<!-- Default site post template -->
echo td_panel_generator::box_start('Default post template (site wide)', false);

<!-- Default post template -->
<div class="td-box-row">
    <div class="td-box-description">
        <span class="td-box-title">DEFAULT SITE POST TEMPLATE</span>
        <p>Setting this option will make all post pages, that don't have a post template set, to be displayed using this template. You can overwrite this setting on a per post basis.</p>
    <div class="td-box-control-full">
echo td_panel_generator::visual_select_o(array('ds' => 'td_option', 'option_id' => 'td_default_site_post_template', 'values' => td_panel_generator::helper_td_global_list_to_panel_values(td_global::$post_templates_list)));

echo td_panel_generator::box_end();

<!-- breadcrumbs -->
echo td_panel_generator::box_start('Breadcrumbs', false);