Пример #1
 public function unlockOutIP($IP)
     $this->getDB()->queryWrite("delete from " . $this->lockOutTable . " where IP=%s", wfUtils::inet_pton($IP));
     if (!WFWAF_SUBDIRECTORY_INSTALL && class_exists('wfWAFIPBlocksController')) {
Пример #2
 public static function veryFirstAction()
     /** @var wpdb $wpdb ; */
     global $wpdb;
     $wfFunc = isset($_GET['_wfsf']) ? @$_GET['_wfsf'] : false;
     if ($wfFunc == 'unlockEmail') {
         $nonceValid = wp_verify_nonce(@$_POST['nonce'], 'wf-form');
         if (!$nonceValid && method_exists(wfWAF::getInstance(), 'createNonce')) {
             $nonceValid = wfWAF::getInstance()->verifyNonce(@$_POST['nonce'], 'wf-form');
         if (!$nonceValid) {
             die("Sorry but your browser sent an invalid security token when trying to use this form.");
         $numTries = get_transient('wordfenceUnlockTries');
         if ($numTries > 10) {
             echo "<html><body><h1>Please wait 3 minutes and try again</h1><p>You have used this form too much. Please wait 3 minutes and try again.</p></body></html>";
         if (!$numTries) {
             $numTries = 1;
         } else {
             $numTries = $numTries + 1;
         set_transient('wordfenceUnlockTries', $numTries, 180);
         $email = trim(@$_POST['email']);
         global $wpdb;
         $ws = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare("SELECT ID, user_login FROM {$wpdb->users} WHERE user_email = %s", $email));
         $found = false;
         foreach ($ws as $user) {
             $userDat = get_userdata($user->ID);
             if (wfUtils::isAdmin($userDat)) {
                 if ($email == $userDat->user_email) {
                     $found = true;
         if (!$found) {
             foreach (wfConfig::getAlertEmails() as $alertEmail) {
                 if ($alertEmail == $email) {
                     $found = true;
         if ($found) {
             $key = wfUtils::bigRandomHex();
             $IP = wfUtils::getIP();
             set_transient('wfunlock_' . $key, $IP, 1800);
             $content = wfUtils::tmpl('email_unlockRequest.php', array('siteName' => get_bloginfo('name', 'raw'), 'siteURL' => wfUtils::getSiteBaseURL(), 'unlockHref' => wfUtils::getSiteBaseURL() . '?_wfsf=unlockAccess&key=' . $key, 'key' => $key, 'IP' => $IP));
             wp_mail($email, "Unlock email requested", $content, "Content-Type: text/html");
         echo "<html><body><h1>Your request was received</h1><p>We received a request to email \"" . wp_kses($email, array()) . "\" instructions to unlock their access. If that is the email address of a site administrator or someone on the Wordfence alert list, then they have been emailed instructions on how to regain access to this sytem. The instructions we sent will expire 30 minutes from now.</body></html>";
     } else {
         if ($wfFunc == 'unlockAccess') {
             if (!preg_match('/^\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+$/', get_transient('wfunlock_' . $_GET['key']))) {
                 echo "Invalid key provided for authentication.";
             /* You can enable this for paranoid security leve.
             			if(get_transient('wfunlock_' . $_GET['key']) != wfUtils::getIP()){
             				echo "You can only use this link from the IP address you used to generate the unlock email.";
             $wfLog = new wfLog(wfConfig::get('apiKey'), wfUtils::getWPVersion());
             if ($_GET['func'] == 'unlockMyIP') {
                 delete_transient('wflginfl_' . bin2hex(wfUtils::inet_pton(wfUtils::getIP())));
                 //Reset login failure counter
                 header('Location: ' . wp_login_url());
             } else {
                 if ($_GET['func'] == 'unlockAllIPs') {
                     wordfence::status(1, 'info', "Request received via unlock email link to unblock all IPs.");
                     delete_transient('wflginfl_' . bin2hex(wfUtils::inet_pton(wfUtils::getIP())));
                     //Reset login failure counter
                     header('Location: ' . wp_login_url());
                 } else {
                     if ($_GET['func'] == 'disableRules') {
                         wfConfig::set('firewallEnabled', 0);
                         wfConfig::set('loginSecurityEnabled', 0);
                         wordfence::status(1, 'info', "Request received via unlock email link to unblock all IPs via disabling firewall rules.");
                         delete_transient('wflginfl_' . bin2hex(wfUtils::inet_pton(wfUtils::getIP())));
                         //Reset login failure counter
                         wfConfig::set('cbl_countries', '');
                         //unblock all countries
                         header('Location: ' . wp_login_url());
                     } else {
                         echo "Invalid function specified. Please check the link we emailed you and make sure it was not cut-off by your email reader.";
     // Sync the WAF data with the database.
     if (!WFWAF_SUBDIRECTORY_INSTALL && ($waf = wfWAF::getInstance())) {
         try {
             $configDefaults = array('apiKey' => wfConfig::get('apiKey'), 'isPaid' => wfConfig::get('isPaid'), 'siteURL' => site_url(), 'homeURL' => home_url(), 'whitelistedIPs' => (string) wfConfig::get('whitelisted'), 'howGetIPs' => (string) wfConfig::get('howGetIPs'), 'other_WFNet' => wfConfig::get('other_WFNet', true), 'pluginABSPATH' => ABSPATH);
             foreach ($configDefaults as $key => $value) {
                 $waf->getStorageEngine()->setConfig($key, $value);
             if (class_exists('wfWAFIPBlocksController')) {
             if (empty($_GET['wordfence_syncAttackData'])) {
                 $lastAttackMicroseconds = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT MAX(attackLogTime) FROM {$wpdb->base_prefix}wfHits");
                 if (get_site_option('wordfence_lastSyncAttackData', 0) < time() - 4) {
                     if ($waf->getStorageEngine()->hasNewerAttackData($lastAttackMicroseconds)) {
                         if (get_site_option('wordfence_syncingAttackData') <= time() - 60) {
                             // Could be the request to itself is not completing, add ajax to the head as a workaround
                             $attempts = get_site_option('wordfence_syncAttackDataAttempts', 0);
                             if ($attempts > 10) {
                                 add_action('wp_head', 'wordfence::addSyncAttackDataAjax');
                                 add_action('login_head', 'wordfence::addSyncAttackDataAjax');
                                 add_action('admin_head', 'wordfence::addSyncAttackDataAjax');
                             } else {
                                 update_site_option('wordfence_syncAttackDataAttempts', ++$attempts);
                                 wp_remote_post(add_query_arg('wordfence_syncAttackData', microtime(true), home_url('/')), array('timeout' => 0.01, 'blocking' => false, 'sslverify' => apply_filters('https_local_ssl_verify', false)));
             if ($waf instanceof wfWAFWordPress && ($learningModeAttackException = $waf->getLearningModeAttackException())) {
                 $log = self::getLog();
                 $request = $log->getCurrentRequest();
                 $request->action = 'learned:waf';
                 $request->attackLogTime = microtime(true);
                 $ruleIDs = array();
                 /** @var wfWAFRule $failedRule */
                 foreach ($learningModeAttackException->getFailedRules() as $failedRule) {
                     $ruleIDs[] = $failedRule->getRuleID();
                 $actionData = array('learningMode' => 1, 'failedRules' => $ruleIDs, 'paramKey' => $learningModeAttackException->getParamKey(), 'paramValue' => $learningModeAttackException->getParamValue());
                 if ($ruleIDs && $ruleIDs[0]) {
                     $rule = $waf->getRule($ruleIDs[0]);
                     if ($rule) {
                         $request->actionDescription = $rule->getDescription();
                         $actionData['category'] = $rule->getCategory();
                         $actionData['ssl'] = $waf->getRequest()->getProtocol() === 'https';
                         $actionData['fullRequest'] = base64_encode($waf->getRequest());
                 $request->actionData = wfRequestModel::serializeActionData($actionData);
                 register_shutdown_function(array($request, 'save'));
         } catch (wfWAFStorageFileException $e) {
             // We don't have anywhere to write files in this scenario.
     if (wfConfig::get('firewallEnabled')) {
         $wfLog = self::getLog();
         $IP = wfUtils::getIP();
         if ($wfLog->isWhitelisted($IP)) {
         if (wfConfig::get('neverBlockBG') == 'neverBlockUA' && wfCrawl::isGoogleCrawler()) {
         if (wfConfig::get('neverBlockBG') == 'neverBlockVerified' && wfCrawl::isVerifiedGoogleCrawler()) {
         if (wfConfig::get('blockFakeBots')) {
             if (wfCrawl::isGooglebot() && !wfCrawl::isVerifiedGoogleCrawler()) {
                 $wfLog->blockIP($IP, "Fake Google crawler automatically blocked");
                 wordfence::status(2, 'info', "Blocking fake Googlebot at IP {$IP}");
                 $wfLog->do503(3600, "Fake Google crawler automatically blocked.");
         if (wfConfig::get('bannedURLs', false)) {
             $URLs = explode(',', wfConfig::get('bannedURLs'));
             foreach ($URLs as $URL) {
                 if (preg_match(wfUtils::patternToRegex($URL, ''), $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) {
                     $wfLog->blockIP($IP, "Accessed a banned URL.");
                     $wfLog->do503(3600, "Accessed a banned URL.");
         if (wfConfig::get('other_blockBadPOST') == '1' && $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' && empty($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) && empty($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) {
             $wfLog->blockIP($IP, "POST received with blank user-agent and referer");
             $wfLog->do503(3600, "POST received with blank user-agent and referer");
Пример #3
 public static function set($key, $val, $autoload = self::AUTOLOAD)
     global $wpdb;
     if (is_array($val)) {
         $msg = "wfConfig::set() got an array as second param with key: {$key} and value: " . var_export($val, true);
         wordfence::status(1, 'error', $msg);
     if (($key == 'apiKey' || $key == 'isPaid' || $key == 'other_WFNet') && wfWAF::getInstance() && !WFWAF_SUBDIRECTORY_INSTALL) {
         try {
             wfWAF::getInstance()->getStorageEngine()->setConfig($key, $val);
         } catch (wfWAFStorageFileException $e) {
     if (!self::$tableExists) {
     $table = self::table();
     if ($wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("INSERT INTO {$table} (name, val, autoload) values (%s, %s, %s) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE val = %s, autoload = %s", $key, $val, $autoload, $val, $autoload)) !== false && $autoload != self::DONT_AUTOLOAD) {
         self::updateCachedOption($key, $val);
     if (!WFWAF_SUBDIRECTORY_INSTALL && class_exists('wfWAFIPBlocksController') && (substr($key, 0, 4) == 'cbl_' || $key == 'blockedTime' || $key == 'disableWAFIPBlocking')) {