function __construct() { static $x = 0; if ($x) { print "Infinite loop...\n"; } else { $x++; parent::__construct(1); testclass::__construct(2); call_user_func(array('parent', '__construct'), 3); call_user_func(array('testclass', '__construct'), 4); call_user_func(array('testclass', 'testclass'), 5); } }
public function testFunc(){ echo "\n".'I`m the up'; } } class testClass extends parentClass{ var $nick = ''; public function __construct($nick){ $this->nick = $nick; } public function Display(){ echo $this->nick; $this->testFunc(); } } $otherClass1 = new testClass('frank'); //frank $otherClass1->Display(); //I'm the up /* 这样的代码最后的输出结果是什么呢?关键是看testFunc()方法。 如果在类中用$this调用一个当前类中不存在的方法或变量,它会依次去父类寻找,直到找不到再报错 基于第一条,如果找到了需要的方法或变量,就会停止寻找,如果其上级父类中还有同样的,则选择当前找到的 */ ?>
$this->num++; } function display(){ echo self::$count,'<br />'; echo $this->num, '<br />'; } } $oTest1 = new testClass(); $oTest1->display(); //输出1,1 $oTest2 = new testClass(); $oTest2->display(); //输出2,1 /* 上面例子中self::$cout始终指向该类本身,而$num是单独存在于各个具体实例中的。 总结: $this 指向当前的实例 $parent 是父类的引用 self 对当前类本身的一个引用 */
<?php ini_set('display_errors', 1); error_reporting(E_ALL); // include the autoloader require 'vendor/autoload.php'; Illuminate\Support\ClassLoader::register(); // create test class $n = new testClass(); $n->testme(); // the required libs use Illuminate\View\FileViewFinder; use Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem; use Illuminate\View\Compilers\BladeCompiler; use Illuminate\View\Engines\CompilerEngine; use Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher; use Illuminate\Container\Container; use Illuminate\View\Factory; use Illuminate\View\Engines\EngineResolver; use Illuminate\View\View; class testClass { function testme() { // create a template $r = $this->loadBlade('not-sure-what-this-does', __DIR__ . '/app/views/test.blade.php', array('testvar' => ' timestamp: ' . time())); // render the template echo $r->render(); } function loadBlade($view, $viewPath = false, $data = array()) {
<?php header('Content-Type:text/html; charset=utf-8'); /* 上面例子中,$this->display(); 其实就是 $otestClass1->nick,因此$this究竟指向哪是由所实例化的对象决定的,指向当前对象实例的指针。包括变量、方法都是如此 */ class testClass{ var $nick = ''; public function __construct($nick){ $this->nick = $nick; } public function Display(){ echo $this->nick; } } $otherClass1 = new testClass('frank'); $otherClass1->Display(); //显示frank ?>
<?php class testClass { protected $property = 'value'; public function testInclude() { include __DIR__ . '/'; } } $test = new testClass(); $test->testInclude();