$debug = 0; $max_execution_time = 5; $commandpath = "/tmp/surftool"; $delay = 2; if (isset($argv[1])) { if ($argv[1] >= 0 and $argv[1] < 600) { $delay = $argv[1]; } } //check set_time_limit($max_execution_time); if (ini_get('max_execution_time') != $max_execution_time) { echo "Warning max_execution_time is " . ini_get('max_execution_time') . "s should be " . $max_execution_time . "s\n"; } include "surftool_class.inc"; $sgcommands = new commandReader($commandpath); //Are there any changes? if ($sgcommands->changes) { //read squidGuard.conf $sgconf = new surftoolSquidGuardConf($config); //activate domain changes $sgconf->setDomains("onplus", $sgcommands->domainsOnplusAdd, $sgcommands->domainsOnplusRemove); $sgconf->setDomains("only", $sgcommands->domainsOnlyAdd, $sgcommands->domainsOnlyRemove); $sgconf->write_squidGuardDomains(); //activate acl mode changes $sgconf->setAclMode($sgcommands->aclChangeMode); $sgconf->write_squidGuardConf(); //Reload Squid Configuration $sgconf->squidReload(); $sgcommands->deleteCommandFiles(); }
$i++; echo create_room_button($acl["acl-name"], $acl[mode]); if ($i % $spalten == 0) { echo "\n </tr>\n <tr>\n"; } } $rest = $spalten - $i % $spalten; if ($rest > 0) { echo " <td colspan={$rest}> <td>\n</tr>\n"; } echo "</table>\n"; } else { echo "keine<br>"; } } $sgconf = new surftoolSquidGuardConf($config); $changes = false; //preecho($_POST); //Check Post-Data if (isset($_POST["group"]) and isset($_POST["mode"])) { $group = $_POST["group"]; $mode = $_POST["mode"]; if (isset($sgconf->squidGuardConf["acl"]["{$group}"])) { if ($mode == "on" and $sgconf->squidGuardConf["acl"]["{$group}"]["mode"] == "on") { $mode = "off"; } write_acl_command($group, $mode); echo "Switch {$group} to {$mode}<br>\n"; $changes = true; } else { echo "Error unknown group:'{$group}'<br>\n";