private function parse_xml($xData)
     try {
         $weather = new SimpleXMLElement($xData);
     } catch (Exception $err) {
         // Set current exception message last getMessage()
         throw new Exception($err->getMessage());
     // Select the current_conditions node ($cNode)
     if (!isset($weather->weather[0]->current_conditions)) {
         throw new Exception("Unable to find data for the specified location");
     $cNode = $weather->weather[0]->current_conditions;
     // ========= Set up our current conditions array ====================
     // Tempreature - temp_f Fahrenheit, temp_c celsius - set as floats.
     $this->_wData['current']['temp_f'] = $cNode->temp_f->attributes()->data;
     $this->_wData['current']['temp_c'] = weather::to_celsius($this->_wData['current']['temp_f']);
     // Condition
     $this->_wData['current']['condition'] = $cNode->condition->attributes()->data;
     // Condition Icon - icon url is not absolute, append
     $this->_wData['current']['icon'] = "" . $cNode->icon->attributes()->data;
     // Wind Condition
     $this->_wData['current']['wind'] = $cNode->wind_condition->attributes()->data;
     // ============= Set up our forecast array =============
     $fNode = $weather->weather[0]->forecast_conditions;
     // Iterate through each day of the week and create an assoc array.
     foreach ($fNode as $forecast) {
         // Get the day.
         $day = (string) $forecast->day_of_week->attributes()->data;
         // Insert an array of info for that day
         $this->_wData['forecast'][$day] = array("day" => $day, "high" => $forecast->high->attributes()->data, "low" => $forecast->low->attributes()->data, "icon" => "" . $forecast->icon->attributes()->data, "condition" => $forecast->condition->attributes()->data);
     //foreach ($fNode as $forecast)
     // Let the class know wData is ready for use.