  * Fetches the current element
  * @return	boolean
 function _fetchCurrent()
     if (isset($this->res[$this->currentPointer])) {
         $uid = intval($this->res[$this->currentPointer]);
         $this->media = tx_dam::media_getByUid($uid);
         $this->currentData = $this->media->getMetaInfoArray();
         if ($this->media->isAvailable) {
             // TODO use tx_dam_media
             if (!is_null($this->currentData) and $this->table and $this->mode === 'FE') {
                 $this->currentData = tx_dam_db::getRecordOverlay($this->table, $this->currentData, array(), $this->mode);
         if ($this->conf['callbackFunc_currentData'] and is_callable($this->conf['callbackFunc_currentData'])) {
             call_user_func($this->conf['callbackFunc_currentData'], $this);
     } else {
         $this->currentData = NULL;
  * Returns the title for the input record. If blank, a "no title" labele (localized) will be returned.
  * Do NOT htmlspecialchar the string from this function - has already been done.
  * @param	array		The input row array (where the key "title" is used for the title)
  * @param	integer		Title length (30)
  * @return	string		The title.
 function getTitleStr($row, $titleLen = 30)
     $conf['sys_language_uid'] = $this->langOvlUid;
     $row = tx_dam_db::getRecordOverlay($this->table, $row, $conf);
     $title = !strcmp(trim($row['title']), '') ? '<em>[' . $GLOBALS['LANG']->sL('LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_core.php:labels.no_title', 1) . ']</em>' : htmlspecialchars(t3lib_div::fixed_lgd_cs($row['title'], $titleLen));
     return $title;
  * Fetches the current element
  * @return	void
 function _fetchCurrent()
     if ($this->currentData = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($this->res)) {
         if (!is_null($this->currentData) and $this->table and $this->mode === 'FE') {
             $this->currentData = tx_dam_db::getRecordOverlay($this->table, $this->currentData, array(), $this->mode);
         if ($this->conf['callbackFunc_currentData'] and is_callable($this->conf['callbackFunc_currentData'])) {
             call_user_func($this->conf['callbackFunc_currentData'], $this);
     } else {
         $this->currentData = NULL;
Пример #4
  * Fetches the meta data variant from the index by a given meta data record array. The result will have the same fields selected as the given record.
  * For now different languages can be fetched.
  * Later this function may support versions too.
  * $conf = array(
  * 		'sys_language_uid' // sys_language uid of the wanted language
  * 		'lovl_mode' // Overlay mode. If "hideNonTranslated" then records without translation will not be returned un-translated but false
  * )
  * In FE mode sys_language_uid and lovl_mode will be get from TSFE automatically
  * The return record has still the same uid.
  * sys_language_uid is set from the overlay record
  * Additionally following keys are set:
  * _BASE_REC_UID - the uid from the base record which is the non-overlaid record
  * _LOCALIZED_UID - the uid from the overlay record
  * Localized records itself does NOT contain valid data except the translated content. That means the field 'file_name' for example may contain data but could be invalid.
  * Valid meta data is in the record with sys_language_uid=0 only!
  * @param	array		$row Meta data record array. Must containt uid, pid and sys_language_uid
  * @param	integer		$conf Configuration array that defines the wanted overlay
  * @param	boolean		$mode TYPO3_MODE (FE, BE)
  * @return	array		Meta data array or false
  * @see tx_dam_db::getRecordOverlay()
 function meta_getVariant($row, $conf, $mode = TYPO3_MODE)
     $row = tx_dam_db::getRecordOverlay('tx_dam', $row, $conf, $mode);
     return $row;
  * Set the Information of the images if mode = dam
  * @param boolean $fromCategory
  * @return boolean
 protected function setDataDam($fromCategory = false, $table = 'tt_content', $uid = 0)
     // clear the imageDir
     $this->imageDir = '';
     // get all fields for captions
     $damCaptionFields = t3lib_div::trimExplode(',', $this->conf['damCaptionFields'], true);
     $damDescFields = t3lib_div::trimExplode(',', $this->conf['damDescFields'], true);
     $damHrefFields = t3lib_div::trimExplode(',', $this->conf['damHrefFields'], true);
     $fieldsArray = array_merge($damCaptionFields, $damDescFields, $damHrefFields);
     $fields = NULL;
     if (count($fieldsArray) > 0) {
         foreach ($fieldsArray as $field) {
             $fields .= ',tx_dam.' . $field;
     if ($fromCategory === true) {
         // Get the images from dam category
         $damcategories = $this->getDamcats($this->lConf['damcategories']);
         $res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECT_mm_query(tx_dam_db::getMetaInfoFieldList() . $fields, 'tx_dam', 'tx_dam_mm_cat', 'tx_dam_cat', " AND tx_dam_cat.uid IN (" . implode(",", $damcategories) . ")", '', 'tx_dam.sorting', '');
         while ($row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
             $images['rows'][] = $row;
     } else {
         // Get the images from dam
         $images = tx_dam_db::getReferencedFiles($table, $uid, 'imagecarousel', 'tx_dam_mm_ref', tx_dam_db::getMetaInfoFieldList() . $fields, '', '', 'tx_dam_mm_ref.sorting_foreign');
     if (count($images['rows']) > 0) {
         // overlay the translation
         $conf = array('sys_language_uid' => $this->sys_language_uid, 'lovl_mode' => '');
         // add image
         foreach ($images['rows'] as $key => $row) {
             $row = tx_dam_db::getRecordOverlay('tx_dam', $row, $conf);
             $absFileName = t3lib_div::getFileAbsFileName($row['file_path'] . $row['file_name']);
             $size = @getimagesize($absFileName);
             if (preg_match("/^image\\//i", $size['mime'])) {
                 // set the data
                 $this->images[] = $row['file_path'] . $row['file_name'];
                 ${$href} = '';
                 if (count($damHrefFields) > 0) {
                     foreach ($damHrefFields as $damHrefField) {
                         if (!isset($href) && trim($row[$damHrefField])) {
                             $href = $row[$damHrefField];
                 $this->hrefs[] = $href;
                 // set the caption
                 $caption = '';
                 if (count($damCaptionFields) > 0) {
                     if (isset($this->conf['damCaptionObject'])) {
                         foreach ($damCaptionFields as $damCaptionField) {
                             if (isset($row[$damCaptionField])) {
                                 $GLOBALS['TSFE']->register['dam_' . $damCaptionField] = $row[$damCaptionField];
                         $caption = trim($this->cObj->cObjGetSingle($this->conf['damCaptionObject'], $this->conf['damCaptionObject.']));
                         // Unset the registered values
                         foreach ($damCaptionFields as $damCaptionField) {
                             unset($GLOBALS['TSFE']->register['dam_' . $damCaptionField]);
                     } else {
                         // the old way
                         foreach ($damCaptionFields as $damCaptionField) {
                             if (!isset($caption) && trim($row[$damCaptionField])) {
                                 $caption = $row[$damCaptionField];
                 $this->captions[] = $caption;
                 // set the description
                 $description = '';
                 if (count($damDescFields) > 0) {
                     if (isset($this->conf['damDescObject'])) {
                         foreach ($damDescFields as $damDescField) {
                             if (isset($row[$damDescField])) {
                                 $GLOBALS['TSFE']->register['dam_' . $damDescField] = $row[$damDescField];
                         $description = trim($this->cObj->cObjGetSingle($this->conf['damDescObject'], $this->conf['damDescObject.']));
                         // Unset the registered values
                         foreach ($damDescFields as $damDescField) {
                             unset($GLOBALS['TSFE']->register['dam_' . $damDescField]);
                     } else {
                         // the old way
                         foreach ($damDescFields as $damDescField) {
                             if (!isset($description) && trim($row[$damDescField])) {
                                 $description = $row[$damDescField];
                 $this->description[] = $description;
     return true;
  * Fetches the current element
  * @return	void
 function _makeLanguageOverlay()
     if ($this->langUid and $this->table and $this->currentData and $this->currentData[$this->languageField] != $this->langUid) {
         $conf['sys_language_uid'] = $this->langUid;
         if ($row = tx_dam_db::getRecordOverlay($this->table, $this->currentData, $conf, $this->mode)) {
             $this->currentData = $row;
  * connects into the tt_news to fill the 2 markers
  * @param	array		an array of markers coming from the extension
  * @param	array		the current record of the extension
  * @param	array		the configuration coming from the extension
  * @param	object		the parent object calling this method
  * @return	array		processed marker array
 function extraItemMarkerProcessor($markerArray, $row, $lConf, &$pObj)
     $this->cObj = t3lib_div::makeInstance('tslib_cObj');
     // local cObj.
     $this->pObj =& $pObj;
     $this2 = $pObj;
     $conf = $pObj->conf;
     $confLinks = $conf['lonewsdownloads.'];
     if (!$confLinks['download_single']) {
         $markerArray['###LO_DOWNLOADS###'] = 'Please include static TypoScript of LONewsDownloads or remove marker. "###LO_DOWNLOADS###"';
         return $markerArray;
     $downloads = '';
     if (t3lib_extMgm::isLoaded('dam')) {
         if (t3lib_extMgm::isLoaded('dam_ttnews')) {
             $row = $pObj->local_cObj->data;
             if (isset($row['_ORIG_uid']) && $row['_ORIG_uid'] > 0) {
                 // draft workspace
                 $uid = $row['_ORIG_uid'];
             } else {
                 // live workspace
                 $uid = $row['uid'];
             // Check for translation
             if ($row['_LOCALIZED_UID']) {
                 $uid = $row['_LOCALIZED_UID'];
             $damFiles = tx_dam_db::getReferencedFiles('tt_news', $uid, 'tx_damnews_dam_media');
             // Thanks to Lars Trebing, Marit AG
             if (count($damFiles['rows']) > 0) {
                 $overlayConf = array('sys_language_uid' => $this->sys_language_uid);
                 foreach ($damFiles['rows'] as $fileKey => $fileRow) {
                     $fileRow = $recordOverlay = tx_dam_db::getRecordOverlay('tx_dam', $fileRow, $overlayConf);
                     $damFiles['rows'][$fileKey] = $fileRow;
             $files = $damFiles['files'];
             $fileData = $damFiles['rows'];
         } else {
             $markerArray['###LO_DOWNLOADS###'] = 'DAM not supportet, please install dam_ttnews';
             return $markerArray;
     } else {
         # Prevents output if no file was selected, thanks to Jeroen Vreuls
         $files = array();
         if (!empty($row['news_files'])) {
             $files = explode(',', $row['news_files']);
             $lables = explode("\n", $row['tx_lonewsdownloads_downloadlabel']);
             $fileData = array();
             foreach ($files as $key => $file) {
                 $pathinfo = pathinfo('uploads/media/' . $file);
                 //	t3lib_div::debug($pathinfo);
                 $lables[$key] = trim($lables[$key]);
                 $fileData[$key]['title'] = $lables[$key] ? $lables[$key] : $pathinfo['filename'];
                 $fileData[$key]['file_size'] = filesize('uploads/media/' . $file);
                 $fileData[$key]['file_type'] = strtolower($pathinfo['extension']);
                 $files[$key] = 'uploads/media/' . $file;
     $local_cObj = t3lib_div::makeInstance('tslib_cObj');
     $local_data = $this->cObj->data;
     $local_data = $row;
     if (!$confLinks['maxItems']) {
         $confLinks['maxItems'] = null;
     if ($confLinks['start'] || $confLinks['maxItems']) {
         $files = array_slice($files, $confLinks['start'], $confLinks['maxItems'], true);
     foreach ($files as $key => $file) {
         if (is_array($fileData[$key])) {
             foreach ($fileData[$key] as $keyD => $valueD) {
                 $local_data['single_news_file_' . $keyD] = $valueD;
         $local_data['single_news_file_file_size_Byte'] = intval($local_data['single_news_file_file_size']);
         $local_data['single_news_file_file_size_kB'] = round($local_data['single_news_file_file_size'] / 1024);
         $local_data['single_news_file_file_size_MB'] = round($local_data['single_news_file_file_size'] / 1024 / 1024);
         if($local_data['single_news_file_file_size_MB'] > 0) {
         	$local_data['single_news_file_file_size'] = $local_data['single_news_file_file_size_MB'].' MB';
         } else if($local_data['single_news_file_file_size_kB'] > 0) {
         	$local_data['single_news_file_file_size'] = $local_data['single_news_file_file_size_kB'].' kB';
         } else {
         	$local_data['single_news_file_file_size'] = $local_data['single_news_file_file_size_Byte'].' Byte';
         $local_data['single_news_file'] = $file;
         $local_cObj->data = $local_data;
         $downloads .= $local_cObj->cObjGetSingle($confLinks['download_single'], $confLinks['download_single.']);
     $local_data['lodownload_list'] = $downloads;
     $local_cObj->data = $local_data;
     $markerArray['###LO_DOWNLOADS###'] = $local_cObj->cObjGetSingle($confLinks['download_list'], $confLinks['download_list.']);
     return $markerArray;