  * Creates the menu in the internal variables, ready for output.
  * Basically this will read the page records needed and fill in the internal $this->menuArr
  * Based on a hash of this array and some other variables the $this->result variable will be loaded either from cache OR by calling the generate() method of the class to create the menu for real.
  * @return	void
 function makeMenu()
     if ($this->id) {
         // Initializing showAccessRestrictedPages
         if ($this->mconf['showAccessRestrictedPages']) {
             // SAVING where_groupAccess
             $SAVED_where_groupAccess = $this->sys_page->where_groupAccess;
             $this->sys_page->where_groupAccess = '';
             // Temporarily removing fe_group checking!
         // Begin production of menu:
         $temp = array();
         $altSortFieldValue = trim($this->mconf['alternativeSortingField']);
         $altSortField = $altSortFieldValue ? $altSortFieldValue : 'sorting';
         if ($this->menuNumber == 1 && $this->conf['special']) {
             // ... only for the FIRST level of a HMENU
             $value = $this->parent_cObj->stdWrap($this->conf['special.']['value'], $this->conf['special.']['value.']);
             switch ($this->conf['special']) {
                 case 'userdefined':
                     $temp = $this->includeMakeMenu($this->conf['special.'], $altSortField);
                 case 'userfunction':
                     $temp = $this->parent_cObj->callUserFunction($this->conf['special.']['userFunc'], array_merge($this->conf['special.'], array('_altSortField' => $altSortField)), '');
                     if (!is_array($temp)) {
                         $temp = array();
                 case 'language':
                     $temp = array();
                     // Getting current page record NOT overlaid by any translation:
                     $currentPageWithNoOverlay = $this->sys_page->getRawRecord('pages', $GLOBALS['TSFE']->page['uid']);
                     // Traverse languages set up:
                     $languageItems = t3lib_div::intExplode(',', $value);
                     foreach ($languageItems as $sUid) {
                         // Find overlay record:
                         if ($sUid) {
                             $lRecs = $this->sys_page->getPageOverlay($GLOBALS['TSFE']->page['uid'], $sUid);
                         } else {
                             $lRecs = array();
                         // Checking if the "disabled" state should be set.
                         if (t3lib_div::hideIfNotTranslated($GLOBALS['TSFE']->page['l18n_cfg']) && $sUid && !count($lRecs) || $GLOBALS['TSFE']->page['l18n_cfg'] & 1 && (!$sUid || !count($lRecs)) || !$this->conf['special.']['normalWhenNoLanguage'] && $sUid && !count($lRecs)) {
                             $iState = $GLOBALS['TSFE']->sys_language_uid == $sUid ? 'USERDEF2' : 'USERDEF1';
                         } else {
                             $iState = $GLOBALS['TSFE']->sys_language_uid == $sUid ? 'ACT' : 'NO';
                         if ($this->conf['addQueryString']) {
                             $getVars = $this->parent_cObj->getQueryArguments($this->conf['addQueryString.'], array('L' => $sUid), true);
                         } else {
                             $getVars = '&L=' . $sUid;
                         // Adding menu item:
                         $temp[] = array_merge(array_merge($currentPageWithNoOverlay, $lRecs), array('ITEM_STATE' => $iState, '_ADD_GETVARS' => $getVars, '_SAFE' => TRUE));
                 case 'directory':
                     if ($value == '') {
                         $value = $GLOBALS['TSFE']->page['uid'];
                     $items = t3lib_div::intExplode(',', $value);
                     foreach ($items as $id) {
                         $MP = $this->tmpl->getFromMPmap($id);
                         // Checking if a page is a mount page and if so, change the ID and set the MP var properly.
                         $mount_info = $this->sys_page->getMountPointInfo($id);
                         if (is_array($mount_info)) {
                             if ($mount_info['overlay']) {
                                 // Overlays should already have their full MPvars calculated:
                                 $MP = $this->tmpl->getFromMPmap($mount_info['mount_pid']);
                                 $MP = $MP ? $MP : $mount_info['MPvar'];
                             } else {
                                 $MP = ($MP ? $MP . ',' : '') . $mount_info['MPvar'];
                             $id = $mount_info['mount_pid'];
                         // Get sub-pages:
                         $res = $GLOBALS['TSFE']->cObj->exec_getQuery('pages', array('pidInList' => $id, 'orderBy' => $altSortField));
                         while ($row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
                             $GLOBALS['TSFE']->sys_page->versionOL('pages', $row);
                             if (is_array($row)) {
                                 // Keep mount point?
                                 $mount_info = $this->sys_page->getMountPointInfo($row['uid'], $row);
                                 if (is_array($mount_info) && $mount_info['overlay']) {
                                     // There is a valid mount point.
                                     $mp_row = $this->sys_page->getPage($mount_info['mount_pid']);
                                     // Using "getPage" is OK since we need the check for enableFields AND for type 2 of mount pids we DO require a doktype < 200!
                                     if (count($mp_row)) {
                                         $row = $mp_row;
                                         $row['_MP_PARAM'] = $mount_info['MPvar'];
                                     } else {
                                     // If the mount point could not be fetched with respect to enableFields, unset the row so it does not become a part of the menu!
                                 // Add external MP params, then the row:
                                 if (is_array($row)) {
                                     if ($MP) {
                                         $row['_MP_PARAM'] = $MP . ($row['_MP_PARAM'] ? ',' . $row['_MP_PARAM'] : '');
                                     $temp[$row['uid']] = $this->sys_page->getPageOverlay($row);
                 case 'list':
                     if ($value == '') {
                         $value = $this->id;
                     $loadDB = t3lib_div::makeInstance('FE_loadDBGroup');
                     $loadDB->start($value, 'pages');
                     $loadDB->additionalWhere['pages'] = tslib_cObj::enableFields('pages');
                     foreach ($loadDB->itemArray as $val) {
                         $MP = $this->tmpl->getFromMPmap($val['id']);
                         // Keep mount point?
                         $mount_info = $this->sys_page->getMountPointInfo($val['id']);
                         if (is_array($mount_info) && $mount_info['overlay']) {
                             // There is a valid mount point.
                             $mp_row = $this->sys_page->getPage($mount_info['mount_pid']);
                             // Using "getPage" is OK since we need the check for enableFields AND for type 2 of mount pids we DO require a doktype < 200!
                             if (count($mp_row)) {
                                 $row = $mp_row;
                                 $row['_MP_PARAM'] = $mount_info['MPvar'];
                                 if ($mount_info['overlay']) {
                                     // Overlays should already have their full MPvars calculated:
                                     $MP = $this->tmpl->getFromMPmap($mount_info['mount_pid']);
                                     if ($MP) {
                             } else {
                             // If the mount point could not be fetched with respect to enableFields, unset the row so it does not become a part of the menu!
                         } else {
                             $row = $loadDB->results['pages'][$val['id']];
                         //Add versioning overlay for current page (to respect workspaces)
                         if (is_array($row)) {
                             $this->sys_page->versionOL('pages', $row, true);
                         // Add external MP params, then the row:
                         if (is_array($row)) {
                             if ($MP) {
                                 $row['_MP_PARAM'] = $MP . ($row['_MP_PARAM'] ? ',' . $row['_MP_PARAM'] : '');
                             $temp[] = $this->sys_page->getPageOverlay($row);
                 case 'updated':
                     if ($value == '') {
                         $value = $GLOBALS['TSFE']->page['uid'];
                     $items = t3lib_div::intExplode(',', $value);
                     if (t3lib_div::testInt($this->conf['special.']['depth'])) {
                         $depth = t3lib_div::intInRange($this->conf['special.']['depth'], 1, 20);
                         // Tree depth
                     } else {
                         $depth = 20;
                     $limit = t3lib_div::intInRange($this->conf['special.']['limit'], 0, 100);
                     // max number of items
                     $maxAge = intval(tslib_cObj::calc($this->conf['special.']['maxAge']));
                     if (!$limit) {
                         $limit = 10;
                     $mode = $this->conf['special.']['mode'];
                     // *'auto', 'manual', 'tstamp'
                     // Get id's
                     $id_list_arr = array();
                     foreach ($items as $id) {
                         $bA = t3lib_div::intInRange($this->conf['special.']['beginAtLevel'], 0, 100);
                         $id_list_arr[] = tslib_cObj::getTreeList(-1 * $id, $depth - 1 + $bA, $bA - 1);
                     $id_list = implode(',', $id_list_arr);
                     // Get sortField (mode)
                     switch ($mode) {
                         case 'starttime':
                             $sortField = 'starttime';
                         case 'lastUpdated':
                         case 'manual':
                             $sortField = 'lastUpdated';
                         case 'tstamp':
                             $sortField = 'tstamp';
                         case 'crdate':
                             $sortField = 'crdate';
                             $sortField = 'SYS_LASTCHANGED';
                     // Get
                     $extraWhere = ($this->conf['includeNotInMenu'] ? '' : ' AND pages.nav_hide=0') . $this->getDoktypeExcludeWhere();
                     if ($this->conf['special.']['excludeNoSearchPages']) {
                         $extraWhere .= ' AND pages.no_search=0';
                     if ($maxAge > 0) {
                         $extraWhere .= ' AND ' . $sortField . '>' . ($GLOBALS['SIM_ACCESS_TIME'] - $maxAge);
                     $res = $GLOBALS['TSFE']->cObj->exec_getQuery('pages', array('pidInList' => '0', 'uidInList' => $id_list, 'where' => $sortField . '>=0' . $extraWhere, 'orderBy' => $altSortFieldValue ? $altSortFieldValue : $sortField . ' desc', 'max' => $limit));
                     while ($row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
                         $GLOBALS['TSFE']->sys_page->versionOL('pages', $row);
                         if (is_array($row)) {
                             $temp[$row['uid']] = $this->sys_page->getPageOverlay($row);
                 case 'keywords':
                     list($value) = t3lib_div::intExplode(',', $value);
                     if (!$value) {
                         $value = $GLOBALS['TSFE']->page['uid'];
                     if ($this->conf['special.']['setKeywords'] || $this->conf['special.']['setKeywords.']) {
                         $kw = $this->parent_cObj->stdWrap($this->conf['special.']['setKeywords'], $this->conf['special.']['setKeywords.']);
                     } else {
                         $value_rec = $this->sys_page->getPage($value);
                         // The page record of the 'value'.
                         $kfieldSrc = $this->conf['special.']['keywordsField.']['sourceField'] ? $this->conf['special.']['keywordsField.']['sourceField'] : 'keywords';
                         $kw = trim(tslib_cObj::keywords($value_rec[$kfieldSrc]));
                         // keywords.
                     $mode = $this->conf['special.']['mode'];
                     // *'auto', 'manual', 'tstamp'
                     switch ($mode) {
                         case 'starttime':
                             $sortField = 'starttime';
                         case 'lastUpdated':
                         case 'manual':
                             $sortField = 'lastUpdated';
                         case 'tstamp':
                             $sortField = 'tstamp';
                         case 'crdate':
                             $sortField = 'crdate';
                             $sortField = 'SYS_LASTCHANGED';
                     // depth, limit, extra where
                     if (t3lib_div::testInt($this->conf['special.']['depth'])) {
                         $depth = t3lib_div::intInRange($this->conf['special.']['depth'], 0, 20);
                         // Tree depth
                     } else {
                         $depth = 20;
                     $limit = t3lib_div::intInRange($this->conf['special.']['limit'], 0, 100);
                     // max number of items
                     $extraWhere = ' AND pages.uid!=' . $value . ($this->conf['includeNotInMenu'] ? '' : ' AND pages.nav_hide=0') . $this->getDoktypeExcludeWhere();
                     if ($this->conf['special.']['excludeNoSearchPages']) {
                         $extraWhere .= ' AND pages.no_search=0';
                     // start point
                     $eLevel = tslib_cObj::getKey($this->parent_cObj->stdWrap($this->conf['special.']['entryLevel'], $this->conf['special.']['entryLevel.']), $this->tmpl->rootLine);
                     $startUid = intval($this->tmpl->rootLine[$eLevel]['uid']);
                     // which field is for keywords
                     $kfield = 'keywords';
                     if ($this->conf['special.']['keywordsField']) {
                         list($kfield) = explode(' ', trim($this->conf['special.']['keywordsField']));
                     // If there are keywords and the startuid is present.
                     if ($kw && $startUid) {
                         $bA = t3lib_div::intInRange($this->conf['special.']['beginAtLevel'], 0, 100);
                         $id_list = tslib_cObj::getTreeList(-1 * $startUid, $depth - 1 + $bA, $bA - 1);
                         $kwArr = explode(',', $kw);
                         foreach ($kwArr as $word) {
                             $word = trim($word);
                             if ($word) {
                                 $keyWordsWhereArr[] = $kfield . ' LIKE \'%' . $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->quoteStr($word, 'pages') . '%\'';
                         $res = $GLOBALS['TSFE']->cObj->exec_getQuery('pages', array('pidInList' => '0', 'uidInList' => $id_list, 'where' => '(' . implode(' OR ', $keyWordsWhereArr) . ')' . $extraWhere, 'orderBy' => $altSortFieldValue ? $altSortFieldValue : $sortField . ' desc', 'max' => $limit));
                         while ($row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
                             $GLOBALS['TSFE']->sys_page->versionOL('pages', $row);
                             if (is_array($row)) {
                                 $temp[$row['uid']] = $this->sys_page->getPageOverlay($row);
                 case 'rootline':
                     $begin_end = explode('|', $this->parent_cObj->stdWrap($this->conf['special.']['range'], $this->conf['special.']['range.']));
                     $begin_end[0] = intval($begin_end[0]);
                     if (!t3lib_div::testInt($begin_end[1])) {
                         $begin_end[1] = -1;
                     $beginKey = tslib_cObj::getKey($begin_end[0], $this->tmpl->rootLine);
                     $endKey = tslib_cObj::getKey($begin_end[1], $this->tmpl->rootLine);
                     if ($endKey < $beginKey) {
                         $endKey = $beginKey;
                     $rl_MParray = array();
                     foreach ($this->tmpl->rootLine as $k_rl => $v_rl) {
                         // For overlaid mount points, set the variable right now:
                         if ($v_rl['_MP_PARAM'] && $v_rl['_MOUNT_OL']) {
                             $rl_MParray[] = $v_rl['_MP_PARAM'];
                         // Traverse rootline:
                         if ($k_rl >= $beginKey && $k_rl <= $endKey) {
                             $temp_key = $k_rl;
                             $temp[$temp_key] = $this->sys_page->getPage($v_rl['uid']);
                             if (count($temp[$temp_key])) {
                                 if (!$temp[$temp_key]['target']) {
                                     // If there are no specific target for the page, put the level specific target on.
                                     $temp[$temp_key]['target'] = $this->conf['special.']['targets.'][$k_rl];
                                     $temp[$temp_key]['_MP_PARAM'] = implode(',', $rl_MParray);
                             } else {
                         // For normal mount points, set the variable for next level.
                         if ($v_rl['_MP_PARAM'] && !$v_rl['_MOUNT_OL']) {
                             $rl_MParray[] = $v_rl['_MP_PARAM'];
                     // Reverse order of elements (e.g. "1,2,3,4" gets "4,3,2,1"):
                     if (isset($this->conf['special.']['reverseOrder']) && $this->conf['special.']['reverseOrder']) {
                         $temp = array_reverse($temp);
                         $rl_MParray = array_reverse($rl_MParray);
                 case 'browse':
                     list($value) = t3lib_div::intExplode(',', $value);
                     if (!$value) {
                         $value = $GLOBALS['TSFE']->page['uid'];
                     if ($value != $this->tmpl->rootLine[0]['uid']) {
                         // Will not work out of rootline
                         $recArr = array();
                         $value_rec = $this->sys_page->getPage($value);
                         // The page record of the 'value'.
                         if ($value_rec['pid']) {
                             // 'up' page cannot be outside rootline
                             $recArr['up'] = $this->sys_page->getPage($value_rec['pid']);
                             // The page record of 'up'.
                         if ($recArr['up']['pid'] && $value_rec['pid'] != $this->tmpl->rootLine[0]['uid']) {
                             // If the 'up' item was NOT level 0 in rootline...
                             $recArr['index'] = $this->sys_page->getPage($recArr['up']['pid']);
                             // The page record of "index".
                         // prev / next is found
                         $prevnext_menu = $this->sys_page->getMenu($value_rec['pid'], '*', $altSortField);
                         $lastKey = 0;
                         $nextActive = 0;
                         foreach ($prevnext_menu as $k_b => $v_b) {
                             if ($nextActive) {
                                 $recArr['next'] = $v_b;
                                 $nextActive = 0;
                             if ($v_b['uid'] == $value) {
                                 if ($lastKey) {
                                     $recArr['prev'] = $prevnext_menu[$lastKey];
                                 $nextActive = 1;
                             $lastKey = $k_b;
                         $recArr['first'] = pos($prevnext_menu);
                         $recArr['last'] = pos($prevnext_menu);
                         // prevsection / nextsection is found
                         if (is_array($recArr['index'])) {
                             // You can only do this, if there is a valid page two levels up!
                             $prevnextsection_menu = $this->sys_page->getMenu($recArr['index']['uid'], '*', $altSortField);
                             $lastKey = 0;
                             $nextActive = 0;
                             foreach ($prevnextsection_menu as $k_b => $v_b) {
                                 if ($nextActive) {
                                     $sectionRec_temp = $this->sys_page->getMenu($v_b['uid'], '*', $altSortField);
                                     if (count($sectionRec_temp)) {
                                         $recArr['nextsection'] = pos($sectionRec_temp);
                                         $recArr['nextsection_last'] = pos($sectionRec_temp);
                                         $nextActive = 0;
                                 if ($v_b['uid'] == $value_rec['pid']) {
                                     if ($lastKey) {
                                         $sectionRec_temp = $this->sys_page->getMenu($prevnextsection_menu[$lastKey]['uid'], '*', $altSortField);
                                         if (count($sectionRec_temp)) {
                                             $recArr['prevsection'] = pos($sectionRec_temp);
                                             $recArr['prevsection_last'] = pos($sectionRec_temp);
                                     $nextActive = 1;
                                 $lastKey = $k_b;
                         if ($this->conf['special.']['items.']['prevnextToSection']) {
                             if (!is_array($recArr['prev']) && is_array($recArr['prevsection_last'])) {
                                 $recArr['prev'] = $recArr['prevsection_last'];
                             if (!is_array($recArr['next']) && is_array($recArr['nextsection'])) {
                                 $recArr['next'] = $recArr['nextsection'];
                         $items = explode('|', $this->conf['special.']['items']);
                         $c = 0;
                         foreach ($items as $k_b => $v_b) {
                             $v_b = strtolower(trim($v_b));
                             if (intval($this->conf['special.'][$v_b . '.']['uid'])) {
                                 $recArr[$v_b] = $this->sys_page->getPage(intval($this->conf['special.'][$v_b . '.']['uid']));
                                 // fetches the page in case of a hardcoded pid in template
                             if (is_array($recArr[$v_b])) {
                                 $temp[$c] = $recArr[$v_b];
                                 if ($this->conf['special.'][$v_b . '.']['target']) {
                                     $temp[$c]['target'] = $this->conf['special.'][$v_b . '.']['target'];
                                 $tmpSpecialFields = $this->conf['special.'][$v_b . '.']['fields.'];
                                 if (is_array($tmpSpecialFields)) {
                                     foreach ($tmpSpecialFields as $fk => $val) {
                                         $temp[$c][$fk] = $val;
         } elseif (is_array($this->alternativeMenuTempArray)) {
             // Setting $temp array if not level 1.
             $temp = $this->alternativeMenuTempArray;
         } elseif ($this->mconf['sectionIndex']) {
             if ($GLOBALS['TSFE']->sys_language_uid && count($this->sys_page->getPageOverlay($this->id))) {
                 $sys_language_uid = intval($GLOBALS['TSFE']->sys_language_uid);
             } else {
                 $sys_language_uid = 0;
             $selectSetup = array('pidInList' => $this->id, 'orderBy' => $altSortField, 'where' => 'colPos=0 AND sys_language_uid=' . $sys_language_uid, 'andWhere' => 'sectionIndex!=0');
             switch ($this->mconf['sectionIndex.']['type']) {
                 case 'all':
                 case 'header':
                     $selectSetup['andWhere'] .= ' AND header_layout!=100 AND header!=""';
             $basePageRow = $this->sys_page->getPage($this->id);
             if (is_array($basePageRow)) {
                 $res = $GLOBALS['TSFE']->cObj->exec_getQuery('tt_content', $selectSetup);
                 while ($row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
                     $GLOBALS['TSFE']->sys_page->versionOL('tt_content', $row);
                     if (is_array($row)) {
                         $temp[$row['uid']] = $basePageRow;
                         $temp[$row['uid']]['title'] = $row['header'];
                         $temp[$row['uid']]['nav_title'] = $row['header'];
                         $temp[$row['uid']]['subtitle'] = $row['subheader'];
                         $temp[$row['uid']]['starttime'] = $row['starttime'];
                         $temp[$row['uid']]['endtime'] = $row['endtime'];
                         $temp[$row['uid']]['fe_group'] = $row['fe_group'];
                         $temp[$row['uid']]['media'] = $row['media'];
                         $temp[$row['uid']]['header_layout'] = $row['header_layout'];
                         $temp[$row['uid']]['bodytext'] = $row['bodytext'];
                         $temp[$row['uid']]['image'] = $row['image'];
                         $temp[$row['uid']]['sectionIndex_uid'] = $row['uid'];
         } else {
             // Default:
             $temp = $this->sys_page->getMenu($this->id, '*', $altSortField);
             // gets the menu
         $c = 0;
         $c_b = 0;
         $minItems = intval($this->mconf['minItems'] ? $this->mconf['minItems'] : $this->conf['minItems']);
         $maxItems = intval($this->mconf['maxItems'] ? $this->mconf['maxItems'] : $this->conf['maxItems']);
         $begin = tslib_cObj::calc($this->mconf['begin'] ? $this->mconf['begin'] : $this->conf['begin']);
         $banUidArray = $this->getBannedUids();
         // Fill in the menuArr with elements that should go into the menu:
         $this->menuArr = array();
         foreach ($temp as $data) {
             $spacer = t3lib_div::inList($this->spacerIDList, $data['doktype']) || !strcmp($data['ITEM_STATE'], 'SPC') ? 1 : 0;
             // if item is a spacer, $spacer is set
             if ($this->filterMenuPages($data, $banUidArray, $spacer)) {
                 if ($begin <= $c_b) {
                     // If the beginning item has been reached.
                     $this->menuArr[$c] = $data;
                     $this->menuArr[$c]['isSpacer'] = $spacer;
                     if ($maxItems && $c >= $maxItems) {
         // Fill in fake items, if min-items is set.
         if ($minItems) {
             while ($c < $minItems) {
                 $this->menuArr[$c] = array('title' => '...', 'uid' => $GLOBALS['TSFE']->id);
         // Setting number of menu items
         $GLOBALS['TSFE']->register['count_menuItems'] = count($this->menuArr);
         //	Passing the menuArr through a user defined function:
         if ($this->mconf['itemArrayProcFunc']) {
             if (!is_array($this->parentMenuArr)) {
                 $this->parentMenuArr = array();
             $this->menuArr = $this->userProcess('itemArrayProcFunc', $this->menuArr);
         $this->hash = md5(serialize($this->menuArr) . serialize($this->mconf) . serialize($this->tmpl->rootLine) . serialize($this->MP_array));
         // Get the cache timeout:
         if ($this->conf['cache_period']) {
             $cacheTimeout = $this->conf['cache_period'];
         } else {
             $cacheTimeout = $GLOBALS['TSFE']->get_cache_timeout();
         $serData = $this->sys_page->getHash($this->hash);
         if (!$serData) {
             $this->sys_page->storeHash($this->hash, serialize($this->result), 'MENUDATA', $cacheTimeout);
         } else {
             $this->result = unserialize($serData);
         // End showAccessRestrictedPages
         if ($this->mconf['showAccessRestrictedPages']) {
             // RESTORING where_groupAccess
             $this->sys_page->where_groupAccess = $SAVED_where_groupAccess;
Пример #2
  * Calls a user function for processing of internal data.
  * Used for the properties "IProcFunc" and "itemArrayProcFunc"
  * @param	string		Key pointing for the property in the current ->mconf array holding possibly parameters to pass along to the function/method. Currently the keys used are "IProcFunc" and "itemArrayProcFunc".
  * @param	mixed		A variable to pass to the user function and which should be returned again from the user function. The idea is that the user function modifies this variable according to what you want to achieve and then returns it. For "itemArrayProcFunc" this variable is $this->menuArr, for "IProcFunc" it is $this->I
  * @return	mixed		The processed $passVar
  * @access private
 function userProcess($mConfKey, $passVar)
     if ($this->mconf[$mConfKey]) {
         $funcConf = $this->mconf[$mConfKey . '.'];
         $funcConf['parentObj'] = $this;
         $passVar = $this->parent_cObj->callUserFunction($this->mconf[$mConfKey], $funcConf, $passVar);
     return $passVar;