Пример #1
if ($_POST["add"]) {
    $_POST["product"] or alloc_error("You must enter a Product.");
    $_POST["companyDetails"] or alloc_error("You must enter the Company Details.");
    $_POST["fromTfID"] or alloc_error("You must enter the Source TF.");
    $_POST["quantity"] or $_POST["quantity"] = 1;
    config::get_config_item("mainTfID") or alloc_error("You must configure the Finance Tagged Fund on the Setup -> Finance screen.");
    if ($_POST["amount"] === "") {
        alloc_error("You must enter the Price.");
    $_POST["amount"] = $_POST["amount"] * $_POST["quantity"];
    $transaction = new transaction();
    $transactionID && $transaction->set_id($_POST["transactionID"]);
    // check we have permission to make the transaction
    if (!$transaction->have_perm(PERM_CREATE)) {
        alloc_error("You do not have permission to create transactions for that Source TF.");
    if (!count($TPL["message"])) {
        $transaction->set_value("transactionType", "expense");
        $transaction->set_value("expenseFormID", $expenseForm->get_id());
        $transaction->set_value("tfID", config::get_config_item("mainTfID"));
    } else {
        $transaction_to_edit = $transaction;
if ($_POST["edit"] && $_POST["expenseFormID"] && $_POST["transactionID"]) {
    $TPL["transactionID"] = $_POST["transactionID"];