Пример #1
 public static function sendUddeimWinnerNotification($referrerid, $assignpoints, $newtotal)
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     $lang = JFactory::getLanguage();
     $lang->load('com_alphauserpoints', JPATH_SITE);
     // get params definitions
     $params = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_alphauserpoints');
     if (!$referrerid || $referrerid == 'GUEST') {
     // check if component installed
     $uddeim_exist = JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_uddeim' . DS . 'admin.uddeimlib15.php';
     if (!file_exists($uddeim_exist)) {
     $FromName = $app->getCfg('fromname');
     $userinfo = AlphaUserPointsHelper::getUserInfo($referrerid);
     $name = $userinfo->name;
     $fromIdUddeim = intval($params->get('fromIdUddeim'));
     if (!$userinfo->block && $fromIdUddeim > 0) {
         require_once JPATH_SITE . DS . "components" . DS . "com_uddeim" . DS . "uddeim.api.php";
         // send notification to winner
         $message = sprintf(JText::_('AUP_EMAILWINNERNOTIFICATION_MSG_USER'), $name, AlphaUserPointsHelper::getFPoints($newtotal));
         $uddeimapi = new uddeIMAPI();
         $uddeimapi->sendNewMessage($fromIdUddeim, $userinfo->userid, $message);
Пример #2
 function _make_raffle_now()
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     require_once JPATH_SITE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_alphauserpoints' . DS . 'helper.php';
     $db = JFactory::getDBO();
     // Proceed raffle now
     $cid = JFactory::getApplication()->input->get('cid', array(0), 'array');
     $rowRaffle = $this->_edit_raffle();
     $rowRaffle = $rowRaffle[0];
     $jnow = JFactory::getDate();
     $now = $jnow->toSql();
     // add offset
     $config = JFactory::getConfig();
     $tzoffset = $config->get('config.offset');
     $datetimestamp = strtotime($now);
     $now = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $datetimestamp + $tzoffset * 60 * 60);
     // get params definitions
     $params = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_alphauserpoints');
     // Raffle date is not today ?
     if ($rowRaffle->raffledate != '0000-00-00 00:00:00' && $now < $rowRaffle->raffledate) {
         echo "<script> alert('" . JText::_('AUP_DATE_OF_RAFFLE_IS_NOT_TODAY') . "'); window.history.go(-1); </script>\n";
     // load external plugins
     $dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance();
     $results = $dispatcher->trigger('onBeforeMakeRaffleAlphaUserPoints', array(&$rowRaffle, $now));
     $winner1 = 0;
     $winner2 = 0;
     $winner3 = 0;
     $winner1_Referreid = 0;
     $winner2_Referreid = 0;
     $winner3_Referreid = 0;
     // exclude users if rule enabled
     $queryExclude = " AND `published`='1'";
     // first raffle
     // select all users registered or only users with registration for this raffle
     if ($rowRaffle->inscription) {
         $query = "SELECT id, userid as uid FROM #__alpha_userpoints_raffle_inscriptions WHERE raffleid=" . $rowRaffle->id;
     } else {
         $query = "SELECT userid as uid FROM #__alpha_userpoints WHERE blocked='0'" . $queryExclude;
     $listParticipants = $db->loadObjectList();
     if (!$listParticipants) {
         echo "<script> alert('" . JText::_('AUP_NO_PARTICIPANT') . "'); window.history.go(-1); </script>\n";
     $max = count($listParticipants) - 1;
     $choice = rand(0, $max);
     $winner1 = $listParticipants[$choice]->uid;
     if ($rowRaffle->numwinner > 1) {
         // 2th raffle without first winner
         if ($rowRaffle->inscription) {
             $query = "SELECT userid as uid FROM #__alpha_userpoints_raffle_inscriptions WHERE raffleid=" . $rowRaffle->id . " AND userid!='{$winner1}'";
         } else {
             $query = "SELECT userid as uid FROM #__alpha_userpoints WHERE blocked='0' AND userid!='{$winner1}'" . $queryExclude;
         $listParticipants2 = $db->loadObjectList();
         $max2 = count($listParticipants2) - 1;
         $choice2 = rand(0, $max2);
         $winner2 = @$listParticipants2[$choice2]->uid;
     if ($rowRaffle->numwinner == 3) {
         // 3th raffle without first and second winner
         if ($rowRaffle->inscription) {
             $query = "SELECT userid as uid FROM #__alpha_userpoints_raffle_inscriptions WHERE raffleid=" . $rowRaffle->id . " AND userid!='{$winner1}' AND userid!='{$winner2}'";
         } else {
             $query = "SELECT userid as uid FROM #__alpha_userpoints WHERE blocked='0' AND userid!='{$winner1}' AND userid!='{$winner2}'" . $queryExclude;
         $listParticipants3 = $db->loadObjectList();
         $max3 = count($listParticipants3) - 1;
         $choice3 = rand(0, $max3);
         $winner3 = @$listParticipants3[$choice3]->uid;
     // Save winner(s)
     $row = JTable::getInstance('raffle');
     $row->winner1 = $winner1;
     $row->winner2 = $winner2;
     $row->winner3 = $winner3;
     if (!$row->store()) {
         JError::raiseError(500, $row->getError());
     // attribs points or coupon code
     if ($winner1) {
         $winner1_Referreid = AlphaUserPointsHelper::getAnyUserReferreID(intval($winner1));
     if ($winner2) {
         $winner2_Referreid = AlphaUserPointsHelper::getAnyUserReferreID(intval($winner2));
     if ($winner3) {
         $winner3_Referreid = AlphaUserPointsHelper::getAnyUserReferreID(intval($winner3));
     switch ($rowRaffle->rafflesystem) {
         case '1':
             // is coupon code ...
             // send notification by email
             if ($rowRaffle->sendcouponbyemail) {
                 if ($winner1 && $rowRaffle->couponcodeid1) {
                     $this->sendnotification4couponcode($winner1_Referreid, $this->_get_Coupon($rowRaffle->couponcodeid1));
                 if ($winner2 && $rowRaffle->couponcodeid2) {
                     $this->sendnotification4couponcode($winner2_Referreid, $this->_get_Coupon($rowRaffle->couponcodeid2));
                 if ($winner3 && $rowRaffle->couponcodeid3) {
                     $this->sendnotification4couponcode($winner3_Referreid, $this->_get_Coupon($rowRaffle->couponcodeid3));
             // uddeim notification
             if ($params->get('sendMsgUddeim', 0) && $params->get('fromIdUddeim')) {
                 // Uddeim notification integration
                 require_once JPATH_SITE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_alphauserpoints' . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'uddeim.api.php';
                 $SiteName = $app->getCfg('sitename');
                 if ($winner1 && $rowRaffle->couponcodeid1) {
                     $message = sprintf(JText::_('AUP_EMAILNOTIFICATION_MSG_COUPONCODE'), $SiteName, $this->_get_Coupon($rowRaffle->couponcodeid1));
                     uddeIMAPI::sendNewMessage(intval($params->get('fromIdUddeim')), intval($winner1), $message);
                     $message = "";
                 if ($winner2 && $rowRaffle->couponcodeid2) {
                     $message = sprintf(JText::_('AUP_EMAILNOTIFICATION_MSG_COUPONCODE'), $SiteName, $this->_get_Coupon($rowRaffle->couponcodeid2));
                     uddeIMAPI::sendNewMessage(intval($params->get('fromIdUddeim')), intval($winner2), $message);
                     $message = "";
                 if ($winner3 && $rowRaffle->couponcodeid3) {
                     $message = sprintf(JText::_('AUP_EMAILNOTIFICATION_MSG_COUPONCODE'), $SiteName, $this->_get_Coupon($rowRaffle->couponcodeid3));
                     uddeIMAPI::sendNewMessage(intval($params->get('fromIdUddeim')), intval($winner3), $message);
                     $message = "";
         case '2':
             // e-mail with a download link as a price
             if ($winner1 && $rowRaffle->link2download1) {
                 $this->sendnotificationDownload($winner1_Referreid, $rowRaffle->link2download1);
             if ($winner2 && $rowRaffle->link2download2) {
                 $this->sendnotificationDownload($winner2_Referreid, $rowRaffle->link2download2);
             if ($winner3 && $rowRaffle->link2download3) {
                 $this->sendnotificationDownload($winner3_Referreid, $rowRaffle->link2download3);
         case '3':
             // just simple e-mail
             if ($winner1) {
                 $this->sendSimpleEmail($winner1_Referreid, '1');
             if ($winner2) {
                 $this->sendSimpleEmail($winner2_Referreid, '2');
             if ($winner3) {
                 $this->sendSimpleEmail($winner3_Referreid, '3');
             // is points ...
             if ($winner1) {
                 AlphaUserPointsHelper::newpoints('sysplgaup_raffle', $winner1_Referreid, '', $rowRaffle->description, $rowRaffle->pointstoearn1);
             if ($winner2) {
                 AlphaUserPointsHelper::newpoints('sysplgaup_raffle', $winner2_Referreid, '', $rowRaffle->description, $rowRaffle->pointstoearn2);
             if ($winner3) {
                 AlphaUserPointsHelper::newpoints('sysplgaup_raffle', $winner3_Referreid, '', $rowRaffle->description, $rowRaffle->pointstoearn3);
     // end switch
     $results = $dispatcher->trigger('onAfterMakeRaffleAlphaUserPoints', array(&$rowRaffle, $now));
     $redirecturl = "index.php?option=com_alphauserpoints&task=raffle";