Пример #1
  * Generates a valid path and filename for a temp file. In the case
  * of safe upload, this generates the filename, but not the file. In
  * the case of tempnam(), the temp file is actually created.
  * @param	string|int	Optional extra "entropy" for the md5 call, this would typically be an ID such as userid or avatarid, etc *for the current record* of whatever is being processed. If empty, it uses the *current user's* userid.
  * @param	string		An optional prefix for the file name. Depending on OS and if tempnam is used, only the first 3 chars of this will be used.
  * @param	string		An optional suffix for the file name, can be used to add a file extension if needed.
  * @return	string|false	The path and filename of the temp file, or bool false if it failed.
 public static function getTmpFileName($entropy = '', $prefix = 'vb_', $suffix = '')
     $options = vB::getDatastore()->getValue('options');
     if ($options['safeupload']) {
         if (empty($entropy)) {
             $entropy = vB::getCurrentSession()->get('userid');
         //it *usually* doesn't matter if we use the slash instead of the local OS seperator, but
         //if we pass the value to exec things can't go a bit wierd.
         $filename = $options['tmppath'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $prefix . md5(uniqid(microtime()) . $entropy) . $suffix;
     } else {
         if (vB::getUserContext()->hasPermission('adminpermissions', 'cancontrolpanel')) {
             $filename = tempnam(self::getTmpDir(), $prefix);
         } else {
             $filename = @tempnam(self::getTmpDir(), $prefix);
         if ($filename and $suffix) {
             // tempnam doesn't support specifying a suffix
             $filename = $filename . $suffix;
     return $filename;
Пример #2
  * Create a blog channel.
  * @param array $input
  * @param int $channelid
  * @param int $channelConvTemplateid
  * @param int $channelPgTemplateId
  * @param int $ownerSystemGroupId
  * @return int The nodeid of the new blog channel
 public function createChannel($input, $channelid, $channelConvTemplateid, $channelPgTemplateId, $ownerSystemGroupId)
     $input['parentid'] = $channelid;
     $input['inlist'] = 1;
     // we don't want it to be shown in channel list, but we want to move them
     $input['protected'] = 0;
     if (empty($input['userid'])) {
         $input['userid'] = vB::getCurrentSession()->get('userid');
     if (!isset($input['publishdate'])) {
         $input['publishdate'] = vB::getRequest()->getTimeNow();
     $input['templates']['vB5_Route_Channel'] = $channelPgTemplateId;
     $input['templates']['vB5_Route_Conversation'] = $channelConvTemplateid;
     // add channel node
     $channelLib = vB_Library::instance('content_channel');
     $input['page_parentid'] = 0;
     $result = $channelLib->add($input, array('skipFloodCheck' => true, 'skipDupCheck' => true));
     //Make the current user the channel owner.
     $userApi = vB_Api::instanceInternal('user');
     $usergroup = vB::getDbAssertor()->getRow('usergroup', array('systemgroupid' => $ownerSystemGroupId));
     if (empty($usergroup) or !empty($usergroup['errors'])) {
         //This should never happen. It would mean an invalid parameter was passed
         throw new vB_Exception_Api('invalid_request');
     vB_User::setGroupInTopic($input['userid'], $result['nodeid'], $usergroup['usergroupid']);
     vB_Cache::allCacheEvent(array('nodeChg_' . $this->blogChannel, "nodeChg_{$channelid}"));
     // clear follow cache
     return $result['nodeid'];
Пример #3
  * Create an article category channel. This function works basically like the blog library's version
  * @param array 	$input						data array, should have standard channel data like title, parentid, 
  * @param int 		$channelid					parentid that the new channel should fall under. 
  * @param int		$channelConvTemplateid		"Conversation" level pagetemplate to use. Typically vB_Page::getArticleConversPageTemplate()
  * @param int 		$channelPgTemplateId		"Channel" level pagetemplate to use. Typically  vB_Page::getArticleChannelPageTemplate()
  * @param int 		$ownerSystemGroupId
  * @return int The nodeid of the new blog channel
 public function createChannel($input, $channelid, $channelConvTemplateid, $channelPgTemplateId, $ownerSystemGroupId)
     if (!isset($input['parentid']) or intval($input['parentid']) < 1) {
         $input['parentid'] = $channelid;
     $input['inlist'] = 1;
     // we don't want it to be shown in channel list, but we want to move them
     $input['protected'] = 0;
     if (empty($input['userid'])) {
         $input['userid'] = vB::getCurrentSession()->get('userid');
     if (!isset($input['publishdate'])) {
         $input['publishdate'] = vB::getRequest()->getTimeNow();
     $input['templates']['vB5_Route_Channel'] = $channelPgTemplateId;
     $input['templates']['vB5_Route_Article'] = $channelConvTemplateid;
     $input['childroute'] = 'vB5_Route_Article';
     // add channel node
     $channelLib = vB_Library::instance('content_channel');
     $input['page_parentid'] = 0;
     $result = $channelLib->add($input, array('skipNotifications' => true, 'skipFloodCheck' => true, 'skipDupCheck' => true));
     //Make the current user the channel owner.
     $userApi = vB_Api::instanceInternal('user');
     $usergroup = vB::getDbAssertor()->getRow('usergroup', array('systemgroupid' => $ownerSystemGroupId));
     vB_Cache::allCacheEvent(array('nodeChg_' . $this->articleHomeChannel, "nodeChg_{$channelid}"));
     // clear follow cache
     return $result['nodeid'];
Пример #4
 public function get_admin_detail_chat()
     global $vbulletin;
     // Get the settings options and the user's info
     $options = vB::getDatastore()->getValue('options');
     $userinfo = vB::getCurrentSession()->fetch_userinfo();
     // Api Key and Secret
     $api = $options['chat_cat_messenger_api'];
     $secret = $options['chat_cat_messenger_secret'];
     $login_url = $options['chat_cat_messenger_login_url'];
     $register_url = $options['chat_cat_messenger_register_url'];
     $primary_domain = $options['chat_cat_messenger_primary_url'];
     // 		echo $primary_domain;
     // 		die();
     // User info
     $uname = $userinfo['username'];
     $uid = $userinfo['userid'];
     $desc = $userinfo['field1'];
     $src = '';
     $home = $options['bburl'] . '/member/' . $uid;
     //echo $home;die;
     $location = $userinfo['field2'];
     $bod = $userinfo['birthday'];
     if (!empty($bod)) {
         $year = explode("-", $bod);
         $bod = $year['2'];
     $profilepic = $vbulletin->db->query_first("\n\t\t\tSELECT userid, dateline, height, width\n\t\t\tFROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "customavatar\n\t\t\tWHERE userid = " . $uid);
     if ($profilepic['dateline']) {
         $img = $options['bburl'] . '/image.php?userid=' . $uid . '&thumb=1&dateline=' . $profilepic[dateline] . '&type=avtar';
     } else {
         $img = null;
     $src = urlencode($img);
     $home = urlencode($home);
     //$src = urldecode($img);
     $chatdata = array();
     $chatdata['sinonurl'] = '';
     if (isset($api) && $api != '') {
         $chatdata['sinonurl'] = '/ajaxchat.php?uid=' . $uid . '&api=' . $api . '&secret=' . $secret . '&uname=' . $uname . '&desc=' . $desc . '&src=' . $src . '&home=' . $home . '&birthday=' . $bod . '&location=' . $location;
     $chatdata['primaryurl'] = $primary_domain;
     if ($login_url != '') {
         $chatdata['loginurl'] = $login_url;
         if (!preg_match("@^[hf]tt?ps?://@", $chatdata['loginurl'])) {
             $chatdata['loginurl'] = "http://" . $chatdata['loginurl'];
     } else {
         $chatdata['loginurl'] = '';
     if ($register_url != '') {
         $chatdata['registerurl'] = $register_url;
         if (!preg_match("@^[hf]tt?ps?://@", $chatdata['registerurl'])) {
             $chatdata['registerurl'] = "http://" . $chatdata['registerurl'];
     } else {
         $chatdata['registerurl'] = $options['frontendurl'] . '/register';
     return $chatdata;
function construct_user_ip_table($userid, $previpaddress, $depth = 2)
    global $vbulletin, $vbphrase;
    if (VB_AREA == 'AdminCP') {
        $userscript = 'usertools.php';
    } else {
        $userscript = 'user.php';
    $ips = vB_Api::instanceInternal('user')->searchIP($userid, $depth);
    $retdata = '';
    // @TODO user api currently returns only 1 IP per user.
    $result = array('ipaddress' => $ips['regip']);
    foreach ($result as $ip) {
        $retdata .= '<li>' . "<a href=\"{$userscript}?" . vB::getCurrentSession()->get('sessionurl') . "do=gethost&amp;ip={$ip['ipaddress']}\" title=\"" . $vbphrase['resolve_address'] . "\">{$ip['ipaddress']}</a> &nbsp; " . construct_link_code($vbphrase['find_more_users_with_this_ip_address'], "{$userscript}?" . vB::getCurrentSession()->get('sessionurl') . "do=doips&amp;ipaddress={$ip['ipaddress']}&amp;hash=" . CP_SESSIONHASH) . "</li>\n";
        if ($depth > 0) {
            $retdata .= construct_ip_usage_table($ip['ipaddress'], $userid, $depth);
    if (empty($retdata)) {
        return '';
    } else {
        return '<ul>' . $retdata . '</ul>';
Пример #6
 protected function checkRoutePermissions()
     $currentUser = vB::getUserContext();
     if (!$currentUser->hasPermission('genericpermissions', 'canviewmembers') and $this->arguments['userid'] != vB::getCurrentSession()->get('userid')) {
         throw new vB_Exception_NodePermission('profile');
Пример #7
 public function __construct(&$routeInfo, &$matches, &$queryString = '')
     if (isset($matches['params']) and !empty($matches['params'])) {
         $paramString = strpos($matches['params'], '/') === 0 ? substr($matches['params'], 1) : $matches['params'];
         $params = explode('/', $paramString);
         if (count($params) >= 2) {
             $this->pagenum = $params[1];
             $this->folderid = $params[0];
         } else {
             if (!empty($params)) {
                 $this->pagenum = $params[1];
     if (!empty($matches['pagenum']) and intval($matches['pagenum'])) {
         $this->pagenum = $matches['pagenum'];
     if (!empty($matches['folderid']) and intval($matches['folderid'])) {
         $this->folderid = $matches['folderid'];
     $routeInfo['arguments']['subtemplate'] = $this->subtemplate;
     $userid = vB::getCurrentSession()->get('userid');
     $pmquota = vB::getUserContext($userid)->getLimit('pmquota');
     $vboptions = vB::getDatastore($userid)->getValue('options');
     $canUsePmSystem = ($vboptions['enablepms'] and $pmquota);
     if (!$canUsePmSystem and !$this->overrideDisable) {
         throw new vB_Exception_NodePermission('privatemessage');
* Fetches the online states for the user, taking into account the browsing
* user's viewing permissions. Also modifies the user to include [buddymark]
* and [invisiblemark]
* @param	array	Array of userinfo to fetch online status for
* @param	boolean	True if you want to set $user[onlinestatus] with template results
* @return	integer	0 = offline, 1 = online, 2 = online but invisible (if permissions allow)
function fetch_online_status(&$user)
    static $buddylist, $datecut;
    $session = vB::getCurrentSession();
    if (empty($session)) {
        $currentUserId = 0;
    } else {
        $currentUserId = vB::getCurrentSession()->get('userid');
    // get variables used by this function
    if (!isset($buddylist) and !empty($currentUserId)) {
        $buddylist = array();
        //If we are asking for the current user's status we can skip the fetch
        if ($currentUserId == $user['userid']) {
            $currentUser =& $user;
        } else {
            $currentUser = vB_Api::instanceInternal('user')->fetchCurrentUserInfo();
        if (isset($currentUser['buddylist']) and $currentUser['buddylist'] = trim($currentUser['buddylist'])) {
            $buddylist = preg_split('/\\s+/', $currentUser['buddylist'], -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
    if (!isset($datecut)) {
        $datecut = vB::getRequest()->getTimeNow() - vB::getDatastore()->getOption('cookietimeout');
    // is the user on bbuser's buddylist?
    if (isset($buddylist) and is_array($buddylist) and in_array($user['userid'], $buddylist)) {
        $user['buddymark'] = '+';
    } else {
        $user['buddymark'] = '';
    // set the invisible mark to nothing by default
    $user['invisiblemark'] = '';
    $onlinestatus = 0;
    $user['online'] = 'offline';
    // now decide if we can see the user or not
    if ($user['lastactivity'] > $datecut and $user['lastvisit'] != $user['lastactivity']) {
        $bf_misc_useroptions = vB::getDatastore()->getValue('bf_misc_useroptions');
        if ($user['options'] & $bf_misc_useroptions['invisible']) {
            if (!isset($userContext)) {
                $userContext = vB::getUserContext();
            if ($currentUserId == $user['userid'] or $userContext and $userContext->hasPermission('genericpermissions', 'canseehidden')) {
                // user is online and invisible BUT bbuser can see them
                $user['invisiblemark'] = '*';
                $user['online'] = 'invisible';
                $onlinestatus = 2;
        } else {
            // user is online and visible
            $onlinestatus = 1;
            $user['online'] = 'online';
    return $onlinestatus;
Пример #9
 public function __construct(&$routeInfo, &$matches, &$queryString = '')
     $userid = vB::getCurrentSession()->get('userid');
     $pmquota = vB::getUserContext($userid)->getLimit('pmquota');
     $vboptions = vB::getDatastore($userid)->getValue('options');
     $canUsePmSystem = ($vboptions['enablepms'] and $pmquota);
     if (!$canUsePmSystem) {
         throw new vB_Exception_NodePermission('privatemessage');
     parent::__construct($routeInfo, $matches, $queryString);
Пример #10
function fetch_faq_parents($faqname)
    global $ifaqcache, $faqcache, $parents, $vbulletin;
    static $i = 0;
    $faq = $faqcache["{$faqname}"];
    if (is_array($ifaqcache["{$faq['faqparent']}"])) {
        $key = iif($i++, 'faq.php?' . vB::getCurrentSession()->get('sessionurl') . "faq={$faq['faqname']}");
        $parents["{$key}"] = $faq['title'];
Пример #11
* Shows the form for inline mod authentication.
function show_inline_mod_login($showerror = false)
    global $vbulletin, $vbphrase, $show;
    $show['inlinemod_form'] = true;
    $show['passworderror'] = $showerror;
    if (!$showerror) {
        $vbulletin->url = SCRIPTPATH;
    $forumHome = vB_Library::instance('content_channel')->getForumHomeChannel();
    eval(standard_error(fetch_error('nopermission_loggedin', $vbulletin->userinfo['username'], vB_Template_Runtime::fetchStyleVar('right'), vB::getCurrentSession()->get('sessionurl'), $vbulletin->userinfo['securitytoken'], vB5_Route::buildUrl($forumHome['routeid'] . 'home|fullurl'))));
Пример #12
 protected function getNewRouteInfo()
     if ($session = vB::getCurrentSession()) {
         $userid = $session->get('userid');
     if (empty($userid)) {
         throw new vB_Exception_404('invalid_page');
     $this->arguments['userid'] = $userid;
     $this->arguments['tab'] = 'subscriptions';
     return 'subscription';
Пример #13
 public static function init($configFile)
     self::$instance = new vB5_Frontend_Application();
     self::$instance->router = new vB5_Frontend_Routing();
     $styleid = vB5_Template_Stylevar::instance()->getPreferredStyleId();
     if ($styleid) {
         vB::getCurrentSession()->set('styleid', $styleid);
     return self::$instance;
Пример #14
  *	Create a taggable content item.
  * @param int id for the content item to be tagged. Can be 0 if it is used only for validating tags
  * @param array content info -- database record for item to be tagged, values vary by
  *	specific content item.  For performance reasons this can be included, otherwise the
  * 	data will be fetched if needed from the provided id.
 public function __construct($nodeid = 0, $contentinfo = false)
     $this->nodeid = $nodeid;
     $this->assertor = vB::getDbAssertor();
     $this->currentUserId = vB::getCurrentSession()->get('userid');
     // If this is node related fetch the required info
     if ($this->nodeid) {
         $this->owner = $this->getNodeOwner($this->nodeid);
         if ($contentinfo) {
             $this->contentinfo = $contentinfo;
         } else {
Пример #15
* Fetches the IDs of the dismissed notices so we do not display them for the user.
function fetch_dismissed_notices()
    static $dismissed_notices = null;
    if ($dismissed_notices === null) {
        $userinfo = vB::getCurrentSession()->fetch_userinfo();
        $dismissed_notices = array();
        if (!$userinfo['userid']) {
            return $dismissed_notices;
        $noticeids = vB::getDbAssertor()->assertQuery('vBForum:fetchdismissednotices', array(vB_dB_Query::TYPE_KEY => vB_dB_Query::QUERY_STORED, 'userid' => $userinfo['userid']));
        foreach ($noticeids as $noticeid) {
            $dismissed_notices[] = $noticeid['noticeid'];
    return $dismissed_notices;
Пример #16
 public function replacePlaceholders(&$content)
     $placeholders = array();
     while (!is_null($placeholder_id = key($this->stack))) {
         $phraseName = current($this->stack);
         $phraseInfo = $this->pending[$phraseName][$placeholder_id];
         $phraseInfo[0] = isset($this->cache[$phraseName]) ? $this->cache[$phraseName] : $phraseInfo[0];
         // do parameter replacements in phrases for notices, since we don't want
         // the extra overhead of pulling these phrases in the api method
         if (strpos($phraseName, 'notice_') === 0 and preg_match('/^notice_[0-9]+_html$/', $phraseName)) {
             $phraseInfo[0] = str_replace(array('{musername}', '{username}', '{userid}', '{sessionurl}', '{sessionurl_q}', '{register_page}', '{help_page}'), array(vB5_User::get('musername'), vB5_User::get('username'), vB5_User::get('userid'), vB::getCurrentSession()->get('sessionurl'), vB::getCurrentSession()->get('sessionurl_q'), vB5_Template_Runtime::buildUrl('register'), vB5_Template_Runtime::buildUrl('help')), $phraseInfo[0]);
         $replace = $this->constructPhraseFromArray($phraseInfo);
         $placeholders[$placeholder_id] = $replace;
         //$content = str_replace($placeholder_id, $replace, $content);
     // If we passed any phrases as parameters to other phrases, we will
     // still have those placeholders in the "replace" content, for example:
     //   {vb:phrase have_x_posts_in_topic_last_y, {vb:var topic.dot_postcount}, {vb:date {vb:var topic.dot_lastpostdate}}}
     // since the date call can return phrases (today, yesterday, etc.).
     // This only goes one level deep (e.g., it's not recursive), since that's
     // all we need at this time.
     // This searches the replace text to see if there are any placeholders
     // left in them, and if so, replaces those placeholders with the phrase text.
     foreach ($placeholders as $k => $replace) {
         if (strpos($replace, '<!-- ##phrase_') !== false or strpos($replace, '&lt;!-- ##phrase_') !== false) {
             if (preg_match_all('/(?:<|&lt;)!-- ##phrase_([a-z0-9_]+)_[0-9]+## --(?:>|&gt;)/siU', $replace, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
                 foreach ($matches as $match) {
                     $placeholder_id = $match[0];
                     $phrase_varname = $match[1];
                     $placeholder_id_lookup = str_replace(array('&lt;', '&gt;'), array('<', '>'), $placeholder_id);
                     $phraseInfo = $this->pending[$phrase_varname][$placeholder_id_lookup];
                     $phraseInfo[0] = isset($this->cache[$phrase_varname]) ? $this->cache[$phrase_varname] : $phraseInfo[0];
                     $phraseText = $this->constructPhraseFromArray($phraseInfo);
                     $placeholders[$k] = str_replace($placeholder_id, $phraseText, $placeholders[$k]);
     if (!empty($placeholders)) {
         $content = str_replace(array_keys($placeholders), $placeholders, $content);
Пример #17
  * Add photo record
  * @param	mixed	Array of field => value pairs which define the record.
  * @param	array		Array of options for the content being created
  * 						Understands skipTransaction, skipFloodCheck, floodchecktime.
  * 	@return	mixed		array with nodeid (int), success (bool), cacheEvents (array of strings), nodeVals (array of field => value).
 public function add($data, array $options = array())
     //Store this so we know whether we should call afterAdd()
     $skipTransaction = !empty($options['skipTransaction']);
     $options += array('skipDupCheck' => true);
     if (empty($data['filedataid'])) {
         throw new vB_Exception_Api('incomplete_data');
     if (empty($data['userid'])) {
         $user = vB::getCurrentSession()->fetch_userinfo();
         $data['authorname'] = $user['username'];
         $userid = $data['userid'] = $user['userid'];
     } else {
         $userid = $data['userid'];
         if (empty($data['authorname'])) {
             $user = vB_Api::instanceInternal('user')->fetchUserName($userid);
             $data['authorname'] = $user;
     try {
         if (!$skipTransaction) {
         $options['skipTransaction'] = true;
         /** Validate Filedata */
         $newNode = parent::add($data, $options);
         /** Update filedata refcount */
         $fileData = $this->assertor->getRow('vBForum:filedata', array(vB_dB_Query::TYPE_KEY => vB_dB_Query::QUERY_SELECT, 'filedataid' => $data["filedataid"]));
         $refCount = $fileData["refcount"] + 1;
         $photodata = array(vB_dB_Query::TYPE_KEY => vB_dB_Query::QUERY_UPDATE, vB_dB_Query::CONDITIONS_KEY => array('filedataid' => $data['filedataid']), 'refcount' => $refCount);
         $this->assertor->assertQuery('vBForum:filedata', $photodata);
         if (!$skipTransaction) {
     } catch (exception $e) {
         if (!$skipTransaction) {
         throw $e;
     if (!$skipTransaction) {
         //The child classes that have their own transactions all set this to true so afterAdd is always called just once.
         $this->afterAdd($newNode['nodeid'], $data, $options, $newNode['cacheEvents'], $newNode['nodeVals']);
     return $newNode;
Пример #18
 public function shutdown()
     if ($this->called) {
         // Already called once.
     $session = vB::getCurrentSession();
     if (is_object($session)) {
     if (sizeof($this->callbacks)) {
         foreach ($this->callbacks as $callback) {
Пример #19
 public function __construct($routeInfo, $matches, $queryString = '', $anchor = '')
     if (empty($matches['tab'])) {
         $matches['tab'] = 'profile';
     parent::__construct($routeInfo, $matches, $queryString, $anchor);
     if (empty($this->arguments['userid'])) {
         $userInfo = vB::getCurrentSession()->fetch_userinfo();
         $this->arguments['userid'] = $userInfo['userid'];
         $this->arguments['username'] = $userInfo['username'];
     } else {
         if (empty($this->arguments['username'])) {
             $userInfo = vB_User::fetchUserinfo($this->arguments['userid']);
             $this->arguments['username'] = $userInfo['username'];
     $this->breadcrumbs = array(0 => array('title' => $this->arguments['username'], 'url' => vB5_Route::buildUrl('profile', array('userid' => $this->arguments['userid'], 'username' => vB_String::getUrlIdent($this->arguments['username'])))), 1 => array('phrase' => 'user_settings', 'url' => ''));
Пример #20
 public function __construct(&$routeInfo, &$matches, &$queryString = '')
     $cleaner = vB::getCleaner();
     if (isset($matches['params']) and !empty($matches['params'])) {
         $paramString = strpos($matches['params'], '/') === 0 ? substr($matches['params'], 1) : $matches['params'];
         list($this->userid) = explode('/', $paramString);
     } else {
         if (isset($matches['userid'])) {
             $this->userid = $matches['userid'];
     $this->userid = $cleaner->clean($this->userid, vB_Cleaner::TYPE_INT);
     $routeInfo['arguments']['subtemplate'] = $this->subtemplate;
     $userid = vB::getCurrentSession()->get('userid');
     $pmquota = vB::getUserContext($userid)->getLimit('pmquota');
     $vboptions = vB::getDatastore($userid)->getValue('options');
     $canUsePmSystem = ($vboptions['enablepms'] and $pmquota);
     if (!$canUsePmSystem) {
         throw new vB_Exception_NodePermission('privatemessage');
Пример #21
  * Returns an array of bbcode parsing information. {@see vB_Api_Bbcode::fetchTagList}
  * @see vB_Api_Bbcode::fetchTagList
  * @see vB_Api_Bbcode::fetchCustomTags()
  * @return array Bbcode parsing information. Format:
  * <pre>array(
  *     defaultTags => array {@see vB_Api_Bbcode::fetchTagList}
  *     customTags => array @see vB_Api_Bbcode::fetchCustomTags
  *     defaultOptions => array {@see vB_Api_Bbcode::fetchBbcodeOptions()}
  * )</pre>
 public function initInfo()
     $response['defaultTags'] = $this->fetchTagList();
     $response['customTags'] = $this->fetchCustomTags();
     $response['defaultOptions'] = $this->fetchBbcodeOptions();
     $response['censorship'] = $this->fetchCensorshipInfo();
     $response['smilies'] = $this->fetchSmilies();
     $response['sessionUrl'] = vB::getCurrentSession()->get('sessionurl');
     $response['vBHttpHost'] = vB::getRequest()->getVbHttpHost();
     $options = vB::getDatastore()->get_value('options');
     $response['blankAsciiStrip'] = $options['blankasciistrip'];
     $response['wordWrap'] = $options['wordwrap'];
     $response['codeMaxLines'] = $options['codemaxlines'];
     $response['bbUrl'] = $options['bburl'];
     $response['viewAttachedImages'] = $options['viewattachedimages'];
     $response['urlNoFollow'] = $options['url_nofollow'];
     $response['urlNoFollowWhiteList'] = $options['url_nofollow_whitelist'];
     $response['useFileAvatar'] = $options['usefileavatar'];
     $response['sigpicUrl'] = $options['sigpicurl'];
     return $response;
Пример #22
    public function print_editor()
        global $vbulletin, $vbphrase;
        $vb5_config =& vB::getConfig();
        $header = $vbphrase["stylevar_{$this->stylevarid}_name"] ? $vbphrase["stylevar_{$this->stylevarid}_name"] : $this->stylevarid;
        $addbit = false;
        if ($vbulletin->GPC['dostyleid'] == -1) {
            $header .= ' - <span class="smallfont">' . construct_link_code($vbphrase['edit'], "stylevar.php?" . vB::getCurrentSession()->get('sessionurl') . "do=dfnedit&amp;stylevarid=" . $this->stylevarid);
            $addbit = true;
        if ($this->inherited == -1) {
            if (!$addbit) {
                $header .= ' - <span class="smallfont">';
                $addbit = true;
            } else {
                $header .= ' - ';
            $header .= construct_link_code($vbphrase['revert_gcpglobal'], "stylevar.php?" . vB::getCurrentSession()->get('sessionurl') . "do=confirmrevert&amp;dostyleid=" . $vbulletin->GPC['dostyleid'] . "&amp;stylevarid=" . $this->stylevarid . "&amp;rootstyle=-1");
        if ($addbit) {
            $header .= '</span>';
        if ($vbphrase["stylevar_{$this->stylevarid}_description"]) {
            print_description_row($vbphrase["stylevar_{$this->stylevarid}_description"], false, 2);
        if ($vb5_config['Misc']['debug']) {
            print_label_row($vbphrase['stylevarid'], $this->stylevarid);
        // output this stylevar's inheritance level (inherited or customized)
        // so that we can update the stylevar list and show inherited status
        // immediately
        echo '<script type="text/javascript">
			window.vBulletinStylevarInheritance = window.vBulletinStylevarInheritance ? window.vBulletinStylevarInheritance : {};
			window.vBulletinStylevarInheritance["' . $this->stylevarid . '"] = ' . $this->inherited . ';
        // once we have LSB change this to self::
Пример #23
  * Verifies that the provided username is valid, and attempts to correct it if it is not valid
  * @param	string	Username
  * @return	boolean	Returns true if the username is valid, or has been corrected to be valid
 function verify_username(&$username)
     // this is duplicated from the user manager
     // fix extra whitespace and invisible ascii stuff
     $username = trim(preg_replace('#[ \\r\\n\\t]+#si', ' ', strip_blank_ascii($username, ' ')));
     $username_raw = $username;
     $username = vB_String::cleanUserName($username);
     $username = str_replace(chr(0), '', $username);
     $username = trim($username);
     $length = vB_String::vbStrlen($username);
     if ($length < $this->registry->options['minuserlength']) {
         // name too short
         $this->error('usernametooshort', $this->registry->options['minuserlength']);
         return false;
     } else {
         if ($length > $this->registry->options['maxuserlength']) {
             // name too long
             $this->error('usernametoolong', $this->registry->options['maxuserlength']);
             return false;
         } else {
             if (preg_match('/(?<!&#[0-9]{3}|&#[0-9]{4}|&#[0-9]{5});/', $username)) {
                 // name contains semicolons
                 return false;
             } else {
                 if ($username != fetch_censored_text($username)) {
                     // name contains censored words
                     return false;
                 } else {
                     $result = $this->assertor->assertQuery('verifyUsername', array('userid' => intval($this->existing['userid']), 'username' => vB_String::htmlSpecialCharsUni($username), 'username_raw' => vB_String::htmlSpecialCharsUni($username_raw)));
                     if ($result->valid() and $result->current()) {
                         // name is already in use
                         $this->error('usernametaken', vB_String::htmlSpecialCharsUni($username), vB::getCurrentSession()->get('sessionurl'));
                         return false;
                     } else {
                         if (!empty($this->registry->options['illegalusernames'])) {
                             // check for illegal username
                             $usernames = preg_split('/[ \\r\\n\\t]+/', $this->registry->options['illegalusernames'], -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
                             foreach ($usernames as $val) {
                                 if (strpos(strtolower($username), strtolower($val)) !== false) {
                                     // wierd error to show, but hey...
                                     $this->error('usernametaken', vB_String::htmlSpecialCharsUni($username), vB::getCurrentSession()->get('sessionurl'));
                                     return false;
     // if we got here, everything is okay
     $username = vB_String::htmlSpecialCharsUni($username);
     return true;
Пример #24
			case 'edit': window.location = "usertitle.php?<?php 
    echo vB::getCurrentSession()->get('sessionurl_js');
do=edit&usertitleid=" + usertitleid; break;
			case 'kill': window.location = "usertitle.php?<?php 
    echo vB::getCurrentSession()->get('sessionurl_js');
do=remove&usertitleid=" + usertitleid; break;
			default: return false; break;
    $options = array('edit' => $vbphrase['edit'], 'kill' => $vbphrase['delete']);
    print_form_header('usertitle', 'add');
    print_table_header($vbphrase['user_title_manager_gcpuser'], 3);
    print_description_row('<p>' . construct_phrase($vbphrase['it_is_recommended_that_you_update_user_titles'], vB::getCurrentSession()->get('sessionurl')) . '</p>', 0, 3);
    print_cells_row(array($vbphrase['user_title_guser'], $vbphrase['minimum_posts'], $vbphrase['controls']), 1);
    foreach ($usertitles as $usertitle) {
        print_cells_row(array('<b>' . $usertitle['title'] . '</b>', $usertitle['minposts'], "\n\t<select name=\"u{$usertitle['usertitleid']}\" onchange=\"js_usergroup_jump({$usertitle['usertitleid']}, this);\" class=\"bginput\">\n" . construct_select_options($options) . "\t</select>\n\t<input type=\"button\" value=\"" . $vbphrase['go'] . "\" onclick=\"js_usergroup_jump({$usertitle['usertitleid']}, this.form.u{$usertitle['usertitleid']});\" />\n\t"));
    print_submit_row($vbphrase['add_new_user_title_gcpuser'], 0, 3);
|| #######################################################################
|| # Downloaded: 15:45, Tue Sep 8th 2015
|| # CVS: $RCSfile$ - $Revision: 83432 $
|| #######################################################################
Пример #25
  * Determines if the logged-in user can view the infractions for the given user
  * @return bool The current user can view the given user's infractions (or not)
 public function canViewUserInfractions($userid)
     $userid = (int) $userid;
     $currentUserId = vB::getCurrentSession()->get('userid');
     return $userid == $currentUserId or vB::getUserContext()->hasPermission('genericpermissions', 'canseeinfraction') or vB::getUserContext()->hasPermission('genericpermissions', 'canreverseinfraction') or vB::getUserContext()->hasPermission('genericpermissions', 'cangiveinfraction');
Пример #26
function print_channels($permissions, $inheritance = array(), $channels = false, $indent = '	')
    global $vbulletin, $imodcache, $npermscache, $vbphrase;
    if ($channels === false) {
        $channels = vB_Api::instanceInternal('search')->getChannels(false, array('include_protected' => true, 'no_perm_check' => true));
    foreach ($channels as $nodeid => $node) {
        // make a copy of the current permissions set up
        $perms = $permissions;
        // make a copy of the inheritance set up
        $inherit = $inheritance;
        // echo channel title and links
        if (!defined('ONLYID') or $nodeid == ONLYID) {
            echo "{$indent}<ul class=\"lsq\">\n";
            echo "{$indent}<li><b><a name=\"node{$nodeid}\" href=\"forum.php?" . vB::getCurrentSession()->get('sessionurl') . "do=edit&amp;n={$nodeid}\">{$node['htmltitle']}</a></b>";
            if ($node['parentid'] != 0) {
                echo " <b><span class=\"smallfont\">(" . construct_link_code($vbphrase['reset'], "forumpermission.php?" . vB::getCurrentSession()->get('sessionurl') . "do=quickset&amp;type=reset&amp;n={$nodeid}&amp;hash=" . CP_SESSIONHASH) . construct_link_code($vbphrase['deny_all'], "forumpermission.php?" . vB::getCurrentSession()->get('sessionurl') . "do=quickset&amp;type=deny&amp;n={$nodeid}&amp;hash=" . CP_SESSIONHASH) . ")</span></b>";
            // get moderators
            if (is_array($imodcache["{$nodeid}"])) {
                echo "<span class=\"smallfont\"><br /> - <i>" . $vbphrase['moderators'] . ":";
                foreach ($imodcache["{$nodeid}"] as $moderator) {
                    // moderator username and links
                    echo " <a href=\"moderator.php?" . vB::getCurrentSession()->get('sessionurl') . "do=edit&amp;moderatorid={$moderator['moderatorid']}\">{$moderator['username']}</a>";
                echo "</i></span>";
            echo "{$indent}\t<ul class=\"usergroups\">\n";
        $nplink = "";
        foreach ($vbulletin->usergroupcache as $usergroupid => $usergroup) {
            if ($inherit["{$usergroupid}"] == 'col-c') {
                $inherit["{$usergroupid}"] = 'col-i';
            // if there is a custom permission for the current usergroup, use it
            if (isset($npermscache["{$nodeid}"]["{$usergroupid}"]) and $node['parentid'] != 0 and vB_ChannelPermission::compareDefaultChannelPermissions($nodeid, $usergroupid, $npermscache["{$nodeid}"]["{$usergroupid}"])) {
                $inherit["{$usergroupid}"] = 'col-c';
                $perms["{$usergroupid}"] = $npermscache[$nodeid][$usergroupid]['forumpermissions'];
                $nplink = 'np=' . $npermscache[$nodeid][$usergroupid]['permissionid'];
            } else {
                $nplink = "n={$nodeid}&amp;u={$usergroupid}";
            // work out display style
            $liStyle = '';
            if (isset($inherit["{$usergroupid}"])) {
                $liStyle = " class=\"{$inherit[$usergroupid]}\"";
            } else {
                $liStyle = " class=\"col-g\"";
            if (!($perms["{$usergroupid}"] & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_forumpermissions['canview'])) {
                $liStyle .= " style=\"list-style:circle\"";
            if (!defined('ONLYID') or $nodeid == ONLYID) {
                echo "{$indent}\t<li{$liStyle}>" . construct_link_code($vbphrase['edit'], "forumpermission.php?" . vB::getCurrentSession()->get('sessionurl') . "do=edit&amp;{$nplink}") . $usergroup['title'] . "</li>\n";
        if (!defined('ONLYID') or $nodeid == ONLYID) {
            echo "{$indent}\t</ul><br />\n";
        if (defined('ONLYID') and $nodeid == ONLYID) {
            echo "{$indent}</li>\n";
            echo "{$indent}</ul>\n";
        if (!empty($node['channels'])) {
            print_channels($perms, $inherit, $node['channels'], "{$indent}\t");
        if (!defined('ONLYID') or $nodeid == ONLYID) {
            echo "{$indent}</li>\n";
        if (!defined('ONLYID') or $nodeid == ONLYID) {
            echo "{$indent}</ul>\n";
        if (!defined('ONLYID') and $node['parentid'] == -1) {
            echo "<hr size=\"1\" />\n";
 * Prepares the appropriate url for a group icon.
 * The url is based on whether fileavatars are in use, and whether a thumb is required.
 * @param array mixed $groupinfo				- GroupInfo array of the group to fetch the icon for
 * @param boolean $thumb						- Whether to return a thumb url
 * @param boolean $path							- Whether to fetch the path or the url
 * @param boolean $force_file					- Always get the file path as if it existed
function fetch_socialgroupicon_url($groupinfo, $thumb = false, $path = false, $force_file = false)
    global $vbulletin;
    $iconurl = false;
    if ($vbulletin->options['sg_enablesocialgroupicons']) {
        if (!$groupinfo['icondateline']) {
            return vB_Template_Runtime::fetchStyleVar('unknownsgicon');
        if ($vbulletin->options['usefilegroupicon'] or $force_file) {
            $iconurl = ($path ? $vbulletin->options['groupiconpath'] : $vbulletin->options['groupiconurl']) . ($thumb ? '/thumbs' : '') . '/socialgroupicon' . '_' . $groupinfo['groupid'] . '_' . $groupinfo['icondateline'] . '.gif';
        } else {
            $iconurl = 'image.php?' . vB::getCurrentSession()->get('sessionurl') . 'groupid=' . $groupinfo['groupid'] . '&amp;dateline=' . $groupinfo['icondateline'] . ($thumb ? '&amp;type=groupthumb' : '');
    return $iconurl;
Пример #28
    foreach ($crons as $cron) {
        $options = array('edit' => $vbphrase['edit'], 'switchactive' => $cron['effective_active'] ? $vbphrase['disable'] : $vbphrase['enable']);
        if (!$cron['volatile'] or $vb5_config['Misc']['debug']) {
            $options['kill'] = $vbphrase['delete'];
        $item_title = htmlspecialchars_uni($vbphrase['task_' . $cron['varname'] . '_title']);
        if (isset($vbphrase['task_' . $cron['varname'] . '_title'])) {
            $item_title = htmlspecialchars_uni($vbphrase['task_' . $cron['varname'] . '_title']);
        } else {
            $item_title = $cron['varname'];
        if (!$cron['effective_active']) {
            $item_title = "<strike>{$item_title}</strike>";
        $item_desc = htmlspecialchars_uni($vbphrase['task_' . $cron['varname'] . '_desc']);
        $timerule = fetch_cron_timerule($cron);
        // this will happen in the future which the yestoday setting doesn't handle when its in the detailed mode
        $future = ($cron['nextrun'] > TIMENOW and $vbulletin->options['yestoday'] == 2);
        $cell = array("<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"enabled[{$cron['varname']}]\" value=\"1\" title=\"{$vbphrase['enabled']}\" id=\"cb_enabled_{$cron['varname']}\" tabindex=\"1\"" . ($cron['active'] ? ' checked="checked"' : '') . " />", $timerule['minute'], $timerule['hour'], $timerule['day'], $timerule['month'], $timerule['weekday'], "<label for=\"cb_enabled_{$cron['varname']}\"><strong>{$item_title}</strong><br /><span class=\"smallfont\">{$item_desc}</span></label>", '<div style="white-space:nowrap">' . ($cron['effective_active'] ? vbdate($vbulletin->options['dateformat'], $cron['nextrun'], true and !$future) . (($vbulletin->options['yestoday'] != 2 or $future) ? '<br />' . vbdate($vbulletin->options['timeformat'], $cron['nextrun']) : '') : $vbphrase['n_a']) . '</div>', "\n\t<select name=\"c{$cron['cronid']}\" onchange=\"js_cron_jump({$cron['cronid']});\" class=\"bginput\">\n" . construct_select_options($options) . "\t</select><input type=\"button\" class=\"button\" value=\"{$vbphrase['go']}\" onclick=\"js_cron_jump({$cron['cronid']});\" />\n\t" . "\n\t<input type=\"button\" class=\"button\" value=\"{$vbphrase['run_now']}\" onclick=\"js_run_cron({$cron['cronid']});\" />");
        print_cells_row($cell, 0, '', -6);
    print_description_row("<div class=\"smallfont\" align=\"center\">{$vbphrase['all_times_are_gmt_x_time_now_is_y']}</div>", 0, 9, 'thead');
    print_submit_row($vbphrase['save_enabled_status'], 0, 9, '', "<input type=\"button\" class=\"button\" value=\"{$vbphrase['add_new_scheduled_task_gcron']}\" tabindex=\"1\" onclick=\"window.location='cronadmin.php?" . vB::getCurrentSession()->get('sessionurl') . "do=edit'\" />");
|| #######################################################################
|| # Downloaded: 15:45, Tue Sep 8th 2015
|| # CVS: $RCSfile$ - $Revision: 83432 $
|| #######################################################################
Пример #29
  * Returns the CSS path needed for the {vb:cssfile} template tag
  * @return	string	CSS path
 public function fetch_css_path()
     global $vbulletin, $style, $foruminfo;
     if ($vbulletin->options['storecssasfile']) {
         $vbcsspath = vB_Api::instanceInternal('style')->fetchCssLocation() . '/style' . str_pad($style['styleid'], 5, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . $vbulletin->stylevars['textdirection']['string'][0] . '/';
     } else {
         // Forum ID added when in forums with style overrides and the "Allow Users To Change Styles"
         // option is off, otherwise the requested styleid will be denied. Not added across the board
         // to ensure the highest cache hit rate possible. Not needed when CSS is stored as files.
         // See bug: VBIV-5647
         if (!empty($foruminfo)) {
             $forumid = intval($foruminfo['forumid']);
             $forum_styleid = intval($foruminfo['styleid']);
             if (!$vbulletin->options['allowchangestyles'] and $forumid > 0 and $forum_styleid > 0) {
                 $add_forumid = '&amp;forumid=' . $forumid;
         } else {
             $add_forumid = '';
         if (defined('LANGUAGEID')) {
             $languageId = LANGUAGEID;
         } else {
             $languageId = vB::getCurrentSession()->get('languageid');
             if (empty($currentlanguageid)) {
                 $currentlanguageid = vB::getDatastore()->getOption('languageid');
         // textdirection var added to prevent cache if admin modified language text_direction. See bug #32640
         $vbcsspath = 'css.php?styleid=' . $style['styleid'] . $add_forumid . '&amp;langid=' . $languageId . '&amp;d=' . $style['dateline'] . '&amp;td=' . $vbulletin->stylevars['textdirection']['string'] . '&amp;sheet=';
     return $vbcsspath;
Пример #30
        $refperiod = construct_phrase($vbphrase['x_to_y'], $datestart, $dateend);
    } else {
        $refperiod = $vbphrase['all_time'];
    try {
        $userInfo = vB_Api::instanceInternal('user')->fetchUserInfo($vbulletin->GPC['referrerid']);
    } catch (vB_Exception_Api $ex) {
    $users = $assertor->getRows('userReferrals', array('referrerid' => $vbulletin->GPC['referrerid'], 'startdate' => $vbulletin->GPC['startdate'], 'enddate' => $vbulletin->GPC['enddate']));
    print_form_header('', '');
    print_table_header(construct_phrase($vbphrase['referrals_for_x'], $userInfo['username']) . ' - ' . $refperiod, 5);
    print_cells_row(array($vbphrase['username'], $vbphrase['post_count'], $vbphrase['email'], $vbphrase['join_date'], $vbphrase['last_visit_guser']), 1);
    foreach ($users as $user) {
        $cell = array();
        $cell[] = "<a href=\"user.php?" . vB::getCurrentSession()->get('sessionurl') . "do=edit&amp;u={$user['userid']}\">{$user['username']}</a>";
        $cell[] = vb_number_format($user['posts']);
        $cell[] = "<a href=\"mailto:{$user['email']}\">{$user['email']}</a>";
        $cell[] = '<span class="smallfont">' . vbdate($vbulletin->options['dateformat'] . ', ' . $vbulletin->options['timeformat'], $user['joindate']) . '</span>';
        $cell[] = '<span class="smallfont">' . vbdate($vbulletin->options['dateformat'] . ', ' . $vbulletin->options['timeformat'], $user['lastvisit']) . '</span>';
// ########################################################################
if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'usercss' or $_POST['do'] == 'updateusercss') {
    $vbulletin->input->clean_array_gpc('r', array('userid' => vB_Cleaner::TYPE_UINT));
    $userinfo = fetch_userinfo($vbulletin->GPC['userid']);
    if (!$userinfo) {