Пример #1
 // we got one - use $uplo to check it and save it and create DB vals as needed
 $uplo->preserve_original_name = true;
 // tell $uplo what kind of image we expect and where to put it:
 $uplo->params(array('path' => CSHOP_MEDIA_FULLPATH, 'ws_path' => CSHOP_MEDIA_URLPATH) + $colmap[$upfile][3]);
 // set other possible params for uplo from the colmap attribs section [3]
 // todo something better */
 $res = $uplo->save_upload();
 if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
     $errs[] = $res->getMessage();
 } else {
     // get the name of the new file
     $newfilename = $uplo->get_newname();
     // create a thumbnail right here:
     // vals to be put in DB - will be given the rest of the column names below
     $upfiles[$upfile] = array('' => $newfilename, 'mimetype' => $uplo->get_filetype(), 'size' => $uplo->get_filesize(), 'dims' => $uplo->get_img_dims());
     // call resizing or thumbnailing methods as needed ((((()))))))))))))))))))))))
     if (isset($uplo->params['thumb_method'])) {
         // todo $uplo should do this too
         $method = $uplo->params['thumb_method'];
         $stretch = new imagestretcher(CSHOP_MEDIA_FULLPATH . '/' . $newfilename);
         if (!method_exists($stretch, $method)) {
             $errs[] = "imagestretcher::{$method}() is not a valid method.";
         } else {
             $stretch->{$method}($uplo->params['thumb_w'], $uplo->params['thumb_h']);
             $thumb_name = $stretch->save_to_file(CSHOP_MEDIA_FULLPATH . '/_th_' . $newfilename, 'png');
             $upfiles[$upfile]['thumb_name'] = $thumb_name;
             $upfiles[$upfile]['thumb_dims'] = $stretch->get_thumb_dims();
     if (isset($uplo->params['resize_method'])) {
Пример #2
         } elseif (defined('THUMB_EXACT_W') and defined('THUMB_EXACT_H')) {
             $thumb1 = $uplo->save_thumbnail(THUMB_EXACT_W, THUMB_EXACT_H, 'shrink_to_size');
             $needs_thumb = true;
         if ($needs_thumb && empty($thumb1)) {
             $thumb1 = $newfilename;
         if (PEAR::isError($thumb1)) {
             $errs[] = $thumb1->getMessage();
         } else {
             $vals['system_location'] = CSHOP_MEDIA_URLPATH;
             $vals['filename_large'] = $newfilename;
             $vals['dims_large'] = $img_dims;
             $vals['filename_thumb'] = $thumb1;
             $vals['dims_thumb'] = $uplo->get_thumb_dims();
             $vals['mime_type'] = $uplo->get_filetype();
             if (isset($zoom_file)) {
                 $vals['filename_zoom'] = basename($zoom_file);
 if (!count($errs)) {
     if ($ACTION == OP_ADD) {
         $vals['id'] = $pdb->nextId($tablename);
         $res = $pdb->autoExecute($tablename, $vals, DB_AUTOQUERY_INSERT);
     } elseif ($ACTION == OP_EDIT) {
         $where = sprintf("id = %d", $reqid);
         $res = $pdb->autoExecute($tablename, $vals, DB_AUTOQUERY_UPDATE, $where);
     if (PEAR::isError($res)) {