  *  Displays a list of extensions where a newer version is available
  *  in the TER than the one that is installed right now
  *  integrated from the extension "ter_update_check" for TYPO3 4.2 by Christian Welzel
  * @return string
 function showExtensionsToUpdate()
     global $LANG;
     $extList = $this->getInstalledExtensions();
     $content = '<table cellspacing="1" class="t3-em-extension-list t3-em-extension-list-to-update">' . '<tr class="t3-row-header">' . '<td></td>' . '<td>' . $LANG->sL('LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_mod_tools_em.xml:tab_mod_name') . '</td>' . '<td>' . $LANG->sL('LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_mod_tools_em.xml:tab_mod_key') . '</td>' . '<td>' . $LANG->sL('LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_mod_tools_em.xml:tab_mod_loc_ver') . '</td>' . '<td>' . $LANG->sL('LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_mod_tools_em.xml:tab_mod_rem_ver') . '</td>' . '<td>' . $LANG->sL('LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_mod_tools_em.xml:tab_mod_location') . '</td>' . '<td>' . $LANG->sL('LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_mod_tools_em.xml:tab_mod_comment') . '</td>' . '</tr>';
     foreach ($extList[0] as $name => $data) {
         $this->xmlHandler->searchExtensionsXMLExact($name, '', '', TRUE, TRUE);
         if (!is_array($this->xmlHandler->extensionsXML[$name])) {
         $v = $this->xmlHandler->extensionsXML[$name]['versions'];
         $versions = array_keys($v);
         $lastversion = end($versions);
         if ((t3lib_extMgm::isLoaded($name) || $this->parentObject->MOD_SETTINGS['display_installed']) && ($data['EM_CONF']['shy'] == 0 || $this->parentObject->MOD_SETTINGS['display_shy']) && tx_em_Tools::versionDifference($lastversion, $data['EM_CONF']['version'], 1)) {
             $imgInfo = @getImageSize(tx_em_Tools::getExtPath($name, $data['type']) . '/ext_icon.gif');
             if (is_array($imgInfo)) {
                 $icon = '<img src="' . $GLOBALS['BACK_PATH'] . tx_em_Tools::typeRelPath($data['type']) . $name . '/ext_icon.gif' . '" ' . $imgInfo[3] . ' alt="" />';
             } elseif ($data['_ICON']) {
                 //TODO: see if this can be removed, seems to be wrong in this context
                 $icon = $data['_ICON'];
             } else {
                 $icon = '<img src="clear.gif" width="1" height="1" alt="" />';
             $comment = '<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">';
             foreach ($versions as $vk) {
                 $va =& $v[$vk];
                 if (t3lib_div::int_from_ver($vk) <= t3lib_div::int_from_ver($data['EM_CONF']['version'])) {
                 $comment .= '<tr><td valign="top" style="padding-right:2px;border-bottom:1px dotted gray">' . $vk . '</td>' . '<td valign="top" style="border-bottom:1px dotted gray">' . nl2br($va[uploadcomment]) . '</td></tr>';
             $comment .= '</table>';
             $serverMD5Array = $this->parentObject->extensionDetails->serverExtensionMD5array($name, $data);
             if (is_array($serverMD5Array)) {
             $currentMD5Array = unserialize($data['EM_CONF']['_md5_values_when_last_written']);
             if (is_array($currentMD5Array)) {
             $warn = '';
             if (strcmp(serialize($currentMD5Array), serialize($serverMD5Array))) {
                 $warn = '<tr class="bgColor4" style="color:red"><td colspan="7">' . tx_em_Tools::rfw('<br /><strong>' . $name . ': ' . $LANG->sL('LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_mod_tools_em.xml:msg_warn_diff') . '</strong>') . '</td></tr>' . LF;
                 if ($this->parentObject->MOD_SETTINGS['display_files'] == 1) {
                     $affectedFiles = tx_em_Tools::findMD5ArrayDiff($serverMD5Array, $currentMD5Array);
                     if (count($affectedFiles)) {
                         $warn .= '<tr class="bgColor4"><td colspan="7"><strong>' . $LANG->sL('LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_mod_tools_em.xml:msg_modified') . '</strong><br />' . tx_em_Tools::rfw(implode('<br />', $affectedFiles)) . '</td></tr>' . LF;
             $content .= '<tr class="bgColor4"><td valign="top">' . $icon . '</td>' . '<td valign="top">' . ($data['EM_CONF']['state'] == 'excludeFromUpdates' ? '<span style="color:#cf7307">' . $data['EM_CONF']['title'] . ' ' . $LANG->sL('LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_mod_tools_em.xml:write_protected') . '</span>' : '<a href="' . t3lib_div::linkThisScript(array('CMD[importExtInfo]' => $name)) . '">' . $data[EM_CONF][title] . '</a>') . '</td>' . '<td valign="top">' . $name . '</td>' . '<td valign="top" align="right">' . $data[EM_CONF][version] . '</td>' . '<td valign="top" align="right">' . $lastversion . '</td>' . '<td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap">' . $this->api->typeLabels[$data['type']] . (strlen($data['doubleInstall']) > 1 ? '<strong> ' . tx_em_Tools::rfw($data['doubleInstall']) . '</strong>' : '') . '</td>' . '<td valign="top">' . $comment . '</td></tr>' . LF . $warn . '<tr class="bgColor4"><td colspan="7"><hr style="margin:0px" /></td></tr>' . LF;
     return $content . '</table><br />';
     * Produces the config form for an extension (if any template file, ext_conf_template.txt is found)
     * @param	string		Extension key
     * @param	array		Extension information array
     * @param	boolean		If true, the form HTML content is returned, otherwise the content is set in $this->content.
     * @param	string		Submit-to URL (supposedly)
     * @param	string		Additional form fields to include.
     * @return	string		Depending on $output. Can return the whole form.
    function tsStyleConfigForm($extKey, $extInfo, $output = 0, $script = '', $addFields = '')
        global $TYPO3_CONF_VARS;
        // Initialize:
        $absPath = tx_em_Tools::getExtPath($extKey, $extInfo['type']);
        $relPath = tx_em_Tools::typeRelPath($extInfo['type']) . $extKey . '/';
        $form = '';
        // Look for template file for form:
        if (t3lib_extMgm::isLoaded($extKey) && @is_file($absPath . 'ext_conf_template.txt')) {
            // Load tsStyleConfig class and parse configuration template:
            $tsStyleConfig = t3lib_div::makeInstance('t3lib_tsStyleConfig');
            $tsStyleConfig->doNotSortCategoriesBeforeMakingForm = TRUE;
            $theConstants = $tsStyleConfig->ext_initTSstyleConfig(t3lib_div::getUrl($absPath . 'ext_conf_template.txt'), $relPath, $absPath, $GLOBALS['BACK_PATH']);
            // Load the list of resources.
            $tsStyleConfig->ext_loadResources($absPath . 'res/');
            // Load current value:
            $arr = unserialize($TYPO3_CONF_VARS['EXT']['extConf'][$extKey]);
            $arr = is_array($arr) ? $arr : array();
            // Call processing function for constants config and data before write and form rendering:
            if (is_array($TYPO3_CONF_VARS['SC_OPTIONS']['typo3/mod/tools/em/index.php']['tsStyleConfigForm'])) {
                $_params = array('fields' => &$theConstants, 'data' => &$arr, 'extKey' => $extKey);
                foreach ($TYPO3_CONF_VARS['SC_OPTIONS']['typo3/mod/tools/em/index.php']['tsStyleConfigForm'] as $_funcRef) {
                    t3lib_div::callUserFunction($_funcRef, $_params, $this);
            // If saving operation is done:
            if (t3lib_div::_POST('submit')) {
                $tsStyleConfig->ext_procesInput(t3lib_div::_POST(), array(), $theConstants, array());
                $arr = $tsStyleConfig->ext_mergeIncomingWithExisting($arr);
                $this->writeTsStyleConfig($extKey, $arr);
            // Setting value array
            $tsStyleConfig->ext_setValuearray($theConstants, $arr);
            // Getting session data:
            $MOD_MENU = array();
            $MOD_MENU['constant_editor_cat'] = $tsStyleConfig->ext_getCategoriesForModMenu();
            $MOD_SETTINGS = t3lib_BEfunc::getModuleData($MOD_MENU, t3lib_div::_GP('SET'), 'xMod_test');
            // Resetting the menu (stop)
            if (count($MOD_MENU['constant_editor_cat']) > 1) {
                $menu = $GLOBALS['LANG']->getLL('extInfoArray_category') . ' ' . t3lib_BEfunc::getFuncMenu(0, 'SET[constant_editor_cat]', $MOD_SETTINGS['constant_editor_cat'], $MOD_MENU['constant_editor_cat'], '', '&CMD[showExt]=' . $extKey);
                // add class to select
                $menu = str_replace('<select', '<select class="mod-menu-template-select"', $menu);
                if ($this->silentMode) {
                    $menu = str_replace('jumpToUrl', 'abc', $menu);
                if ($this->parentObject instanceof SC_mod_tools_em_index) {
                    $this->parentObject->content .= $this->parentObject->doc->section('', '<span class="nobr">' . $menu . '</span>');
                    $this->parentObject->content .= $this->parentObject->doc->spacer(10);
                } else {
                    $form .= '<h3>' . '<span class="nobr">' . $menu . '</span></h3>';
            // Category and constant editor config:
            $form .= '
				<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="600">
						<td>' . $tsStyleConfig->ext_getForm($MOD_SETTINGS['constant_editor_cat'], $theConstants, $script, $addFields, $extKey, !$this->silentMode) . ($this->silentMode ? '' : '</form>') . '</td>
        } else {
            if (!$this->silentMode) {
                $flashMessage = t3lib_div::makeInstance('t3lib_FlashMessage', $GLOBALS['LANG']->getLL('tsStyleConfigForm_additional_config'), '', t3lib_FlashMessage::INFO);
            $form = '
				<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="600">
							<form action="' . htmlspecialchars($script) . '" method="post">' . $addFields . ($this->silentMode ? '' : $flashMessage->render()) . (t3lib_div::_GP('nodoc') ? '<input type="hidden" name="nodoc" value="1" />' : '') . '<br /><input type="submit" id="configuration-submit-' . $extKey . '" name="write" value="' . $GLOBALS['LANG']->getLL('updatesForm_make_updates') . '" />
        return $form;
Пример #3
  * Returns a header for an extensions including icon if any
  * @param	string		Extension key
  * @param	array		Extension information array
  * @param	string		align-attribute value (for <img> tag)
  * @return	string		HTML; Extension title and image.
 function extensionTitleIconHeader($extKey, $extInfo, $align = 'top')
     $imgInfo = @getImageSize(tx_em_Tools::getExtPath($extKey, $extInfo['type']) . '/ext_icon.gif');
     $out = '';
     if (is_array($imgInfo)) {
         $out .= '<img src="' . $GLOBALS['BACK_PATH'] . tx_em_Tools::typeRelPath($extInfo['type']) . $extKey . '/ext_icon.gif" ' . $imgInfo[3] . ' align="' . $align . '" alt="" />';
     $out .= $extInfo['EM_CONF']['title'] ? htmlspecialchars(t3lib_div::fixed_lgd_cs($extInfo['EM_CONF']['title'], 40)) : '<em>' . htmlspecialchars($extKey) . '</em>';
     return $out;
  * Save extension configuration
  * @formHandler
  * @param array $parameter
  * @return array
 public function saveExtensionConfiguration($parameter)
     $extKey = $parameter['extkey'];
     $extType = $parameter['exttype'];
     $noSave = $parameter['noSave'];
     $absPath = tx_em_Tools::getExtPath($extKey, $extType);
     $relPath = tx_em_Tools::typeRelPath($extType) . $extKey . '/';
     /** @var $extensionList tx_em_Extensions_List */
     $extensionList = t3lib_div::makeInstance('tx_em_Extensions_List', $this);
     list($list, ) = $extensionList->getInstalledExtensions();
     $arr = unserialize($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXT']['extConf'][$extKey]);
     $arr = is_array($arr) ? $arr : array();
     /** @var $tsStyleConfig t3lib_tsStyleConfig */
     $tsStyleConfig = t3lib_div::makeInstance('t3lib_tsStyleConfig');
     $tsStyleConfig->doNotSortCategoriesBeforeMakingForm = TRUE;
     $theConstants = $tsStyleConfig->ext_initTSstyleConfig(t3lib_div::getUrl($absPath . 'ext_conf_template.txt'), $relPath, $absPath, $GLOBALS['BACK_PATH']);
     $tsStyleConfig->ext_procesInput($parameter, array(), $theConstants, array());
     $arr = $tsStyleConfig->ext_mergeIncomingWithExisting($arr);
     /** @var $install tx_em_Install */
     $install = t3lib_div::makeInstance('tx_em_Install');
     $install->install->INSTALL = $parameter['TYPO3_INSTALL'];
     $install->checkDBupdates($extKey, $list[$extKey]);
     $html = '';
     if ($noSave) {
         $html = $install->updatesForm($extKey, $list[$extKey], 1);
     } else {
         $install->writeTsStyleConfig($extKey, $arr);
     return array('success' => true, 'data' => $parameter['data'], 'html' => $html);