery->subject);
     $this->assertPattern('/Name/', $delivery->content);
     $this->assertPattern('/' . $user->validationKey . '/', $delivery->content);
Пример #15
#!/usr/bin/php -q

require_once '../scriptsConfig.php';
use Api\Model\Command\UserCommands;
use Api\Model\Shared\Rights\SystemRoles;
use Api\Model\ProjectModel;
use Api\Library\Shared\Website;
use Api\Model\ProjectListModel;
php_sapi_name() == 'cli' or die('this script must be run on the command-line');
$scriptureforgeWebsite = Website::get('');
$languageforgeWebsite = Website::get('');
// remove all existing projects
$runForReal = false;
if (count($argv) > 1 && $argv[1] == 'run') {
    $runForReal = true;
} else {
    print "\nTest Mode - no data will be changed\n--------------------------------\n\n";
$projectList = new ProjectListModel();
print "{$projectList->count} projects will be deleted\n\n";
foreach ($projectList->entries as $p) {
    $project = new ProjectModel($p['id']);
    print "Deleting Project " . $project->projectName . "\n";
    if ($runForReal) {
        try {
        } catch (\Exception $e) {
            // don't do anything
 public function Run($argv)
     $runForReal = false;
     if (count($argv) > 1 && $argv[1] == 'run') {
         $runForReal = true;
     } else {
         print "\nUsage: FactoryReset.php <run> <DIRECTORY>\n";
         print "Run factory reset and restore mongodb and assets from DIRECTORY\n";
         print "\nTest Mode - no data will be changed\n--------------------------------\n\n";
     $archivePath = count($argv) > 2 ? $argv[2] : "";
     $projectList = new ProjectListModel();
     // remove all existing projects
     print "\n{$projectList->count} projects will be deleted\n";
     foreach ($projectList->entries as $p) {
         $project = new ProjectModel($p['id']);
         print "Deleting Project " . $project->projectName . "\n";
         if ($runForReal) {
             try {
             } catch (\Exception $e) {
                 // don't do anything
     // start with a fresh database
     print "\nDropping main database...\n";
     if ($runForReal) {
     print "\nDropping other dbs on the server (like test dbs)\n";
     $cmd = "mongo --quiet {$this->hostOption} --eval 'db.getMongo().getDBNames().forEach(function(i){  " . "if (i.indexOf(\"sf_\") == 0 || i.indexOf(\"scriptureforge\") == 0) { " . "print(\"Dropping \" + i); db.getSiblingDB(i).dropDatabase()}})'";
     $this->Execute($runForReal, $cmd);
     if (is_dir($archivePath)) {
         print "\nExtracting archives...\n";
         foreach (glob("{$archivePath}/*.tgz") as $filename) {
             print "Extracting {$filename}\n";
             $cmd = "tar -xzf {$filename} -C {$archivePath}";
             $this->Execute($runForReal, $cmd);
         print "\nEnsure www-data has permissions...\n";
         $cmd = "sudo chgrp -R www-data {$archivePath}/var/www";
         $this->Execute($runForReal, $cmd);
         $cmd = "sudo chown -R www-data:fieldworks {$archivePath}/var/lib";
         $this->Execute($runForReal, $cmd);
         print "\nRestoring mongodb...\n";
         $mongodbBackup = $archivePath . "/mongo_backup";
         $cmd = "mongorestore {$this->hostOption} {$mongodbBackup}";
         $this->Execute($runForReal, $cmd);
         print "\nUpdating DB site names...\n";
         print "\nRestoring assets...\n";
         $cmd = "rsync -rzlt --chmod=Dug=rwx,Fug=rw,o-rwx --group " . "--delete-during --stats --rsync-path='sudo rsync' " . "--exclude=sfchecks " . "{$archivePath}/var/www/ " . "{$this->lfAssetsPath}/htdocs/assets/";
         $this->Execute($runForReal, $cmd);
         $cmd = "rsync -rzlt --chmod=Dug=rwx,Fug=rw,o-rwx --group " . "--delete-during --stats --rsync-path='sudo rsync' " . "--exclude=lexicon --exclude=semdomtrans " . "{$archivePath}/var/www/ " . "{$this->sfAssetsPath}/htdocs/assets/";
         $this->Execute($runForReal, $cmd);
         $cmd = "sudo rm -R {$this->lfmergeSendReceivePath}/state/*";
         $this->Execute($runForReal, $cmd);
         $cmd = "sudo rm -R {$this->lfmergeSendReceivePath}/webwork/*";
         $this->Execute($runForReal, $cmd);
         $cmd = "rsync -rzlt --chmod=Dug=rwx,Fug=rw,o-rwx --group " . "--delete-during --stats --rsync-path='sudo rsync' " . "{$archivePath}{$this->lfmergeSendReceivePath} {$this->lfmergeSendReceivePath}";
         $this->Execute($runForReal, $cmd);
         print "\nCleanup extracted files...\n";
         $cmd = "sudo rm -R {$archivePath}/var";
         $this->Execute($runForReal, $cmd);
         $cmd = "sudo rm -R {$archivePath}/mongo_backup";
         $this->Execute($runForReal, $cmd);
     } else {
         print "\nCreating local user: admin password: password\n";
         if ($runForReal) {
             $scriptureforgeWebsite = Website::get('');
             $languageforgeWebsite = Website::get('');
             $adminUser = UserCommands::createUser(array('id' => '', 'name' => 'Admin', 'email' => '*****@*****.**', 'username' => 'admin', 'password' => 'password', 'active' => true, 'role' => SystemRoles::SYSTEM_ADMIN), $languageforgeWebsite);
Пример #17

use Api\Library\Shared\Website;
$rootPath = realpath(__DIR__ . '/../../') . '/';
// Fake app path define
define('APPPATH', $rootPath . 'src/');
require_once APPPATH . 'vendor/autoload.php';
define('TestMode', true);
define('TestPath', $rootPath . 'test/php/');
define('TestLibPath', $rootPath . 'test/lib/');
define('SimpleTestPath', $rootPath . 'src/vendor/simpletest/simpletest/');
define('SourcePath', $rootPath . 'src/');
define('SF_DATABASE', 'scriptureforge_test');
define('SF_TESTPROJECT', 'Test Project');
define('SF_TESTPROJECTCODE', 'TestCode1');
define('SF_TESTPROJECT2', 'Test Project2');
define('SF_TESTPROJECTCODE2', 'TestCode2');
define('BCRYPT_COST', 7);
global $WEBSITE;
$WEBSITE = Website::get('');
Пример #18
  * @return Website
 public function website()
     return Website::get($this->siteName);