Пример #1
 private function new_reply($data)
     if (isset($data['cat']) && isset($data['thread']) && isset($data['content']) && isset($data['page'])) {
         // Set variables
         $category_id = $data['cat'];
         $thread_id = $data['thread'];
         $page_num = $data['page'];
         // Check category's access permissions
         $category = category::get($category_id);
         // Check category's access permissions
         $thread = thread::get($thread_id);
         if ($this->user['SiteRank'] >= $category['rankPost'] && $thread['locked'] != 1) {
             if ($data['content'] != null) {
                 post::reply($data['cat'], $data['thread'], $data['content'], $this->user);
                 //Update thread last reply username
                 thread::update_last_reply($data['thread'], $this->user['Username']);
                 //Update thread replys count
                 // Update user post count
                 json::resp(array('success' => true, 'category' => (int) $category_id, 'thread' => (int) $thread_id, 'page' => (int) $page_num));
             } else {
                 self::errorJSON('The post content cannot be blank!');
         } else {
             self::errorJSON('You cannot post to this thread! Check your permissions or if its locked.');