<?php require '../classes/adminauth.php'; $a = new adminauth(); if (!$a->CheckPermission('drop_device')) { require '../classes/gui.php'; $agui = new admingui(); include '../includes/header.php'; include 'menu.php'; echo '<center><b>You have no permission to drop devices.</b></center></body></html>'; die; } require '../classes/vouchermanager.php'; $v = new vouchermanager(); $v->DropDevice($_GET['type'], $_GET['addr']); header('Location: index.php');
<?php require '../classes/adminauth.php'; $a = new adminauth(); if (!$a->CheckPermission('drop_voucher')) { require '../classes/gui.php'; $agui = new admingui(); include '../includes/header.php'; include 'menu.php'; echo '<center><b>You have no permission to drop vouchers.</b></center></body></html>'; die; } require '../classes/vouchermanager.php'; $v = new vouchermanager(); $v->DropVoucher($_GET['vid'], true); header('Location: index.php');
<?php require '../classes/vouchermanager.php'; require '../classes/systemmanager.php'; $v = new vouchermanager(); $s = new systemmanager(); $authtype = $v->GetAuthMethod(); if ($authtype == 'mac-only') { // MAC $mac = $v->GetClientMAC(); if ($mac != '') { $res = $v->AuthDevice($_POST['vid'], $_POST['verification_key'], 'mac', $mac); if ($res != 'ok') { $auth_error = $res; } } else { $auth_error = 'no-mac'; } } elseif ($authtype == 'mac-ipv4') { // TODO MAC and IP4v fallback } elseif ($authtype == 'ipv4-only') { // IPv4 only $res = $v->AuthDevice($_POST['vid'], $_POST['verification_key'], 'ipv4', $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); if ($res != 'ok') { $auth_error = $res; } } else { $auth_error = 'no-auth-method'; } if ($auth_error != '') { include '../includes/header.php';
<?php require '../classes/adminauth.php'; require '../classes/vouchermanager.php'; require '../classes/gui.php'; $a = new adminauth(); $v = new vouchermanager(); $agui = new admingui(); include '../includes/header.php'; include 'menu.php'; echo '<center><b>Active vouchers:</b></center><br>'; // List all vouchers if ($a->CheckPermission('view_voucher')) { $agui->ListVouchers($v->GetVoucherList()); } else { echo '<center><i>You are now allowed to view vouchers.</i></center>'; } ?> </body> </html>
<?php header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, max-age=0"); header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false); header("Pragma: no-cache"); require '../classes/vouchermanager.php'; require '../classes/systemmanager.php'; $v = new vouchermanager(); $clientdata = $v->ClientAuthenticated(); $s = new systemmanager(); require '../includes/header.php'; // Must be included after creating instance of systemmanager if ($clientdata != 'noauth') { echo 'You are online and can now browse the internet.<br><br> Your voucher ID is: ' . $clientdata[2] . '<br>'; $vinfo = $v->GetVoucherInfo($clientdata[2]); echo 'Your voucher is valid until ' . date('Y-m-d H:i', $vinfo['valid_until']) . ' and you can register ' . $vinfo['remain'] . ' more device(s) with this voucher.'; } else { echo $s->GetSetting('pre-form-text') . '<br><br> <form action="auth.php" method="post"> Voucher code: <input type="text" name="vid" size="20" class="formstyle">'; if ($s->GetSetting('use_verification') == 'y') { echo '<br>Verification key: <input type="text" name="verification_key" size="20" class="formstyle">'; } echo '<br><br> <input type="submit" value="OK" class="formstyle"> </form><br><br>' . $s->GetSetting('post-form-text'); } ?> </body> </html>
<?php chdir('/var/www/localscripts/'); // Edit this path if needed // Don't edit below! include '../classes/vouchermanager.php'; $v = new vouchermanager(); $v->DropOldVouchers();
$a = new adminauth(); $s = new systemmanager(); if (!$a->CheckPermission('add_voucher')) { require '../classes/gui.php'; include '../includes/header.php'; include 'menu.php'; echo '<center><b>You have no permission to add vouchers.</b></center></body></html>'; die; } include '../includes/header.php'; include 'menu.php'; // Has a number been entered or do we have to display the form? Has the user set how long the voucher should be valid? if (is_numeric($_POST['cnt']) && trim($_POST['cnt']) != '' && ($_POST['d'] != 0 || $_POST['h'] != 0 || $_POST['m'] != 0 || ($_POST['e_d'] != 0 || $_POST['e_h'] != 0 || $_POST['e_m'] != 0)) && ($_POST['start_expire'] != '' || $s->GetSetting('force_start_exp') == 'y')) { // Include and load the vouchermanager require '../classes/vouchermanager.php'; $v = new vouchermanager(); // Replace entered values with default values, if enforced. This prevents the user from injecting forbidden values to the system if ($s->GetSetting('force_device-qty') == 'y') { $_POST['dev-cnt'] = $s->GetSetting('default_device-qty'); } if ($s->GetSetting('force_start_exp') == 'y') { if ($s->GetSetting('default_start_exp') == 'creation') { $_POST['start_expire'] = 'now'; } else { $_POST['start_expire'] = 'given'; } } if ($s->GetSetting('force_exp') == 'y') { $_POST['d'] = $s->GetSetting('default_exp_d'); $_POST['e_d'] = $_POST['d']; $_POST['h'] = $s->GetSetting('default_exp_h');
<?php require '../classes/vouchermanager.php'; require '../classes/systemmanager.php'; $v = new vouchermanager(); $s = new systemmanager(); $authtype = $v->GetAuthMethod(); require '../includes/header.php'; if ($s->GetSetting('deny_drop_devices') == 'y') { die('Sorry, dropping devices has been disabled by the admin.'); } if ($_GET['do'] == '') { echo 'To drop a device, please enter your voucher code again:<br><br> <form action="drop.php?do=lst-devices" method="post"> Voucher code: <input type="text" name="vid" size="20" class="formstyle">'; if ($s->GetSetting('use_verification') == 'y') { echo '<br>Verification key: <input type="text" name="verification_key" size="20" class="formstyle">'; } echo '<br><br> <input type="submit" value="Next" class="formstyle">'; } if ($_GET['do'] == 'lst-devices') { if ($s->GetSetting('use_verification') == 'y') { if (!$v->VerifyVoucherKey($_POST['vid'], $_POST['verification_key'])) { echo 'The verification key is invalid. Please go <a href="javascript:history.back();">back</a> and try again.</body></html>'; die; } } $voucher_info = $v->GetVoucherInfo($_POST['vid']); $devices = $v->GetDeviceList($_POST['vid']); echo 'Device count: ' . $voucher_info['dev_count'] . ' (' . $voucher_info['remain'] . ' left)<br>