function is_owner() { $tf = new tf(); $tf->set_id($this->get_value("tfID")); $tf->select(); return $tf->is_owner(); }
function add_inactive_tf($tfID, $options) { // add a tf to the array of options, if it's not already there global $TPL; if ($tfID && !array_key_exists($tfID, $options)) { $tf = new tf(); $tf->set_id($tfID); $tf->select(); $options[$tfID] = $tf->get_value("tfName"); } return $options; }
function add_tf($tfID, $options, $warningKey, $warningValue) { // add a tf to the array of options, if it's not already there global $TPL; if ($tfID && !array_key_exists($tfID, $options)) { $tf = new tf(); $tf->set_id($tfID); $tf->select(); $options[$tfID] = $tf->get_value("tfName"); $TPL[$warningKey] = sprintf($warningValue, $tf->get_value("tfName")); } return $options; }
function show_expenseFormList($template_name) { global $db; global $TPL; global $transactionRepeat; $current_user =& singleton("current_user"); $db = new db_alloc(); $transactionRepeat = new transactionRepeat(); if (!$_GET["tfID"] && !$current_user->have_role("admin")) { $tfIDs = $current_user->get_tfIDs(); $tfIDs and $sql = prepare("WHERE tfID in (%s)", $tfIDs); } else { if ($_GET["tfID"]) { $sql = prepare("WHERE tfID = %d", $_GET["tfID"]); } } $db->query("select * FROM transactionRepeat " . $sql); while ($db->next_record()) { $i++; $transactionRepeat->read_db_record($db); $transactionRepeat->set_values(); $TPL["tfName"] = tf::get_name($transactionRepeat->get_value("tfID")); $TPL["fromTfName"] = tf::get_name($transactionRepeat->get_value("fromTfID")); include_template($template_name); } $TPL["tfID"] = $tfID; }
function render() { global $TPL; $ops["owner"] = 1; $TPL["tfListRows"] = tf::get_list($ops); if ($TPL["tfListRows"]) { return true; } }
function show_all_exp($template) { global $TPL; global $expenseForm; global $db; global $transaction_to_edit; if ($expenseForm->get_id()) { if ($_POST["transactionID"] && ($_POST["edit"] || is_object($transaction_to_edit) && $transaction_to_edit->get_id())) { // if edit is clicked OR if we've rejected changes made to something so are still editing it $query = prepare("SELECT * FROM transaction WHERE expenseFormID=%d AND transactionID<>%d ORDER BY transactionID DESC", $expenseForm->get_id(), $_POST["transactionID"]); } else { $query = prepare("SELECT * FROM transaction WHERE expenseFormID=%d ORDER BY transactionID DESC", $expenseForm->get_id()); } $db->query($query); while ($db->next_record()) { $transaction = new transaction(); $transaction->read_db_record($db); $transaction->set_values(); $transaction->get_value("quantity") and $TPL["amount"] = $transaction->get_value("amount") / $transaction->get_value("quantity"); $TPL["lineTotal"] = $TPL["amount"] * $transaction->get_value("quantity"); $tf = new tf(); $tf->set_id($transaction->get_value("fromTfID")); $tf->select(); $TPL["fromTfIDLink"] = $tf->get_link(); $tf = new tf(); $tf->set_id($transaction->get_value("tfID")); $tf->select(); $TPL["tfIDLink"] = $tf->get_link(); $projectID = $transaction->get_value("projectID"); if ($projectID) { $project = new project(); $project->set_id($transaction->get_value("projectID")); $project->select(); $TPL["projectName"] = $project->get_value("projectName"); } if ($transaction->get_value("fromTfID") == config::get_config_item("expenseFormTfID")) { $TPL['expense_class'] = "loud"; } else { $TPL['expense_class'] = ""; } include_template($template); } } }
* Copyright (C) 2006-2011 Alex Lance, Clancy Malcolm, Cyber IT Solutions * Pty. Ltd. * * This file is part of the allocPSA application <*****@*****.**>. * * allocPSA is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at * your option) any later version. * * allocPSA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public * License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with allocPSA. If not, see <>. */ require_once "../alloc.php"; $current_user->check_employee(); if ($_REQUEST["owner"]) { $TPL["owner_checked"] = " checked"; } else { $TPL["owner_checked"] = ""; } if ($_REQUEST["showall"]) { $TPL["showall_checked"] = " checked"; } $TPL["main_alloc_title"] = "TF List - " . APPLICATION_NAME; $TPL["tfListRows"] = tf::get_list($_REQUEST); include_template("templates/tfListM.tpl");
function show_new_person($template) { global $TPL; $TPL["person_buttons"] = ' <button type="submit" name="person_save" value="1" class="save_button">Add<i class="icon-plus-sign"></i></button>'; $tfPerson = new tfPerson(); $tfPerson->set_values("person_"); include_template($template); } function show_person_options() { global $TPL; echo page::select_options(person::get_username_list($TPL["person_personID"]), $TPL["person_personID"]); } $db = new db_alloc(); $tf = new tf(); $tfID = $_GET["tfID"] or $tfID = $_POST["tfID"]; if ($tfID) { $tf->set_id($tfID); $tf->select(); } else { $tf_is_new = true; } if ($_POST["save"]) { $tf->read_globals(); if ($_POST["isActive"]) { $tf->set_value("tfActive", 1); } else { $tf->set_value("tfActive", 0); } if ($tf->get_value("tfName") == "") {
$q = prepare("SELECT tfID AS value, tfName AS label \n FROM tf \n WHERE tfActive = 1 \n OR tf.tfID = %d \n OR tf.tfID = %d \n ORDER BY tfName", $transactionRepeat->get_value("tfID"), $transactionRepeat->get_value("fromTfID")); } else { if (have_entity_perm("tf", PERM_READ, $current_user, true)) { // Person can only read TF records that they own $q = prepare("SELECT tf.tfID AS value, tf.tfName AS label\n FROM tf, tfPerson \n WHERE tfPerson.personID=%d \n AND tf.tfID=tfPerson.tfID \n AND (tf.tfActive = 1 OR tf.tfID = %d OR tf.tfID = %d)\n ORDER BY tfName", $current_user->get_id(), $transactionRepeat->get_value("tfID"), $transactionRepeat->get_value("fromTfID")); } else { alloc_error("No permissions to generate TF list"); } } //special case for disabled TF. Include it in the list, but also add a warning message. $tf = new tf(); $tf->set_id($transactionRepeat->get_value("tfID")); if ($tf->select() && !$tf->get_value("tfActive")) { $TPL["message_help"][] = "This expense is allocated to an inactive TF. It will not create transactions."; } $tf = new tf(); $tf->set_id($transactionRepeat->get_value("fromTfID")); if ($tf->select() && !$tf->get_value("tfActive")) { $TPL["message_help"][] = "This expense is sourced from an inactive TF. It will not create transactions."; } $m = new meta("currencyType"); $currencyOps = $m->get_assoc_array("currencyTypeID", "currencyTypeID"); $TPL["currencyTypeOptions"] = page::select_options($currencyOps, $transactionRepeat->get_value("currencyTypeID")); $TPL["tfOptions"] = page::select_options($q, $transactionRepeat->get_value("tfID")); $TPL["fromTfOptions"] = page::select_options($q, $transactionRepeat->get_value("fromTfID")); $TPL["basisOptions"] = page::select_options(array("weekly" => "weekly", "fortnightly" => "fortnightly", "monthly" => "monthly", "quarterly" => "quarterly", "yearly" => "yearly"), $transactionRepeat->get_value("paymentBasis")); $TPL["transactionTypeOptions"] = page::select_options(transaction::get_transactionTypes(), $transactionRepeat->get_value("transactionType")); if (is_object($transactionRepeat) && $transactionRepeat->get_id() && $current_user->have_role("admin")) { $TPL["adminButtons"] .= ' <select name="changeTransactionStatus"><option value="">Transaction Status<option value="approved">Approve<option value="rejected">Reject<option value="pending">Pending</select> ';
if ($_POST["field_quotes"] == "double") { $quotes = "\""; } while ($db->next_record()) { $odd_even = $odd_even == "even" ? "odd" : "even"; $TPL["result_row"] .= sprintf($start_row_separator, $odd_even); foreach ($fields as $k => $field) { $field = end(explode(".", $field)); if (stripos("ModifiedUser", $field) !== FALSE || stripos("personID", $field) !== FALSE) { $person = new person(); $person->set_id($db->f($field)); $person->select(); $result = $person->get_name(array("format" => "nick")); } else { if (stripos("tfID", $field) !== FALSE) { $result = tf::get_name($db->f($field)); } else { $result = $db->f($field); } } $TPL["result_row"] .= $start_field_separator; $TPL["result_row"] .= $quotes . $result . $quotes; if (isset($fields[$k + 1]) || !$_POST["generate_file"]) { $TPL["result_row"] .= $end_field_separator; } } $TPL["result_row"] .= $end_row_separator; $counter++; } $TPL["counter"] = "Number of rows(s): " . $counter; if ($_POST["generate_file"]) {
{ global $tflist; $temp = $tflist; foreach ($remove_these as $dud) { unset($temp[$dud]); } echo page::select_options($temp, $selected); return; } $productID = $_GET["productID"] or $productID = $_POST["productID"]; $product = new product(); if ($productID) { $product->set_id($productID); $product->select(); } $tf = new tf(); $tflist = $tf->get_assoc_array("tfID", "tfName"); $extra_options = array("-1" => "META: Project TF", "-2" => "META: Salesperson TF", config::get_config_item("mainTfID") => "Main Finance TF (" . tf::get_name(config::get_config_item("mainTfID")) . ")", config::get_config_item("outTfID") => "Outgoing Funds TF (" . tf::get_name(config::get_config_item("outTfID")) . ")", config::get_config_item("inTfID") => "Incoming Funds TF (" . tf::get_name(config::get_config_item("inTfID")) . ")"); // Prepend the META options to the tflist. $tflist = $extra_options + $tflist; $TPL["companyTF"] = $tflist[config::get_config_item("mainTfID")]; $TPL["taxTF"] = $tflist[config::get_config_item("taxTfID")]; $taxRate = config::get_config_item("taxPercent") / 100.0; $TPL["taxRate"] = $taxRate; if ($_POST["save"]) { $product->read_globals(); $product->set_value("productActive", isset($_POST["productActive"]) ? 1 : 0); !$product->get_value("productName") and alloc_error("Please enter a Product Name."); !$product->get_value("sellPrice") and alloc_error("Please enter a Sell Price."); if (!$TPL["message"]) { $product->save();
} else { $mostRecentTransactionDate = format_date("U", $dbMaxDate->f("latestDate")); $nextScheduled = timeWarp($mostRecentTransactionDate, $timeBasisString); } echo "<br>Attempting repeating transaction: " . $transactionRepeat->get_value("product") . " ... "; //echo '<br><br>$nextScheduled <= $today && $nextScheduled >= $startDate && $nextScheduled <= $finishDate'; //echo "<br>".$nextScheduled." <= ".$today." && ".$nextScheduled." >= ".$startDate." && ".$nextScheduled." <= ".$finishDate; while ($nextScheduled <= $today && $nextScheduled >= $startDate && $nextScheduled <= $finishDate) { $tf = new tf(); $tf->set_id($transactionRepeat->get_value("tfID")); $tf->select(); if (!$tf->get_value("tfActive")) { echo "<br>Skipping because tf not active: " . $tf->get_value("tfName"); continue 2; } $tf = new tf(); $tf->set_id($transactionRepeat->get_value("fromTfID")); $tf->select(); if (!$tf->get_value("tfActive")) { echo "<br>Skipping because tf not active: " . $tf->get_value("tfName"); continue 2; } $amount = page::money_out($transactionRepeat->get_value("currencyTypeID"), $transactionRepeat->get_value("amount")); $transaction = new transaction(); $transaction->set_value("fromTfID", $transactionRepeat->get_value("fromTfID")); $transaction->set_value("tfID", $transactionRepeat->get_value("tfID")); $transaction->set_value("companyDetails", $transactionRepeat->get_value("companyDetails")); $transaction->set_value("amount", $amount); $transaction->set_value("currencyTypeID", $transactionRepeat->get_value("currencyTypeID")); $transaction->set_value("product", $transactionRepeat->get_value("product")); $transaction->set_value("transactionType", $transactionRepeat->get_value("transactionType"));
} if ($productSale->have_perm(PERM_APPROVE_PRODUCT_TRANSACTIONS)) { define("CAN_APPROVE_TRANSACTIONS", 1); } else { define("CAN_APPROVE_TRANSACTIONS", 0); } $statuses = productSale::get_statii(); $statuses[$TPL["status"]] = "<b>" . $statuses[$TPL["status"]] . "</b>"; $TPL["statusText"] = implode(" | ", $statuses); $TPL["productSaleID"] = $productSale->get_id(); $showCosts = $_POST["showCosts"] or $_showCosts = $_GET["showCosts"]; $productSale->set_values(); list($client_select, $client_link, $project_select, $project_link) = client::get_client_and_project_dropdowns_and_links($clientID, $projectID); $TPL["show_client_options"] = $client_link; $TPL["show_project_options"] = $project_link; $tf = new tf(); if ($productSale->get_value("tfID")) { $tf->set_id($productSale->get_value("tfID")); $tf->select(); $TPL["show_tf_options"] = $tf->get_link(); $tf_sel = $productSale->get_value("tfID"); } $tf_sel or $tf_sel = config::get_config_item("mainTfID"); $tf_select = "<select name='tfID'>" . page::select_options($tflist, $tf_sel) . "</select>"; $TPL["show_person_options"] = person::get_fullname($productSale->get_value("personID")); $TPL["show_date"] = $productSale->get_value("productSaleDate"); $TPL["show_extRef"] = $productSale->get_value("extRef"); $TPL["show_extRefDate"] = $productSale->get_value("extRefDate"); if (!$productSale->get_id() || $productSale->get_value("status") != "finished" && !($productSale->get_value("status") == "admin" && !CAN_APPROVE_TRANSACTIONS)) { $TPL["show_client_options"] = $client_select; $TPL["show_project_options"] = $project_select;
/** * Convert a tf from its name to its tf ID * @param mixed $name a tf name * @return integer the tf's ID */ public function get_tfID($options) { return tf::get_tfID($options); }
/* * Copyright (C) 2006-2011 Alex Lance, Clancy Malcolm, Cyber IT Solutions * Pty. Ltd. * * This file is part of the allocPSA application <*****@*****.**>. * * allocPSA is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at * your option) any later version. * * allocPSA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public * License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with allocPSA. If not, see <>. */ define("NO_REDIRECT", 1); require_once "../alloc.php"; if ($_GET["projectID"]) { usleep(300000); $project = new project(); $project->set_id($_GET["projectID"]); $project->select(); $tf_sel = $project->get_value("cost_centre_tfID") or $tf_sel = config::get_config_item("mainTfID"); $tf = new tf(); $options = page::select_options($tf->get_assoc_array("tfID", "tfName"), $tf_sel); echo "<select id=\"tfID\" name=\"tfID\">" . $options . "</select>"; }
$TPL["count_incomplete_tasks"] = count($TPL["taskListRows"]); $not_quoted = count($TPL["taskListRows"]) - $count_quoted_tasks; $not_quoted and $TPL["count_not_quoted_tasks"] = "(" . sprintf("%d", $not_quoted) . " tasks not included in estimate)"; } $TPL["invoice_links"] .= "<a href=\"" . $TPL["url_alloc_invoice"] . "clientID=" . $clientID . "&projectID=" . $project->get_id() . "\">New Invoice</a>"; } $TPL["navigation_links"] = $project->get_navigation_links(); $query = prepare("SELECT tfID AS value, tfName AS label \n FROM tf \n WHERE tfActive = 1\n ORDER BY tfName"); $TPL["commission_tf_options"] = page::select_options($query, $TPL["commission_tfID"]); $TPL["cost_centre_tfID_options"] = page::select_options($query, $TPL["project_cost_centre_tfID"]); $db->query($query); while ($db->row()) { $tf_array[$db->f("value")] = $db->f("label"); } if ($TPL["project_cost_centre_tfID"]) { $tf = new tf(); $tf->set_id($TPL["project_cost_centre_tfID"]); $tf->select(); $TPL["cost_centre_tfID_label"] = $tf->get_link(); } $query = prepare("SELECT roleName,roleID FROM role WHERE roleLevel = 'project' ORDER BY roleSequence"); $db->query($query); #$project_person_role_array[] = ""; while ($db->next_record()) { $project_person_role_array[$db->f("roleID")] = $db->f("roleName"); } $email_type_array = array("None" => "None", "Assigned Tasks" => "Assigned Tasks", "All Tasks" => "All Tasks"); $t = new meta("currencyType"); $currency_array = $t->get_assoc_array("currencyTypeID", "currencyTypeID"); $projectType_array = project::get_project_type_array(); $m = new meta("projectStatus");
function update_search_index_doc(&$index) { $p =& get_cached_table("person"); $personID = $this->get_value("personID"); $person_field = $personID . " " . $p[$personID]["username"] . " " . $p[$personID]["name"]; $managerID = $this->get_value("approvedByManagerPersonID"); $manager_field = $managerID . " " . $p[$managerID]["username"] . " " . $p[$managerID]["name"]; $adminID = $this->get_value("approvedByAdminPersonID"); $admin_field = $adminID . " " . $p[$adminID]["username"] . " " . $p[$adminID]["name"]; $tf_field = $this->get_value("recipient_tfID") . " " . tf::get_name($this->get_value("recipient_tfID")); if ($this->get_value("projectID")) { $project = new project(); $project->set_id($this->get_value("projectID")); $project->select(); $projectName = $project->get_name(); $projectShortName = $project->get_name(array("showShortProjectLink" => true)); $projectShortName && $projectShortName != $projectName and $projectName .= " " . $projectShortName; } $q = prepare("SELECT dateTimeSheetItem, taskID, description, comment, commentPrivate \n FROM timeSheetItem \n WHERE timeSheetID = %d \n ORDER BY dateTimeSheetItem ASC", $this->get_id()); $db = new db_alloc(); $db->query($q); while ($r = $db->row()) { $desc .= $br . $r["dateTimeSheetItem"] . " " . $r["taskID"] . " " . $r["description"] . "\n"; $r["comment"] && $r["commentPrivate"] or $desc .= $r["comment"] . "\n"; $br = "\n"; } $doc = new Zend_Search_Lucene_Document(); $doc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Keyword('id', $this->get_id())); $doc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Text('project', $projectName, "utf-8")); $doc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Text('pid', $this->get_value("projectID"), "utf-8")); $doc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Text('creator', $person_field, "utf-8")); $doc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Text('desc', $desc, "utf-8")); $doc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Text('status', $this->get_value("status"), "utf-8")); $doc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Text('tf', $tf_field, "utf-8")); $doc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Text('manager', $manager_field, "utf-8")); $doc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Text('admin', $admin_field, "utf-8")); $doc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Text('dateManager', str_replace("-", "", $this->get_value("dateSubmittedToManager")), "utf-8")); $doc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Text('dateAdmin', str_replace("-", "", $this->get_value("dateSubmittedToAdmin")), "utf-8")); $doc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Text('dateFrom', str_replace("-", "", $this->get_value("dateFrom")), "utf-8")); $doc->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Text('dateTo', str_replace("-", "", $this->get_value("dateTo")), "utf-8")); $index->addDocument($doc); }
function show_invoiceItem_list() { global $invoiceID; global $TPL; global $invoice; $current_user =& singleton("current_user"); $template = "templates/invoiceItemListR.tpl"; $db = new db_alloc(); $db2 = new db_alloc(); $q = prepare("SELECT *\n FROM invoiceItem \n WHERE invoiceItem.invoiceID = %d \n ORDER BY iiDate,invoiceItem.invoiceItemID", $invoiceID); $db->query($q); while ($db->next_record()) { $invoiceItem = new invoiceItem(); $invoiceItem->currency = $invoice->get_value("currencyTypeID"); if (!$invoiceItem->read_db_record($db)) { continue; } $invoiceItem->set_tpl_values("invoiceItem_"); unset($transaction_sum); unset($transaction_info); unset($transaction_statii); unset($one_approved); unset($one_rejected); unset($one_pending); unset($br); unset($sel); unset($amount); unset($TPL["invoiceItem_buttons_top"], $TPL["invoiceItem_buttons"], $TPL["transaction_info"], $TPL["status_label"]); // If editing a invoiceItem then don't display it in the list if (is_array($_POST["invoiceItem_edit"]) && key($_POST["invoiceItem_edit"]) == $invoiceItem->get_id()) { continue; } $q = prepare("SELECT *\n , transaction.amount * pow(10,-currencyType.numberToBasic) AS transaction_amount\n , transaction.tfID AS transaction_tfID\n , transaction.fromTfID AS transaction_fromTfID\n , transaction.status AS transaction_status \n , transaction.currencyTypeID\n FROM transaction \n LEFT JOIN currencyType on transaction.currencyTypeID = currencyType.currencyTypeID\n WHERE transaction.invoiceItemID = %d", $invoiceItem->get_id()); $db2->query($q); while ($db2->next_record()) { $transaction = new transaction(); if (!$transaction->read_db_record($db2)) { $other_peoples_transactions .= "<br>Tansaction access denied for transaction #" . $db2->f("transactionID"); continue; } if ($db2->f("transaction_status") == "approved") { $one_approved = true; } if ($db2->f("transaction_status") == "rejected") { $one_rejected = true; } if ($db2->f("transaction_status") == "pending") { $one_pending = true; } $amounts[$invoiceItem->get_id()] += $db2->f("transaction_amount"); $db2->f("transaction_status") != "rejected" and $transaction_sum += $db2->f("transaction_amount"); $transaction_info .= $br . ucwords($db2->f("transaction_status")) . " Transaction "; $transaction_info .= "<a href=\"" . $TPL["url_alloc_transaction"] . "transactionID=" . $db2->f("transactionID") . "\">#" . $db2->f("transactionID") . "</a>"; $transaction_info .= " from "; $transaction_info .= "<a href=\"" . $TPL["url_alloc_transactionList"] . "tfID=" . $db2->f("transaction_fromTfID") . "\">" . tf::get_name($db2->f("transaction_fromTfID")) . "</a>"; $transaction_info .= " to <a href=\"" . $TPL["url_alloc_transactionList"] . "tfID=" . $db2->f("transaction_tfID") . "\">" . tf::get_name($db2->f("transaction_tfID")) . "</a>"; $transaction_info .= " for <b>" . page::money($db2->f("currencyTypeID"), $db2->f("transaction_amount"), "%s%m") . "</b>"; $br = "<br>"; } $TPL["transaction_info"] = $transaction_info; $TPL["transaction_info"] .= $other_peoples_transactions; // Sets the background colour of the invoice item boxes based on transaction.status if (!$one_rejected && !$one_pending && $one_approved) { $TPL["box_class"] = " approved"; $transaction_status = "approved"; } else { if ($one_rejected) { $TPL["box_class"] = " rejected"; $transaction_status = "rejected"; } else { if ($one_pending) { $transaction_status = "pending"; $TPL["box_class"] = " warn"; } else { $TPL["box_class"] = " pending"; $transaction_status = ""; } } } $sel[$transaction_status] = " checked"; if ($sel["rejected"]) { $TPL["status_label"] = "<b>[Not Going To Be Paid]</b>"; } else { if ($sel["pending"]) { $TPL["status_label"] = "<b>[Pending]</b>"; } else { if ($sel["approved"]) { $TPL["status_label"] = "<b>[Paid]</b>"; } } } if ($transaction_sum > 0 && $transaction_sum < $invoiceItem->get_value("iiAmount", DST_HTML_DISPLAY)) { $TPL["status_label"] = "<b>[Paid in part]</b>"; $TPL["box_class"] = " warn"; } else { if ($transaction_sum > $invoiceItem->get_value("iiAmount")) { $TPL["status_label"] = "<b>[Overpaid]</b>"; } } $TPL["status_label"] or $TPL["status_label"] = "<b>[No Transactions Created]</b>"; if ($invoice->get_value("invoiceStatus") == "reconcile") { if ($amounts[$invoiceItem->get_id()] === null) { $amount = $invoiceItem->get_value("iiAmount", DST_HTML_DISPLAY); if (config::get_config_item("taxPercent") && $invoiceItem->get_value("iiTax") == 0) { $amount = page::money($invoice->get_value("currencyTypeID"), $amount * (config::get_config_item("taxPercent") / 100 + 1), "%m"); } } else { $amount = page::money($invoice->get_value("currencyTypeID"), $amounts[$invoiceItem->get_id()], "%m"); } $selected_tfID = $db2->f("transaction_tfID"); if (!$selected_tfID && $invoiceItem->get_value("timeSheetID")) { $timeSheet = $invoiceItem->get_foreign_object("timeSheet"); $project = $timeSheet->get_foreign_object("project"); $selected_tfID = $project->get_value("cost_centre_tfID"); } else { if (!$selected_tfID && $invoiceItem->get_value("transactionID")) { $transaction = $invoiceItem->get_foreign_object("transaction"); $project = $transaction->get_foreign_object("project"); $selected_tfID = $project->get_value("cost_centre_tfID"); $selected_tfID or $selected_tfID = $transaction->get_value("tfID"); } } $selected_tfID or $selected_tfID = config::get_config_item("mainTfID"); #$tf_options = page::select_options($tf_array, $selected_tfID); #$tf_options = "<select name=\"invoiceItemAmountPaidTfID[".$invoiceItem->get_id()."]\">".$tf_options."</select>"; #$TPL["invoiceItem_buttons"] = "<input size=\"8\" type=\"text\" id=\"ap_".$invoiceItem->get_id()."\" name=\"invoiceItemAmountPaid[".$invoiceItem->get_id()."]\" value=\"".$amount."\">"; #$TPL["invoiceItem_buttons"].= $tf_options; unset($radio_buttons); if ($current_user->have_role('admin')) { $radio_buttons = "<label class='radio corner' for=\"invoiceItemStatus_rejected_" . $invoiceItem->get_id() . "\">Not Going To Be Paid"; $radio_buttons .= "<input type=\"radio\" id=\"invoiceItemStatus_rejected_" . $invoiceItem->get_id() . "\" name=\"invoiceItemStatus[" . $invoiceItem->get_id() . "]\""; $radio_buttons .= " value=\"rejected\"" . $sel["rejected"] . ">"; $radio_buttons .= "</label>"; $radio_buttons .= " "; $radio_buttons .= "<label class='radio corner' for=\"invoiceItemStatus_pending_" . $invoiceItem->get_id() . "\">Pending"; $radio_buttons .= "<input type=\"radio\" id=\"invoiceItemStatus_pending_" . $invoiceItem->get_id() . "\" name=\"invoiceItemStatus[" . $invoiceItem->get_id() . "]\""; $radio_buttons .= " value=\"pending\"" . $sel["pending"] . ">"; $radio_buttons .= "</label>"; $radio_buttons .= " "; $radio_buttons .= "<label class='radio corner' for=\"invoiceItemStatus_approved_" . $invoiceItem->get_id() . "\">Paid"; $radio_buttons .= "<input type=\"radio\" id=\"invoiceItemStatus_approved_" . $invoiceItem->get_id() . "\" name=\"invoiceItemStatus[" . $invoiceItem->get_id() . "]\""; $radio_buttons .= " value=\"approved\"" . $sel["approved"] . ">"; $radio_buttons .= "</label>"; $TPL["invoiceItem_buttons_top"] = $radio_buttons; $TPL["invoiceItem_buttons_top"] .= " <input type=\"text\" size=\"7\" name=\"invoiceItemAmountPaid[" . $invoiceItem->get_id() . "]\" value=\"" . $amount . "\">"; $TPL["invoiceItem_buttons_top"] .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"invoiceItemAmountPaidTfID[" . $invoiceItem->get_id() . "]\" value=\"" . $selected_tfID . "\">"; } unset($TPL["invoiceItem_buttons"]); } else { if ($invoice->get_value("invoiceStatus") == "finished") { } else { if (is_object($invoice) && $invoice->get_value("invoiceStatus") == "edit") { $TPL["invoiceItem_buttons"] = ' <button type="submit" name="invoiceItem_delete[' . $invoiceItem->get_id() . ']" value="1" class="delete_button">Delete<i class="icon-trash"></i></button> <button type="submit" name="invoiceItem_edit[' . $invoiceItem->get_id() . ']" value="1">Edit<i class="icon-edit"></i></button> '; } } } if ($invoiceItem->get_value("timeSheetID")) { $t = new timeSheet(); $t->set_id($invoiceItem->get_value("timeSheetID")); $t->select(); $t->load_pay_info(); $amount = $t->pay_info["total_customerBilledDollars"] or $amount = $t->pay_info["total_dollars"]; $TPL["invoiceItem_iiMemo"] = "<a href=\"" . $TPL["url_alloc_timeSheet"] . "timeSheetID=" . $invoiceItem->get_value("timeSheetID") . "\">" . $invoiceItem->get_value("iiMemo") . " (Currently: \$" . $amount . ", Status: " . $t->get_timeSheet_status() . ")</a>"; } else { if ($invoiceItem->get_value("expenseFormID")) { $ep = $invoiceItem->get_foreign_object("expenseForm"); $total = $ep->get_abs_sum_transactions(); $TPL["invoiceItem_iiMemo"] = "<a href=\"" . $TPL["url_alloc_expenseForm"] . "expenseFormID=" . $invoiceItem->get_value("expenseFormID") . "\">" . $invoiceItem->get_value("iiMemo") . " (Currently: " . page::money(config::get_config_item("currency"), $total, "%s%m %c") . ", Status: " . $ep->get_status() . ")</a>"; } } $TPL["currency"] = $invoice->get_value("currencyTypeID"); include_template($template); } }
function show_new_transaction($template) { global $timeSheet; global $TPL; global $db; global $percent_array; if ($timeSheet->get_value("status") == "invoiced" && $timeSheet->have_perm(PERM_TIME_INVOICE_TIMESHEETS)) { $tf = new tf(); $options = $tf->get_assoc_array("tfID", "tfName"); $TPL["tf_options"] = page::select_options($options, $none); $transactionType_options = transaction::get_transactionTypes(); $TPL["transactionType_options"] = page::select_options($transactionType_options); $status_options = array("pending" => "Pending", "approved" => "Approved", "rejected" => "Rejected"); $TPL["status_options"] = page::select_options($status_options); $TPL["transaction_timeSheetID"] = $timeSheet->get_id(); $TPL["transaction_transactionDate"] = date("Y-m-d"); $TPL["transaction_product"] = ""; $TPL["transaction_buttons"] = ' <button type="submit" name="transaction_save" value="1" class="save_button">Add<i class="icon-plus-sign"></i></button> '; $TPL["percent_dropdown"] = page::select_options($percent_array, $empty); include_template($template); } }
} $defaults = array("url_form_action" => $TPL["url_alloc_transactionList"], "form_name" => "transactionList_filter", "applyFilter" => $applyFilter, "tfID" => $tfID, "startDate" => $startDate, "endDate" => $endDate, "monthDate" => $monthDate); if ($download) { $_FORM = transaction::load_form_data($defaults); $rtn = transaction::get_list($_FORM); $totals = $rtn["totals"]; $rows = $rtn["rows"]; $csv = transaction::arr_to_csv($rows); header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream'); header("Content-Length: " . strlen($csv)); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . date("Ymd_His") . '.csv"'); echo $csv; exit; } // Check perm of requested tf $tf = new tf(); $tf->set_id($tfID); $tf->select(); $TPL["tfID"] = $tfID; $_FORM = transaction::load_form_data($defaults); $rtn = transaction::get_list($_FORM); $TPL["totals"] = $rtn["totals"]; $TPL["transactionListRows"] = $rtn["rows"]; // Total balance $TPL["balance"] = $tf->get_balance(); // Total balance pending $TPL["pending_amount"] = $tf->get_balance(array("status" => "pending")); // Page and header title $TPL["title"] = "Statement for tagged fund: " . $tf->get_value("tfName"); $TPL["main_alloc_title"] = "TF: " . $tf->get_value("tfName") . " - " . APPLICATION_NAME; include_template("templates/transactionListM.tpl");
alloc_redirect($TPL["url_alloc_personList"]); } } else { if ($_POST["delete"]) { $person->delete(); alloc_redirect($TPL["url_alloc_personList"]); } } #$person = new person(); #$person->set_id($personID); #$person->select(); $person->set_values("person_"); if ($person->get_id()) { $q = prepare("SELECT tfPerson.tfID AS value, tf.tfName AS label \n FROM tf, tfPerson \n \t\t\t\t WHERE tf.tfID = tfPerson.tfID \n AND tfPerson.personID = %d \n AND (tf.tfActive = 1 OR tf.tfID = %d)", $person->get_id(), $person->get_value("preferred_tfID")); $TPL["preferred_tfID_options"] = page::select_options($q, $person->get_value("preferred_tfID")); $tf = new tf(); $tf->set_id($person->get_value("preferred_tfID")); $tf->select(); } $TPL["absence_url"] = $TPL["url_alloc_absence"] . "personID=" . $personID; $TPL["personActive"] = !$person->get_id() || $person->get_value("personActive") ? " checked" : ""; if (has("time")) { $timeUnit = new timeUnit(); $rate_type_array = $timeUnit->get_assoc_array("timeUnitID", "timeUnitLabelB"); } $TPL["timeSheetRateUnit_select"] = page::select_options($rate_type_array, $person->get_value("defaultTimeSheetRateUnitID")); $TPL["timeSheetRateUnit_label"] = $rate_type_array[$person->get_value("defaultTimeSheetRateUnitID")]; if ($personID) { $TPL["main_alloc_title"] = "Person Details: " . $person->get_value("username") . " - " . APPLICATION_NAME; } else { $TPL["main_alloc_title"] = "New Person - " . APPLICATION_NAME;
public static function get_list($_FORM = array()) { $current_user =& singleton("current_user"); list($filter1, $filter2) = tf::get_list_filter($_FORM); if (is_array($filter1) && count($filter1)) { $f = " AND " . implode(" AND ", $filter1); } if (is_array($filter2) && count($filter2)) { $f2 = " AND " . implode(" AND ", $filter2); } $db = new db_alloc(); $q = prepare("SELECT transaction.tfID as id, tf.tfName, transactionID, transaction.status,\n sum(amount * pow(10,-currencyType.numberToBasic) * exchangeRate) AS balance\n FROM transaction\n LEFT JOIN currencyType ON currencyType.currencyTypeID = transaction.currencyTypeID\n LEFT JOIN tf on transaction.tfID = tf.tfID\n WHERE 1 AND transaction.status != 'rejected' " . $f2 . "\n GROUP BY transaction.status,transaction.tfID"); $db->query($q); while ($row = $db->row()) { if ($row["status"] == "approved") { $adds[$row["id"]] = $row["balance"]; } else { if ($row["status"] == "pending") { $pending_adds[$row["id"]] = $row["balance"]; } } } $q = prepare("SELECT transaction.fromTfID as id, tf.tfName, transactionID, transaction.status,\n sum(amount * pow(10,-currencyType.numberToBasic) * exchangeRate) AS balance\n FROM transaction\n LEFT JOIN currencyType ON currencyType.currencyTypeID = transaction.currencyTypeID\n LEFT JOIN tf on transaction.fromTfID = tf.tfID\n WHERE 1 AND transaction.status != 'rejected' " . $f2 . "\n GROUP BY transaction.status,transaction.fromTfID"); $db->query($q); while ($row = $db->row()) { if ($row["status"] == "approved") { $subs[$row["id"]] = $row["balance"]; } else { if ($row["status"] == "pending") { $pending_subs[$row["id"]] = $row["balance"]; } } } $q = prepare("SELECT tf.* \n FROM tf \n LEFT JOIN tfPerson ON tf.tfID = tfPerson.tfID \n WHERE 1 " . $f . "\n GROUP BY tf.tfID \n ORDER BY tf.tfName"); $db->query($q); while ($row = $db->row()) { $tf = new tf(); $tf->read_db_record($db); $tf->set_values(); $total = $adds[$db->f("tfID")] - $subs[$db->f("tfID")]; $pending_total = $pending_adds[$db->f("tfID")] - $pending_subs[$db->f("tfID")]; if (have_entity_perm("transaction", PERM_READ, $current_user, $tf->is_owner())) { $row["tfBalance"] = page::money(config::get_config_item("currency"), $total, "%s%m %c"); $row["tfBalancePending"] = page::money(config::get_config_item("currency"), $pending_total, "%s%m %c"); $row["total"] = $total; $row["pending_total"] = $pending_total; } else { $row["tfBalance"] = ""; $row["tfBalancePending"] = ""; $row["total"] = ""; $row["pending_total"] = ""; } $nav_links = $tf->get_nav_links(); $row["nav_links"] = implode(" ", $nav_links); $row["tfActive_label"] = ""; $tf->get_value("tfActive") and $row["tfActive_label"] = "Y"; $rows[$tf->get_id()] = $row; } return (array) $rows; }
foreach (array(ALLOC_LOGO, ALLOC_LOGO_SMALL) as $logo) { if (file_exists($logo)) { if (unlink($logo)) { $TPL["message_good"][] = "Deleted " . $logo; } } if (file_exists($logo)) { alloc_error("Unable to delete " . $logo); } } } } get_cached_table("config", true); // flush cache if (has("finance")) { $tf = new tf(); $options = $tf->get_assoc_array("tfID", "tfName"); } $TPL["mainTfOptions"] = page::select_options($options, config::get_config_item("mainTfID")); $TPL["outTfOptions"] = page::select_options($options, config::get_config_item("outTfID")); $TPL["inTfOptions"] = page::select_options($options, config::get_config_item("inTfID")); $TPL["taxTfOptions"] = page::select_options($options, config::get_config_item("taxTfID")); $TPL["expenseFormTfOptions"] = page::select_options($options, config::get_config_item("expenseFormTfID")); $tabops = array("home" => "Home", "client" => "Clients", "project" => "Projects", "task" => "Tasks", "time" => "Time", "invoice" => "Invoices", "sale" => "Sales", "person" => "People", "wiki" => "Wiki", "inbox" => "Inbox", "tools" => "Tools"); $selected_tabops = config::get_config_item("allocTabs") or $selected_tabops = array_keys($tabops); $TPL["allocTabsOptions"] = page::select_options($tabops, $selected_tabops); $m = new meta("currencyType"); $currencyOptions = $m->get_assoc_array("currencyTypeID", "currencyTypeName"); $TPL["currencyOptions"] = page::select_options($currencyOptions, config::get_config_item("currency")); $db = new db_alloc(); $display = array("", "username", ", ", "emailAddress");
function load_transaction_filter($_FORM) { global $TPL; $rtn["statusOptions"] = page::select_options(array("" => "", "pending" => "Pending", "approved" => "Approved", "rejected" => "Rejected"), $_FORM["status"]); $transactionTypeOptions = transaction::get_transactionTypes(); $rtn["transactionTypeOptions"] = page::select_options($transactionTypeOptions, $_FORM["transactionType"]); $rtn["startDate"] = $_FORM["startDate"]; $rtn["endDate"] = $_FORM["endDate"]; if ($_FORM["monthDate"]) { $rtn["startDate"] = format_date("Y-m-", $_FORM["monthDate"]) . "01"; $t = format_date("U", $_FORM["monthDate"]); $rtn["endDate"] = date("Y-m-d", mktime(1, 1, 1, date("m", $t) + 1, 1, date("Y", $t))); } $display_format = "M"; // Fiddle $_FORM["monthDate"]. It may be a real date (2010-11-23) so change the last 2 chars to "01". $_FORM["monthDate"] = substr_replace($_FORM["monthDate"], "01", 8); // If this month is January, go from last Feb to this Feb $m = date("m") + 1; $y = date("Y"); // jump back a year iff it's December now if ($m == 13) { $m = 1; } else { $y -= 1; } $label_monthDate = date($display_format); for ($j = 0; $j < 13; $j++) { $label = date($display_format, mktime(0, 0, 0, $m, 1, $y)); $monthDate = date("Y-m-d", mktime(0, 0, 0, $m, 1, $y)); $bold = false; if ($monthDate == format_date("Y-m-d", $_FORM["monthDate"])) { $bold = true; } $link = $TPL["url_alloc_transactionList"] . "tfID=" . $_FORM["tfID"] . "&monthDate=" . $monthDate . "&applyFilter=true"; $bold and $rtn["month_links"] .= "<b>"; $rtn["month_links"] .= $sp . "<a href=\"" . $link . "\">" . $label . "</a>"; $bold and $rtn["month_links"] .= "</b>"; $sp = " "; if ($m == 12) { $m = 1; $y += 1; } else { $m += 1; } } if ($_FORM["sortTransactions"] == "transactionSortDate") { $rtn["checked_transactionSortDate"] = " checked"; } else { $rtn["checked_transactionDate"] = " checked"; } $tf = new tf(); $options = $tf->get_assoc_array("tfID", "tfName"); $rtn["tfOptions"] = page::select_options($options, $_FORM["tfID"]); $rtn["fromTfOptions"] = page::select_options($options, $_FORM["fromTfID"]); $rtn["transactionID"] = $_FORM["transactionID"]; $rtn["expenseFormID"] = $_FORM["expenseFormID"]; $rtn["product"] = $_FORM["product"]; $rtn["amount"] = $_FORM["amount"]; return $rtn; }