Пример #1
  * @return string html
 function isSubscribed($feed_id)
     if (!$this->isLoggedIn()) {
         return "<img src='{$this->url}/media/{$this->partition}/assets/sticky.gif' border='0' width='12' height='12' alt='' />";
     // Get config variables for template
     $tpl = new suxTemplate($this->module);
     $tpl->configLoad('my.conf', $this->module);
     $image = $tpl->getConfigVars('imgUnsubscribed');
     // Don't query the database unnecessarily.
     static $img_cache = array();
     if (isset($img_cache[$feed_id])) {
         $image = $img_cache[$feed_id];
     } else {
         // If subscribed, change image
         $query = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM link__rss_feeds__users WHERE rss_feeds_id = ? AND users_id = ? ';
         $db = suxDB::get();
         $st = $db->prepare($query);
         $st->execute(array($feed_id, $_SESSION['users_id']));
         if ($st->fetchColumn() > 0) {
             $image = $tpl->getConfigVars('imgSubscribed');
         $img_cache[$feed_id] = $image;
     $html = "<img src='{$this->url}/media/{$this->partition}/assets/{$image}' border='0' width='12' height='12' alt=''\n        onclick=\"toggleSubscription('{$feed_id}');\"\n        style='cursor: pointer;'\n        class='subscription{$feed_id}'\n        />";
     return $html;
Пример #2
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Secondary error checking
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
$log = new suxLog();
$photo = new suxPhoto();
$text = suxFunct::gtext('photos');
// Verify if user is allowed to edit this photo.
if (!$photo->isPhotoOwner($_POST['id'], $_SESSION['users_id'])) {
$clean = array('id' => $_POST['id'], 'description' => $_POST['description']);
try {
    $photo->savePhoto($_SESSION['users_id'], $clean);
    $tmp = $photo->getPhotoByID($clean['id']);
    if ($tmp['description']) {
        echo $tmp['description'];
    } else {
        echo $text['clickme'];
    $log->write($_SESSION['users_id'], "sux0r::photos::describe() photos_id: {$clean['id']}", 1);
    // Private
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Clear template caches
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
$tpl = new suxTemplate('photos');
$tpl->clearCache(null, $_SESSION['nickname']);
// clear all user caches
Пример #3
  * Process the form
  * @param array $clean reference to validated $_POST
 function formProcess(&$clean)
     // --------------------------------------------------------------------
     // Clear user caches
     // --------------------------------------------------------------------
     foreach ($this->caches as $module) {
         // clear all caches with "nickname" as the first cache_id group
         $tpl = new suxTemplate($module);
         $tpl->clearCache(null, "{$_SESSION['nickname']}");
     // --------------------------------------------------------------------
     // Action
     // --------------------------------------------------------------------
     switch ($clean['action']) {
         case 'addvec':
             $this->nb->addVectorWithUser($clean['vector'], $_SESSION['users_id']);
             $this->log->write($_SESSION['users_id'], "sux0r::bayesEdit() addvec", 1);
             // Private
         case 'remvec':
             // Security check
             if ($this->nb->isVectorOwner($clean['vector_id'], $_SESSION['users_id'])) {
                 // Remove vector
                 $this->log->write($_SESSION['users_id'], "sux0r::bayesEdit() remvec id: {$clean['vector_id']}", 1);
                 // Private
         case 'addcat':
             // Security check
             if ($this->nb->isVectorOwner($clean['vector_id'], $_SESSION['users_id'])) {
                 $this->nb->addCategory($clean['category'], $clean['vector_id']);
                 $this->log->write($_SESSION['users_id'], "sux0r::bayesEdit() addcat", 1);
                 // Private
         case 'remcat':
             // Security check
             if ($this->nb->isCategoryOwner($clean['category_id'], $_SESSION['users_id'])) {
                 // Remove category
                 $this->log->write($_SESSION['users_id'], "sux0r::bayesEdit() remcat id: {$clean['category_id']}", 1);
                 // Private
         case 'adddoc':
             // Security check
             if ($this->nb->isCategoryTrainer($clean['category_id'], $_SESSION['users_id'])) {
                 $this->nb->trainDocument($clean['document'], $clean['category_id']);
                 $this->log->write($_SESSION['users_id'], "sux0r::bayesEdit() adddoc", 1);
                 // Private
         case 'remdoc':
             // Security check
             if ($this->nb->isDocumentOwner($clean['document_id'], $_SESSION['users_id'])) {
                 // Remove document
                 $this->log->write($_SESSION['users_id'], "sux0r::bayesEdit() remdoc id: {$clean['document_id']}", 1);
                 // Private
         case 'sharevec':
             // Security check
             if ($this->nb->isVectorOwner($clean['vector_id'], $_SESSION['users_id'])) {
                 $clean['trainer'] = isset($clean['trainer']) && $clean['trainer'] ? true : false;
                 $clean['owner'] = isset($clean['owner']) && $clean['owner'] ? true : false;
                 $this->nb->shareVector($clean['users_id'], $clean['vector_id'], $clean['trainer'], $clean['owner']);
                 $u = $this->user->getByID($clean['users_id']);
                 // clear caches
                 foreach ($this->caches as $module) {
                     $tpl = new suxTemplate($module);
                     $tpl->clearCache(null, $_SESSION['nickname']);
                     $tpl->clearCache(null, $u['nickname']);
                 // Log message
                 $log = '';
                 $url = suxFunct::makeUrl("/user/profile/{$_SESSION['nickname']}", null, true);
                 $log .= "<a href='{$url}'>{$_SESSION['nickname']}</a> ";
                 $log .= mb_strtolower($this->r->gtext['share_category']);
                 $url = suxFunct::makeUrl("/user/profile/{$u['nickname']}", null, true);
                 $log .= " <a href='{$url}'>{$u['nickname']}</a>";
                 // Log
                 $this->log->write($_SESSION['users_id'], $log);
                 $this->log->write($u['users_id'], $log);
                 // Clear caches
                 $tpl = new suxTemplate('user');
                 $tpl->clearCache(null, $_SESSION['nickname']);
                 $tpl->clearCache(null, $u['nickname']);
         case 'unsharevec':
             foreach ($clean['unshare'] as $val) {
                 foreach ($val as $vectors_id => $users_id) {
                     $this->nb->unshareVector($users_id, $vectors_id);
                     $u = $this->user->getByID($users_id);
                     // Clear caches
                     foreach ($this->caches as $module) {
                         $tpl = new suxTemplate($module);
                         $tpl->clearCache(null, $_SESSION['nickname']);
                         $tpl->clearCache(null, $u['nickname']);
                     // Log message
                     $log = '';
                     $url = suxFunct::makeUrl("/user/profile/{$_SESSION['nickname']}", null, true);
                     $log .= "<a href='{$url}'>{$_SESSION['nickname']}</a> ";
                     $log .= mb_strtolower($this->r->gtext['unshare_category']);
                     $url = suxFunct::makeUrl("/user/profile/{$u['nickname']}", null, true);
                     $log .= " <a href='{$url}'>{$u['nickname']}</a>";
                     // Log
                     $this->log->write($_SESSION['users_id'], $log);
                     $this->log->write($u['users_id'], $log);
                     // Clear caches
                     $tpl = new suxTemplate('user');
                     $tpl->clearCache(null, $_SESSION['nickname']);
                     $tpl->clearCache(null, $u['nickname']);
Пример #4
  * Process the form
  * @param array $clean reference to validated $_POST
 function formProcess(&$clean)
     if (!isset($_FILES['image']) || !is_uploaded_file($_FILES['image']['tmp_name'])) {
         throw new Exception('No file uploaded?');
     // Check that the user is allowed to upload photos / Security check #2
     if (!$this->user->isRoot()) {
         $access = $this->user->getAccess($this->module);
         if ($access < $GLOBALS['CONFIG']['ACCESS'][$this->module]['admin']) {
             if ($access < $GLOBALS['CONFIG']['ACCESS'][$this->module]['publisher']) {
             } elseif (!$this->photo->isAlbumOwner($clean['album'], $_SESSION['users_id'])) {
     // Commence collecting $photo array
     $photo['photoalbums_id'] = $clean['album'];
     // Get extension
     $format = explode('.', $_FILES['image']['name']);
     $format = strtolower(end($format));
     // Set the data dir
     $data_dir = suxFunct::dataDir($this->module);
     if ($format != 'zip') {
         // ----------------------------------------------------------------
         // Image file
         // ----------------------------------------------------------------
         list($resize, $fullsize) = suxPhoto::renameImage($_FILES['image']['name']);
         $photo['image'] = $resize;
         // Add image to $photo array
         $resize = $data_dir . "/{$resize}";
         $fullsize = $data_dir . "/{$fullsize}";
         $md5 = md5_file($_FILES['image']['tmp_name']);
         if (!$this->photo->isDupe($md5, $_SESSION['users_id'], $photo['photoalbums_id'])) {
             suxPhoto::resizeImage($format, $_FILES['image']['tmp_name'], $resize, $this->tpl->getConfigVars('thumbnailWidth'), $this->tpl->getConfigVars('thumbnailHeight'));
             move_uploaded_file($_FILES['image']['tmp_name'], $fullsize);
             // Insert $photo into database
             $photo['md5'] = $md5;
             $this->photo->savePhoto($_SESSION['users_id'], $photo);
     } else {
         // ----------------------------------------------------------------
         // Zip file
         // ----------------------------------------------------------------
         $tmp_dir = $GLOBALS['CONFIG']['PATH'] . '/temporary/' . md5(uniqid(mt_rand(), true));
         if (!is_dir($tmp_dir) && !mkdir($tmp_dir, 0777, true)) {
             throw new Exception('Can\'t create temp dir ' . $tmp_dir);
         if (suxFunct::unzip($_FILES['image']['tmp_name'], $tmp_dir)) {
             $valid_formats = array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif');
             $files = array();
             foreach (new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($tmp_dir)) as $file) {
                 if (!$file->isFile()) {
                 if (mb_strpos($file->getPathname(), '__MACOSX') !== false) {
                 $files[$file->getPathname()] = $file->getFilename();
             foreach ($files as $filepath => $file) {
                 $format = explode('.', $file);
                 $format = strtolower(end($format));
                 if (!in_array($format, $valid_formats)) {
                 // Skip
                 list($resize, $fullsize) = suxPhoto::renameImage($file);
                 $photo['image'] = $resize;
                 // Add image to $photo array
                 $resize = $data_dir . "/{$resize}";
                 $fullsize = $data_dir . "/{$fullsize}";
                 $md5 = md5_file($filepath);
                 if (!$this->photo->isDupe($md5, $_SESSION['users_id'], $photo['photoalbums_id'])) {
                     suxPhoto::resizeImage($format, $filepath, $resize, $this->tpl->getConfigVars('thumbnailWidth'), $this->tpl->getConfigVars('thumbnailHeight'));
                     copy($filepath, $fullsize);
                     // Insert $photo into database
                     $photo['md5'] = $md5;
                     $this->photo->savePhoto($_SESSION['users_id'], $photo);
     $this->log->write($_SESSION['users_id'], "sux0r::photosUpload() photoalbums_id: {$photo['photoalbums_id']}", 1);
     // Private
     $tmp = $this->photo->getAlbumByID($photo['photoalbums_id']);
     // Is actually published?
     // Revert
     if ($tmp) {
         // Clear all caches, cheap and easy
         // Log message
         $log = '';
         $url = suxFunct::makeUrl("/user/profile/{$_SESSION['nickname']}", null, true);
         $log .= "<a href='{$url}'>{$_SESSION['nickname']}</a> ";
         $log .= mb_strtolower($this->r->gtext['uploaded_images']);
         $url = suxFunct::makeUrl("/photos/album/{$tmp['id']}", null, true);
         $log .= " <a href='{$url}'>{$tmp['title']}</a>";
         // Log
         $this->log->write($_SESSION['users_id'], $log);
         // Clear caches, cheap and easy
         $tpl = new suxTemplate('user');
         $tpl->clearCache(null, $_SESSION['nickname']);
Пример #5
  * Process the form
  * @param array $clean reference to validated $_POST
 function formProcess(&$clean)
     // --------------------------------------------------------------------
     // Sanity check
     // --------------------------------------------------------------------
     // Date
     $clean['published_on'] = "{$clean['Date']} {$clean['Time_Hour']}:{$clean['Time_Minute']}:{$clean['Time_Second']}";
     $clean['published_on'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($clean['published_on']));
     // Sanitize
     // Unset image?
     if (!empty($clean['unset_image'])) {
         $clean['image'] = '';
     // Set to empty string
     // Image?
     if (isset($_FILES['image']) && is_uploaded_file($_FILES['image']['tmp_name'])) {
         $format = explode('.', $_FILES['image']['name']);
         $format = strtolower(end($format));
         // Extension
         list($resize, $fullsize) = suxPhoto::renameImage($_FILES['image']['name']);
         $clean['image'] = $resize;
         // Add image to clean array
         $resize = suxFunct::dataDir($this->module) . "/{$resize}";
         $fullsize = suxFunct::dataDir($this->module) . "/{$fullsize}";
         suxPhoto::resizeImage($format, $_FILES['image']['tmp_name'], $resize, $this->tpl->getConfigVars('thumbnailWidth'), $this->tpl->getConfigVars('thumbnailHeight'));
         move_uploaded_file($_FILES['image']['tmp_name'], $fullsize);
     // Draft
     $clean['draft'] = isset($clean['draft']) && $clean['draft'] ? true : false;
     // --------------------------------------------------------------------
     // Create $msg array
     // --------------------------------------------------------------------
     $msg = array('title' => $clean['title'], 'image' => @$clean['image'], 'body' => $clean['body'], 'published_on' => $clean['published_on'], 'draft' => $clean['draft'], 'blog' => true);
     if (isset($clean['id'])) {
         $msg['id'] = $clean['id'];
     // --------------------------------------------------------------------
     // Put $msg in database
     // --------------------------------------------------------------------
     // New
     $clean['id'] = $this->msg->save($_SESSION['users_id'], $msg, true);
     $tmp = $this->msg->getByID($clean['id']);
     // Is actually published?
     // Revert
     if ($tmp) {
         // Clear all caches, cheap and easy
         // Log message
         $log = '';
         $url = suxFunct::makeUrl("/user/profile/{$_SESSION['nickname']}", null, true);
         $log .= "<a href='{$url}'>{$_SESSION['nickname']}</a> ";
         $log .= mb_strtolower($this->r->gtext['posted_blog']);
         $url = suxFunct::makeUrl("/blog/view/{$tmp['thread_id']}", null, true);
         $log .= " <a href='{$url}'>{$tmp['title']}</a>";
         // Log
         $this->log->write($_SESSION['users_id'], $log);
         // Clear cache
         $tpl = new suxTemplate('user');
         $tpl->clearCache('profile.tpl', $_SESSION['nickname']);
     $this->log->write($_SESSION['users_id'], "sux0r::blogEdit()  messages_id: {$clean['id']}", 1);
     // Private
     // --------------------------------------------------------------------
     // Tags procedure
     // --------------------------------------------------------------------
     // Parse tags
     $tags = @suxTags::parse($clean['tags']);
     // Save tags into database
     $tag_ids = array();
     foreach ($tags as $tag) {
         $tag_ids[] = $this->tags->save($_SESSION['users_id'], $tag);
     //Delete current links
     $this->link->deleteLink('link__messages__tags', 'messages', $clean['id']);
     // Reconnect links
     foreach ($tag_ids as $id) {
         $this->link->saveLink('link__messages__tags', 'messages', $clean['id'], 'tags', $id);
     // --------------------------------------------------------------------
     // Naive Bayesian procedure
     // --------------------------------------------------------------------
             `link__bayes_documents__messages` asserts that a message was trained and copied into
             a bayes document, it does not imply that it's the same document
     When a user edits their own document we can assume that we want
             the updated document to represent their selected categories
     However, we cannot assume this for the catgories of others.
     I write and classify a 5000 word message.
             Several other users find my post and classify it too.
             Time passes, I'm drunk, I reduce the post to "Eat shit."
     Course of action:
     Deleting all links to a message for which I can train the vector seems
             the safest bet. Other users get to keep what they already classified,
             and can reclassify the modified document at a later date if they wish.
             They can also manually adjust the eroneous documents in the bayes module.
     Problem / TODO:
     I write and classify a 5000 word blog. Someone with permission to edit
             my blog, but who does not share my Bayesian vectors reduces the post to
             "Eat shit." Author's categories are now meaningless as blog tags.
     Now what?
     // Get all the bayes_documents linked to this message where user is trainer
     // untrain it, delete links
     $innerjoin = "\n        INNER JOIN link__bayes_documents__messages ON link__bayes_documents__messages.bayes_documents_id = bayes_documents.id\n        INNER JOIN messages ON link__bayes_documents__messages.messages_id = messages.id\n        INNER JOIN bayes_categories ON bayes_categories.id = bayes_documents.bayes_categories_id\n        INNER JOIN bayes_auth ON bayes_categories.bayes_vectors_id = bayes_auth.bayes_vectors_id\n        ";
     $query = "\n        SELECT bayes_documents.id FROM bayes_documents\n        {$innerjoin}\n        WHERE messages.id = ?\n        AND bayes_auth.users_id = ? AND (bayes_auth.owner = true OR bayes_auth.trainer = true)\n        ";
     // Note: bayes_auth WHERE condition equivilant to nb->isCategoryTrainer()
     $db = suxDB::get();
     $st = $db->prepare($query);
     $st->execute(array($clean['id'], $_SESSION['users_id']));
     $tmp = $st->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
     foreach ($tmp as $val) {
     // Regcategorize
     // category ids submitted by the form
     if (isset($clean['category_id'])) {
         foreach ($clean['category_id'] as $val) {
             if (!empty($val) && $this->nb->isCategoryTrainer($val, $_SESSION['users_id'])) {
                 $doc_id = $this->nb->trainDocument("{$clean['title']} \n\n {$clean['body']}", $val);
                 $this->link->saveLink('link__bayes_documents__messages', 'bayes_documents', $doc_id, 'messages', $clean['id']);
     $this->id = $clean['id'];
     // Remember this id
Пример #6
  * Get the stalkers
  * @param int $users_id
  * @return string html
 function stalkers($users_id)
     if (!filter_var($users_id, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT) || $users_id < 1) {
         return null;
     // Cache
     static $html = null;
     if ($html != null) {
         return $html;
     $html = '';
     $soc = new suxSocialNetwork();
     $rel = $soc->getStalkers($users_id);
     if (!$rel) {
         return $html;
     $tpl = new suxTemplate('user');
     $tpl->configLoad('my.conf', 'user');
     $tw = $tpl->getConfigVars('thumbnailWidth');
     $th = $tpl->getConfigVars('thumbnailHeight');
     foreach ($rel as $val) {
         $u = $this->user->getByID($val['users_id'], true);
         if (!$u) {
         // Skip
         $url = suxFunct::makeUrl('/user/profile/' . $u['nickname']);
         if (empty($u['image'])) {
             $img = suxFunct::makeUrl('/') . "/media/{$this->partition}/assets/proletariat.gif";
         } else {
             $u['image'] = rawurlencode($u['image']);
             $img = suxFunct::makeUrl('/') . "/data/user/{$u['image']}";
         $html .= "<a href='{$url}' class='stalker'>";
         $html .= "<img src='{$img}' class='stalker' width='{$tw}' height='{$th}' alt='{$u['nickname']}' title = '{$u['nickname']}' />";
         $html .= "</a>";
     return $html;
Пример #7
// Ajax
// Lament to the log
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../config.php';
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../initialize.php';
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Error checking
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (!isset($_SESSION['users_id'])) {
if (empty($_POST['lament'])) {
$lament = strip_tags($_POST['lament']);
$lament = trim($lament);
$lament = substr($lament, 0, 500);
if (!$lament) {
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Go
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
$log = new suxLog();
$log->write($_SESSION['users_id'], $lament);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Clear template caches
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
$tpl = new suxTemplate('user');
$tpl->clearCache('profile.tpl', "{$_SESSION['nickname']}|{$_SESSION['nickname']}");
echo $lament;
Пример #8
$id = $_POST['id'];
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Secondary error checking
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
$feed = new suxRSS();
if (!$feed->getFeedByID($id)) {
    failure('Invalid feed');
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Go
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
$module = 'feeds';
$link = 'link__rss_feeds__users';
$col = 'rss_feeds';
// Get image names from template config
$tpl = new suxTemplate($module);
$tpl->configLoad('my.conf', $module);
$image = $tpl->getConfigVars('imgUnsubscribed');
$db = suxDB::get();
$query = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$link} WHERE {$col}_id = ? AND users_id = ? ";
$st = $db->prepare($query);
$st->execute(array($id, $_SESSION['users_id']));
if ($st->fetchColumn() > 0) {
    // Delete
    $query = "DELETE FROM {$link} WHERE {$col}_id = ? AND users_id = ? ";
    $st = $db->prepare($query);
    $st->execute(array($id, $_SESSION['users_id']));
} else {
    // Insert
    $suxLink = new suxLink();
    $suxLink->saveLink($link, 'users', $_SESSION['users_id'], $col, $id);
Пример #9
  * Process the form
  * @param array $clean reference to validated $_POST
 function formProcess(&$clean)
     // --------------------------------------------------------------------
     // Sanitize
     // --------------------------------------------------------------------
     // Captcha
     // Redundant password field
     // Birthday
     if (!empty($clean['Date_Year']) && !empty($clean['Date_Month']) && !empty($clean['Date_Day'])) {
         $clean['dob'] = "{$clean['Date_Year']}-{$clean['Date_Month']}-{$clean['Date_Day']}";
     if (isset($clean['dob']) && !filter_var($clean['dob'], FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP, array('options' => array('regexp' => "/^(\\d{1,4})-(\\d{1,2})-(\\d{1,2})\$/")))) {
         $clean['dob'] = null;
     unset($clean['Date_Year'], $clean['Date_Month'], $clean['Date_Day']);
     if (isset($clean['dob'])) {
         $clean['dob'] = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($clean['dob']));
     } else {
         $clean['dob'] = null;
     // --------------------------------------------------------------------
     // Edit Mode
     // --------------------------------------------------------------------
     if ($this->mode == 'edit') {
         // Get users_id
         $u = $this->user->getByNickname($clean['nickname']);
         if (!$u) {
             throw new Exception('Invalid user');
         $id = $u['users_id'];
     // --------------------------------------------------------------------
     // Openid
     // --------------------------------------------------------------------
     if ($this->isOpenID()) {
         $clean['password'] = $this->user->generatePw();
         // Random password
         $clean['openid_url'] = $_SESSION['openid_url_registration'];
         // Assign
     // --------------------------------------------------------------------
     // SQL
     // --------------------------------------------------------------------
     if (isset($id) && filter_var($id, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT)) {
         $this->user->save($id, $clean);
         // Log
         if ($id == $_SESSION['users_id']) {
             // Self edit
             $log = '';
             $url = suxFunct::makeUrl("/user/profile/{$_SESSION['nickname']}", null, true);
             $log .= "<a href='{$url}'>{$_SESSION['nickname']}</a> ";
             $log .= mb_strtolower($this->r->gtext['changed_profile']);
             $this->log->write($_SESSION['users_id'], $log);
         } else {
             // Administrator edit
             $this->log->write($_SESSION['users_id'], "sux0r::userEdit() users_id: {$id}", 1);
             // Log, private
     } else {
         $id = $this->user->save(null, $clean);
         $this->log->write($id, "sux0r::userEdit() new users_id: {$id} ", 1);
         // Log, private
     // --------------------------------------------------------------------
     // Cleanup
     // --------------------------------------------------------------------
     unset($_SESSION['openid_url_registration'], $_SESSION['openid_url_integrity']);
     // Clear caches, cheap and easy
     // Reset session
     if ($this->mode == 'edit' && $clean['nickname'] == $_SESSION['nickname']) {
         foreach ($this->caches as $module) {
             // clear all caches with "nickname" as the first cache_id group
             $tpl = new suxTemplate($module);
             $tpl->clearCache(null, "{$_SESSION['nickname']}");
         // Reset session
Пример #10
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Get all the bayes_documents linked to this message where user is trainer
// Also get associated vectors
$link_table = $suxLink->buildTableName($link, 'bayes_documents');
$innerjoin = "\nINNER JOIN {$link_table} ON {$link_table}.bayes_documents_id = bayes_documents.id\nINNER JOIN {$link} ON {$link_table}.{$link}_id = {$link}.id\nINNER JOIN bayes_categories ON bayes_categories.id = bayes_documents.bayes_categories_id\nINNER JOIN bayes_auth ON bayes_categories.bayes_vectors_id = bayes_auth.bayes_vectors_id\n";
$query = "\nSELECT bayes_documents.id, bayes_auth.bayes_vectors_id FROM bayes_documents\n{$innerjoin}\nWHERE {$link}.id = ?\nAND bayes_auth.users_id = ? AND (bayes_auth.owner = true OR bayes_auth.trainer = true)\n";
// Note: bayes_auth WHERE condition equivilant to nb->isCategoryTrainer()
$db = suxDB::get();
$st = $db->prepare($query);
$st->execute(array($id, $_SESSION['users_id']));
$tmp = $st->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
// Since we are only training one category/vector at a time, we need to make
// sure we don't untrain other unrelated vectors here.
$vec_id = $nb->getVectorByCategory($cat_id);
foreach ($tmp as $val) {
    if (isset($vec_id[$val['bayes_vectors_id']])) {
// Recategorize
$doc_id = $nb->trainDocument($body, $cat_id);
$suxLink->saveLink($link_table, 'bayes_documents', $doc_id, $link, $id);
// Log
$log->write($_SESSION['users_id'], "sux0r::bayes::train() doc_id: {$doc_id}, cat_id: {$cat_id}", 1);
// Private
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Clear template caches
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
$tpl = new suxTemplate($module);
$tpl->clearCache(null, "{$_SESSION['nickname']}");
// clear all caches with "nickname" as the first cache_id group
Пример #11
  * Process the form
  * @param array $clean reference to validated $_POST
 function formProcess(&$clean)
     $fid = $clean['users_id'];
     $rel = '';
     $u = $this->user->getByID($clean['users_id']);
     $log = '';
     // Don't let the user establish a relationship with themselves
     if ($fid == $_SESSION['users_id']) {
     // Strings
     if (isset($clean['friendship'])) {
         $rel .= $clean['friendship'] . ' ';
     if (isset($clean['geographical'])) {
         $rel .= $clean['geographical'] . ' ';
     if (isset($clean['family'])) {
         $rel .= $clean['family'] . ' ';
     // Arrays
     if (isset($clean['identity'])) {
         foreach ($clean['identity'] as $val) {
             $rel .= $val . ' ';
     if (isset($clean['physical'])) {
         foreach ($clean['physical'] as $val) {
             $rel .= $val . ' ';
     if (isset($clean['professional'])) {
         foreach ($clean['professional'] as $val) {
             $rel .= $val . ' ';
     if (isset($clean['romantic'])) {
         foreach ($clean['romantic'] as $val) {
             $rel .= $val . ' ';
     // Set relationship
     $rel = trim($rel);
     if (empty($rel)) {
         $this->soc->deleteRelationship($_SESSION['users_id'], $fid);
         // Log message
         $url = suxFunct::makeUrl("/user/profile/{$_SESSION['nickname']}", null, true);
         $log .= "<a href='{$url}'>{$_SESSION['nickname']}</a> ";
         $log .= mb_strtolower($this->r->gtext['end_relation']);
         $url = suxFunct::makeUrl("/user/profile/{$u['nickname']}", null, true);
         $log .= " <a href='{$url}'>{$u['nickname']}</a>";
     } else {
         $this->soc->saveRelationship($_SESSION['users_id'], $fid, $rel);
         // Log message
         $url = suxFunct::makeUrl("/user/profile/{$_SESSION['nickname']}", null, true);
         $log .= "<a href='{$url}'>{$_SESSION['nickname']}</a> ";
         $log .= mb_strtolower($this->r->gtext['change_relation']);
         $url = suxFunct::makeUrl("/user/profile/{$u['nickname']}", null, true);
         $log .= " <a href='{$url}'>{$u['nickname']}</a>";
     // Log
     $this->log->write($_SESSION['users_id'], $log);
     $this->log->write($u['users_id'], $log);
     // Clear caches, cheap and easy
     $tpl = new suxTemplate('user');
     $tpl->clearCache(null, $_SESSION['nickname']);
Пример #12
* Render bayesFilters
* @param array $params smarty {insert} parameters
* @return string html
function insert_bayesFilters($params)
    if ($GLOBALS['CONFIG']['FEATURE']['bayes'] == false) {
        return null;
    // Feature is turned off
    if (!isset($_SESSION['users_id'])) {
        return null;
    // Anonymous user, skip
    $r = new suxBayesRenderer('bayes');
    // Renderer
    if (!$r->getUserCategories()) {
        return null;
    // No categories, skip
    $tpl = new suxTemplate('bayes');
    // Template
    $r->gtext = suxFunct::gtext('bayes');
    // Language
    if (isset($_GET['filter'])) {
        $tpl->assign('filter', $_GET['filter']);
    if (isset($_GET['threshold']) && $_GET['threshold'] !== false) {
        $tpl->assign('threshold', $_GET['threshold']);
    if (isset($_GET['search'])) {
        $tpl->assign('search', strip_tags($_GET['search']));
    if (isset($params['form_url'])) {
        $r->text['form_url'] = $params['form_url'];
    if (isset($params['hidden']) && is_array($params['hidden'])) {
        $r->arr['hidden'] = $params['hidden'];
    if (!$GLOBALS['CONFIG']['CLEAN_URL']) {
        $r->text['c'] = @$_GET['c'];
    // We need this if CLEAN_URL = false
    $tpl->assignByRef('r', $r);
    return $tpl->fetch('filters.tpl');
Пример #13
  * Process the form
  * @param array $clean reference to validated $_POST
 function formProcess(&$clean)
     // --------------------------------------------------------------------
     // Sanity check
     // --------------------------------------------------------------------
     // Date
     $clean['published_on'] = "{$clean['Date']} {$clean['Time_Hour']}:{$clean['Time_Minute']}:{$clean['Time_Second']}";
     $clean['published_on'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($clean['published_on']));
     // Sanitize
     // Draft
     $clean['draft'] = isset($clean['draft']) && $clean['draft'] ? true : false;
     // --------------------------------------------------------------------
     // Create $album array
     // --------------------------------------------------------------------
     $album = array('title' => $clean['title'], 'body' => $clean['body'], 'published_on' => $clean['published_on'], 'draft' => $clean['draft']);
     if (isset($clean['id'])) {
         $album['id'] = $clean['id'];
     // --------------------------------------------------------------------
     // Put $album in database
     // --------------------------------------------------------------------
     $id = $this->photo->saveAlbum($_SESSION['users_id'], $album);
     $this->log->write($_SESSION['users_id'], "sux0r::photoalbumsEdit() photoalbums_id: {$id}", 1);
     // Private
     $tmp = $this->photo->getAlbumByID($id);
     // Is actually published?
     // Revert
     if ($tmp) {
         // Clear all caches, cheap and easy
         if (!isset($clean['id'])) {
             // New album log message
             $log = '';
             $url = suxFunct::makeUrl("/user/profile/{$_SESSION['nickname']}", null, true);
             $log .= "<a href='{$url}'>{$_SESSION['nickname']}</a> ";
             $log .= mb_strtolower($this->r->gtext['created_album']);
             $url = suxFunct::makeUrl("/photos/album/{$tmp['id']}", null, true);
             $log .= " <a href='{$url}'>{$tmp['title']}</a>";
             $this->log->write($_SESSION['users_id'], $log);
         // Clear caches, cheap and easy
         $tpl = new suxTemplate('user');
         $tpl->clearCache(null, $_SESSION['nickname']);
Пример #14
  * Construct a navigation div
  * @global bool $CONFIG['CLEAN_URL']
  * @global string $CONFIG['URL']
  * @param array $list key => name, val => url
  * @return string the html code
 static function navlist($list = null)
     if (!is_array($list)) {
         $gtext = suxFunct::gtext();
         if (isset($gtext['navcontainer'])) {
             $list = $gtext['navcontainer'];
     if (is_array($list)) {
         // Make an educated guess as to which controller we are currently using?
         $compare = 'home';
         if (!empty($_GET['c'])) {
             $params = explode('/', $_GET['c']);
             $compare = array_shift($params);
         if (!$GLOBALS['CONFIG']['CLEAN_URL']) {
             $compare = "?c={$compare}";
         } else {
             $compare = ltrim($GLOBALS['CONFIG']['URL'] . "/{$compare}", '/');
         $selected = null;
         if ($compare) {
             foreach ($list as $key => $val) {
                 if (is_array($val) && mb_strpos($val[0], $compare)) {
                     // Sub-menu
                     $selected = $key;
                 } elseif (is_string($val) && mb_strpos($val, $compare)) {
                     // No sub-menu
                     $selected = $key;
     // Makeshift renderer object
     $r['arr']['list'] = $list;
     $r['text']['selected'] = $selected;
     $r = (object) $r;
     // Template
     $tpl = new suxTemplate('globals');
     $tpl->assignByRef('r', $r);
     return $tpl->fetch('navlist.tpl');
Пример #15
  * Process the form
  * @param array $clean reference to validated $_POST
 function formProcess(&$clean)
     $msg['blog'] = true;
     $msg['title'] = $clean['title'];
     $msg['body'] = $clean['body'];
     $msg['parent_id'] = $clean['parent_id'];
     $id = $this->msg->save($_SESSION['users_id'], $msg);
     $this->log->write($_SESSION['users_id'], "sux0r::blogReply()  messages_id: {$id}", 1);
     // Private
     $tmp = $this->msg->getByID($clean['parent_id']);
     // Is actually published?
     if ($tmp) {
         // Clear caches
         $this->tpl->clearCache(null, $_SESSION['nickname']);
         // Log message
         $log = '';
         $url = suxFunct::makeUrl("/user/profile/{$_SESSION['nickname']}", null, true);
         $log .= "<a href='{$url}'>{$_SESSION['nickname']}</a> ";
         $log .= mb_strtolower($this->r->gtext['replied_blog']);
         $url = suxFunct::makeUrl("/blog/view/{$tmp['thread_id']}", null, true);
         $log .= " <a href='{$url}'>{$tmp['title']}</a>";
         // Log
         $this->log->write($_SESSION['users_id'], $log);
         // Clear cache
         $tpl = new suxTemplate('user');
         $tpl->clearCache('profile.tpl', $_SESSION['nickname']);