public function dashboardInterface() { require_once ''; global $configEtude; $ui = new uidashboard($configEtude, $this->m_ctrl); $GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['app_header']; $this->create_header(); echo $ui->getInterface(); $this->create_footer(); }
public function startupInterface() { global $configEtude; //Management of activation and disactivation of the test mode $testMode = false; //In some cases the user can only use the test mode $forceTestMode = false; //These cases are when the user profile is not the same as the site profile $userProfile = $this->m_ctrl->boacl()->getUserProfile(); if ($userProfile['profileId'] != $this->m_ctrl->bosites()->getSiteProfileId($userProfile['siteId']) && !($userProfile['profileId'] == "CRT" && $this->m_ctrl->bosites()->getSiteProfileId($userProfile['siteId']) == "INV")) { $forceTestMode = true; $testmode = true; } else { //Did the user asked for activation of the test mode ? if (isset($_GET['testmode']) && $_GET['testmode'] == 'true') { $testmode = true; } } $_SESSION[$this->getCurrentApp(false)]['testmode'] = $testmode; $_SESSION[$this->getCurrentApp(false)]['forcetestmode'] = $forceTestMode; //Configuration (first connection to currentapp) require_once ''; $boConfig = new boconfig($configEtude, $this->m_ctrl); $bConfigurationNeeded = $boConfig->configurationNeeded(); if ($bConfigurationNeeded) { $this->configInterface(); } else { //Password (need to change) require_once ''; $uiPassword = new uipassword($configEtude, $this->m_ctrl); $sReasonForChange = $uiPassword->passwordNeedChange(); if ($sReasonForChange != "") { $this->create_header(); echo $uiPassword->getChangeInterface($sReasonForChange); $this->create_footer(); } else { //Access to main apge (dashboard) require_once ''; $ui = new uidashboard($configEtude, $this->m_ctrl); $this->create_header(); echo $ui->getInterface(); $this->create_footer(); } } }