 if ($donation_option === $donation_option1) {
     // Checks if coins is enabled in the config or else log this.
     if ($coins_enabled == true) {
         // Checks if charname exists.
         if ($total > 0) {
             // Donate Rewards Coins I.
             if ($amount == $donatecoinamount1) {
                 // Checks if coins option 1 is enabled in the config or else make a log.
                 if ($coins1_enabled == true) {
                     // Checks if the character is online and telnet is enabled.
                     if ($onlinearray == 1 && $use_telnet == true) {
                         // If character is online lets send some telnet commands.
                         echo $telnet->write("give " . $charname . " " . $item_id . " " . $donatecoinreward1 . "");
                         echo $telnet->disconnect();
                         // TODO: need to check if this is closing the connection.
                     } else {
                         try {
                             // Does the character already have the item ?
                             $sql_have_item = $connection->prepare('SELECT owner_id FROM items WHERE item_id = :item_id AND owner_id = :charId AND loc = :invertory ');
                             $sql_have_item->execute(array(':item_id' => $item_id, ':charId' => $charId, ':invertory' => $invertory));
                             $sql_have_item_fetch = $sql_have_item->fetchAll();
                             $exist = count($sql_have_item_fetch);
                         } catch (PDOException $e) {
                             // Local file reporting.
                             // Logging: file location.
                             $local_log_file = $log_location_ipn;
                             // Logging: Timestamp