Пример #1
 public function runApp()
     $run_info = URLParser\URLParser::getPeices();
     # Include it and call it, really basic
     include APP_PATH . DS . 'controllers' . DS . $run_info['controller'] . '_controller.php';
     $controller_name = ucwords($run_info['controller']) . 'Controller';
     $this->controller = new $controller_name();
     # Load up the database includes if there is one specified
     if (Config::read('DATABASE_CONNECTOR') !== '') {
         include LITEFRAME_PATH . DS . 'lib' . DS . 'php-activerecord' . DS . 'ActiveRecord.php';
         $connections = Config::read('DATABASE_CONNECTIONS');
         $default_connection = Config::read('DATABASE_CONNECTOR');
         $model_path = APP_PATH . DS . 'models';
         # must issue a "use" statement in your closure if passing variables
         \ActiveRecord\Config::initialize(function ($cfg) use($connections, $default_connection, $model_path) {
             # default connection is now production
     call_user_func_array(array($this->controller, 'init'), array());
     call_user_func_array(array($this->controller, $run_info['function']), $run_info['args']);
     $content_for_layout = ob_get_clean();
     $title_for_layout = $this->controller->title;
     # Finally output with a global layout
     if ($this->controller->layout !== '') {
         include APP_PATH . DS . 'layouts' . DS . $this->controller->layout . '.tpl';
     } else {
         include LITEFRAME_PATH . DS . 'layouts' . DS . 'default.tpl';
Пример #2
 public function test_initialize_closure()
     $test = $this;
     Config::initialize(function ($cfg) use($test) {
         $test->assert_equals('ActiveRecord\\Config', get_class($cfg));
 public function testInitializeClosure()
     $test = $this;
     Config::initialize(function ($cfg) use($test) {
         $test->assertEquals('ActiveRecord\\Config', get_class($cfg));
 public function register(Application $app)
     require_once $app['ar.lib_path'] . '/ActiveRecord.php';
     $app['autoloader']->registerNamespace('ActiveRecord', $app['ar.lib_path'] . '/lib');
     \ActiveRecord\Config::initialize(function ($cfg) use($app) {
Пример #5
 private function connect()
     Config::initialize(function ($cfg) {
         $modelDirectory = APP_PATH . '/Models';
         $configInfo = $this->getConnectType();
         $cfg->set_connections(array('development' => $configInfo));
 function register(Application $app)
     $this->app = $app;
     $app['ActiveRecord.init'] = $app->share(function (Application $app) {
         \ActiveRecord\Config::initialize(function ($cfg) use($app) {
 public static function ensureDatabaseConfigured()
     static $isConnected = false;
     if (!$isConnected) {
         \ActiveRecord\Config::initialize(function ($cfg) {
             $cfg->set_model_directory(SRC_PATH . '/api/Models');
             $cfg->set_connections(array('public' => 'mysql://' . DB_USER . ':' . DB_PASS . '@localhost/languagedepot', 'private' => 'mysql://' . DB_USER . ':' . DB_PASS . '@localhost/languagedepotpvt'));
Пример #8
  * @param null $default
  * @return bool
 public static function instance($default = null)
     if (!static::$instance) {
         $conf = self::config('database');
         Config::initialize(function ($set) use($conf, $default) {
             $set->set_model_directory(ROOT . S . $conf->get('models', 'engine/Models'));
             $set->set_connections($conf->get('connections'), !is_null($default) ? $default : $conf->get('default_connection', 'default'));
         static::$instance = true;
     return static::$instance;
Пример #9
 public function connect()
     $connections = array();
     foreach (parent::$databases as $name => $db) {
         $connections[$name] = App::dbConn($name);
     ActiveRecord\Config::initialize(function ($cfg) use($connections) {
         # default connection is first
Пример #10
 protected function setORM()
     $app = $this;
     \ActiveRecord\Config::initialize(function ($cfg) use($app) {
         $cfg->set_model_directory(ZI . '/models');
         $cfg->set_connections(array_combine(array_keys($app->db), array_map(function ($cfg) {
             if ($cfg['driver'] == 'sqlite') {
                 return $cfg['driver'] . "://" . $cfg['database'];
             } else {
                 return $cfg['driver'] . "://" . $cfg['username'] . ":" . $cfg['password'] . "@" . $cfg['host'] . "/" . $cfg['database'];
         }, $app->db)));
     $this->conn = \ActiveRecord\ConnectionManager::get_connection($app->mode);
Пример #11
  * setups db using activerecord
 public static function PRE_init_db()
     # init activerecord configs
     \ActiveRecord\Config::initialize(function ($cfg) {
         # fetching db related configurations
         $dbcfg = \zinux\kernel\application\config::GetConfig("idisqus.db");
         # setting connection string
         $cfg->set_connections(array(\application\dbBootstrap::MODE_TORATAN => "{$dbcfg["type"]}://{$dbcfg["username"]}:{$dbcfg["password"]}@{$dbcfg["host"]}/{$dbcfg["name"]}?charset=utf8"));
         # enable the connection string as to \application\dbBootstrap::MODE_TORATAN
     # set default datetime format
     \ActiveRecord\DateTime::$DEFAULT_FORMAT = "iso8601";
     # testing db connection
     # if we reach here we are all OK
 public function Start()
     $directory = MVC_ROOT_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'locale';
     $domain = 'domain';
     $locale = "pt_BR.utf8";
     putenv("LANG=" . $locale);
     //not needed for my tests, but people say it's useful for windows
     setlocale(LC_ALL, $locale);
     bindtextdomain($domain, $directory);
     bind_textdomain_codeset($domain, 'UTF-8');
     \ActiveRecord\Config::initialize(function ($cfg) {
         $connectionStrings = \System\Configuration\ConfigurationManager::ConnectionStrings();
         $cfg->set_model_directory(MVC_ROOT_PATH . 'Domain');
         $cfg->set_connections(array('Development' => $connectionStrings["Development"], 'Production' => $connectionStrings["Production"]));
 static function setup($app)
     // Set debug setting
     $app['debug'] = $app['config']['debug'];
     // Setup logging
     $app->register(new \Silex\Provider\MonologServiceProvider(), array('monolog.logfile' => $app['root_path'] . '/app/logs/AppName.log', 'monolog.level' => $app['debug'] ? \Monolog\Logger::DEBUG : \Monolog\Logger::NOTICE, 'monolog.name' => 'AppName'));
     // Setup sessions
     $app->register(new SessionServiceProvider());
     // Setup PHP Activerecord DB connection
     if (strncasecmp(PHP_OS, 'WIN', 3) == 0) {
         // Windows
         // I couldn't get an absolute path to work on windows. Using relative.
         $path = 'sqlite://windows(../app/db/db.sqlite)';
     } else {
         // Unix-like
         $path = 'sqlite://unix(' . $app['root_path'] . '/app/db/db.sqlite)';
     $app['activerecord.cfg'] = \ActiveRecord\Config::instance();
     $app['activerecord.cfg']->set_connections(array('prod' => $path));
     \ActiveRecord\Config::initialize(function ($cfg) {
     // Setup symfony php template views
     $app['view'] = $app->share(function ($app) {
         $loader = new FilesystemLoader($app['root_path'] . '/app/template/%name%');
         $templating = new PhpEngine(new TemplateNameParser(), $loader);
         // Initialise the slots helper
         $templating->set(new SlotsHelper());
         return $templating;
     // Setup basic app authentication
     $app->register(new \Silex\Provider\SecurityServiceProvider());
     $app->register(new \Silex\Provider\RememberMeServiceProvider());
     $app['security.firewalls'] = array('login' => array('pattern' => '^/login$', 'anonymous' => true), 'create_password' => array('pattern' => '^/create_password', 'users' => $app->share(function () use($app) {
         return new \AppName\Security\UserProvider();
     }), 'anonymous' => true), 'main' => array('form' => array('login_path' => '/login', 'check_path' => '/login_check'), 'logout' => array('logout_path' => '/logout'), 'pattern' => '^/', 'users' => $app->share(function () use($app) {
         return new \AppName\Security\UserProvider();
     }), 'remember_me' => array('key' => 'j34krjh23lk4jh23lktc3ktjh', 'name' => 'AppName', 'always_remember_me' => true)));
     // Conveinience function to get username
     $app['current_username'] = $app->share(function ($app) {
         $token = $app['security']->getToken();
         // Return username, if available
         if (null !== $token) {
             $user = $token->getUser();
             return $user->getUsername();
         } else {
             return 'anon';
     // Need to boot app here due to security bundle needing to be initialized before being used.
     //		$app->boot();
     // Setup custom logging processor. Sets username and IP for every log message
     //		$app['monolog']->pushProcessor(array(new \AppName\Monolog\LogProcessor($app['security']), 'logProcessor'));
      * Accept JSON Requests
     $app->before(function (Request $request) {
         if (0 === strpos($request->headers->get('Content-Type'), 'application/json')) {
             $data = json_decode($request->getContent(), true);
             $request->request->replace(is_array($data) ? $data : array());
      * Error handler. Return a JSON object with error info
     // $app->error(function(\Exception $e) use ($app){
     // 	// Let this type of exception pass through, it will prompt for authentication.
     // 	if($e instanceof \Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Exception\AuthenticationCredentialsNotFoundException)
     // 		return;
     // 	// Let 404 errors go through
     // 	if($e instanceof \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException)
     // 		return;
     // 	$return = array('message' => $e->getMessage());
     // 	$return['class'] = get_class($e);
     // 	if($app['debug']){
     // 		$return['trace'] = $e->getTrace();
     // 		$return['file'] = $e->getFile();
     // 		$return['line'] = $e->getLine();
     // 		$return['code'] = $e->getCode();
     // 	}
     // 	return $app->json($return, 500);
     // }, 0);
     // Debug controllers
     if ($app['debug']) {
         $app->get('/make_error/', function (Request $request) use($app) {
             throw new Exception('Test exception');
             return '';
     return $app;
Пример #14
// Setting constant
define('ROOT', dirname(dirname(__FILE__)));
define('MODELS', ROOT . DS . 'app' . DS . 'models');
define('ROUTES', ROOT . DS . 'app' . DS . 'routes');
define('TEMPLATE_DEFAULT', ROOT . DS . 'app' . DS . 'template' . DS . 'default');
define('LOGS', ROOT . DS . 'logs');
$composer_autoload = ROOT . DS . 'vendor' . DS . 'autoload.php';
if (!file_exists($composer_autoload)) {
    die('Install composer.');
require $composer_autoload;
// php-activerecord
\ActiveRecord\Config::initialize(function ($cfg) {
    $cfg->set_connections(array('development' => 'mysql://*****:*****@localhost/database_name'));
// slim-framework
$app = new \Slim\Slim(array('templates.path' => TEMPLATE_DEFAULT));
// Create monolog logger and store logger in container as singleton
// (Singleton resources retrieve the same log resource definition each time)
$app->container->singleton('log', function () {
    $Logger = new \Monolog\Logger('slim-skeleton-full');
    $Logger->pushHandler(new \Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler(LOGS, \Monolog\Logger::DEBUG));
    return $Logger;
// Prepare view
$app->view(new \Slim\Views\Twig());
$app->view->parserOptions = array('charset' => 'utf-8', 'cache' => TEMPLATE_DEFAULT . DS . 'cache', 'auto_reload' => true, 'strict_variables' => false, 'autoescape' => true);
$app->view->parserExtensions = array(new \Slim\Views\TwigExtension());
// Include routes
Пример #15

namespace config;

use ActiveRecord\Config;
$connections = (require __DIR__ . '/db.php');
Config::initialize(function ($cfg) use($connections) {
    $cfg->set_model_directory(__DIR__ . '/../models');
Пример #16
  * setup_db_connection
  * Setup our DB/ORM and pass it our configuration
  * @access private
  * @return void
 private function setup_db_connection()
     // Check to see if ActiveRecord exists... the app/developer might not want to use it
     if (class_exists('\\ActiveRecord\\Config', true)) {
         // Set to false to not try and autoload the class
         \ActiveRecord\Config::initialize(function ($cfg) {
             // Set the directory of our data models
             // Set our connection configuration
             // Set our default connection
Пример #17
if (Config::getPlugins('css') == 'lessCSS') {
    $lessFile = glob('public/less/*.less');
    if (sizeof($lessFile) > 0) {
        $less = new lessc();
        foreach ($lessFile as $value) {
            $filenames = explode('/', $value);
            $filename = $filenames[2];
            $less->checkedCompile($value, strstr($value, '/', true) . '/css/' . substr($filename, 0, strpos($filename, '.')) . '.css');
//Call caches header
if (Config::getConfig(Config::$cache) == 'true') {
AR_Config::initialize(function ($cfg) {
//Call controller
//Call caches footer
if (Config::getConfig(Config::$cache) == 'true') {
//Stop timer
$time_end = microtime(true);
$time = $time_end - $time_start;
//Comment below to hide timer
//echo 'Web executed in '.$time.' seconds';
Пример #18

require_once Bundle::path('activerecord') . 'ActiveRecord.php';
Event::listen('laravel.started: activerecord', function () {
    $connections = Config::get('database.connections');
    $default = Config::get('database.default');
    $prepared = array();
    // Prepare database connections for ActiveRecord
    foreach ($connections as $k => $conn) {
        if ($k == 'sqlite') {
            $prepared[$k] = $conn['driver'] . '://' . $conn['database'];
        } else {
            $prepared[$k] = $conn['driver'] . '://' . $conn['username'] . ':' . $conn['password'] . '@' . $conn['host'] . '/' . $conn['database'];
        if (in_array($k, array('mysql', 'pgsql'))) {
            $prepared[$k] .= ';charset=' . $conn['charset'];
    // Initialize the configuration
    \ActiveRecord\Config::initialize(function ($cfg) use($prepared, $default) {
Пример #19

// Load database configuration
require Sea\DIR . '/config/' . App\ENV . '/database.php';
// Initialize ActiveRecord configuration
\ActiveRecord\Config::initialize(function ($cfg) use($db) {
    // Set path to models directory
    $cfg->set_model_directory(Sea\DIR . 'app/models/');
    // Define connections as protocol url
    foreach ($db['connections'] as $connection => $options) {
        $connections[$connection] = $options['type'] . '://' . $options['user'] . ':' . $options['password'] . '@' . $options['server'] . '/' . $options['name'] . '?charset=' . $options['charset'];
    // Set connections
    // Set default connection
Пример #20
  * General executor.
  * @param array $options
  * @return string
 public function execute($options = array())
     // Init sessions.
     // Apply application config.
     Application::$config = new Config(isset($options['config']) && is_array($options['config']) ? $options['config'] : null);
     // Init debug mode.
     error_reporting(Application::$config->debug->bool ? E_ALL : 0);
     // Init Active Record.
     ActiveRecord\Config::initialize(function ($cfg) {
         if (!Application::$config->directories->isEmpty() && isset(Application::$config->directories->value['models'])) {
             $base_dir = isset(Application::$config->directories->value['base']) ? Application::$config->directories->value['base'] : __DIR__;
             $cfg->set_model_directory(str_replace('{{base}}', $base_dir, Application::$config->directories->value['models']));
     // Parse only AJAX requests.
     if (Application::$config->ajax_only->bool && (!isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) || empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) || strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) != 'xmlhttprequest')) {
         header('HTTP/1.1 500 Internal server error');
         $response_obj = ResponseBuilder::create(500, "This API allow only AJAX requests.", $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT']);
         return $response_obj->render();
     // Parse incoming request info.
     $request = new Request();
     // Parse request method & parameters
     $request->method = strtoupper(isset($options['method']) ? $options['method'] : $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']);
     if (isset($options['parameters']) && is_array($options['parameters'])) {
         $request->parameters = new ParametersList($options['parameters']);
     } else {
         if (!isset($options['method'])) {
             switch ($request->method) {
                 case 'GET':
                     $request->parameters = new ParametersList($_GET);
                 case 'POST':
                     $request->parameters = new ParametersList($_POST);
                     $request->parameters = new ParametersList();
         } else {
             $request->parameters = new ParametersList();
     // Parse routes settings.
     if (isset($options['path']) || isset($_SERVER['PATH_INFO'])) {
         $path = trim(isset($options['path']) ? $options['path'] : $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'], '/');
         if (!Application::$config->routes->isEmpty() && is_array(Application::$config->routes->value)) {
             $routes = Application::$config->routes->value;
             if (isset($routes['general']) && is_array($routes['general'])) {
                 foreach ($routes['general'] as $key => $route) {
                     $path = preg_replace($key, $route, $path);
             if (isset($routes[strtolower($request->method)]) && is_array($routes[strtolower($request->method)])) {
                 foreach ($routes[strtolower($request->method)] as $key => $route) {
                     $path = preg_replace($key, $route, $path);
         $path_elements = explode('?', $path);
         if (count($path_elements) > 0) {
             $path = $path_elements[0];
             if (count($path_elements) > 1) {
                 $path_parameters = explode('&', $path_elements[1]);
                 foreach ($path_parameters as $path_parameter) {
                     $path_parameter_pair = explode('=', $path_parameter);
                     switch (count($path_parameter_pair)) {
                         case 1:
                         case 2:
                             $request->parameters->add($path_parameter_pair[0], $path_parameter_pair[1]);
         $request->url_elements = explode('/', trim($path, '/'));
     // Parse incoming data.
     if (isset($options['json'])) {
         $request->json = is_object($options['json']) ? $options['json'] : json_decode($options['json']);
     } else {
         $request_data = file_get_contents('php://input');
         $request->json = json_decode($request_data);
     // Route the request.
     if (!empty($request->url_elements) && !empty($request->url_elements[0])) {
         $controller_name = ucfirst($request->url_elements[0]);
         $controller_classname = ($this->__attachController($controller_name) ? $controller_name : 'Sija\\Controllers\\' . $controller_name) . 'Controller';
         $controller_parents = class_parents($controller_classname);
         if (class_exists($controller_classname) && $controller_parents && is_array($controller_parents) && in_array("Sija\\Common\\AbstractController", $controller_parents)) {
             $controller = new $controller_classname();
             $action_name = strtolower($request->method);
             try {
                 $response_status = 200;
                 $response_data = call_user_func_array(array($controller, $action_name), array($request));
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 $response_status = $e->getCode();
                 $response_data = $e->getMessage();
         } else {
             header('HTTP/1.1 500 Internal server error');
             $response_status = 500;
             $response_data = 'Unknown request: ' . $request->url_elements[0];
     } else {
         header('HTTP/1.1 500 Internal server error');
         $response_status = 500;
         $response_data = 'Unknown request';
     // Return response
     $response_obj = ResponseBuilder::create($response_status, $response_data, $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT']);
     return $response_obj->render();