Пример #1
 public function _start()
     $auth = Staple_Auth::get();
     $user = new userModel();
     $this->accountLevel = $user->getAuthLevel();
     $date = new Staple_Form_FoundationTextElement('date', 'Date');
     $date->setRequired()->addValidator(new Staple_Form_Validate_Date())->addAttrib('placeholder', 'mm/dd/yyyy');
     $inTime = new Staple_Form_FoundationTextElement('inTime', 'Time In');
     $inTime->setRequired()->addFilter(new Staple_Form_Filter_Trim())->addValidator(new Staple_Form_Validate_Regex('/^(0|[0-9]|1[012]):[0-5][0-9] ?((a|p)m|(A|P)M)$/', 'Invalid time format. Expected format: h:mm am/pm.'))->addAttrib('placeholder', 'h:mm am/pm');
     $outTime = new Staple_Form_FoundationTextElement('outTime', 'Time Out');
     $outTime->setRequired()->addFilter(new Staple_Form_Filter_Trim())->addValidator(new Staple_Form_Validate_Regex('/^(0|[0-9]|1[012]):[0-5][0-9] ?((a|p)m|(A|P)M)$/', 'Invalid time format. Expected format: h:mm am/pm.'))->addAttrib('placeholder', 'h:mm am/pm');
     $lessTime = new Staple_Form_FoundationSelectElement('lessTime', 'Less Time');
     $lessTime->setRequired()->addOptionsArray(array("0" => "None", "60" => "1 Hour", "30" => "30 Minutes"))->addValidator(new Staple_Form_Validate_InArray(array('0', '60', '30')));
     $timeCodes = new codeModel();
     $code = new Staple_Form_FoundationSelectElement('code', 'Code');
     $code->setRequired()->addOption("x", "Select an option")->addOptionsArray($timeCodes->allCodes())->addValidator(new Staple_Form_Validate_InArray(array_keys($timeCodes->allCodes())));
     $submit = new Staple_Form_FoundationSubmitElement('submit', 'Submit');
     $submit->addClass('button expand radius');
     $this->addField($date, $inTime, $outTime, $lessTime, $code, $submit);
Пример #2
 function getAll($uid = null, $page, $items)
     $pager = new Staple_Pager();
     //Get total rows
     if ($uid == null) {
         $sql = "SELECT COUNT(id) as count FROM audit";
     } else {
         $sql = "SELECT COUNT(id) as count FROM audit WHERE userId = '" . $this->db->real_escape_string($uid) . "'";
     $result = $this->db->query($sql)->fetch_assoc();
     $total = $result['count'];
     if ($uid == null) {
         $sql = "\n              SELECT * FROM audit ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT " . $pager->getStartingItem() . ", " . $pager->getItemsPerPage() . "\n            ";
     } else {
         $sql = "\n                SELECT * FROM audit WHERE userId = '" . $this->db->real_escape_string($uid) . "' ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT " . $pager->getStartingItem() . ", " . $pager->getItemsPerPage() . "\n            ";
     $this->pager = $pager;
     if ($this->db->query($sql)->num_rows > 0) {
         $query = $this->db->query($sql);
         $data = array();
         $i = 0;
         while ($result = $query->fetch_assoc()) {
             $data[$i]['timestamp'] = $result['timestamp'];
             $account = new userModel();
             $data[$i]['account'] = $account->userInfo($result['userId']);
             $data[$i]['action'] = $result['action'];
             $data[$i]['item'] = $result['item'];
         return $data;
     } else {
         return array();
Пример #3
 function calculatedTotals($code, $startDate, $endDate, $uid = null)
     //Get user ID from Auth
     $user = new userModel();
     if ($uid == null) {
         $userId = $user->getId();
     } else {
         $account = $user->userInfo($uid);
         $userId = $account['id'];
     $sql = "SELECT codeId, inTime, outTime, lessTime FROM timeEntries WHERE inTime > UNIX_TIMESTAMP('{$startDate} 00:00:00') AND outTime < UNIX_TIMESTAMP('{$endDate} 23:59:59') AND userId = {$userId} AND codeId = {$code};";
     if ($this->db->query($sql)->fetch_row() > 0) {
         $query = $this->db->query($sql);
         $total = 0;
         while ($result = $query->fetch_assoc()) {
             $inTime = $result['inTime'];
             $outTime = $result['outTime'];
             switch ($result['lessTime']) {
                 case 60:
                     $lessTime = 1;
                 case 30:
                     $lessTime = 0.5;
                 case 15:
                     $lessTime = 0.25;
                     $lessTime = 0;
             $roundedInTime = $this->nearestQuarterHour($inTime);
             $roundedOutTime = $this->nearestQuarterHour($outTime);
             $lapse = $roundedOutTime - $roundedInTime;
             $lapseHours = gmdate('H:i', $lapse);
             $decimalHours = $this->timeToDecimal($lapseHours);
             $total = $total + $decimalHours;
             $total = $total - $lessTime;
             $code = new codeModel();
             $codeId = $code->getIdFor("Unpaid Leave");
             if ($codeId['id'] == $result['codeId']) {
                 $total = -1 * $total;
         return $total;
     } else {
         return 0;
Пример #4
 function validated($id, $uid = null)
     if ($uid == null) {
         $auth = Staple_Auth::get();
         $user = new userModel($auth->getAuthId());
         $userId = $user->getId();
         $batchId = $user->getBatchId();
     } else {
         $user = new userModel();
         $info = $user->userInfo($uid);
         $userId = $info['id'];
         $batchId = $info['batchId'];
     $sql = "SELECT id FROM timeEntries WHERE userId = '" . $this->db->real_escape_string($userId) . "' AND batchId = '" . $this->db->real_escape_string($batchId) . "' AND id = '" . $this->db->real_escape_string($id) . "'";
     if ($this->db->query($sql)->num_rows > 0) {
         return true;
     } else {
         return false;
Пример #5
 function save()
     if (isset($this->accountId) && isset($this->payPeriodYear) && isset($this->payPeriodMonth)) {
         //Get current users ID.
         $user = new userModel();
         $supervisorId = $user->getId();
         $supervisorName = $user->getUsername();
         $sql = "INSERT INTO timesheetReview (accountId, payPeriodMonth, payPeriodYear, supervisorId) VALUES ('" . $this->db->real_escape_string($this->accountId) . "','" . $this->db->real_escape_string($this->payPeriodMonth) . "','" . $this->db->real_escape_string($this->payPeriodYear) . "','" . $this->db->real_escape_string($supervisorId) . "')";
         if ($this->db->query($sql)) {
             $employeeUser = new userModel();
             $details = $employeeUser->userInfo($this->accountId);
             $month = $this->payPeriodMonth;
             $dateObj = DateTime::createFromFormat('!m', $month);
             $monthName = $dateObj->format('F');
             $audit = new auditModel();
             $audit->setAction('Timesheet Review');
             $audit->setItem($supervisorName . " reviewed " . $details['username'] . " timesheet for " . $monthName . " " . $this->payPeriodYear);
             return true;
Пример #6
 function allCodes()
     $auth = Staple_Auth::get();
     $uid = $auth->getAuthId();
     $user = new userModel();
     $type = $user->getType();
     if ($type == 'part') {
         $sql = "SELECT id, name FROM timeCodes WHERE type = 'part' ORDER BY listOrder ASC";
     } else {
         $sql = "SELECT id, name FROM timeCodes WHERE 1 ORDER BY listOrder ASC";
     if ($this->db->query($sql)->fetch_row() > 0) {
         $query = $this->db->query($sql);
         while ($result = $query->fetch_assoc()) {
             $data[$result['id']] = $result['name'];
         return $data;
Пример #7
 public function printpreview($id = null, $year = null, $month = null)
     //Set year and month variables if undefined.
     if ($year == null) {
         $date = new DateTime();
         $year = $date->format('Y');
     if ($month == null) {
         $date = new DateTime();
         if ($date->format("j") >= 26) {
             $month = $date->modify('+1 month')->format('m');
         } else {
             $month = $date->format('m');
     //Load timesheet for user.
     $timesheet = new timesheetModel($year, $month);
     $user = new userModel();
     $this->view->firstName = $user->getFirstName();
     $this->view->lastName = $user->getLastName();
     $this->view->batchId = $user->getBatchId();
     //Pass timesheet object to view
     if ($id == $this->userId) {
         $this->view->timesheet = $timesheet;
     } else {
         header("location: " . $this->_link(array('timesheet')) . "");
Пример #8
 function resetPin($id)
     $pin = $this->generatePin();
     $this->tempPin = $pin;
     $sql = "UPDATE accounts SET pin='" . $this->db->real_escape_string(sha1($pin)) . "' WHERE id = '" . $this->db->real_escape_string($id) . "'";
     if ($this->db->query($sql)) {
         $account = new userModel();
         $userInfo = $account->userInfo($id);
         $audit = new auditModel();
         $audit->setAction('PIN Reset');
         $audit->setItem($account->getUsername() . " reset users PIN.");
         return true;
Пример #9
 public function printpreview($year, $month, $uid)
     $user = new userModel();
     $account = $user->userInfo($uid);
     $this->view->firstName = $account['firstName'];
     $this->view->lastName = $account['lastName'];
     $this->view->batchId = $account['batchId'];
     $this->view->year = $year;
     $this->view->month = date('F', $month);
     $timesheet = new timesheetModel($year, $month, $uid);
     $this->view->timesheet = $timesheet;
Пример #10
 function loadExpired()
     $user = new userModel();
     $uid = $user->getId();
     $sql = "SELECT * FROM privateMessages WHERE sentId = '" . $this->db->real_escape_string($uid) . "' AND expireDate <= CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ORDER BY postDate DESC";
     $query = $this->db->query($sql);
     $data = array();
     while ($row = $query->fetch_assoc()) {
         $message = array();
         $message['id'] = $row['id'];
         $message['message'] = $row['message'];
         $message['expireDate'] = $row['expireDate'];
         $message['postDate'] = $row['postDate'];
         $user = new userModel();
         $message['sendId'] = $user->getUsername();
         $sentTo = $user->userInfo($row['userId']);
         $message['sentTo'] = $sentTo['firstName'] . " " . $sentTo['lastName'];
         $message['reviewDate'] = $row['reviewDate'];
         $message['reviewed'] = $row['reviewed'];
         $data[] = $message;
     return $data;