Пример #1
	protected function print_background_output()
		global $vbphrase;
		$image = $this->value['image'];

		if ($this->value['image'] != "" && !strpos($image,'http://'))  /* see if image location is relative or not */
			 /* this assumes that the images folder is stored in root directory might need to fix this one day */
			$image = str_replace('(','(../',$image);

		$background_preview_js = '';
		if (self::$need_background_preview_js)
			$background_preview_js = '
				<script type="text/javascript">
					function previewBackground(stylevar)
						 * @param	string	name of the stylevar
						 * @param	string	the item you want to fetch (color, background image, repeat, etc)
						 * @return	string	the value from the form element
						var fetch_form_element_value = function(stylevar, item)
							var wrapperid = "ctrl_stylevar[" + stylevar + "][" + item + "]";
							var wrapper = YAHOO.util.Dom.get(wrapperid);

							// input for color, image, and offsets
							var formel = wrapper.getElementsByTagName("input");
							if (formel && formel[0])
								return formel[0].value;

							// select for background repeat and units
							formel = wrapper.getElementsByTagName("select");
							if (formel && formel[0])
								return formel[0].value;

						var backgroundString = "";
						backgroundString += fetch_form_element_value(stylevar, "color");

						// Fix the image path. This assumes the images folder is stored in root directory
						var image_path = fetch_form_element_value(stylevar, "image");
						var abs_image_path = image_path.match(/^https?:\/\//i);
						if (!abs_image_path)
							image_path = image_path.replace("(", "(../");
						backgroundString += " " + image_path;

						backgroundString += " " + fetch_form_element_value(stylevar, "repeat");

						var offset_units = fetch_form_element_value(stylevar, "units");
						backgroundString += " " + fetch_form_element_value(stylevar, "x") + offset_units;
						backgroundString += " " + fetch_form_element_value(stylevar, "y") + offset_units;

						YAHOO.util.Dom.get("preview_bg_" + stylevar).style.background = backgroundString;
			self::$need_background_preview_js = false;

		$cell = "
			<div id=\"preview_bg_" . $this->stylevarid . "\" style=\"
				background: " . $this->value['color'] .
				" " . $image .
				" " . $this->value['repeat'] .
				" " . $this->value['x'] . $this->value['units'].
				" " . $this->value['y'] . $this->value['units'].
				";width:100%;height:30px;border:1px solid #000000;\">

		$label = '<a href="javascript:previewBackground(\'' . $this->stylevarid . '\');">'. $vbphrase['click_here_to_preview'] .' </a>';
		print_label_row($label, $background_preview_js . $cell);