?> </div> </div> <!-- custom sidebar --> <div class="td-meta-box-row"> <span class="td-page-o-custom-label"> Custom sidebar: <?php td_util::tooltip_html(' <h3>Custom sidebar:</h3> <p>From here you can set a custom sidebar for this page only.</p> <ul> <li><strong>This setting overrides</strong> the Theme panel setting from <i>Template settings > Page template</i></li> <li><strong>On default</strong> - the template will load the sidebar that is set in the Theme panel: <i>Template settings > Page template</i></li> <li>This setting is intended to be use for content pages, When this template detects that Visual Composer is used, it will switch to a full width layout (with no sidebar). </li> <li>If you want to use a sidebar with Visual Composer please use the Widgetised Sidebar block</li> </ul> ', 'right'); ?> </span> <?php echo td_panel_generator::sidebar_pulldown(array('ds' => 'td_page', 'item_id' => '', 'option_id' => 'td_sidebar', 'selected_value' => $mb->get_the_value('td_sidebar'))); ?> </div> </div> <!-- /page option general -->
<div class="td-box-section-separator"></div> <!-- Category top posts style --> <div class="td-box-row"> <div class="td-box-description"> <span class="td-box-title">Category top posts style</span> <p> Set top post style <?php td_util::tooltip_html(' <h3>Category top post styles:</h3> <p>Highlight the latest posts on a category page</p> <ul> <li>This setting can be overwritten on a per category basis from the boxes below</li> <li>Use this setting + the <i>grid style</i> setting to get the results that you want</li> <li>For advanced users, here is the <a target="_blank" href="http://forum.tagdiv.com/api-category-top-section-style-introduction/">API documentation</a></li> </ul> ', 'right'); ?> </p> </div> <div class="td-box-control-full"> <?php echo td_panel_generator::visual_select_o(array('ds' => 'td_option', 'option_id' => 'tds_category_top_posts_style', 'values' => td_api_category_top_posts_style::_helper_to_panel_values())); ?> </div> </div> <?php
</span> <?php echo td_panel_generator::visual_select_o(array('ds' => 'td_post_theme_settings', 'item_id' => '', 'option_id' => 'td_sidebar_position', 'values' => array(array('text' => '', 'title' => '', 'val' => '', 'class' => 'td-sidebar-position-default', 'img' => get_template_directory_uri() . '/includes/wp_booster/wp-admin/images/panel/sidebar-default.png'), array('text' => '', 'title' => '', 'val' => 'sidebar_left', 'class' => 'td-sidebar-position-left', 'img' => get_template_directory_uri() . '/includes/wp_booster/wp-admin/images/panel/sidebar-left.png'), array('text' => '', 'title' => '', 'val' => 'no_sidebar', 'class' => 'td-no-sidebar', 'img' => get_template_directory_uri() . '/includes/wp_booster/wp-admin/images/panel/sidebar-full.png'), array('text' => '', 'title' => '', 'val' => 'sidebar_right', 'class' => 'td-sidebar-position-right', 'img' => get_template_directory_uri() . '/includes/wp_booster/wp-admin/images/panel/sidebar-right.png')), 'selected_value' => $mb->get_the_value('td_sidebar_position'))); ?> </div> <!-- custom sidebar --> <div class="td-meta-box-row"> <span class="td-page-o-custom-label"> Custom sidebar: <?php td_util::tooltip_html(' <h3>Custom sidebar:</h3> <p>This setting allows you to load a custom sidebar on this product page only</p> <ul> <li><strong>This setting overrides</strong> the Theme panel setting from <i>Template settings > WooCommerce > Homepage + Archives</i></li> <li><strong>On default</strong> - the global setting from the WooCommerce Homepage + Archives will apply</li> </ul> ', 'right'); ?> </span> <?php echo td_panel_generator::sidebar_pulldown(array('ds' => 'td_post_theme_settings', 'item_id' => '', 'option_id' => 'td_sidebar', 'selected_value' => $mb->get_the_value('td_sidebar'))); ?> </div>
<?php echo td_panel_generator::checkbox(array('ds' => 'td_option', 'option_id' => 'tds_breadcrumbs_show_parent', 'true_value' => '', 'false_value' => 'hide')); ?> </div> </div> <!-- show Breadcrumbs article title --> <div class="td-box-row"> <div class="td-box-description"> <span class="td-box-title">SHOW ARTICLE TITLE</span> <p> Show or hide the article title on post pages <?php td_util::tooltip_html(' <h3>Show article title in breadcrumbs:</h3> <p>If you do not require this for specific reasons, it can be disabled. This setting only affects the breadcrumbs. Not the article title of the post!</p> ', 'right'); ?> </p> </div> <div class="td-box-control-full"> <?php echo td_panel_generator::checkbox(array('ds' => 'td_option', 'option_id' => 'tds_breadcrumbs_show_article', 'true_value' => '', 'false_value' => 'hide')); ?> </div> </div> <?php echo td_panel_generator::box_end(); ?>
?> >Hide title</option> </select> </div> </div> <!-- custom title for article list --> <div class="td-meta-box-row"> <?php $mb->the_field('list_custom_title'); ?> <span class="td-page-o-custom-label"> Article list title: <?php td_util::tooltip_html(' <h3>The title to use for the loop:</h3> <p>It can be something like "Latest articles" etc.</p> ', 'right'); ?> </span> <input type="text" name="<?php $mb->the_name(); ?> " value="<?php $mb->the_value(); ?> "/> <span class="td-page-o-info">Custom title for the article list section</span> </div> <div class="td-meta-box-row td-meta-box-row-separator">
<div class="td-box-section-separator"></div> <!-- Category top posts style --> <div class="td-box-row"> <div class="td-box-description"> <span class="td-box-title">分类顶部文章风格</span> <p> 设置顶部文章风格 <?php td_util::tooltip_html(' <h3>分类顶部文章风格:</h3> <p>高亮分类页最新文章</p> <ul> <li>此设置可以从以下框覆盖每个分类基础</li> <li>使用此设置 + <i>网格风格</i> 设置获取你想要的结果</li> <li>对于高级用户,这里是<a target="_blank" href="http://forum.tagdiv.com/api-category-top-section-style-introduction/">API文档</a></li> </ul> ', 'right'); ?> </p> </div> <div class="td-box-control-full"> <?php echo td_panel_generator::visual_select_o(array('ds' => 'td_option', 'option_id' => 'tds_category_top_posts_style', 'values' => td_api_category_top_posts_style::_helper_to_panel_values())); ?> </div> </div> <div class="td-box-row">
<p> Google analytics helps track your site traffic </p> </div> </div> <!-- paste your code here --> <div class="td-box-row"> <div class="td-box-description"> <span class="td-box-title">PASTE YOUR CODE HERE</span> <p> Google Analytics code <?php td_util::tooltip_html(' <h3>Google analytics tracking code:</h3> <p>Paste here the Universal Analytics tracking code for this property. The code will be added to the body tag on all the sites pages</p> ', 'right'); ?> </p> </div> <div class="td-box-control-full"> <?php echo td_panel_generator::textarea(array('ds' => 'td_option', 'option_id' => 'td_analytics')); ?> </div> </div> <?php echo td_panel_generator::box_end();
<div class="td-inline-block-wrap"> <?php echo td_panel_generator::visual_select_o(array('ds' => 'td_post_theme_settings', 'item_id' => '', 'option_id' => 'smart_list_template', 'values' => td_api_smart_list::_helper_td_smart_list_api_to_panel_values(), 'selected_value' => $mb->get_the_value('smart_list_template'))); ?> </div> </div> <!-- title tag --> <div class="td-meta-box-row"> <span class="td-page-o-custom-label"> Title tags: <?php td_util::tooltip_html(' <h3>Smart lists title tags:</h3> <p>Customize what tag is used for <i>Title</i> lookup. This setting is useful if for example, you already have articles that use H2 for items</p> ', 'right'); ?> </span> <?php $mb->the_field('td_smart_list_h'); ?> <div class="td-select-style-overwrite td-inline-block-wrap"> <select name="<?php $mb->the_name(); ?> " class="td-panel-dropdown"> <option value="h1"<?php $mb->the_select_state('h1'); ?> >Heading 1 ( H1 tag )</option>
?> >隐藏标题</option> </select> </div> </div> <!-- custom title for article list --> <div class="td-meta-box-row"> <?php $mb->the_field('list_custom_title'); ?> <span class="td-page-o-custom-label"> 文章列表标题: <?php td_util::tooltip_html(' <h3>循环使用标题:</h3> <p>它可以为某些东西,比如 "最新文章" 等.</p> ', 'right'); ?> </span> <input type="text" name="<?php $mb->the_name(); ?> " value="<?php $mb->the_value(); ?> "/> <span class="td-page-o-info">自定义文章列表部分标题</span> </div> <div class="td-meta-box-row td-meta-box-row-separator">
<div class="td-inline-block-wrap"> <?php echo td_panel_generator::visual_select_o(array('ds' => 'td_post_theme_settings', 'item_id' => '', 'option_id' => 'smart_list_template', 'values' => td_api_smart_list::_helper_td_smart_list_api_to_panel_values(), 'selected_value' => $mb->get_the_value('smart_list_template'))); ?> </div> </div> <!-- title tag --> <div class="td-meta-box-row"> <span class="td-page-o-custom-label"> 标题标签: <?php td_util::tooltip_html(' <h3>智能列表标题标签:</h3> <p>自定义什么标签用于<i>Title</i>查找。例如,你已有文章为项目使用H2,这是很有用的</p> ', 'right'); ?> </span> <?php $mb->the_field('td_smart_list_h'); ?> <div class="td-select-style-overwrite td-inline-block-wrap"> <select name="<?php $mb->the_name(); ?> " class="td-panel-dropdown"> <option value="h1"<?php $mb->the_select_state('h1'); ?> >标题 1 ( H1 标签 )</option>
<?php echo td_panel_generator::checkbox(array('ds' => 'td_option', 'option_id' => 'tds_breadcrumbs_show_parent', 'true_value' => '', 'false_value' => 'hide')); ?> </div> </div> <!-- show Breadcrumbs article title --> <div class="td-box-row"> <div class="td-box-description"> <span class="td-box-title">显示文章标题</span> <p> 在文章页显示或隐藏文章标题 <?php td_util::tooltip_html(' <h3>在面包屑导航显示文章标题:</h3> <p>如果你不需要这个特定的原因,可以禁用。此设置只影响面包屑。不是文章的文章标题</p> ', 'right'); ?> </p> </div> <div class="td-box-control-full"> <?php echo td_panel_generator::checkbox(array('ds' => 'td_option', 'option_id' => 'tds_breadcrumbs_show_article', 'true_value' => '', 'false_value' => 'hide')); ?> </div> </div> <?php echo td_panel_generator::box_end(); ?>
echo td_panel_generator::visual_select_o(array('ds' => 'td_page', 'item_id' => '', 'option_id' => 'td_sidebar_position', 'values' => array(array('text' => '', 'title' => '', 'val' => '', 'img' => get_template_directory_uri() . '/includes/wp_booster/wp-admin/images/panel/sidebar-default.png'), array('text' => '', 'title' => '', 'val' => 'sidebar_left', 'img' => get_template_directory_uri() . '/includes/wp_booster/wp-admin/images/panel/sidebar-left.png'), array('text' => '', 'title' => '', 'val' => 'no_sidebar', 'img' => get_template_directory_uri() . '/includes/wp_booster/wp-admin/images/panel/sidebar-full.png'), array('text' => '', 'title' => '', 'val' => 'sidebar_right', 'img' => get_template_directory_uri() . '/includes/wp_booster/wp-admin/images/panel/sidebar-right.png')), 'selected_value' => $mb->get_the_value('td_sidebar_position'))); ?> </div> </div> <!-- custom sidebar --> <div class="td-meta-box-row"> <span class="td-page-o-custom-label"> 自定义侧边栏: <?php td_util::tooltip_html(' <h3>自定义侧边栏:</h3> <p>从这里你可以仅为此页面设置自定义侧边栏</p> <ul> <li><strong>此设置覆盖</strong>来自<i>模板设置 > 页面模板</i>的主题面板。</li> <li><strong>默认</strong> - 文章将在主分类设置看到,且它将尝试从那里获取位置。如果主分类没有自定义侧边伴位置,文章将从<i>模板设置 > 博客和文章模板</i>加载设置</li> <li>此设置的目的是在内容页使用,当此模板检查到Visual Composer使用时,它将切换到全宽布局(无侧边栏)</li> <li>如果你想使用Visual Composer带侧边栏,请使用小工具化侧边栏区块</li> </ul> ', 'right'); ?> </span> <?php echo td_panel_generator::sidebar_pulldown(array('ds' => 'td_page', 'item_id' => '', 'option_id' => 'td_sidebar', 'selected_value' => $mb->get_the_value('td_sidebar'))); ?> </div> </div> <!-- /page option general -->
</span> <?php echo td_panel_generator::visual_select_o(array('ds' => 'td_post_theme_settings', 'item_id' => '', 'option_id' => 'td_sidebar_position', 'values' => array(array('text' => '', 'title' => '', 'val' => '', 'class' => 'td-sidebar-position-default', 'img' => get_template_directory_uri() . '/includes/wp_booster/wp-admin/images/panel/sidebar-default.png'), array('text' => '', 'title' => '', 'val' => 'sidebar_left', 'class' => 'td-sidebar-position-left', 'img' => get_template_directory_uri() . '/includes/wp_booster/wp-admin/images/panel/sidebar-left.png'), array('text' => '', 'title' => '', 'val' => 'no_sidebar', 'class' => 'td-no-sidebar', 'img' => get_template_directory_uri() . '/includes/wp_booster/wp-admin/images/panel/sidebar-full.png'), array('text' => '', 'title' => '', 'val' => 'sidebar_right', 'class' => 'td-sidebar-position-right', 'img' => get_template_directory_uri() . '/includes/wp_booster/wp-admin/images/panel/sidebar-right.png')), 'selected_value' => $mb->get_the_value('td_sidebar_position'))); ?> </div> <!-- custom sidebar --> <div class="td-meta-box-row"> <span class="td-page-o-custom-label"> 自定义侧边栏: <?php td_util::tooltip_html(' <h3>自定义侧边栏:</h3> <p>此设置允许只在此产品页加载自定义侧边栏</p> <ul> <li><strong>此设置覆盖</strong>来自<i>模板设置 > WooCommerce > 首页 + 归档</i>的主题面板设置</li> <li><strong>默认</strong> - 来自WooCommerce 首页 + 归档的全局设置将应用</li> </ul> ', 'right'); ?> </span> <?php echo td_panel_generator::sidebar_pulldown(array('ds' => 'td_post_theme_settings', 'item_id' => '', 'option_id' => 'td_sidebar', 'selected_value' => $mb->get_the_value('td_sidebar'))); ?> </div>