Пример #1
  * Returns the singleton instance for the search core
  * @return vB_Search_Core
 public static function get_instance()
     if (is_null(self::$instance)) {
         self::$instance = new vB_Search_Core();
         //initialize the search implementation
         global $vbulletin;
         if (!empty($vbulletin->options['searchimplementation'])) {
             call_user_func(array($vbulletin->options['searchimplementation'], 'init'));
         //	self::$instance->register_search_controller('vb', 'Tag', new vb_Search_SearchController_Tag());
     return self::$instance;
Пример #2
  * Operations to be done after adding a node.  Putting actions here allow child classes to minimize time keeping transaction open.
  * @param 	int		$nodeid
  * @param 	mixed	$data			Array of data being added
  * @param	mixed	$options		Array of options for the content being created- passed from  add()
  * 									Understands skipNotification(s), skipUpdateLastContent.
  * @param	mixed	$cacheEvents	Array of strings- cache events to be called
  * @param	mixed	$nodevals		Array of field => value pairs representing the node table field values passed to create the record.
  *									Currently most are not used but all are passed.
 protected function afterAdd($nodeid, $data, $options, $cacheEvents, $nodevals)
     $userid = vB::getCurrentSession()->get('userid');
     // We have singular & plural scattered throughout the code. Going to make the actual check use plural (look for
     //  empty($options['skipNotifications']) below) and catch/convert any singular to plural so that both work.
     // VBV-13609
     if (isset($options['skipNotification'])) {
         $options['skipNotifications'] = $options['skipNotification'];
     $this->updateNodeOptions($nodeid, $data);
     //If published and if this is a text class we should update the text counts.
     if ($textCountChange = $this->textCountChange) {
         // apparently showapproved isn't always set. I guess since the default value for approved & showapproved is 1, we only set it to 0 if
         // necessary. As such, if it's not set, let's assume it's been approved
         $approved = (isset($nodevals['showapproved']) ? $nodevals['showapproved'] : true and isset($nodevals['approved']) ? $nodevals['approved'] : true);
         // parentheses, parentheses everywhere
         if ($nodevals['showpublished'] and $approved) {
             vB_Library::instance('node')->updateParentCounts($nodeid, $textCountChange, 0, $textCountChange, 0, 1, !isset($options['skipUpdateLastContent']) or !$options['skipUpdateLastContent']);
         } else {
             $published = $nodevals['showpublished'];
             // if it's not showpublished & showapproved, we shouldn't update the parents' last content data
             $updatelastcontent = false;
             vB_Library::instance('node')->updateParentCounts($nodeid, 0, $textCountChange, 0, $textCountChange, $published, $updatelastcontent);
     foreach ($this->qryAfterAdd as $qry) {
         $this->assertor->assertQuery($qry['definition'], $qry['data']);
     //handle the 'index' setting;
     $index = empty($data['noIndex']);
     if ($index) {
     $node = vB_Library::instance('node')->getNode($nodeid);
     if ($this->isVisitorMessage($nodeid)) {
         if (!empty($node['setfor'])) {
     vB_Cache::instance()->allCacheEvent('fContentChg_' . $data['parentid']);
     // update tags
     if (!empty($data['tags'])) {
         $tagRet = vB_Api::instanceInternal('tags')->addTags($nodeid, $data['tags']);
     //Let's see if we need to send notifications
     //Private messages are different. Let the subclass handle them.
     // (Do PMs even have notifications? Why?)
     if ($this->contenttype != 'vBForum_PrivateMessage' and empty($options['skipNotifications'])) {
         $node = vB_Library::instance('node')->getNode($nodeid, false, true);
         // we need to get the full content, to ensure 'channelid' is there.
         $notificationLib = vB_Library::instance('notification');
         //If this is a visitor message we always send a message
         // we have the $node from above
         if ($this->isVisitorMessage($nodeid) and !empty($node['setfor'])) {
             $recipients = array($node['setfor']);
             $notificationLib->triggerNotificationEvent('new-visitormessage', array('sentbynodeid' => $nodeid), $recipients);
         } else {
             if ($node['starter'] > 0) {
                  * Warning: Currently the content library doesn't have a defined set of rules on whether
                  * this particular node should generate notifications or not. For example, if this node is
                  * a grand-child of a thread starter, it could be a comment or a photo in a gallery reply
                  * but only comments should send out notifications.
                  * At the moment, each photo added to a gallery doesn't generate individual notifications
                  * because the front-end createcontent controller sets the skipNotifications option when
                  * calling content_photo API's add().
                  * Note, each subclass of vB_Notification's validateAndCleanNotificationData() needs to check
                  * the context data and prevent attachments etc from sending notifications.
                 $notificationLib->triggerNotificationEvent('new-content', array('sentbynodeid' => $nodeid));
         // Don't forget about calling insert!
     // @TODO VBV-2303 we can't send notifications as guest... private message library do checkFolders() which won't be valid for guests.
     if (empty($options['skipNotifications']) and intval(vB::getCurrentSession()->get('userid'))) {
         // is VBV-2303 still an issue?
     // Subscribe this user to this topic if appropriate
     $userinfo = vB::getCurrentSession()->fetch_userinfo();
     if ($userinfo['autosubscribe']) {
         $starterid = 0;
         if (!empty($nodevals['starter'])) {
             $starterid = $nodevals['starter'];
         if (empty($starterid)) {
             $node = vB_Library::instance('node')->getNode($nodeid);
             $starterid = $node['starter'];
         // subscribe to topic
         vB_Api::instance('follow')->add($starterid, vB_Api_Follow::FOLLOWTYPE_CONTENT);
     // Update the post count for this user (content add)
     //send moderator notification emails.
     if ($this->textCountChange > 0 and empty($this->skipModNotification)) {
Пример #3
 public function clean()
Пример #4
 function delete($nodeid)
     if (empty($nodeid)) {
         return false;
     // prevent deleting of top level channels
     if (in_array($nodeid, vB_Api::instanceInternal('content_channel')->fetchTopLevelChannelIds())) {
         throw new vB_Exception_Api('cant_delete_top_level');
     // get the direct children.
     $children_nodes = vB::getDbAssertor()->assertQuery('vBForum:getChildrenOnly', array('nodeid' => $nodeid));
     $nodeids = array();
     $children_by_type = array();
     foreach ($children_nodes as $node) {
         $children_by_type[$node['contenttypeid']][$node['nodeid']] = $node['nodeid'];
         $nodeids[] = $node['nodeid'];
     foreach ($children_by_type as $contenttypeid => $nodes) {
         $contentLib = vB_Library_Content::getContentLib($contenttypeid);
     if (!empty($nodeids)) {
     // deleting the node
     $success = parent::delete($nodeid);
     // delete pages and routes
     return $success;