public function __construct(Registry $registry, User $user) { $this->config = $registry->getConfig(); $this->sql = $registry->getSql(); $this->registry = $registry; $this->user = $user; }
public function __construct(Registry $registry, User $user, $discoverOembed = false) { $this->config = $registry->getConfig(); $this->sql = $registry->getSql(); $this->registry = $registry; $this->user = $user; switch ($this->user->getStatus()) { case Record::ADMINISTRATOR: $this->collection = new Collection\FullTrusted(); $this->discover = $discoverOembed; break; case Record::NORMAL: case Record::REMOTE: $this->collection = new Collection\NormalTrusted(); $this->discover = $discoverOembed; break; case Record::ANONYMOUS: default: $this->collection = new Collection\Untrusted(); $this->discover = false; break; } $this->http = new Http(); $this->oembed = new Oembed($this->http); // whitelist of available oembed endpoints $this->oembedHosts = array('' => '', '' => '', '' => '', '' => '', '' => '', '' => '', '' => '', '' => '', '' => '', '' => '', '' => '', '' => '', '' => '', '' => '', '' => '', '' => ''); }
public function __construct(Registry $registry, Page $page) { parent::__construct($this->path); $this->config = $registry->getConfig(); $this->sql = $registry->getSql(); $this->registry = $registry; $this->page = $page; }
public function __construct(Registry $registry, User $user, Page $page) { parent::__construct($this->nav); $this->config = $registry->getConfig(); $this->sql = $registry->getSql(); $this->registry = $registry; $this->user = $user; $this->page = $page; }
public function __construct(Registry $registry) { $auth = $this; parent::__construct(function ($consumerKey, $token) use($auth) { return $auth->getConsumer($consumerKey, $token); }); $this->registry = $registry; $this->sql = $registry->getSql(); }
public function __construct($optionName, Registry $registry, User $user, Page $page) { $this->options = array(); parent::__construct($this->options); $this->optionName = $optionName; $this->config = $registry->getConfig(); $this->sql = $registry->getSql(); $this->registry = $registry; $this->user = $user; $this->page = $page; }
public function __construct($gadgetId, Registry $registry, User $user) { $this->config = $registry->getConfig(); $this->sql = $registry->getSql(); $this->registry = $registry; $this->user = $user; $sql = <<<SQL SELECT \t`gadget`.`id` AS `gadgetId`, \t`gadget`.`serviceId` AS `gadgetServiceId`, \t`gadget`.`rightId` AS `gadgetRightId`, \t`gadget`.`type` AS `gadgetType`, \t`gadget`.`name` AS `gadgetName`, \t`gadget`.`title` AS `gadgetTitle`, \t`gadget`.`class` AS `gadgetClass`, \t`gadget`.`param` AS `gadgetParam`, \t`gadget`.`cache` AS `gadgetCache`, \t`gadget`.`expire` AS `gadgetExpire`, \t`gadget`.`date` AS `gadgetDate` FROM \t{$this->registry['table.content_gadget']} `gadget` INNER JOIN \t{$this->registry['table.core_service']} `service` \tON `gadget`.`serviceId` = `service`.`id` WHERE \t`gadget`.`id` = ? SQL; $row = $this->sql->getRow($sql, array($gadgetId)); if (!empty($row)) { if (!empty($row['gadgetRightId']) && !$this->user->hasRightId($row['gadgetRightId'])) { throw new Exception('Access not allowed', 401); } $this->id = $row['gadgetId']; $this->serviceId = $row['gadgetServiceId']; $this->rightId = $row['gadgetRightId']; $this->type = $row['gadgetType']; $this->name = $row['gadgetName']; $this->title = $row['gadgetTitle']; $this->class = $row['gadgetClass']; $this->param = $row['gadgetParam']; $this->cache = $row['gadgetCache']; $this->expire = $row['gadgetExpire']; $this->date = $row['gadgetDate']; } else { throw new Exception('Invalid gadget'); } }
public function __construct(Registry $registry) { $this->registry = $registry; $this->config = $registry->getConfig(); $this->sql = $registry->getSql(); $this->id = 1; $this->groupId = 1; $this->name = 'System'; }
public function __construct($id, Registry $registry) { $this->config = $registry->getConfig(); $this->sql = $registry->getSql(); $this->registry = $registry; $status = Record::NORMAL; $sql = <<<SQL SELECT \t`service`.`id` AS `serviceId`, \t`service`.`status` AS `serviceStatus`, \t`service`.`source` AS `serviceSource`, \t`service`.`autoloadPath` AS `serviceAutoloadPath`, \t`service`.`config` AS `serviceConfig`, \t`service`.`name` AS `serviceName`, \t`service`.`path` AS `servicePath`, \t`service`.`namespace` AS `serviceNamespace`, \t`service`.`type` AS `serviceType`, \t`service`.`version` AS `serviceVersion`, \t`service`.`date` AS `serviceDate` FROM \t{$this->registry['table.core_service']} `service` WHERE \t`service`.`id` = ? SQL; $row = $this->sql->getRow($sql, array($id)); if (!empty($row)) { $this->id = $row['serviceId']; $this->status = $row['serviceStatus']; $this->source = $row['serviceSource']; $this->autoloadPath = $row['serviceAutoloadPath']; $this->configFile = $row['serviceConfig']; $this->name = $row['serviceName']; $this->path = $row['servicePath']; $this->namespace = $row['serviceNamespace']; $this->type = $row['serviceType']; $this->version = $row['serviceVersion']; $this->date = $row['serviceDate']; } else { throw new Exception('Invalid service'); } }
public function __construct($pageId, Registry $registry, User $user) { $this->config = $registry->getConfig(); $this->sql = $registry->getSql(); $this->registry = $registry; $this->user = $user; $status = Record::NORMAL; $sql = <<<SQL SELECT \t`page`.`id` AS `pageId`, \t`page`.`parentId` AS `pageParentId`, \t`page`.`serviceId` AS `pageServiceId`, \t`page`.`rightId` AS `pageRightId`, \t`page`.`status` AS `pageStatus`, \t`page`.`load` AS `pageLoad`, \t`page`.`path` AS `pagePath`, \t`page`.`urlTitle` AS `pageUrlTitle`, \t`page`.`title` AS `pageTitle`, \t`page`.`template` AS `pageTemplate`, \t`page`.`description` AS `pageDescription`, \t`page`.`keywords` AS `pageKeywords`, \t`page`.`cache` AS `pageCache`, \t`page`.`expire` AS `pageExpire`, \t`page`.`publishDate` AS `pagePublishDate`, \t`page`.`date` AS `pageDate`, \t`service`.`source` AS `serviceSource` FROM \t{$this->registry['table.content_page']} `page` INNER JOIN \t{$this->registry['table.core_service']} `service` \tON `page`.`serviceId` = `service`.`id` WHERE \t`page`.`id` = ? SQL; $row = $this->sql->getRow($sql, array($pageId)); if (!empty($row)) { if (!empty($row['pageRightId']) && !$this->user->hasRightId($row['pageRightId'])) { throw new Exception('Access not allowed', 401); } $this->id = $row['pageId']; $this->parentId = $row['pageParentId']; $this->serviceId = $row['pageServiceId']; $this->rightId = $row['pageRightId']; $this->status = $row['pageStatus']; $this->load = $row['pageLoad']; $this->path = $row['pagePath']; $this->urlTitle = $row['pageUrlTitle']; $this->title = $row['pageTitle']; $this->template = $row['pageTemplate']; $this->description = $row['pageDescription']; $this->keywords = $row['pageKeywords']; $this->cache = $row['pageCache']; $this->expire = $row['pageExpire']; $this->publishDate = $row['pagePublishDate']; $this->date = $row['pageDate']; $this->application = $row['serviceSource']; $this->url = $this->config['psx_url'] . '/' . $this->config['psx_dispatch'] . $row['pagePath']; } else { throw new Exception('Invalid page'); } }
public function __construct(Registry $registry) { $this->config = $registry->getConfig(); $this->sql = $registry->getSql(); $this->registry = $registry; }
public function __construct(Registry $registry, $parentId = 0) { $this->sql = $registry->getSql(); $this->registry = $registry; $this->parentId = $parentId; }
public function __construct($id, Registry $registry, $accessId = null) { $this->config = $registry->getConfig(); $this->sql = $registry->getSql(); $this->registry = $registry; $this->accessId = (int) $accessId; $status = self::BANNED; $sql = <<<SQL SELECT \t`account`.`id` AS `accountId`, \t`account`.`groupId` AS `accountGroupId`, \t`account`.`hostId` AS `accountHostId`, \t`account`.`countryId` AS `accountCountryId`, \t`account`.`status` AS `accountStatus`, \t`account`.`name` AS `accountName`, \t`account`.`email` AS `accountEmail`, \t`account`.`gender` AS `accountGender`, \t`account`.`profileUrl` AS `accountProfileUrl`, \t`account`.`thumbnailUrl` AS `accountThumbnailUrl`, \t`account`.`timezone` AS `accountTimezone`, \t`account`.`updated` AS `accountUpdated`, \t`account`.`date` AS `accountDate`, \t`group`.`title` AS `groupTitle` FROM \t{$this->registry['table.user_account']} `account` INNER JOIN \t{$this->registry['table.user_group']} `group` \tON `account`.`groupId` = `group`.`id` WHERE \t`account`.`id` = ? AND \t`account`.`status` NOT IN ({$status}) SQL; $row = $this->sql->getRow($sql, array($id)); if (!empty($row)) { $this->id = $row['accountId']; $this->groupId = $row['accountGroupId']; $this->hostId = $row['accountHostId']; $this->group = $row['groupTitle']; $this->countryId = $row['accountCountryId']; $this->status = $row['accountStatus']; $this->name = $row['accountName']; $this->email = $row['accountEmail']; $this->gender = $row['accountGender']; $this->profileUrl = $row['accountProfileUrl']; $this->thumbnailUrl = $row['accountThumbnailUrl']; $this->updated = $row['accountUpdated']; $this->date = $row['accountDate']; // set timezone $this->setTimezone($row['accountTimezone']); // update the last seen field $now = new DateTime('NOW', $this->registry['core.default_timezone']); $con = new Condition(array('id', '=', $this->id)); $this->sql->update($this->registry['table.user_account'], array('lastSeen' => $now->format(DateTime::SQL)), $con); // set user rights if (empty($this->accessId)) { $this->setRights($this->groupId); } else { $this->setApplicationRights($this->accessId); } } else { throw new Exception('Unknown user id'); } }
public function getRecord() { if ($this->_record === null && !empty($this->record)) { $fields = unserialize($this->record); $class = Registry::getClassName($this->table); $record = new $class($this->_table); foreach ($fields as $k => $v) { $record->{$k} = $v; } $this->_record = $record; } return $this->_record; }