Пример #1
  * Handle the command.
 public function handle()
     $tree = $this->builder->getTree();
     $model = $this->builder->getModel();
      * If the model is already instantiated
      * then use it as is.
     if (is_object($model)) {
      * If no model is set, try guessing the
      * model based on best practices.
     if (!$model) {
         $parts = explode('\\', str_replace('TreeBuilder', 'Model', get_class($this->builder)));
         unset($parts[count($parts) - 2]);
         $model = implode('\\', $parts);
      * If the model is not set then skip it.
     if (!class_exists($model)) {
      * Set the model on the tree!
  * Handle the command.
  * @param ResponseFactory $response
 public function handle(ResponseFactory $response)
     $tree = $this->builder->getTree();
     $options = $tree->getOptions();
     $data = $tree->getData();
     $tree->setResponse($response->view($options->get('wrapper_view', 'streams::blank'), $data));
  * Handle the command.
 public function handle()
     $tree = $this->builder->getTree();
     $model = $tree->getModel();
      * If a repository is set
      * then we don't have
      * anything to do.
     if ($this->builder->getTreeRepository()) {
     $repository = $tree->getOption('repository');
      * If there is no repository
      * then skip this step.
     if (!$repository) {
      * Set the repository on the form!
     $tree->setRepository(app()->make($repository, compact('model', 'tree')));
Пример #4
  * Handle the command.
 public function handle()
     $tree = $this->builder->getTree();
     $options = $tree->getOptions();
     $data = $tree->getData();
     $content = view($options->get('tree_view', 'streams::tree/tree'), $data)->render();
     $tree->addData('content', $content);
Пример #5
  * Handle the command.
  * @param Resolver  $resolver
  * @param Evaluator $evaluator
 public function handle(Resolver $resolver, Evaluator $evaluator)
     $arguments = ['builder' => $this->builder];
     $tree = $this->builder->getTree();
     $options = $this->builder->getOptions();
     $options = $resolver->resolve($options, $arguments);
     $options = $evaluator->evaluate($options, $arguments);
     foreach ($options as $key => $value) {
         $tree->setOption($key, $value);
  * Handle the command.
 public function handle()
     $tree = $this->builder->getTree();
      * Set the default options handler based
      * on the builder class. Defaulting to
      * no handler.
     if (!$tree->getOption('options')) {
         $options = str_replace('TreeBuilder', 'TreeOptions', get_class($this->builder));
         if (class_exists($options)) {
             app()->call($options . '@handle', compact('builder', 'tree'));
      * Set the default data handler based
      * on the builder class. Defaulting to
      * no handler.
     if (!$tree->getOption('data')) {
         $options = str_replace('TreeBuilder', 'TreeData', get_class($this->builder));
         if (class_exists($options)) {
             $tree->setOption('data', $options . '@handle');
      * Set a optional entries handler based
      * on the builder class. Defaulting to
      * no handler in which case we will use
      * the model and included repositories.
     if (!$tree->getOption('entries')) {
         $entries = str_replace('TreeBuilder', 'TreeEntries', get_class($this->builder));
         if (class_exists($entries)) {
             $tree->setOption('entries', $entries . '@handle');
      * Set the default options handler based
      * on the builder class. Defaulting to
      * no handler.
     if (!$tree->getOption('repository')) {
         $model = $tree->getModel();
         if (!$tree->getOption('repository') && $model instanceof EntryModel) {
             $tree->setOption('repository', EntryTreeRepository::class);
         if (!$tree->getOption('repository') && $model instanceof EloquentModel) {
             $tree->setOption('repository', EloquentTreeRepository::class);
Пример #7
  * Handle the command.
 public function handle()
     $tree = $this->builder->getTree();
     $model = $this->builder->getModel();
     if (is_string($model) && !class_exists($model)) {
     if (is_string($model)) {
         $model = app($model);
     if ($model instanceof EntryInterface) {
Пример #8
  * Handle the command.
  * @param Container            $container
  * @param ViewTemplate         $template
  * @param BreadcrumbCollection $breadcrumbs
 public function handle(Container $container, ViewTemplate $template, BreadcrumbCollection $breadcrumbs)
     $tree = $this->builder->getTree();
     $tree->addData('tree', $tree);
     if ($handler = $tree->getOption('data')) {
         $container->call($handler, compact('tree'));
     if ($layout = $tree->getOption('layout_view')) {
         $template->put('layout', $layout);
     if ($title = $tree->getOption('title')) {
         $template->put('title', $title);
     if ($breadcrumb = $tree->getOption('breadcrumb')) {
         $breadcrumbs->put($breadcrumb, '#');
Пример #9
  * Build the buttons.
  * @param TreeBuilder  $builder
  * @param              $entry
  * @return ButtonCollection
 public function build(TreeBuilder $builder, $entry)
     $tree = $builder->getTree();
     $buttons = new ButtonCollection();
     $this->input->read($builder, $entry);
     foreach ($builder->getButtons() as $button) {
         if (!array_get($button, 'enabled', true)) {
         $button = $this->evaluator->evaluate($button, compact('entry', 'tree'));
         $button = $this->parser->parse($button, $entry);
         $button = $this->factory->make($button);
     return $buttons;
Пример #10
  * Build the segments.
  * @param  TreeBuilder       $builder
  * @param                    $entry
  * @return SegmentCollection
 public function build(TreeBuilder $builder, $entry)
     $tree = $builder->getTree();
     $segments = new SegmentCollection();
     if (!$builder->getSegments()) {
     $this->input->read($builder, $entry);
     foreach ($builder->getSegments() as $segment) {
         array_set($segment, 'entry', $entry);
         $segment = $this->evaluator->evaluate($segment, compact('entry', 'tree'));
         if (array_get($segment, 'enabled', null) === false) {
         $segment['value'] = $this->value->make($tree, $segment, $entry);
     return $segments;