Пример #1
  * Initializes Session and Auth
 public function before()
     $this->session = Session::instance();
     $this->auth = Auth::instance();
     // Navigation links
     $links = array('start', 'forum', 'resor', 'arkiv', 'galleri', 'kontakt');
     foreach ($links as $i => $link) {
         // List-item attributes
         $attributes = $link == $this->request->controller ? array('class' => 'active') : NULL;
         // Anchor parameters
         $anchor = array(url::site($link), utf8::ucfirst($link));
         $links[$i] = array($attributes, call_user_func_array(array('html', 'anchor'), $anchor));
     // Template variables
     $template = $this->template;
     $template->navigation = View::factory('html/list', array('attributes' => array('class' => 'nav site'), 'items' => $links, 'ordered' => FALSE));
     $template->sidebar = View::factory('sidebar');
Пример #2
  * Build filter items
  * @param   array  $venues
  * @return  array
 public function _build_filters(array $venues = null)
     $filters = array();
     if (count($venues)) {
         $cities = array();
         foreach (array_keys($venues) as $city) {
             $cities[url::title($city)] = utf8::ucfirst(mb_strtolower($city));
         // Drop empty to last
         if (isset($cities[''])) {
             $cities[url::title(__('Elsewhere'))] = utf8::ucfirst(mb_strtolower(__('Elsewhere')));
         // Build city filter
         $filters['city'] = array('name' => __('City'), 'filters' => $cities);
     return $filters;
Пример #3
  * Build filter items
  * @param   ORM_Iterator  $events
  * @return  array
 public function _build_filters(ORM_Iterator $events)
     $filters = array();
     if ($events->count()) {
         $cities = array();
         // Build filter list
         foreach ($events as $event) {
             // Build city
             $city = $event->city_id ? $event->city->city : $event->city_name;
             $filter = url::title($city);
             if (!isset($cities[$filter])) {
                 $cities[$filter] = utf8::ucfirst(utf8::strtolower($city));
         // Drop empty to last
         if (isset($cities[''])) {
             $cities[url::title(__('Elsewhere'))] = utf8::ucfirst(utf8::strtolower(__('Elsewhere')));
         // Build city filter
         $filters['city'] = array('name' => __('City'), 'filters' => $cities);
     return $filters;
Пример #4
  * Function to import a report form a row in the CSV file
  * @param array $row
  * @return bool
 function import_report($row)
     // If the date is not in proper date format
     if (!strtotime($row['INCIDENT DATE'])) {
         $this->errors[] = Kohana::lang('import.incident_date') . ($this->rownumber + 1) . ': ' . $row['INCIDENT DATE'];
     // If a value of Yes or No is NOT set for approval status for the imported row
     if (isset($row["APPROVED"]) and !in_array(utf8::strtoupper($row["APPROVED"]), array('NO', 'YES'))) {
         $this->errors[] = Kohana::lang('import.csv.approved') . ($this->rownumber + 1);
     // If a value of Yes or No is NOT set for verified status for the imported row
     if (isset($row["VERIFIED"]) and !in_array(utf8::strtoupper($row["VERIFIED"]), array('NO', 'YES'))) {
         $this->errors[] = Kohana::lang('import.csv.verified') . ($this->rownumber + 1);
     if (count($this->errors)) {
         return false;
     if (isset($row['LOCATION'])) {
         $location = new Location_Model();
         $location->location_name = isset($row['LOCATION']) ? $row['LOCATION'] : '';
         // For Geocoding purposes
         $location_geocoded = map::geocode($location->location_name);
         // If we have LATITUDE and LONGITUDE use those
         if (isset($row['LATITUDE']) and isset($row['LONGITUDE'])) {
             $location->latitude = isset($row['LATITUDE']) ? $row['LATITUDE'] : 0;
             $location->longitude = isset($row['LONGITUDE']) ? $row['LONGITUDE'] : 0;
         } else {
             $location->latitude = $location_geocoded ? $location_geocoded['latitude'] : 0;
             $location->longitude = $location_geocoded ? $location_geocoded['longitude'] : 0;
         $location->country_id = $location_geocoded ? $location_geocoded['country_id'] : 0;
         $location->location_date = $this->time;
         $this->locations_added[] = $location->id;
     $incident = new Incident_Model();
     $incident->location_id = isset($row['LOCATION']) ? $location->id : 0;
     $incident->user_id = 0;
     $incident->form_id = (isset($row['FORM #']) and Form_Model::is_valid_form($row['FORM #'])) ? $row['FORM #'] : 1;
     $incident->incident_title = $row['INCIDENT TITLE'];
     $incident->incident_description = isset($row['DESCRIPTION']) ? $row['DESCRIPTION'] : '';
     $incident->incident_date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime($row['INCIDENT DATE']));
     $incident->incident_dateadd = $this->time;
     $incident->incident_active = (isset($row['APPROVED']) and utf8::strtoupper($row['APPROVED']) == 'YES') ? 1 : 0;
     $incident->incident_verified = (isset($row['VERIFIED']) and utf8::strtoupper($row['VERIFIED']) == 'YES') ? 1 : 0;
     $this->incidents_added[] = $incident->id;
     // STEP 3: Save Personal Information
     if (isset($row['FIRST NAME']) or isset($row['LAST NAME']) or isset($row['EMAIL'])) {
         $person = new Incident_Person_Model();
         $person->incident_id = $incident->id;
         $person->person_first = isset($row['FIRST NAME']) ? $row['FIRST NAME'] : '';
         $person->person_last = isset($row['LAST NAME']) ? $row['LAST NAME'] : '';
         $person->person_email = (isset($row['EMAIL']) and valid::email($row['EMAIL'])) ? $row['EMAIL'] : '';
         $person->person_date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time());
         // Make sure that you're not importing an empty record i.e at least one field has been recorded
         // If all fields are empty i.e you have an empty record, don't save
         if (!empty($person->person_first) or !empty($person->person_last) or !empty($person->person_email)) {
             // Add to array of incident persons added
             $this->incident_persons_added[] = $person->id;
     // If CATEGORY column exists
     if (isset($row['CATEGORY'])) {
         $categorynames = explode(',', trim($row['CATEGORY']));
         // Trim whitespace from array values
         $categorynames = array_map('trim', $categorynames);
         // Get rid of duplicate category entries in a row
         $categories = array_unique(array_map('strtolower', $categorynames));
         // Add categories to incident
         foreach ($categories as $categoryname) {
             // Convert the first string character of the category name to Uppercase
             $categoryname = utf8::ucfirst($categoryname);
             // For purposes of adding an entry into the incident_category table
             $incident_category = new Incident_Category_Model();
             $incident_category->incident_id = $incident->id;
             // If category name exists, add entry in incident_category table
             if ($categoryname != '') {
                 // Check if the category exists (made sure to convert to uppercase for comparison)
                 if (!isset($this->existing_categories[utf8::strtoupper($categoryname)])) {
                     $this->notices[] = Kohana::lang('import.new_category') . $categoryname;
                     $category = new Category_Model();
                     $category->category_title = $categoryname;
                     // We'll just use black for now. Maybe something random?
                     $category->category_color = '000000';
                     // because all current categories are of type '5'
                     $category->category_visible = 1;
                     $category->category_description = $categoryname;
                     $category->category_position = count($this->existing_categories);
                     $this->categories_added[] = $category->id;
                     // Now category_id is known: This time, and for the rest of the import.
                     $this->existing_categories[utf8::strtoupper($categoryname)] = $category->id;
                 $incident_category->category_id = $this->existing_categories[utf8::strtoupper($categoryname)];
                 $this->incident_categories_added[] = $incident_category->id;
     // STEP 5: Save Custom form fields responses
     // Check for form_id
     $form_id = (isset($row['FORM #']) and Form_Model::is_valid_form($row['FORM #'])) ? $row['FORM #'] : 1;
     // Get custom form fields for this particular form
     $custom_titles = customforms::get_custom_form_fields('', $form_id, false);
     // Do custom form fields exist on this deployment?
     if (!empty($custom_titles)) {
         foreach ($custom_titles as $field_name) {
             // Check if the column exists in the CSV
             $rowname = utf8::strtoupper($field_name['field_name']);
             if (isset($row[$rowname . '-' . $form_id])) {
                 $response = $row[$rowname . '-' . $form_id];
                 // Grab field_id and field_type
                 $field_id = $field_name['field_id'];
                 $field_type = $field_name['field_type'];
                 // Initialize form response model
                 $form_response = new Form_Response_Model();
                 $form_response->incident_id = $incident->id;
                 $form_response->form_field_id = $field_id;
                 // If form response exists
                 if ($response != '') {
                     /* Handling case sensitivity issues with custom form field upload */
                     // Check if the field is a radio button, checkbox OR dropdown field
                     if ($field_type == '5' or $field_type == '6' or $field_type == '7') {
                         // Get field option values
                         $field_values = $field_name['field_default'];
                         // Split field options into individual values
                         $options = explode(",", $field_values);
                         // Since radio button and dropdown fields take single responses
                         if ($field_type == '5' or $field_type == '7') {
                             foreach ($options as $option) {
                                 // Carry out a case insensitive comparison between individual field options and csv response
                                 // If there's a match, store field option value from the db
                                 if (strcasecmp($option, $response) == 0) {
                                     $form_response->form_response = $option;
                         // For checkboxes, which accomodate multiple responses
                         if ($field_type == '6') {
                             // Split user responses into single values
                             $csvresponses = explode(",", $response);
                             $values = array();
                             foreach ($options as $option) {
                                 foreach ($csvresponses as $csvresponse) {
                                     // Carry out a case insensitive comparison between individual field options and csv response
                                     // If there's a match
                                     if (strcasecmp($option, $csvresponse) == 0) {
                                         // Store field option value from the db
                                         $values[] = $option;
                             // Concatenate checkbox values into a string, separated by a comma
                             $form_response->form_response = implode(",", $values);
                     } else {
                         $form_response->form_response = $response;
                     // If form_response is provided based on conditions set above, Save the form response
                     if ($form_response->form_response != '') {
                         // Add to array of field responses added
                         $this->incident_responses_added[] = $form_response->id;
     return true;
Пример #5
  * Tests the tutf8::ucfirst() function.
  * @dataProvider ucfirst_provider
  * @group core.helpers.utf8.ucfirst
  * @test
 public function ucfirst($str, $expected_result)
     $result = utf8::ucfirst($str);
     $this->assertEquals($expected_result, $result);
Пример #6
echo __('Error');
echo utf8::ucfirst($message);