  * @param string $addressString
  * @param string $fullInfo if FALSE there is latitude and longitude returned only
  * @return array
 public function lookupGeoCode($addressString, $fullInfo = FALSE)
     $request = "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?address=" . rawurlencode($addressString) . "&key=";
     $result = array();
     $time = microtime(TRUE);
     $curl = curl_init();
     curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $request);
     curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
     curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, false);
     $response = curl_exec($curl);
     $requestTime = microtime(TRUE) - $time;
     if ($requestTime > 2) {
         tx_rnbase_util_Logger::notice('Long request time for Google address lookup ', 'rn_base', array('uri' => $request, 'time' => $requestTime));
     if ($response) {
         $response = json_decode($response, true);
         if ($response['status'] == 'OK') {
             if (!$fullInfo) {
                 $result = reset($response['results']);
                 $result = $result['geometry']['location'];
             } else {
                 $result = $response;
         } elseif ($response['status'] == 'OVER_QUERY_LIMIT') {
             throw new Exception($response['error_message']);
     return $result;
 function test_logger()
     if (tx_rnbase_util_Extensions::isLoaded('devlog')) {
         $minLog = tx_rnbase_configurations::getExtensionCfgValue('devlog', 'minLogLevel');
         if ($minLog === FALSE) {
             $ret = tx_rnbase_util_Logger::isNoticeEnabled();
             $this->assertTrue($ret, 'Notice funktioniert nicht.');
         if ($minLog == 1) {
             $ret = tx_rnbase_util_Logger::isNoticeEnabled();
             $this->assertTrue($ret, 'Notice funktioniert nicht.');
             $ret = tx_rnbase_util_Logger::isWarningEnabled();
             $this->assertTrue($ret, 'Warning funktioniert nicht.');
             $ret = tx_rnbase_util_Logger::isFatalEnabled();
             $this->assertTrue($ret, 'Fatal funktioniert nicht.');
             $ret = tx_rnbase_util_Logger::isInfoEnabled();
             $this->assertFalse($ret, 'Info funktioniert nicht.');
             $ret = tx_rnbase_util_Logger::isDebugEnabled();
             $this->assertFalse($ret, 'Debug funktioniert nicht.');
         if ($minLog == 3) {
             $ret = tx_rnbase_util_Logger::isNoticeEnabled();
             $this->assertFalse($ret, 'Notice funktioniert nicht.');
             $ret = tx_rnbase_util_Logger::isWarningEnabled();
             $this->assertFalse($ret, 'Warning funktioniert nicht.');
             $ret = tx_rnbase_util_Logger::isFatalEnabled();
             $this->assertTrue($ret, 'Fatal funktioniert nicht.');
             $ret = tx_rnbase_util_Logger::isInfoEnabled();
             $this->assertFalse($ret, 'Info funktioniert nicht.');
             $ret = tx_rnbase_util_Logger::isDebugEnabled();
             $this->assertFalse($ret, 'Debug funktioniert nicht.');
  * Validiert einen PLZ-String für ein Land.
  * @param tx_mklib_interface_IZipCountry $land
  * @param string $zip
  * @return boolean
 public static function validate(tx_mklib_interface_IZipCountry $country, $zip)
     $result = true;
     switch ($country->getZipRule()) {
         case 0:
             // no rule set
             $result = true;
             if (tx_rnbase_util_Logger::isNoticeEnabled()) {
                 tx_rnbase_util_Logger::notice('No zip rule for country defined.', 'mklib', array('zip' => $zip, 'getISO2' => $country->getISO2(), 'getZipLength' => $country->getZipLength(), 'getZipRule' => $country->getZipRule()));
         case 1:
             // maximum length without gaps
             $result = self::validateMaxLengthWG($country, $zip);
         case 2:
             // maximum length numerical without gaps
             $result = self::validateMaxLengthNumWG($country, $zip);
         case 3:
             // exact length without gaps
             $result = self::validateLengthWG($country, $zip);
         case 4:
             // exact length numerical without gaps
             $result = self::validateLengthNumWG($country, $zip);
         case 5:
             // maximum length with gaps
             $result = self::validateMaxLength($country, $zip);
         case 6:
             // maximum length numerical with gaps
             $result = self::validateMaxLengthNum($country, $zip);
         case 7:
             // exact length with gaps
             $result = self::validateLength($country, $zip);
         case 8:
             // exact length numerical with gaps
             $result = self::validateLengthNum($country, $zip);
         case 9:
             // special rules
             $result = self::validateSpecial($country, $zip);
             $result = false;
     return $result;
     * Stops PHP execution : die() if some critical error appeared
     * This method is taken from the great ameos_formidable extension.
     * @param	string		$msg: the error message
     * @return	void
    public static function mayday($msg, $extKey = '')
        tx_rnbase_util_Logger::fatal($msg, $extKey ? $extKey : 'rn_base');
        $aTrace = debug_backtrace();
        $aLocation = array_shift($aTrace);
        $aTrace1 = array_shift($aTrace);
        $aTrace2 = array_shift($aTrace);
        $aTrace3 = array_shift($aTrace);
        $aTrace4 = array_shift($aTrace);
        $aDebug = array();
        $aDebug[] = '<h2 id="backtracetitle">Call stack</h2>';
        $aDebug[] = '<div class="backtrace">';
        $aDebug[] = '<span class="notice"><b>Call 0: </b>' . str_replace(PATH_site, '/', $aLocation['file']) . ':' . $aLocation['line'] . ' | <b>' . $aTrace1['class'] . $aTrace1['type'] . $aTrace1['function'] . '</b></span><br/>With parameters: ' . (!empty($aTrace1['args']) ? self::viewMixed($aTrace1['args']) : ' no parameters');
        $aDebug[] = '<hr/>';
        $aDebug[] = '<span class="notice"><b>Call -1: </b>' . str_replace(PATH_site, '/', $aTrace1['file']) . ':' . $aTrace1['line'] . ' | <b>' . $aTrace2['class'] . $aTrace2['type'] . $aTrace2['function'] . '</b></span><br />With parameters: ' . (!empty($aTrace2['args']) ? self::viewMixed($aTrace2['args']) : ' no parameters');
        $aDebug[] = '<hr/>';
        $aDebug[] = '<span class="notice"><b>Call -2: </b>' . str_replace(PATH_site, '/', $aTrace2['file']) . ':' . $aTrace2['line'] . ' | <b>' . $aTrace3['class'] . $aTrace3['type'] . $aTrace3['function'] . '</b></span><br />With parameters: ' . (!empty($aTrace3['args']) ? self::viewMixed($aTrace3['args']) : ' no parameters');
        $aDebug[] = '<hr/>';
        $aDebug[] = '<span class="notice"><b>Call -3: </b>' . str_replace(PATH_site, '/', $aTrace3['file']) . ':' . $aTrace3['line'] . ' | <b>' . $aTrace4['class'] . $aTrace4['type'] . $aTrace4['function'] . '</b></span><br />With parameters: ' . (!empty($aTrace4['args']) ? self::viewMixed($aTrace4['args']) : ' no parameters');
        $aDebug[] = '<hr/>';
        if ($debugTrail = tx_rnbase_util_Debug::getDebugTrail()) {
            $aDebug[] = '<span class="notice">' . $debugTrail . '</span>';
            $aDebug[] = '<hr/>';
        $aDebug[] = '</div>';
        if (intval(tx_rnbase_configurations::getExtensionCfgValue('rn_base', 'forceException4Mayday'))) {
            throw tx_rnbase::makeInstance('tx_rnbase_util_Exception', $msg, 0, array('Info' => $aDebug));
        $aDebug[] = '<br/>';
        $sContent = '<h1 id="title">Mayday</h1>';
        $sContent .= '<div id="errormessage">' . $msg . '</div>';
        $sContent .= '<hr />';
        $verbose = intval(tx_rnbase_configurations::getExtensionCfgValue('rn_base', 'verboseMayday'));
        if ($verbose) {
            $sContent .= implode('', $aDebug);
        $sPage = <<<MAYDAYPAGE
<!DOCTYPE html
\tPUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN'
<html xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml' xml:lang='en'>
\t\t<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
\t\t<meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow" />
\t\t<style type="text/css">

\t\t\t#title {
\t\t\t\tcolor: red;
\t\t\t\tfont-family: Verdana;

\t\t\t#errormessage {
\t\t\t\tborder: 2px solid red;
\t\t\t\tpadding: 10px;
\t\t\t\tcolor: white;
\t\t\t\tbackground-color: red;
\t\t\t\tfont-family: Verdana;
\t\t\t\tfont-size: 12px;

\t\t\t.notice {
\t\t\t\tfont-family: Verdana;
\t\t\t\tfont-size: 9px;
\t\t\t\tfont-style: italic;

\t\t\t#backtracetitle {

\t\t\t.backtrace {
\t\t\t\tbackground-color: #FFFFCC;

\t\t\tHR {
\t\t\t\tborder: 1px solid silver;

        $dieOnMayday = intval(tx_rnbase_configurations::getExtensionCfgValue('rn_base', 'dieOnMayday'));
        if ($dieOnMayday) {
        } else {
            echo $sPage;
  * Function executed from the Scheduler.
  * @return boolean	Returns true on successful execution, false on error
 public function execute()
     /* beispiel für das logging array.
     		$devLog = array('message' => '', 'extKey' => 'mklib', 'dataVar' => FALSE);
     		$devLog = array(
     			tx_rnbase_util_Logger::LOGLEVEL_DEBUG => $devLog,
     			tx_rnbase_util_Logger::LOGLEVEL_INFO => $devLog,
     			tx_rnbase_util_Logger::LOGLEVEL_NOTICE => $devLog,
     			tx_rnbase_util_Logger::LOGLEVEL_WARN => $devLog,
     			tx_rnbase_util_Logger::LOGLEVEL_FATAL => $devLog
     $devLog = array();
     $options = $this->getOptions();
     $startTimeInMilliseconds = t3lib_div::milliseconds();
     $memoryUsageAtStart = memory_get_usage();
     tx_rnbase_util_Logger::info('[' . get_class($this) . ']: Scheduler starts', $this->getExtKey());
     try {
         $message = $this->executeTask($options, $devLog);
         // devlog
         if (t3lib_extMgm::isLoaded('devlog')) {
             if (empty($devLog) || isset($devLog[tx_rnbase_util_Logger::LOGLEVEL_INFO]) && empty($devLog[tx_rnbase_util_Logger::LOGLEVEL_INFO]['message'])) {
                 $devLog[tx_rnbase_util_Logger::LOGLEVEL_INFO]['message'] = $message;
             foreach ($devLog as $logLevel => $logData) {
                 if (empty($logData['message'])) {
                 t3lib_div::devLog('[' . get_class($this) . ']: ' . $logData['message'], isset($logData['extKey']) ? $logData['extKey'] : $this->getExtKey(), $logLevel, isset($logData['dataVar']) ? $logData['dataVar'] : FALSE);
     } catch (Exception $exception) {
         $dataVar = array('errorcode' => $exception->getCode(), 'errormsg' => $exception->getMessage(), 'trace' => $exception->getTraceAsString(), 'options' => $options, 'devlog' => $devLog);
         if ($exception instanceof tx_rnbase_util_Exception) {
             $dataVar['exception_data'] = $exception->getAdditional(FALSE);
         if (tx_rnbase_util_Logger::isFatalEnabled()) {
             tx_rnbase_util_Logger::fatal('Task [' . get_class($this) . '] failed.' . ' Error(' . $exception->getCode() . '):' . $exception->getMessage(), $this->getExtKey(), $dataVar);
         // Exception Mail an die Entwicker senden
         $mail = tx_rnbase_configurations::getExtensionCfgValue('rn_base', 'sendEmailOnException');
         if (!empty($mail)) {
             $this->sendErrorMail($mail, tx_rnbase::makeInstance('tx_rnbase_util_Exception', get_class($exception) . ': ' . $exception->getMessage(), $exception->getCode(), $dataVar, $exception));
         // Wir geben die Exception weiter,
         // damit der Scheduler eine entsprechende Meldung ausgeben kann.
         throw $exception;
     $memoryUsageAtEnd = memory_get_usage();
     tx_rnbase_util_Logger::info('[' . get_class($this) . ']: Scheduler ends successful ', $this->getExtKey(), array('Execution Time' => t3lib_div::milliseconds() - $startTimeInMilliseconds . ' ms', 'Memory Start' => $memoryUsageAtStart . ' Bytes', 'Memory End' => $memoryUsageAtEnd . ' Bytes', 'Memory Consumed' => $memoryUsageAtEnd - $memoryUsageAtStart . ' Bytes'));
     return true;
  * Create a zip-archive from a list of files
  * @param array $files
  * @param string $destination full path of zip file
  * @param boolean $overwrite
  * @return boolean TRUE, if zip file was created
 public static function makeZipFile($files = array(), $destination = '', $overwrite = FALSE)
     if (!extension_loaded('zip')) {
         tx_rnbase_util_Logger::warn('PHP zip extension not loaded!', 'rn_base');
         return false;
     //if the zip file already exists and overwrite is FALSE, return FALSE
     if (file_exists($destination) && !$overwrite) {
         return FALSE;
     $valid_files = array();
     //if files were passed in...
     if (!is_array($files)) {
         return FALSE;
     foreach ($files as $file) {
         if (file_exists($file)) {
             $valid_files[] = $file;
     //if we have good files...
     if (!count($valid_files)) {
         return FALSE;
     //create the archive
     $zip = new ZipArchive();
     if ($zip->open($destination, $overwrite ? ZIPARCHIVE::OVERWRITE : ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE) !== TRUE) {
         return FALSE;
     //add the files
     foreach ($valid_files as $file) {
         $filename = basename($file);
         $zip->addFile($file, iconv('UTF-8', 'IBM850', $filename));
     //close the zip -- done!
     //check to make sure the file exists
     return file_exists($destination);
Пример #7
  * @return integer the number of recipients who were accepted for delivery
 public function send()
     /* @var $mail TYPO3\CMS\Core\Mail\MailMessage */
     $mail = tx_rnbase::makeInstance(tx_rnbase_util_Typo3Classes::getMailMessageClass());
     $mail->setFrom($this->from, $this->fromName);
     foreach ($this->to as $email => $name) {
         $mail->addTo($email, $name);
     if ($this->replyTo) {
         $mail->addReplyTo($this->replyTo, $this->replyToName);
     // Or set it after like this
     if ($this->htmlPart) {
         $mail->setBody($this->htmlPart, 'text/html');
     // Add alternative parts with addPart()
     if ($this->textPart) {
         $mail->addPart($this->textPart, 'text/plain');
     if (!empty($this->attachments)) {
         foreach ($this->attachments as $attachment) {
             if (!$mail->attach(Swift_Attachment::fromPath($attachment['src']))) {
                 tx_rnbase_util_Logger::warn('Adding attachment failed!', 'rn_base', array('subject' => $mail->subject, 'to' => $this->toAsString, 'attachment' => $attachment));
     return $this->sendMessage($mail);
  * Optionen aus der TS-Config setzen
  * @param array $options
  * @param tx_rnbase_configurations $configurations
  * @param string $confId Id der TS-Config z.B. myview.options.
 static function setConfigOptions(&$options, $configurations, $confId)
     $cfgOptions = $configurations->get($confId);
     if (is_array($cfgOptions)) {
         foreach ($cfgOptions as $option => $cfg) {
             // Auf einfache Option ohne Klammerung prüfen
             if (substr($option, -1) != '.') {
                 $options[$option] = $cfg;
             // Ohne Angaben nix zu tun
             if (!is_array($cfg)) {
             // Zuerst den Namen der Option holen. Dieser ist immer klein
             // Beispiel orderby, count...
             $optionName = strtolower(substr($option, 0, strlen($option) - 1));
             // Hier jetzt die Implementierung für orderby. da gibt es mehr
             // Angaben als z.B. bei count.
             while (list($table, $data) = each($cfg)) {
                  * was, wenn im ts etwas wie folgt angegeben ist?
                  * options.limit = 5
                  * options.limit.override = 10
                  * das führt zu php offset fehlern,
                  * da limit bereits 5 ist und deshalb kein array werden kann.
                  * der code sieht aktuell nur eines der beiden methoden vor.
                  * entweder eine zuweisung als array oder skalaren Wert.
                  * Wir ignorieren daher bereits existierende skalare Werte
                  * und schreiben eine Log, es sei denn es sind bekannte Werte
                  * wie override oder force, dann wird direkt ignoriert
                 if (isset($options[$optionName]) && !is_array($options[$optionName])) {
                     if (!in_array($optionName, array('override', 'force'))) {
                         tx_rnbase_util_Logger::warn('Invalid configuration for config option "' . $optionName . '".', 'rn_base', array('option_name' => $optionName, 'cfg' => $cfg));
                 $tableAlias = strtoupper(substr($table, 0, strlen($table) - 1));
                 if (is_array($data) && $option == 'searchdef.') {
                     foreach ($data as $col => $value) {
                         $options[$optionName][strtolower($tableAlias)][substr($col, 0, strlen($col) - 1)] = $value;
                 } elseif (is_array($data)) {
                     foreach ($data as $col => $value) {
                         $options[$optionName][$tableAlias . '.' . $col] = $value;
                 } else {
                     // Ohne Array erfolgt direkt eine Ausgabe (Beispiel RAND = 1)
                     $options[$optionName][$table] = $data;
  * Do the magic and publish all new messages thu the transport.
  * @return bool Returns TRUE on successful execution, FALSE on error
 public function execute()
     $failures = $successes = array();
     $transport = $this->getTransport();
     // initialize the transport
     /* @var $message \DMK\Mklog\Domain\Model\DevlogEntryModel */
     foreach ($this->findMessages() as $message) {
         try {
             // mark entry as send for current transport
             $successes[$message->getUid()] = '';
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             $failures[$message->getUid()] = $e->getMessage();
     // shutdown the transport
     $success = empty($failures);
     $msg = sprintf('WatchDog %1$s has %2$d messages send and %3$d failures.', $this->getTransportId(), count($successes), count($failures));
     \tx_rnbase_util_Logger::devLog($msg, 'mklog', $success ? \tx_rnbase_util_Logger::LOGLEVEL_DEBUG : \tx_rnbase_util_Logger::LOGLEVEL_WARN, array('transport' => $this->getTransportId(), 'successes' => $successes, 'failures' => $failures));
     // create a flash message for the beuser
     if (\tx_rnbase_util_TYPO3::getBEUserUID()) {
         \tx_rnbase_util_Misc::addFlashMessage($msg, 'MK LOGGER WatchDog', $success ? 0 : 2, false);
     return $success;
  * Function executed from the Scheduler.
  * Sends an email
  * @return	boolean
 public function execute()
     $success = TRUE;
     $taskId = $this->taskUid;
     try {
         $lastRun = $this->getLastRunTime($taskId);
         /* @var $srv tx_mklog_srv_WatchDog */
         $srv = tx_rnbase_util_Misc::getService('mklog', 'WatchDog');
         $filters = array();
         $options = array();
         $options['minimalSeverity'] = $this->getMinimalSeverity();
         $options['forceSummaryMail'] = $this->getForceSummaryMail();
         $options['includeDataVar'] = $this->getIncludeDataVar();
         //damit jede Nachricht nur einmal kommt, auch wenn sie mehrmals vorhanden ist
         if ($this->getGroupEntries()) {
             $options['groupby'] = Tx_Mklog_Utility_Devlog::getMessageFieldName() . ',extkey';
             // wir wollen aber wissen wie oft jede Nachricht vorhanden ist
             $options['count'] = TRUE;
         $srv->triggerMails($this->getEmailReceiver(), $lastRun, $filters, $options);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         tx_rnbase_util_Logger::fatal('WatchDog failed!', 'mklog', array('Exception' => $e->getMessage()));
         $success = FALSE;
     return $success;
Пример #11
  * @param array
  * @return \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Database\DatabaseConnection|tx_rnbase_util_db_IDatabase
 public function getDatabaseConnection($options = NULL)
     if (is_array($options) && !empty($options['db'])) {
         $dbConfig =& $options['db'];
         if (is_string($dbConfig)) {
             $db = $this->getDatabase($dbConfig);
         } elseif (is_object($dbConfig)) {
             $db = $dbConfig;
         if (!$db instanceof tx_rnbase_util_db_IDatabase) {
             tx_rnbase_util_Logger::warn('The db "' . get_class($db) . '" has to implement' . ' the tx_rnbase_util_db_IDatabase interface', 'rn_base');
             $db = NULL;
     return is_object($db) ? $db : $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB'];
  * Interne Verarbeitung der Exception
  * @param Exception $e
  * @param tx_rnbase_Configurations $configurations
 private function handleException($actionName, Exception $e, $configurations)
     $exceptionHandlerClass = tx_rnbase_configurations::getExtensionCfgValue('rn_base', 'exceptionHandler');
     $defaultExceptionHandlerClass = 'tx_rnbase_exception_Handler';
     if (!$exceptionHandlerClass) {
         $exceptionHandlerClass = $defaultExceptionHandlerClass;
     $exceptionHandler = tx_rnbase::makeInstance($exceptionHandlerClass);
     if (!$exceptionHandler instanceof tx_rnbase_exception_IHandler) {
         $exceptionHandler = tx_rnbase::makeInstance($defaultExceptionHandlerClass);
         tx_rnbase_util_Logger::fatal("the configured error handler ({$exceptionHandlerClass}) does not implement the tx_rnbase_exception_IHandler interface", 'rn_base');
     return $exceptionHandler->handleException($actionName, $e, $configurations);
  * creates a lock file and stores the current time.
  * @return boolean
 private function createLockFile()
     $fileName = $this->getFile();
     if (!is_dir(dirname($fileName))) {
     file_put_contents($fileName, time());
     if (!is_readable($fileName)) {
         tx_rnbase_util_Logger::warn('Lock file could not be created for "' . $this->getName() . '" process!', 'rn_base', array('process_name' => $this->getName(), 'life_time' => $this->getLifeTime(), 'lock_file' => $fileName));
         return FALSE;
     return TRUE;
  * chechs, if the exception was allready thrown in the stack.
  * returns TRUE, if the exception was allready thrown.
  * die recursion können wir an dieser stelle nicht über den backtrace prüfen.
  * bei ungecachten ausgaben wird bei typo3 mit int_script gearbeidet,
  * wodurch der stack auch bei mehrfacher rekursion immer gleich ist,
  * also die methode nur ein mal auftaucht.
  * @param string $actionName
  * @param Exception $e
  * @param tx_rnbase_configurations $configurations
  * @return boolean
 private function checkExceptionRecursion($action, Exception $e, tx_rnbase_configurations $configurations, $type = 'error')
     static $calls = 0, $trace = array();
     // konfiguration für die maximale anzahl an durchläufen holen.
     $maxCalls = $configurations->getInt('recursionCheck.maxCalls');
     $maxCalls = $maxCalls ? $maxCalls : 50;
     $maxThrows = $configurations->getInt('recursionCheck.maxThrows');
     $maxThrows = $maxThrows ? $maxThrows : 1;
     // bei mehr als 50 exception calls, müssen wir davon ausgehen,
     // das ein kritischer fehler vorliegt
     if (++$calls > $maxCalls) {
         tx_rnbase_util_Logger::fatal('Too much recursion in "' . get_class($this) . '"' . ' That should not have happened.' . ' It looks as if there is a problem with a faulty configuration.', 'rn_base');
         return TRUE;
     // else
     // ansonsten setzen wir eine art stack aus action, errorcode und config zusammen.
     $code = $e->getCode();
     // das typoscript wir bei jedem plugin aufruf neu generiert
     // und unterscheidet sich demnach.
     // wenn es zu einer rekursion kommt, ist das ts allerdings immer gleich!
     // (abgesehen von unaufgelösten referenzen)
     $configKey = md5(serialize($configurations->getConfigArray()));
     if (empty($trace[$type])) {
         $trace[$type] = array();
     if (empty($trace[$type][$action])) {
         $trace[$type][$action] = array();
     if (empty($trace[$type][$action][$code])) {
         $trace[$type][$action][$code] = array();
     if (empty($trace[$type][$action][$code][$configKey])) {
         $trace[$type][$action][$code][$configKey] = 0;
     if (isset($trace[$type][$action][$code][$configKey]) && $trace[$type][$action][$code][$configKey] > $maxThrows) {
         return TRUE;
     return FALSE;
  * Logs DB changes
  * @TODO: t3users log nutzen, wenn installiert! tx_t3users_util_ServiceRegistry::getLoggingService();
  * @param 	string 	$msg
  * @param 	string 	$tablename
  * @param 	string 	$where
  * @param 	mixed 	$values
 private static function log($msg, $tablename, $where = false, $values = false)
     if (!self::isLog($tablename)) {
         return false;
     // else
     // daten sammeln
     $data = array();
     $data['fe_user'] = isset($GLOBALS['TSFE']->fe_user->user['uid']) ? $GLOBALS['TSFE']->fe_user->user['uid'] : 'none';
     $data['be_user'] = array_key_exists('BE_USER', $GLOBALS) && is_object($GLOBALS['BE_USER']) ? $GLOBALS['BE_USER']->user['uid'] : 'none';
     $data['tablename'] = $tablename;
     if ($where) {
         $data['where'] = $where;
     if ($values) {
         $data['values'] = $values;
     // backtrace Konfigurierbar machen?
     $data['debug_backtrace'] = tx_mklib_util_Logger::getDebugBacktrace();
     // wurde auf hidden gesetzt?
     $disabled = tx_mklib_util_TCA::getEnableColumn($tablename, 'disabled', 'hidden');
     if ($values && isset($values[$disabled]) && $values[$disabled]) {
         $msg .= '->disabled';
     // wurde gelöscht?
     $delete = tx_mklib_util_TCA::getEnableColumn($tablename, 'delete', 'deleted');
     if ($values && isset($values[$delete]) && $values[$delete]) {
         $msg .= '->delete';
     // tabellenname ergänzen
     $msg .= '(' . $tablename . ')';
     tx_rnbase_util_Logger::notice($msg, 'mklib', $data);
     return true;
  * Kürzt die Elemente auf die gewünschte Größe.
  * Es wird eine Warnung in die Devlog geschrieben,
  * wenn mehr als die angegebene Anzahl Element enthalten ist.
  * Wenn keine Warnung erzeugt werden soll,
  * muss bei dem $this->search() Aufruf ein Limit mitgegebenwerden
  * um die Elemente zu beschränken! Oder auch $this->searchSingle aufrufen.
  * @param array $items
  * @param unknown_type $limit
  * @param array $options
  * @return array
 protected function limitResults(array $items, $limit, array $options = array())
     // Leer, wir haben nichts zu tun.
     if (empty($items)) {
         return $items;
     $count = count($items);
     // Nur bearbeiten, wenn mehr Elemente vorhanden sind, als notwendig.
     if ($count > $limit) {
         // Wir kürzen die Elemente.
         $items = array_slice($items, 0, $limit);
         // Wir Schreiben einen Log-Eintrag um den Fehler zu melden.
         tx_rnbase_util_Logger::warn('There are more elements(' . $count . ') for limitResults supplied than expected(' . $limit . ').', 'mkhoga');
     return $items;
  * @param int $level
  * @return boolean
 private static function isLogLevel($level)
     if (self::$minLog === FALSE) {
         if (tx_rnbase_util_Extensions::isLoaded('devlog')) {
             $minLog = tx_rnbase_configurations::getExtensionCfgValue('devlog', 'minLogLevel');
             self::$minLog = $minLog !== FALSE ? $minLog : -1;
     $isEnabled = $level >= self::$minLog;
     return $isEnabled;
  * @param Exception $exception
  * @param array $args
  * @return void
 protected function logException(Exception $exception, array $args = array())
     $soapClient = $this->getSoapClient();
     if ($soapClient instanceof SoapClient) {
         tx_rnbase_util_Logger::fatal('Access to Soap Interface failed: ' . $exception->getMessage(), 'mklib', array('Fehler', 'functions' => $soapClient->__getFunctions(), 'response' => $soapClient->__getLastResponse(), 'request' => $soapClient->__getLastRequest(), 'args' => $args));
     } else {
         tx_rnbase_util_Logger::fatal('Soap Client was not instanciated!', 'mklib');