Пример #1
  * creates the image management page
 public static function datascape_options_page()
     $datascape_options = self::get_datascape_options();
     print '<div class="wrap"><div class="icon32" id="icon-tools"><br /></div><h2>Datascape Options</h2>';
     /* cache management buttons */
     print '<h3>Cache management</h3><p>';
     $settings_url = admin_url('themes.php?page=datascape_options');
     $actions = array("refreshDataCache" => "Refresh data cache", "refreshBiogCache" => "Refresh biography cache", "refreshLinkCache" => "Refresh links cache", "refreshImageCache" => "Refresh Image cache");
     foreach ($actions as $slug => $title) {
         $action_url = $settings_url . '&amp;action=' . $slug . '&amp;wkw_nonce=' . wp_create_nonce($slug);
         printf('<a class="button-primary" style="margin:0 2em 1em 0" id="%s" href="%s">%s</a>', $slug, $action_url, $title);
     print '</p>';
     /* datascape options */
     print '<form method="post" action="options.php">';
     print self::get_palette();
     print '<p><input type="submit" class="button-primary" name="submit" value="Save settings" /><input type="reset" id="hide_datascape_options" class="button-secondary" value="Cancel" /></p></div></form>';
     /* names management */
     print '<h3 id="wkw_manage_names">Manage names</h3>';
     $all_names = wkwMediaWiki::get_all_names();
     $total_names = count($all_names);
     $page = isset($_REQUEST["wkw_name"]) ? $_REQUEST["wkw_name"] : 'a';
     $ud = wp_upload_dir();
     print '<p>There are currently <strong>' . count($all_names) . "</strong> names in the Wiki.</p>";
     /* make navigation */
     $nav = '<div class="atoz"><ul>';
     $abc = range("a", "z");
     $abc[] = 'unlinked';
     $abc[] = 'imagedata';
     foreach ($abc as $letter) {
         $cls = $page == $letter ? ' class="active"' : '';
         $nav .= sprintf('<li><a href="%s"%s#wkw_manage_names>%s</a></li>', admin_url("themes.php?page=datascape_options&wkw_name=" . $letter), $cls, strtoupper($letter));
     $nav .= '</ul></div>';
     $headers = '<tr><th>Name</th><th>added</th><th>last edited</th><th>image</th></tr>';
     $table_top = sprintf('%s<table class="widefat"><thead>%s</thead><tfoot>%s</tfoot><tbody>', $nav, $headers, $headers);
     $table_end = sprintf('</tbody></table>%s<br style="clear:both;" />', $nav);
     switch ($page) {
         case "unlinked":
             $cachedir = $ud["basedir"] . '/wkw-cache/names';
             if ($dh = opendir($cachedir)) {
                 print $table_top;
                 while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
                     if (!is_dir($cachedir . '/' . $file) && !preg_match('/^[0-9]+\\.png$/', $file) && !preg_match('/.*\\.txt$/', $file)) {
                         $imageurl = $ud["baseurl"] . '/wkw-cache/names/' . $file . '?mtime=' . filemtime($ud["basedir"] . '/wkw-cache/names/' . $file);
                         $fname = $cachedir . "/" . substr($file, 0, -3) . 'txt';
                         $name = file_get_contents($fname);
                         printf('<tr><td colspan="3">%s<br /><a href="/wiki/index.php?title=%s&amp;action=edit" class="button-secondary" target="wiki">create page in wiki</a> <a class="button-secondary" href="%s%s#wkw_manage_names">regenerate image</a></td><td><img src="%s" /></td></tr>', $name, str_replace(' ', '_', $name), admin_url('themes.php?page=datascape_options&amp;action=refreshImage&wkw_linkid='), substr($file, 0, -3), $imageurl);
                 print $table_end;
         case 'imagedata':
             $datacsv = '"width","height","name","surname","filesize","url"' . "\n";
             $cachedir = $ud["basedir"] . '/wkw-cache/names';
             $total_width = $total_size = $no_images = 0;
             if ($dh = opendir($cachedir)) {
                 $stats = array('largest' => '', 'smallest' => '');
                 $largest = 0;
                 $smallest = 100000000;
                 while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
                     $fn = $cachedir . '/' . $file;
                     if (!is_dir($fn) && preg_match('/.*png$/', $fn)) {
                         $imginfo = @getimagesize($fn);
                         if ($imginfo !== false) {
                             $name = '';
                             $surname = '';
                             if (file_exists($cachedir . "/" . substr($file, 0, -3) . 'txt')) {
                                 $name = file_get_contents($cachedir . "/" . substr($file, 0, -3) . 'txt');
                                 $surname = wkwMediaWiki::get_unlinked_surname($name);
                             } else {
                                 for ($i = 0; $i < $total_names; $i++) {
                                     if (substr($file, 0, -4) == $all_names[$i]->pageid) {
                                         $name = $all_names[$i]->sortkeyprefix;
                                         $surname = wkwFontImage::get_surname($all_names[$i]->sortkeyprefix, false);
                             $imginfo[2] = '"' . str_replace('"', '\\"', $name) . '"';
                             $imginfo[3] = '"' . str_replace('"', '\\"', $surname) . '"';
                             $imginfo[4] = filesize($fn);
                             $imginfo[5] = $ud["baseurl"] . '/wkw-cache/names/' . $file;
                             $datacsv .= implode(',', $imginfo) . "\n";
                             $area = intval($imginfo[0] * $imginfo[1]);
                             if ($area > 0) {
                                 if ($area > $largest) {
                                     $stats["largest"] = $imginfo;
                                     $largest = $area;
                                 if ($area < $smallest) {
                                     $stats["smallest"] = $imginfo;
                                     $smallest = $area;
                                 $total_width += $imginfo[0];
                                 $total_size += $imginfo[4];
             print $nav;
             print '<h3 style="clear:both;">Image stats</h3>';
             printf('<p>Largest image (%spx x %spx, %s bytes):<br /><img src="%s" /></p>', $stats["largest"][0], $stats["largest"][1], $stats["largest"][4], $stats["largest"][5]);
             //printf('<p>Smallest image (%spx x %spx, %s bytes):<br /><img src="%s" /></p>', $stats["smallest"][0], $stats["smallest"][1], $stats["smallest"][4], $stats["smallest"][5]);
             printf('<p>Average width of images: %spx</p><p>Average size of images: %s bytes - current settings indicate a download of %s Kb to reach name saturation</p>', floor($total_width / $no_images), floor($total_size / $no_images), floor(floor($total_size / $no_images) * $datascape_options["img_max"] / 1024));
             print '<h3>All image data</h3>';
             printf('<div style="clear:both"><textarea cols="100" rows="100">%s</textarea></div>', $datacsv);
             print $nav;
             print $table_top;
             for ($i = 0; $i < $total_names; $i++) {
                 if (stripos($all_names[$i]->sortkeyprefix, $page) === 0) {
                     $imageurl = $ud["baseurl"] . '/wkw-cache/names/' . $all_names[$i]->pageid . '.png?mtime=' . filemtime($ud["basedir"] . '/wkw-cache/names/' . $all_names[$i]->pageid . '.png');
                     printf('<tr><td><strong>Name:</strong> %s<br /><strong>Sortkey:</strong> %s<br /><strong>Surname:</strong> %s<br /><a href="%s" class="button-secondary" target="wiki">view in wiki</a> <a href="%s" class="button-secondary" target="wiki">edit in wiki</a> <a class="button-secondary" href="%s%s#wkw_manage_names">regenerate image</a></td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td><img src="%s" title="%s" /></td></tr>', $all_names[$i]->title, $all_names[$i]->sortkeyprefix, wkwFontImage::get_surname($all_names[$i]->sortkeyprefix, false), $all_names[$i]->fullurl, $all_names[$i]->editurl, admin_url('themes.php?page=datascape_options&amp;action=refreshImage&wkw_pageid='), $all_names[$i]->pageid, date("d/m/Y", strtotime($all_names[$i]->timestamp)), date("d/m/Y", strtotime($all_names[$i]->touched)), $imageurl, esc_attr($all_names[$i]->title));
             print $table_end;
     print '</div>';
Пример #2
  * gets all names using two different methods and caches the results
 public static function get_all_names($force = false)
     $all_names = wkwCache::get_cache('all_names');
     if ($force || !$all_names) {
         wkwCache::log("getting all names from mediawiki", "mediawiki_log.txt");
         /* first get names with sortkeys */
         $all_names = self::get_all_name_data(true, $force);
         /* now get detail */
         $details = self::get_all_name_data(false, $force);
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($all_names); $i++) {
             foreach ($details as $d) {
                 if ($d->pageid == $all_names[$i]->pageid) {
                     $all_names[$i]->touched = $d->touched;
                     $all_names[$i]->lastrevid = $d->lastrevid;
                     $all_names[$i]->counter = $d->counter;
                     $all_names[$i]->length = $d->length;
                     $all_names[$i]->fullurl = $d->fullurl;
                     $all_names[$i]->editurl = $d->editurl;
                     $all_names[$i]->surname = wkwFontImage::get_surname($all_names[$i]->sortkeyprefix, false);
                     $all_names[$i]->lastmod = wkwCache::get_last_modified($d->pageid);
                     if (preg_match('/.*title=(.*)$/', $d->fullurl, $matches)) {
                         $all_names[$i]->urltitle = $matches[1];
                     } else {
                         $all_names[$i]->urltitle = '';
         wkwCache::save_cache('all_names', $all_names);
         //print('<pre>' . print_r($all_names, true));exit;
     return $all_names;