public function validate() { parent::validate(); if ($this->from->getDate()->getTimestamp() > $this->until->getDate()->getTimestamp()) { throw new InvalidRangeException(Translate::t("The start date must be earlier than or equal to the end date.")); } }
public function createRequestObject($expectedObject, $rawRequest) { $result = null; if (substr($expectedObject, -2) === "[]") { if (!is_array($rawRequest)) { throw new InvalidObjectException(Translate::t("The request is expected to be an array.")); } $result = []; foreach ($rawRequest as $rawRequestElem) { $result[] = $this->createRequestObject(substr($expectedObject, 0, -2), $rawRequestElem); } } else { $meta = $this->objectMetaService->getObjectMetas($expectedObject); $expectsScalar = $meta->get("Object")->get("scalar"); if ($expectsScalar) { if (!is_scalar($rawRequest)) { throw new InvalidObjectException(Translate::t("The request is expected to be a scalar value.")); } // we fill the scalar object, but only to see if it passes validation. // then we return the bare request $object = $this->createObject($expectedObject); $object->set("_", $rawRequest); $object->validate(); $result = $rawRequest; } else { $result = $this->createObject($expectedObject); if (is_object($rawRequest)) { $this->fill($result, $rawRequest); } $result->validate(); } } return $result; }
public function getFormatter($extension) { if (!$this->formatExists($extension)) { throw new FormatterNotFoundException(Translate::t("The requested format is not supported.")); } return $this->formatters[$extension]; }
public function registerSeed(SeedEvent $event) { $capabilities = [["id" => "", "name" => Translate::noopX("user capability", "Load settings")], ["id" => "entity.setting.write", "name" => Translate::noopX("user capability", "Save settings")]]; foreach ($capabilities as $capability) { $event->addSeedEntry("AgitUserBundle:UserCapability", $capability); } }
public function delete($id) { if (!$this instanceof AbstractEntityController) { throw new InternalErrorException("This trait must be used in children of the AbstractEntityController."); } $this->checkPermissions($id, __FUNCTION__); try { $this->getEntityManager()->beginTransaction(); $entity = $this->retrieveEntity($this->getEntityClass(), $id); if (!$entity instanceof DeletableInterface) { throw new InternalErrorException("Only entities which implement the DeletableInterface can be deleted here."); } if ($entity->isDeleted()) { throw new BadRequestException(Translate::t("This entity is already deleted.")); } $entity->setDeleted(true); $this->getEntityManager()->persist($entity); $this->getEntityManager()->flush(); $this->getLogger()->log(LogLevel::INFO, "agit.api.entity", sprintf(Translate::tl("Object “%s” of type “%s” has been deleted."), $entity->getId(), $this->getEntityClassName($entity)), true); $this->getEntityManager()->commit(); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->getEntityManager()->rollBack(); throw $e; } return true; }
public function registerSeed(SeedEvent $event) { $categories = ["agit.order" => Translate::noopX("logging category", "Order"), "agit.payment" => Translate::noopX("logging category", "Payment")]; foreach ($categories as $id => $name) { $event->addSeedEntry("AgitLoggingBundle:LogentryCategory", ["id" => $id, "name" => $name]); } }
public function registerSeed(SeedEvent $event) { $categories = ["agit.api" => Translate::noopX("logging category", "API"), "agit.api.entity" => Translate::noopX("logging category", "Entity API")]; foreach ($categories as $id => $name) { $event->addSeedEntry("AgitLoggingBundle:LogentryCategory", ["id" => $id, "name" => $name]); } }
protected function createFieldValue($typeMeta, $key, $value) { $result = null; $expectedType = $typeMeta->getType(); if (is_scalar($value) || is_null($value) || $expectedType === "polymorphic") { $result = $value; } elseif (is_array($value)) { if ($typeMeta->isObjectType() && $typeMeta->isListType()) { $result = []; foreach ($value as $listValue) { $childObj = $this->objectMetaService->createObject($typeMeta->getTargetClass()); $this->fill($childObj, $listValue); $result[] = $childObj; } } elseif (in_array($expectedType, ["array", "entity", "entitylist"])) { $result = $value; } else { throw new InvalidObjectValueException(sprintf(Translate::t("Invalid value for the `%s` property."), $key)); } } elseif (is_object($value)) { if ($expectedType === "map") { $result = (array) $value; } else { if (!$typeMeta->isObjectType()) { throw new InvalidObjectValueException(sprintf(Translate::t("Invalid value for the `%s` property."), $key)); } $result = $this->objectMetaService->createObject($typeMeta->getTargetClass()); $this->fill($result, $value); } } return $result; }
public function setLocale($locale) { if (!in_array($locale, $this->availableLocales)) { throw new InternalErrorException("The locale `{$locale}` is not available."); } Translate::_setLocale($locale); $this->currentLocale = $locale; }
public function validateField($fieldName, $id, $value) { try { call_user_func_array([$this->validators[$id], 'validate'], array_slice(func_get_args(), 2)); } catch (InvalidValueException $e) { throw new InvalidValueException(sprintf(Translate::t("Invalid value for %s: %s"), $fieldName, $e->getMessage())); } }
public function validate($value) { $this->validationService->validate("array", $value); if (!count($value)) { throw new InvalidSettingValueException(Translate::t("You must select at least one user language.")); } $this->validationService->validate("multiSelection", $value, $this->localeService->getAvailableLocales()); }
public function validate($value, $positiveInt = true) { if (!is_numeric($value)) { throw new InvalidValueException(Translate::t("The value must be numeric.")); } if ($positiveInt === true && preg_match('|[^\\d]|', $value)) { throw new InvalidValueException(Translate::t("The value must be a positive integer number.")); } }
public function getUser($id) { $field = is_int($id) ? "id" : "email"; $user = $this->entityManager->getRepository("AgitUserBundle:UserInterface")->findOneBy([$field => $id, "deleted" => 0]); if (!$user) { throw new UserNotFoundException(Translate::t("The requested user does not exist.")); } return $user; }
protected function checkForbiddenCharacters($value) { $forbiddenCharacters = ["<" => "<", "" => "null byte"]; foreach ($forbiddenCharacters as $char => $name) { if (strpos($value, $char)) { throw new InvalidObjectValueException(sprintf(Translate::t("The “%s” character must not be contained."), $name)); } } }
public function paymentFailed(Payment $payment, $logMessage, array $logContext, $extra = "") { if ($payment->getStatus() === $payment::STATUS_OPEN) { $payment->setStatus($payment::STATUS_FAILED); } $this->persistPayment($payment); $this->eventDispatcher->dispatch("agit.payment.failed", new PaymentFailedEvent($payment, $logMessage, $logContext, $extra)); throw new PaymentProcessorException(vsprintf(Translate::t($logMessage), $logContext)); }
public function validate($value) { if (!filter_var($value, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { throw new InvalidValueException(Translate::t("The e-mail address is malformed.")); } // although technically valid, we don't accept e-mail adresses with capital letters if (strtolower($value) !== $value) { throw new InvalidValueException(Translate::t("The e-mail address must not contain capital letters.")); } }
public function registerPasswordReset($email, $password) { $user = $this->userService->getUser($email); $encPass = $this->userService->encodePassword($user, $password); $message = Swift_Message::newInstance()->setSubject(Translate::t("Password reset"))->setFrom([$this->mailFrom => "Customer Service"])->setReplyTo([$this->mailReplyto => "Customer Service"])->setTo([$user->getEmail() => $user->getName()]); $trigger = new TriggerData(["id" => $user->getId(), "encPass" => $encPass]); $token = $this->triggerService->createTrigger(self::TRIGGER_TAG, $trigger); $message->setBody($this->templatingService->render("AgitProfileBundle:Mail:passreset.txt.twig", ["name" => $user->getName(), "url" => $this->pageService->createUrl("/user/newpass") . "#!/confirm?{$token}"]), "text/plain"); $this->mailerService->send($message); }
public function validate($value, $possibleValues = []) { if (!is_array($value)) { throw new InvalidValueException(Translate::t("The value must be an array.")); } foreach ($value as $val) { if (!in_array($val, $possibleValues)) { throw new InvalidValueException(sprintf(Translate::t("The value must be one of the following: “%s”."), implode(Translate::x("quotation inside collection", "”, “"), $possibleValues))); } } }
public function validate($value, $min = null, $max = null) { if (!is_int($value)) { throw new InvalidValueException(Translate::t("The value must be an integer.")); } if (is_int($min) && $value < $min) { throw new InvalidValueException(sprintf(Translate::t("The value is too low, it must be higher than %s."), $min)); } if (is_int($max) && $value > $max) { throw new InvalidValueException(sprintf(Translate::t("The value is too high, it must be lower than %s."), $max)); } }
public function validate($value, $strict = true) { if (!filter_var($value, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL) || strpos($value, 'http') !== 0) { throw new InvalidValueException(Translate::t("The URL is invalid.")); } $urlParts = parse_url($value); if (!$urlParts || !isset($urlParts['scheme']) || !isset($urlParts['host']) || !in_array($urlParts['scheme'], ['http', 'https']) || !preg_match("#^(([a-z]|[a-z][a-z0-9\\-]*[a-z0-9])\\.)*([a-z]|[a-z][a-z0-9\\-]*[a-z0-9])\$#i", $urlParts['host'])) { throw new InvalidValueException(Translate::t("The URL is invalid.")); } if ($strict && (isset($urlParts['user']) || isset($urlParts['pass']) || isset($urlParts['port']))) { throw new InvalidValueException(Translate::t("The URL is malformed.")); } }
public function exceptionAction(Request $request, FlattenException $exception) { $status = $exception->getStatusCode(); $message = $status && $status < 500 ? $exception->getMessage() : Translate::t("Sorry, there has been an internal error. The administrators have been notified and will fix this as soon as possible."); try { $reqDetails = $this->load($request); $pageDetails = $this->get("")->getPage("_exception"); $response = $this->createResponse($pageDetails, $reqDetails, ["message" => $message]); } catch (Exception $e) { $response = $this->render("AgitPageBundle:Special:exception.html.twig", ["locale" => "en_GB", "message" => $message]); } $response->setStatusCode($status); $response->headers->set("X-Frame-Options", "SAMEORIGIN"); return $response; }
public function validate($pass1, $pass2 = null) { if (strlen($pass1) < 8) { throw new InvalidValueException(sprintf(Translate::t("The password must have at least %d characters."), 8)); } if (!preg_match('|\\d|', $pass1) || !preg_match('|[a-z]|i', $pass1)) { throw new InvalidValueException(Translate::t("The password must contain at least one letter and one number.")); } if (preg_match('|[^a-z0-9' . preg_quote($this->allowedSpecialChars, '|') . ']|i', $pass1)) { throw new InvalidValueException(sprintf(Translate::t("The password must only consist of letters, numbers and the characters %s."), $this->allowedSpecialChars)); } if (!is_null($pass2) && $pass1 !== $pass2) { throw new InvalidValueException(Translate::t("Both passwords must be identical.")); } }
public function validate($value) { try { $this->arrayValidator->validate($value, 2); $lat = reset($value); $lon = end($value); $this->latitudeValidator->validate($lat); $this->longitudeValidator->validate($lon); if ($lat > -2 && $lat < 2 && $lon > -2 && $lon < 2) { throw new InvalidValueException(Translate::t("The location is off-shore.")); } } catch (InvalidValueException $e) { throw new InvalidValueException(sprintf(Translate::t("The geographical location is invalid: %s"), $e->getMessage())); } }
public function callAction(Request $request, $namespace, $class, $method, $_ext) { $time = microtime(true); $mem = memory_get_peak_usage(true); $eventDispatcher = $this->container->get("event_dispatcher"); $response = new Response(); $isDev = $this->container->getParameter("kernel.environment") === "dev"; // we must init the variables we’re using for the success and error events $endpointName = $requestData = $resultData = null; try { $this->setLocale(); $this->checkHeaderAuth($request); $formatter = $this->container->get("agit.api.formatter")->getFormatter($_ext); $endpointService = $this->container->get("agit.api.endpoint"); $endpointName = "{$namespace}/{$class}.{$method}"; $endpointMeta = $endpointService->getEndpointMetaContainer($endpointName); $controller = $endpointService->createEndpointController($endpointName); $requestObject = null; if (!$isDev && !$endpointMeta->get("Security")->get("allowCrossOrigin")) { $this->container->get("agit.api.csrf")->checkToken($this->getCsrfToken($request)); } if ($request->getMethod() !== "OPTIONS") { $requestData = $this->createRequestObject($endpointMeta->get("Endpoint")->get("request"), $request->get("request")); $resultData = $controller->{$method}($requestData); $response = $formatter->createResponse($request, $resultData); } if ($endpointMeta->get("Security")->get("allowCrossOrigin")) { $response->headers->set("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); } $eventDispatcher->dispatch("agit.api.request.success", new ApiRequestSuccessEvent($request, $response, $endpointName, $requestData, $resultData, microtime(true) - $time, memory_get_peak_usage(true) - $mem)); } catch (Exception $e) { $publicException = $e instanceof AgitException && !$e instanceof InternalErrorException; $message = $isDev || $publicException ? $e->getMessage() : Translate::t("Sorry, there has been an internal error. The administrators have been notified and will fix this as soon as possible."); if (!$publicException && $this->container->has("logger")) { $this->container->get("logger")->log(LogLevel::ERROR, $e->getMessage(), [$e->getTraceAsString()]); } if ($isDev && !$publicException) { $message .= "\n\n" . $e->getTraceAsString(); } $response->setContent($message); $response->setStatusCode($publicException ? $e->getStatusCode() : 500); $response->headers->set("Content-Type", "text/plain; charset=UTF-8", true); $eventDispatcher->dispatch("agit.api.request.error", new ApiRequestErrorEvent($request, $response, $endpointName, $requestData, $e, microtime(true) - $time, memory_get_peak_usage(true) - $mem)); } $response->headers->set("Cache-Control", "no-cache, must-revalidate, max-age=0", true); $response->headers->set("Pragma", "no-store", true); return $response; }
public function validate($object, array $properties = null, $onlyGivenProperties = true) { if (!is_object($object)) { throw new InvalidValueException(Translate::t("The value must be an object.")); } if (!is_null($properties)) { $objectKeys = array_keys(get_object_vars($object)); if ($onlyGivenProperties && count($objectKeys) !== count($properties)) { throw new InvalidValueException(Translate::t("The object has an invalid set of properties.")); } foreach ($properties as $property) { if (!in_array($property, $objectKeys)) { throw new InvalidValueException(sprintf(Translate::t("The object is missing the mandatory “%s” property."), $property)); } } } }
public function remove($id) { if (!$this instanceof AbstractEntityController) { throw new InternalErrorException("This trait must be used in children of the AbstractEntityController."); } $this->checkPermissions($id, __FUNCTION__); $entity = $this->retrieveEntity($this->getEntityClass(), $id); try { $this->getEntityManager()->beginTransaction(); $this->getEntityManager()->remove($entity); $this->getEntityManager()->flush(); $this->getLogger()->log(LogLevel::INFO, "agit.api.entity", sprintf(Translate::tl("Object %s of type %s has been removed permanently."), $entity->getId(), $this->getEntityClassName($entity)), true); $this->getEntityManager()->commit(); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->getEntityManager()->rollBack(); throw new BadRequestException(Translate::t("This object cannot be removed, because there are other objects depending on it.")); } }
public static function u($string, $locale = null) { if (!$locale) { $locale = Translate::getLocale(); } $lang = substr($locale, 0, 2); $langs = self::multilangStringToArray($string); if (isset($langs[$lang])) { $newString = $langs[$lang]; } elseif (isset($langs["en"])) { $newString = $langs["en"]; } elseif (count($langs)) { $newString = reset($langs); } else { $newString = $string; } return $newString; }
public function create(AbstractEntityObject $requestObject) { if (!$this instanceof AbstractEntityController) { throw new InternalErrorException("This trait must be used in children of the AbstractEntityController."); } $this->checkPermissions($requestObject, __FUNCTION__); $this->validate($requestObject); try { $this->getEntityManager()->beginTransaction(); $className = $this->getEntityManager()->getClassMetadata($this->getEntityClass())->getName(); $entity = $this->saveEntity(new $className(), $requestObject); $this->getLogger()->log(LogLevel::INFO, "agit.api.entity", sprintf(Translate::tl("New object %s of type %s has been created."), $entity->getId(), $this->getEntityClassName($entity)), true); $this->getEntityManager()->commit(); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->getEntityManager()->rollBack(); throw $e; } return $this->createObject($this->getResponseObjectApiClass(), $entity); }
public function validate($value, $minLength = null, $maxLength = null, $allowLinebreaks = false) { if (!is_string($value)) { throw new InvalidValueException(Translate::t("The value must be a string.")); } if (is_int($minLength) && strlen($value) < $minLength) { throw new InvalidValueException(sprintf(Translate::t("The value is too short, it must have at least %s characters."), $minLength)); } if (is_int($maxLength) && strlen($value) > $maxLength) { throw new InvalidValueException(sprintf(Translate::t("The value is too long, it must have at most %s characters."), $maxLength)); } // filtering for control characters, but maybe allow \n, \r and \t $allowedCntrlChars = $allowLinebreaks ? [9, 10, 13] : []; if (preg_match_all('/[[:cntrl:]]/', $value, $matches)) { foreach ($matches[0] as $match) { if (!in_array(ord($match), $allowedCntrlChars)) { throw new InvalidValueException(Translate::t("The value contains invalid characters.")); } } } }
public function validate($value, $minLength = null, $maxLength = null, $allowLinebreaks = false) { // make sure there are no untranslated parts at the beginning, unless the string is entirely empty if ($value !== "") { $this->regexValidator->validate($value, "|^\\[:[a-z]{2}\\]|"); } $availableLanguages = array_map(function ($locale) { return substr($locale, 0, 2); }, $this->localeService->getAvailableLocales()); $parts = Multilang::multilangStringToArray($value); if (!count($parts) && $minLength) { throw new InvalidValueException(Translate::t("The field must be translated into at least one language.")); } foreach ($parts as $lang => $string) { if (!in_array($lang, $availableLanguages)) { throw new InvalidValueException(sprintf(Translate::t("`%s` is not a valid language."), $lang)); } if ($string || $minLength) { $this->stringValidator->validate($string, $minLength, $maxLength, $allowLinebreaks); } } }