* @package 	TestLink
 * @author 		Francisco Mancardi - francisco.mancardi@gmail.com
 * @copyright 	2012, TestLink community 
 * @internal revisions
 * @since 1.9.4
 * 20120311 - franciscom - TICKET 4904: integrate with ITS on test project basis
require_once '../../config.inc.php';
require_once 'common.php';
$info = array('sucess' => true, 'cfg' => '');
$type = intval($_REQUEST['type']);
$itemMgr = new tlIssueTracker($db);
$itt = $itemMgr->getTypes();
if (isset($itt[$type])) {
    $iname = $itemMgr->getImplementationForType($type);
    $info['cfg'] = stream_resolve_include_path($iname . '.class.php');
    // Notes for developers
    // Trying to use try/catch to manage missing interface file, results on nothing good.
    // This way worked.
    if (stream_resolve_include_path($iname . '.class.php') !== FALSE) {
        $info['cfg'] = '<pre><xmp>' . $iname::getCfgTemplate() . '</xmp></pre>';
    } else {
        $info['cfg'] = sprintf(lang_get('issuetracker_interface_not_implemented'), $iname);
} else {
    $info['cfg'] = sprintf(lang_get('issuetracker_invalid_type'), $type);
echo json_encode($info);