Пример #1
            $DB->update_record('bookingrooms_bookings', $bookings);
            $action = "see";
// 'See' action implementation
// Shows a table per page of all the room reservations that are active in decreasing order by date
// with a link that allows you to add a comment or see, if exist, a comment
if ($action == "see") {
    $max = 15;
    $page = optional_param('page', 0, PARAM_INT);
    //$bokkings = $DB->get_records('bookingrooms_bookings');
    $bookings = $DB->get_records_sql('SELECT * from {bookingrooms_bookings} WHERE active = 1 order by date_bookings desc');
    $count = count($bookings);
    $totalpages = ceil($count / $max);
    $table = tables::AlldataReservations($reservas, $max, $page);
//view of the actions: see & comment
$o = '';
$title = get_string('bookinghistory', 'local_bookingrooms');
$PAGE->navbar->add(get_string('roomsreserve', 'local_bookingrooms'));
$PAGE->navbar->add(get_string('adjustments', 'local_bookingrooms'));
$PAGE->navbar->add($title, 'bookinghistory.php');
if ($action == "see") {
    $o .= $OUTPUT->header();
    $o .= $OUTPUT->heading($title);
    $o .= "version 2013031400";
    $o .= "<right><h4> " . get_string('totalbookings', 'local_bookingrooms') . " " . $count . "  </h4></right>";
    $o .= "<div class='no-overflow'>";