function filter_images($folder, $linkanh) { global $global_config, $module; if (!file_exists(NV_UPLOADS_REAL_DIR . '/' . $module . "/" . $folder)) { nv_mkdir(NV_UPLOADS_REAL_DIR . '/' . $module, $folder); } $path = NV_UPLOADS_DIR . "/" . $module . "/" . $folder . ""; require_once NV_ROOTDIR . "/includes/class/upload.class.php"; $upload = new upload(array('images'), $global_config['forbid_extensions'], $global_config['forbid_mimes'], NV_UPLOAD_MAX_FILESIZE, NV_MAX_WIDTH, NV_MAX_HEIGHT); $upload_info = $upload->save_urlfile($linkanh, NV_ROOTDIR . '/' . $path, false); $home_file = $folder . "/" . $upload_info['basename']; sleep(1); return $home_file; }
if (!isset($check_allow_upload_dir['upload_file'])) { die("ERROR_" . $lang_module['notlevel']); } if (!isset($_FILES, $_FILES['fileupload'], $_FILES['fileupload']['tmp_name']) and !$nv_Request->isset_request('fileurl', 'post')) { die("ERROR_" . $lang_module['uploadError1']); } if (!isset($_FILES) and !nv_is_url($nv_Request->get_string('fileurl', 'post'))) { die("ERROR_" . $lang_module['uploadError2']); } require_once NV_ROOTDIR . "/includes/class/upload.class.php"; $upload = new upload($admin_info['allow_files_type'], $global_config['forbid_extensions'], $global_config['forbid_mimes'], NV_UPLOAD_MAX_FILESIZE, NV_MAX_WIDTH, NV_MAX_HEIGHT); if (isset($_FILES['fileupload']['tmp_name']) and is_uploaded_file($_FILES['fileupload']['tmp_name'])) { $upload_info = $upload->save_file($_FILES['fileupload'], NV_ROOTDIR . '/' . $path, false); } else { $urlfile = trim($nv_Request->get_string('fileurl', 'post')); $upload_info = $upload->save_urlfile($urlfile, NV_ROOTDIR . '/' . $path, false); } if (!empty($upload_info['error'])) { die("ERROR_" . $upload_info['error']); } if ($upload_info['is_img']) { $autologomod = explode(',', $global_config['autologomod']); $dir = str_replace("\\", "/", $path); $dir = rtrim($dir, "/"); $arr_dir = explode("/", $dir); if ($global_config['autologomod'] == 'all' or $arr_dir[0] == NV_UPLOADS_DIR and isset($arr_dir[1]) and in_array($arr_dir[1], $autologomod)) { $upload_logo = ''; if (file_exists(NV_ROOTDIR . '/' . $global_config['upload_logo'])) { $upload_logo = $global_config['upload_logo']; } elseif (file_exists(NV_ROOTDIR . '/' . $global_config['site_logo'])) { $upload_logo = $global_config['site_logo'];
$thumbpath = NV_ROOTDIR . '/' . NV_UPLOADS_DIR . '/' . $module_name . '/' . $type . '/' . $data[$typeid]['imgfolder'] . '/thumbs/'; if (!file_exists($thumbpath . '/' . $upload_info['basename'])) { $imgdata['thumbpath'] = createthumb($imgpath, $thumbpath, '', 180, 180); } $src = NV_BASE_SITEURL . NV_UPLOADS_DIR . '/' . $module_name . '/' . $type . '/' . $data[$typeid]['imgfolder'] . '/' . $upload_info['basename']; $lu = strlen('.' . $upload_info['ext']); $alias = substr($upload_info['basename'], 0, -$lu); $alias = np_get_alias('photos', 0, $alias); $imgdata['pid'] = 'NULL'; $imgdata['filename'] = $upload_info['basename']; $imgdata['filetype'] = $upload_info['mime']; $imgdata['filepath'] = $type . '/' . $data[$typeid]['imgfolder']; $imgdata[$main] = intval($typeid); $imgdata[$second] = 0; $imgdata['alias'] = $imgdata['title'] = $alias; $imgdata['img_size'] = $upload_info['img_info'][0] . '-' . $upload_info['img_info'][1]; $pid = $np->addItem('photos', $imgdata); if ($type == 'category' and $pid > 0) { $imgdata['pid'] = $pid; $np->addItem($typeid, $imgdata); } } } else { $urlfile = trim($nv_Request->get_string('fileurl', 'post')); $upload_info = $upload->save_urlfile($urlfile, NV_ROOTDIR . '/' . NV_ROOTDIR . '/' . NV_UPLOADS_DIR . '/' . $module_name, false); } if (!empty($upload_info['error'])) { die("nperror*" . $upload_info['error'] . "*"); } else { die("success*Upload thành công*" . $pid . "*" . $src); }
if ($type == 'image' and in_array('images', $admin_info['allow_files_type'])) { $allow_files_type = array('images'); } elseif ($type == 'flash' and in_array('flash', $admin_info['allow_files_type'])) { $allow_files_type = array('flash'); } elseif (empty($type)) { $allow_files_type = $admin_info['allow_files_type']; } else { $allow_files_type = array(); } require_once NV_ROOTDIR . '/includes/class/upload.class.php'; $upload = new upload($allow_files_type, $global_config['forbid_extensions'], $global_config['forbid_mimes'], NV_UPLOAD_MAX_FILESIZE, NV_MAX_WIDTH, NV_MAX_HEIGHT); if (isset($_FILES['upload']['tmp_name']) and is_uploaded_file($_FILES['upload']['tmp_name'])) { $upload_info = $upload->save_file($_FILES['upload'], NV_ROOTDIR . '/' . $path, false, $global_config['nv_auto_resize']); } else { $urlfile = rawurldecode(trim($nv_Request->get_string('fileurl', 'post'))); $upload_info = $upload->save_urlfile($urlfile, NV_ROOTDIR . '/' . $path, false, $global_config['nv_auto_resize']); } if (!empty($upload_info['error'])) { $error = $upload_info['error']; } elseif (preg_match('#image\\/[x\\-]*([a-z]+)#', $upload_info['mime'])) { if ($global_config['nv_auto_resize'] and ($upload_info['img_info'][0] > NV_MAX_WIDTH or $upload_info['img_info'][0] > NV_MAX_HEIGHT)) { require_once NV_ROOTDIR . '/includes/class/image.class.php'; $createImage = new image(NV_ROOTDIR . '/' . $path . '/' . $upload_info['basename'], $upload_info['img_info'][0], $upload_info['img_info'][1]); $createImage->resizeXY(NV_MAX_WIDTH, NV_MAX_HEIGHT); $createImage->save(NV_ROOTDIR . '/' . $path, $upload_info['basename'], 90); $createImage->close(); $info = $createImage->create_Image_info; $upload_info['img_info'][0] = $info['width']; $upload_info['img_info'][1] = $info['height']; $upload_info['size'] = filesize(NV_ROOTDIR . '/' . $path . '/' . $upload_info['basename']); }