/** * Echos a formatted list of shipping rates. * * @param array $d * @return boolean */ function list_rates(&$d) { global $vendor_country_2_code, $vendor_currency, $vmLogger; global $VM_LANG, $CURRENCY_DISPLAY; $db = new ps_DB(); $dbv = new ps_DB(); $cart = $_SESSION['cart']; // Read the fedex configuration file require_once CLASSPATH . "shipping/" . $this->classname . ".cfg.php"; // Include the main FedEx class require_once CLASSPATH . 'shipping/fedex/fedexdc.php'; // Get the meter number if (FEDEX_METER_NUMBER == '') { if (!$this->update_meter_number()) { $vmLogger->err($VM_LANG->_('VM_FEDEX_ERR_METER_NUMBER', false)); return false; } } // Get the shopper's shipping address $q = "SELECT * FROM #__{vm}_user_info, #__{vm}_country WHERE user_info_id='" . $d["ship_to_info_id"] . "' AND ( country=country_2_code OR country=country_3_code)"; $db->query($q); $db->next_record(); // Get the vendor address $q = "SELECT * FROM #__{vm}_vendor WHERE vendor_id='" . $_SESSION['ps_vendor_id'] . "'"; $dbv->query($q); $dbv->next_record(); // Is this a residential delivery? $residential_delivery_flag = vmGet($_REQUEST, 'address_type', 'residential') == 'residential' ? 'Y' : 'N'; // Is this a domestic delivery? $recipient_country = $db->f('country_2_code'); $domestic_delivery = $recipient_country == 'US' || $recipient_country == 'CA' ? true : false; // Get the weight total if ($d['weight'] > 150) { $d['weight'] = 150; } if ($d['weight'] < 1) { $d['weight'] = 1; } $order_weight = number_format((double) $d['weight'], 1, '.', ''); // Set units $weight_units = WEIGHT_UOM == 'KG' ? 'KGS' : 'LBS'; $dimension_units = WEIGHT_UOM == 'KG' ? 'C' : 'I'; // config values $fed_conf = array(); // create new FedExDC object $meter_number = defined('FEDEX_METER_NUMBER_TEMP') ? FEDEX_METER_NUMBER_TEMP : FEDEX_METER_NUMBER; $fed = new FedExDC(FEDEX_ACCOUNT_NUMBER, $meter_number, $fed_conf); // Set up the rate request array. // You can either use the FedEx tag value or the field name in the $FE_RE array $request_array = array('carrier_code' => '', 'sender_state' => $dbv->f('vendor_state'), 'sender_postal_code' => $dbv->f('vendor_zip'), 'sender_country_code' => $vendor_country_2_code, 'recipient_state' => $db->f('state'), 'recipient_postal_code' => $db->f('zip'), 'recipient_country' => $db->f('country_2_code'), 'residential_delivery_flag' => $residential_delivery_flag, 'signature_option' => FEDEX_SIGNATURE_OPTION, 'weight_units' => $weight_units, 'total_package_weight' => $order_weight, 'drop_off_type' => '1'); // Get the rate quote $rate_Ret = $fed->services_rate($request_array); if ($error = $fed->getError()) { $vmLogger->err($error); // Switch to StandardShipping on Error !!! require_once CLASSPATH . 'shipping/standard_shipping.php'; $shipping = new standard_shipping(); $shipping->list_rates($d); return; } elseif (DEBUG) { echo "<pre>"; echo $fed->debug_str . "\n<br />"; print_r($rate_Ret); echo "\n"; echo "ZONE: " . $rate_Ret[1092] . "\n\n"; for ($i = 1; $i <= $rate_Ret[1133]; $i++) { echo "SERVICE : " . $fed->service_type($rate_Ret['1274-' . $i], $domestic_delivery) . "\n"; echo "SURCHARGE : " . $rate_Ret['1417-' . $i] . "\n"; echo "DISCOUNT : " . $rate_Ret['1418-' . $i] . "\n"; echo "NET CHARGE : " . $rate_Ret['1419-' . $i] . "\n"; echo "DELIVERY DAY : " . @$rate_Ret['194-' . $i] . "\n"; echo "DELIVERY DATE : " . @$rate_Ret['409-' . $i] . "\n\n"; } echo "</pre>"; } // Set the tax rate if ($_SESSION['auth']['show_price_including_tax'] != 1) { $taxrate = 1; } else { $taxrate = $this->get_tax_rate() + 1; } // Write out the shipping rates $html = '<span class="fedex_header">' . $VM_LANG->_('VM_FEDEX_LBL_METHOD') . '</span><br />'; // Get a sort order array (by cost) $cost_array = array(); for ($i = 1; $i <= $rate_Ret[1133]; $i++) { $cost_array[$i] = $rate_Ret['1419-' . $i]; } if (FEDEX_SORT_ORDER == 'ASC') { asort($cost_array, SORT_NUMERIC); } else { arsort($cost_array, SORT_NUMERIC); } // Determine which services we can display $selected_services = explode(',', FEDEX_SERVICES); if ($domestic_delivery) { $selected_services = preg_grep('/^d/', $selected_services); array_walk($selected_services, create_function('&$v,$k', '$v = substr($v, 1);')); // If this is a residential delivery, then remove the business option; otherwise, remove the home delivery option. if ($residential_delivery_flag == 'Y') { $remove = array("92"); $selected_services = array_diff($selected_services, array("92")); } else { $remove = array("90"); $selected_services = array_diff($selected_services, array("90")); } } else { $selected_services = preg_grep('/^i/', $selected_services); array_walk($selected_services, create_function('&$v,$k', '$v = substr($v, 1);')); } // Display each rate foreach (array_keys($cost_array) as $i) { if (in_array($rate_Ret['1274-' . $i], $selected_services)) { $charge = $rate_Ret['1419-' . $i] + floatval(FEDEX_HANDLINGFEE); $charge *= $taxrate; $charge_display = $CURRENCY_DISPLAY->getFullValue($charge); $shipping_rate_id = urlencode($this->classname . "|FedEx|" . $fed->service_type($rate_Ret['1274-' . $i], $domestic_delivery) . "|" . $charge); $checked = @$d["shipping_rate_id"] == $shipping_rate_id ? "checked=\"checked\"" : ""; $html .= "\n<span class=\"ssectiontableentry" . (2 - $i % 2) . "\">"; $html .= "\n<input type=\"radio\" id=\"{$shipping_rate_id}\" name=\"shipping_rate_id\" {$checked} value=\"{$shipping_rate_id}\" />\n"; $_SESSION[$shipping_rate_id] = 1; $html .= "<label for=\"{$shipping_rate_id}\">" . $fed->service_type($rate_Ret['1274-' . $i], $domestic_delivery) . " "; // if( !empty( $rate_Ret['194-'.$i] ) && !empty($rate_Ret['409-'.$i])) { // $html .= ", expected delivery: ".$rate_Ret['194-'.$i].', '.$rate_Ret['409-'.$i]; // } $html .= "<strong>({$charge_display})</strong>"; $html .= "</label>\n"; $html .= "</span>\n"; $html .= "<br />\n"; } } echo $html; return true; }
function list_rates(&$d) { global $weight_total, $CURRENCY_DISPLAY, $vmLogger; $d["ship_to_info_id"] = vmGet($_REQUEST, "ship_to_info_id"); /** Read current Configuration ***/ require_once CLASSPATH . "shipping/" . $this->classname . ".cfg.php"; $dbv = new ps_DB(); $q = "SELECT * from #__{vm}_vendor, #__{vm}_country WHERE vendor_id='" . $_SESSION["ps_vendor_id"] . "' AND (vendor_country=country_2_code OR vendor_country=country_3_code)"; $dbv->query($q); $dbv->next_record(); $dbst = new ps_DB(); $q = "SELECT * from #__{vm}_user_info, #__{vm}_country WHERE user_info_id='" . $d["ship_to_info_id"] . "' AND ( country=country_2_code OR country=country_3_code)"; $dbst->query($q); $dbst->next_record(); $carrier_arr = array(); $i = 0; if (CARRIER1_NAME != "") { $carrier_arr[$i]["name"] = CARRIER1_NAME; $carrier_arr[$i]["invoice"] = CARRIER1_INVOICE; $carrier_arr[$i]["account"] = CARRIER1_ACCOUNT; $i++; } if (CARRIER2_NAME != "") { $carrier_arr[$i]["name"] = CARRIER2_NAME; $carrier_arr[$i]["invoice"] = CARRIER2_INVOICE; $carrier_arr[$i]["account"] = CARRIER2_ACCOUNT; $i++; } if (CARRIER3_NAME != "") { $carrier_arr[$i]["name"] = CARRIER3_NAME; $carrier_arr[$i]["invoice"] = CARRIER3_INVOICE; $carrier_arr[$i]["account"] = CARRIER3_ACCOUNT; $i++; } if (CARRIER4_NAME != "") { $carrier_arr[$i]["name"] = CARRIER4_NAME; $carrier_arr[$i]["invoice"] = CARRIER4_INVOICE; $carrier_arr[$i]["account"] = CARRIER4_ACCOUNT; $i++; } if (CARRIER5_NAME != "") { $carrier_arr[$i]["name"] = CARRIER5_NAME; $carrier_arr[$i]["invoice"] = CARRIER5_INVOICE; $carrier_arr[$i]["account"] = CARRIER5_ACCOUNT; $i++; } $i = 0; $class_arr = array(); if (SERVICE_CLASS1 != "") { $class_arr[$i] = SERVICE_CLASS1; $i++; } if (SERVICE_CLASS2 != "") { $class_arr[$i] = SERVICE_CLASS2; $i++; } if (SERVICE_CLASS3 != "") { $class_arr[$i] = SERVICE_CLASS3; $i++; } if (SERVICE_CLASS4 != "") { $class_arr[$i] = SERVICE_CLASS4; $i++; } //Set your username and password. $username = IS_USERNAME; $password = IS_PASSWORD; // Build the query string to be sent to the IS server. //http://intershipper.com/Shipping/Intershipper/Website/MainPage.jsp?Page=Integrate // for additional information // for additional information $url = 'www.intershipper.com'; $uri = '/Interface/Intershipper/XML/v2.0/HTTP.jsp?' . 'Username='******'&Password='******'&Version=' . '' . '&ShipmentID=' . '1234' . '&QueryID=' . '23456' . '&TotalCarriers=' . count($carrier_arr); $i = 1; foreach ($carrier_arr as $carrier) { $uri .= "&CarrierCode{$i}=" . $carrier["name"] . "&CarrierInvoiced{$i}=" . $carrier["invoice"] . "&CarrierAccount{$i}=" . $carrier["account"]; $i++; } $uri .= '&TotalClasses=' . count($class_arr); $i = 1; foreach ($class_arr as $k => $v) { $uri .= "&ClassCode{$i}=" . $v; $i++; } $uri .= '&DeliveryType=' . 'COM' . '&ShipMethod=' . 'DRP' . '&OriginationName=' . urlencode($dbv->f("contact_first_name") . '%20' . $dbv->f("contact_last_name")) . '&OriginationAddress1=' . urlencode($dbv->f("vendor_address_1")) . '&OriginationCity=' . urlencode($dbv->f("vendor_city")) . '&OriginationState=' . urlencode($dbv->f("vendor_state")) . '&OriginationPostal=' . $dbv->f("vendor_zip") . '&OriginationCountry=' . $dbv->f("country_2_code") . '&DestinationName=' . urlencode($dbst->f("first_name") . '%20' . $dbst->f("last_name")) . '&DestinationAddress1=' . urlencode($dbst->f("address_1")) . '&DestinationCity=' . urlencode($dbst->f("city")) . '&DestinationState=' . urlencode($dbst->f("state")) . '&DestinationPostal=' . $dbst->f("zip") . '&DestinationCountry=' . $dbst->f("country_2_code") . '&Currency=' . $_SESSION['vendor_currency'] . '&TotalPackages=' . '1' . '&BoxID1=' . '1' . '&Weight1=' . $weight_total . '&WeightUnit1=' . WEIGHT_UOM . '&Length1=' . '10' . '&Width1=' . '10' . '&Height1=' . '10' . '&DimensionalUnit1=' . 'IN' . '&Packaging1=' . 'BOX' . '&Contents1=' . 'OTR' . '&Cod1=' . '0' . '&Insurance1=' . '0' . '&TotalOptions=' . '1' . '&OptionCode1=' . 'SDD'; //Define some global vars for later use $state = array(); global $state; $quote = array(); global $quote; $quotes = array(); global $quotes; global $package_id; global $boxID; // funtion to handle the start elements for the XML data function startElement(&$Parser, &$Elem, $Attr) { global $state; if (!is_array($state)) { $state = array(); } array_push($state, $Elem); $states = join(' ', $state); //check what state we are in if ($states == "SHIPMENT PACKAGE") { global $package_id; $package_id = $Attr['ID']; } elseif ($states == "SHIPMENT PACKAGE QUOTE") { global $package_id; global $quote; $quote = array('package_id' => $package_id, 'id' => $Attr['ID']); } } //funtion to parse the XML data. The routine does a series of conditional //checks on the data to determine where in the XML stack "we" are. // function characterData($Parser, $Line) { global $state; $states = join(' ', $state); if ($states == "SHIPPMENT ERROR") { $error = $Line; } elseif ($states == "SHIPMENT PACKAGE BOXID") { global $boxID; $boxID = $Line; } elseif ($states == "SHIPMENT PACKAGE QUOTE CARRIER NAME") { global $quote; $quote["carrier_name"] = $Line; } elseif ($states == "SHIPMENT PACKAGE QUOTE CARRIER CODE") { global $quote; $quote["carrier_code"] = $Line; } elseif ($states == "SHIPMENT PACKAGE QUOTE CLASS NAME") { global $quote; $quote["class_name"] = $Line; } elseif ($states == "SHIPMENT PACKAGE QUOTE CLASS CODE") { global $quote; $quote["class_code"] = $Line; } elseif ($states == "SHIPMENT PACKAGE QUOTE SERVICE NAME") { global $quote; $quote["service_name"] = $Line; } elseif ($states == "SHIPMENT PACKAGE QUOTE SERVICE CODE") { global $quote; $quote["service_code"] = $Line; } elseif ($states == "SHIPMENT PACKAGE QUOTE RATE AMOUNT") { global $quote; $quote['amount'] = $Line; } } // this function handles the end elements. // once encountered it sticks the quote into the hash $quotes // for easy access later function endElement($Parser, $Elem) { global $state, $vmLogger; $states = join(' ', $state); if ($states == "SHIPMENT PACKAGE QUOTE") { global $quote; global $boxID; global $quotes; unset($quote['id']); unset($quote['package_id']); // the $key is a combo of the carrier_code and service_code // this is the logical way to key each quote returned $key = $quote['carrier_code'] . ' ' . $quote['service_code']; $quotes[$boxID][$key] = $quote; } array_pop($state); } //Send the socket request with the uri/url $fp = fsockopen("www.intershipper.com", 80, $errno, $errstr, 30); if (!$fp) { $html = "Error: {$errstr} ({$errno})<br>\n"; $error = true; } else { //echo "<a href=\"http://".$url.$uri."\">URL</a>"; $depth = array(); fputs($fp, "GET {$uri} HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: {$url}\r\n\r\n"); //define the XML parsing routines/functions to call //based on the handler state $xml_parser = xml_parser_create(); xml_set_element_handler($xml_parser, "startElement", "endElement"); xml_set_character_data_handler($xml_parser, "characterData"); //now lets roll through the data $error = false; while ($data = fread($fp, 8192)) { $newdata = $data; /*fsockopen returns more infomation than we'd like. here we remove the excess data. */ $newdata = preg_replace('/\\r\\n\\r\\n/', "", $newdata); $newdata = preg_replace('/HTTP.*\\r\\n/', "", $newdata); $newdata = preg_replace('/Date.*\\r\\n/', "", $newdata); $newdata = preg_replace('/Server.*\\r\\n/', "", $newdata); $newdata = preg_replace('/Via.*/', "", $newdata); $newdata = preg_replace('/Con.*/', "", $newdata); $newdata = preg_replace('/Set.*/', "", $newdata); $newdata = preg_replace('/\\r/', "", $newdata); $newdata = preg_replace('/\\n/', "", $newdata); if (strstr($newdata, "error")) { $html = $newdata; $error = true; } /* if we properl cleaned up the XML stream/data we can now hand it off to an XML parser without error */ if (!xml_parse($xml_parser, $newdata, feof($fp))) { die(sprintf("XML error: %s at line %d", xml_error_string(xml_get_error_code($xml_parser)), xml_get_current_line_number($xml_parser))); } } //clean up the parser object xml_parser_free($xml_parser); } /* Here we build a drop down menu list (as an example). print_r $quotes can help you debug or use the $quotes hash we built above. a variety of info is included but mostly we probably want amount, carrier_name, service_name. */ $shipping_rate_id = urlencode(vmGet($_REQUEST, "shipping_rate_id")); if (!$error) { if ($_SESSION['auth']['show_price_including_tax'] != 1) { $taxrate = 1; } else { $taxrate = $this->get_tax_rate() + 1; } while (list($quotedata, $boxID) = each($quotes)) { while (list($key, $bar) = each($boxID)) { if (isset($carrier)) { if ($carrier != $boxID[$key]['carrier_name']) { echo "<br /><strong>" . $boxID[$key]['carrier_name'] . "</strong><br />"; } $carrier = $boxID[$key]['carrier_name']; } else { echo "<br /><strong>" . $boxID[$key]['carrier_name'] . "</strong><br />"; $carrier = $boxID[$key]['carrier_name']; } echo $carrier == $boxID[$key]['carrier_name'] ? "" : $carrier; $boxID[$key]['amount'] = $boxID[$key]['amount'] / 100 * $taxrate; $boxID[$key]['amount'] = number_format($boxID[$key]['amount'], 2, '.', ' '); $value = urlencode($this->classname . "|" . $key . "|" . $boxID[$key]['service_name'] . "|" . $boxID[$key]['amount']); $checked = $shipping_rate_id == $value ? "checked=\"checked\"" : ""; print "\n<input type=\"radio\" name=\"shipping_rate_id\" {$checked} value=\"{$value}\" />\n"; $_SESSION[urlencode($this->classname . "|" . $key . "|" . $boxID[$key]['service_name'] . "|" . $boxID[$key]['amount'])] = 1; print $boxID[$key]['service_name'] . " "; print "<strong>" . $CURRENCY_DISPLAY->getFullValue($boxID[$key]['amount']) . "</strong>"; print "<br />"; } } } else { // Switch to StandardShipping on Error !!! $vmLogger->err($html); require_once CLASSPATH . 'shipping/standard_shipping.php'; $shipping = new standard_shipping(); $shipping->list_rates($d); return; } }
function list_rates(&$d) { global $VM_LANG, $CURRENCY_DISPLAY; $d["ship_to_info_id"] = vmGet($_REQUEST, "ship_to_info_id"); /** Read current Configuration ***/ require_once CLASSPATH . "shipping/" . $this->classname . ".cfg.php"; $dbst = new ps_DB(); $q = "SELECT * from #__{vm}_user_info, #__{vm}_country WHERE user_info_id='" . $d["ship_to_info_id"] . "' AND ( country=country_2_code OR country=country_3_code)"; $dbst->query($q); $dbst->next_record(); $cart = $_SESSION['cart']; $dboi = new ps_DB(); for ($i = 0; $i < $cart["idx"]; $i++) { $r = "SELECT product_id,product_name,product_weight,product_length,product_width "; $r .= "FROM #__{vm}_product WHERE product_id='" . $cart[$i]["product_id"] . "'"; $dboi->query($r); $dboi->next_record(); // echo ($cart[$i]["quantity"]." ".$dboi->f("product_weight")." ".$dboi->f("product_length")." ".$dboi->f("product_width")." ".$dboi->f("product_height")." ".$dboi->f("product_name")); $this->addItem($cart[$i]["quantity"], $dboi->f("product_weight") ? $dboi->f("product_weight") : 0, $dboi->f("product_length") ? $dboi->f("product_length") : 0, $dboi->f("product_width") ? $dboi->f("product_width") : 0, $dboi->f("product_height") ? $dboi->f("product_height") : 0, $dboi->f("product_name")); // $this->addItem( $cart[$i]["quantity"], $dboi->f("product_weight"), 10, 10, 10, $dboi->f("product_name")) ; } $this->getQuote(urlencode($dbst->f("city")), urlencode($dbst->f("country_2_code") == "US" ? $dbst->f("state") : ""), $dbst->f("country_2_code"), $dbst->f("zip")); $shipping_rate_id = urlencode(vmGet($_REQUEST, "shipping_rate_id")); $i = 0; if (!$this->error) { ?> <table width="100%"><tr class="sectiontableheader"> <th> </th> <th><?php echo $VM_LANG->_('PHPSHOP_ISSHIP_LIST_CARRIER_LBL'); ?> </th> <th><?php echo $VM_LANG->_('VM_CANADAPOST_FORM_HANDLING_DATE'); ?> <sup>1</sup></th> <th><?php echo $VM_LANG->_('VM_CANADAPOST_FORM_HANDLING_LBL'); ?> <sup>2</sup></th> </tr> <?php foreach ($this->shipping_methods as $m) { $value = urlencode($this->classname . "|" . $m["name"] . "|" . $m["deliveryDate"] . "|" . $m["rate"]); $_SESSION[urlencode($this->classname . "|" . $m["name"] . "|" . $m["deliveryDate"] . "|" . $m["rate"])] = 1; if ($i++ % 2) { $class = "sectiontableentry1"; } else { $class = "sectiontableentry2"; } $checked = $shipping_rate_id == $value ? "checked=\"checked\"" : ""; // formatting of the shipping date returned by Canada Post $str = $m["deliveryDate"]; if (($timestamp = strtotime($str)) === -1) { $str = html_entity_decode($m["deliveryDate"]); } else { if ($VM_LANG->_('VM_CANADAPOST_SEND_LANGUAGE_CODE') == "FR") { setlocale(LC_ALL, 'fr'); $str = strftime('%A %d %B %Y', $timestamp); } else { setlocale(LC_ALL, 'en'); $str = strftime('%A, %B %d %Y', $timestamp); } } // Adding taxes to the rates returned by Canada Post // First : add the federal tax (FT) to the shipping rate -> R * (1+FT%) = R1 // Second : add the provincial tax (PT) to the rate R1 -> R1 * (1+PT%) = R2 $R1 = $m["rate"] * (1 + CP_FEDERAL_TAX / 100); $R2 = $R1 * (1 + CP_PROVINCIAL_TAX / 100); ?> <tr class=<?php echo $class; ?> > <td><?php print "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"shipping_rate_id\" {$checked} value=\"{$value}\" />\n"; ?> </td> <td><?php print html_entity_decode($m["name"]); ?> </td> <td align="center"><?php print $str; ?> </td> <td align="right"><?php echo $CURRENCY_DISPLAY->getFullValue($R2); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="4" bgcolor="#cccccc"><img src="/pics/blank.gif" width="1" height="1" border="0"></td> </tr> <?php } // foreach // print "<hr>\n\n\n" ; // print "Request XML:<br><form action='http://" . CP_SERVER . ":" . CP_PORT . "' method='post' target='_blank' ><textarea name='XMLRequest' style='width:100%;height:400px;background-color:#f2f2f2'>\n" . $this->xml_request . "\n\n</textarea><br><input type='submit' value='Send to Canada Post'></form>"; // print "<br><br>Return XML:<br><form><textarea style='width:100%;height:400px;background-color:#f2f2f2'>\n" . $this->xml_response . "\n\n</textarea></form>"; ?> <td colspan="4"> <?php echo "<SUP>1</SUP>La date de livraison est calcul�e en ajoutant les normes de livraison de Postes Canada au d�lai d�ex�cution des commandes.<BR>"; ?> <?php echo "<SUP>2</SUP>Les frais d�exp�dition sont calcul�s en ajoutant les services de Postes Canada aux co�ts de manutention. Taxes incluses.<BR>"; ?> </td> <?php return True; } else { // Switch to StandardShipping on Error !!! echo html_entity_decode($this->error_msg) . "<br><br>"; // print "<hr>\n\n\n" ; // print "Request XML:<br><form action='http://" . CP_SERVER . ":" . CP_PORT . "' method='post' target='_blank' ><textarea name='XMLRequest' style='width:100%;height:400px;background-color:#f2f2f2'>\n" . $this->xml_request . "\n\n</textarea><br><input type='submit' value='Send to Canada Post'></form>"; // print "<br><br>Return XML:<br><form><textarea style='width:100%;height:400px;background-color:#f2f2f2'>\n" . $this->xml_response . "\n\n</textarea></form>"; require_once CLASSPATH . 'shipping/standard_shipping.php'; $shipping = new standard_shipping(); $shipping->list_rates($d); return; } }
function list_rates(&$d) { global $vendor_country_2_code, $vendor_currency, $vmLogger; global $VM_LANG, $CURRENCY_DISPLAY, $mosConfig_absolute_path; $db = new ps_DB(); $dbv = new ps_DB(); $cart = $_SESSION['cart']; /** Read current Configuration ***/ require_once CLASSPATH . "shipping/" . __CLASS__ . ".cfg.php"; $q = "SELECT * FROM #__{vm}_user_info, #__{vm}_country WHERE user_info_id='" . $d["ship_to_info_id"] . "' AND ( country=country_2_code OR country=country_3_code)"; $db->query($q); $q = "SELECT * FROM #__{vm}_vendor WHERE vendor_id='" . $_SESSION['ps_vendor_id'] . "'"; $dbv->query($q); $dbv->next_record(); $order_weight = $d['weight']; $html = ""; if ($order_weight > 0) { if ($order_weight < 1) { $order_weight = 1; } if ($order_weight > 150.0) { $order_weight = 150.0; } //Access code for online tools at ups.com $ups_access_code = UPS_ACCESS_CODE; //Username from registering for online tools at ups.com $ups_user_id = UPS_USER_ID; //Password from registering for online tools at ups.com $ups_user_password = UPS_PASSWORD; //Title for your request $request_title = "Shipping Estimate"; //The zip that you are shipping from // Add ability to override vendor zip code as source ship from... if (Override_Source_Zip != "" or Override_Source_Zip != NULL) { $source_zip = Override_Source_Zip; } else { $source_zip = $dbv->f("vendor_zip"); } //The zip that you are shipping to $dest_country = $db->f("country_2_code"); $dest_zip = substr($db->f("zip"), 0, 5); // Make sure the ZIP is 5 chars long //LBS = Pounds //KGS = Kilograms $weight_measure = WEIGHT_UOM == 'KG' ? "KGS" : "LBS"; // The XML that will be posted to UPS $xmlPost = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>"; $xmlPost .= "<AccessRequest xml:lang=\"en-US\">"; $xmlPost .= " <AccessLicenseNumber>" . $ups_access_code . "</AccessLicenseNumber>"; $xmlPost .= " <UserId>" . $ups_user_id . "</UserId>"; $xmlPost .= " <Password>" . $ups_user_password . "</Password>"; $xmlPost .= "</AccessRequest>"; $xmlPost .= "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>"; $xmlPost .= "<RatingServiceSelectionRequest xml:lang=\"en-US\">"; $xmlPost .= " <Request>"; $xmlPost .= " <TransactionReference>"; $xmlPost .= " <CustomerContext>" . $request_title . "</CustomerContext>"; $xmlPost .= " <XpciVersion>1.0001</XpciVersion>"; $xmlPost .= " </TransactionReference>"; $xmlPost .= " <RequestAction>rate</RequestAction>"; $xmlPost .= " <RequestOption>shop</RequestOption>"; $xmlPost .= " </Request>"; $xmlPost .= " <PickupType>"; $xmlPost .= " <Code>" . UPS_PICKUP_TYPE . "</Code>"; $xmlPost .= " </PickupType>"; $xmlPost .= " <Shipment>"; $xmlPost .= " <Shipper>"; $xmlPost .= " <Address>"; $xmlPost .= " <PostalCode>" . $source_zip . "</PostalCode>"; $xmlPost .= " <CountryCode>{$vendor_country_2_code}</CountryCode>"; $xmlPost .= " </Address>"; $xmlPost .= " </Shipper>"; $xmlPost .= " <ShipTo>"; $xmlPost .= " <Address>"; $xmlPost .= " <PostalCode>" . $dest_zip . "</PostalCode>"; $xmlPost .= " <CountryCode>{$dest_country}</CountryCode>"; if (UPS_RESIDENTIAL == "yes") { $xmlPost .= " <ResidentialAddressIndicator/>"; } $xmlPost .= " </Address>"; $xmlPost .= " </ShipTo>"; $xmlPost .= " <ShipFrom>"; $xmlPost .= " <Address>"; $xmlPost .= " <PostalCode>" . $source_zip . "</PostalCode>"; $xmlPost .= " <CountryCode>{$vendor_country_2_code}</CountryCode>"; $xmlPost .= " </Address>"; $xmlPost .= " </ShipFrom>"; // Service is only required, if the Tag "RequestOption" contains the value "rate" // We don't want a specific servive, but ALL Rates //$xmlPost .= " <Service>"; //$xmlPost .= " <Code>".$shipping_type."</Code>"; //$xmlPost .= " </Service>"; $xmlPost .= " <Package>"; $xmlPost .= " <PackagingType>"; $xmlPost .= " <Code>" . UPS_PACKAGE_TYPE . "</Code>"; $xmlPost .= " </PackagingType>"; $xmlPost .= " <PackageWeight>"; $xmlPost .= " <UnitOfMeasurement>"; $xmlPost .= " <Code>" . $weight_measure . "</Code>"; $xmlPost .= " </UnitOfMeasurement>"; $xmlPost .= " <Weight>" . $order_weight . "</Weight>"; $xmlPost .= " </PackageWeight>"; $xmlPost .= " </Package>"; $xmlPost .= " </Shipment>"; $xmlPost .= "</RatingServiceSelectionRequest>"; // echo htmlentities( $xmlPost ); $upsURL = "https://www.ups.com:443/ups.app/xml/Rate"; require_once CLASSPATH . 'connectionTools.class.php'; $error = false; $xmlResult = vmConnector::handleCommunication($upsURL, $xmlPost); if (!$xmlResult) { $vmLogger->err($VM_LANG->_('PHPSHOP_INTERNAL_ERROR', false) . " UPS.com"); $error = true; } else { /* XML Parsing */ require_once $mosConfig_absolute_path . '/includes/domit/xml_domit_lite_include.php'; $xmlDoc = new DOMIT_Lite_Document(); $xmlDoc->parseXML($xmlResult, false, true); /* Let's check wether the response from UPS is Success or Failure ! */ if (strstr($xmlResult, "Failure")) { $error = true; $error_code = $xmlDoc->getElementsByTagName("ErrorCode"); $error_code = $error_code->item(0); $error_code = $error_code->getText(); $error_desc = $xmlDoc->getElementsByTagName("ErrorDescription"); $error_desc = $error_desc->item(0); $error_desc = $error_desc->getText(); $vmLogger->err($VM_LANG->_('PHPSHOP_UPS_RESPONSE_ERROR', false) . '. ' . $VM_LANG->_('PHPSHOP_ERROR_CODE') . ": " . $error_code . ', ' . $VM_LANG->_('PHPSHOP_ERROR_DESC') . ": " . $error_desc); } } if ($error) { // Switch to StandardShipping on Error !!! require_once CLASSPATH . 'shipping/standard_shipping.php'; $shipping = new standard_shipping(); $shipping->list_rates($d); return; } // retrieve the list of all "RatedShipment" Elements $rate_list =& $xmlDoc->getElementsByTagName("RatedShipment"); $allservicecodes = array("UPS_Next_Day_Air", "UPS_2nd_Day_Air", "UPS_Ground", "UPS_Worldwide_Express_SM", "UPS_Worldwide_Expedited_SM", "UPS_Standard", "UPS_3_Day_Select", "UPS_Next_Day_Air_Saver", "UPS_Next_Day_Air_Early_AM", "UPS_Worldwide_Express_Plus_SM", "UPS_2nd_Day_Air_AM", "UPS_Saver", "na"); $myservicecodes = array(); foreach ($allservicecodes as $servicecode) { if (constant($servicecode) != '' || constant($servicecode) != 0) { $myservicecodes[] = constant($servicecode); } } if (DEBUG) { echo "Cart Contents: " . $order_weight . " " . $weight_measure . "<br><br>\n"; echo "XML Post: <br>"; echo "<textarea cols='80'>" . $xmlPost . "</textarea>"; echo "<br>"; echo "XML Result: <br>"; echo "<textarea cols='80' rows='10'>" . $xmlResult . "</textarea>"; echo "<br>"; } // Loop through the rate List for ($i = 0; $i < $rate_list->getLength(); $i++) { $currNode =& $rate_list->item($i); if (in_array($currNode->childNodes[0]->getText(), $myservicecodes)) { $e = 0; // First Element: Service Code $shipment[$i]["ServiceCode"] = $currNode->childNodes[$e++]->getText(); // Second Element: BillingWeight if ($currNode->childNodes[$e]->nodeName == 'RatedShipmentWarning') { $e++; } $shipment[$i]["BillingWeight"] = $currNode->childNodes[$e++]; // Third Element: TransportationCharges $shipment[$i]["TransportationCharges"] = $currNode->childNodes[$e++]; $shipment[$i]["TransportationCharges"] = $shipment[$i]["TransportationCharges"]->getElementsByTagName("MonetaryValue"); $shipment[$i]["TransportationCharges"] = $shipment[$i]["TransportationCharges"]->item(0); if (is_object($shipment[$i]["TransportationCharges"])) { $shipment[$i]["TransportationCharges"] = $shipment[$i]["TransportationCharges"]->getText(); } // Fourth Element: ServiceOptionsCharges $shipment[$i]["ServiceOptionsCharges"] = $currNode->childNodes[$e++]; // Fifth Element: TotalCharges $shipment[$i]["TotalCharges"] = $currNode->childNodes[$e++]; // Sixth Element: GuarenteedDaysToDelivery $shipment[$i]["GuaranteedDaysToDelivery"] = $currNode->childNodes[$e++]->getText(); // Seventh Element: ScheduledDeliveryTime $shipment[$i]["ScheduledDeliveryTime"] = $currNode->childNodes[$e++]->getText(); // Eighth Element: RatedPackage $shipment[$i]["RatedPackage"] = $currNode->childNodes[$e++]; // map ServiceCode to ServiceName switch ($shipment[$i]["ServiceCode"]) { case "01": $shipment[$i]["ServiceName"] = "UPS Next Day Air"; break; case "02": $shipment[$i]["ServiceName"] = "UPS 2nd Day Air"; break; case "03": $shipment[$i]["ServiceName"] = "UPS Ground"; break; case "07": $shipment[$i]["ServiceName"] = "UPS Worldwide Express SM"; break; case "08": $shipment[$i]["ServiceName"] = "UPS Worldwide Expedited SM"; break; case "11": $shipment[$i]["ServiceName"] = "UPS Standard"; break; case "12": $shipment[$i]["ServiceName"] = "UPS 3 Day Select"; break; case "13": $shipment[$i]["ServiceName"] = "UPS Next Day Air Saver"; break; case "14": $shipment[$i]["ServiceName"] = "UPS Next Day Air Early A.M."; break; case "54": $shipment[$i]["ServiceName"] = "UPS Worldwide Express Plus SM"; break; case "59": $shipment[$i]["ServiceName"] = "UPS 2nd Day Air A.M."; break; case "64": $shipment[$i]["ServiceName"] = "n/a"; break; case "65": $shipment[$i]["ServiceName"] = "UPS Saver"; break; } unset($currNode); } } if (!$shipment) { //$vmLogger->err( "Error processing the Request to UPS.com" ); /*$vmLogger->err( "We could not find a UPS shipping rate. Please make sure you have entered a valid shipping address. Or choose a rate below." ); // Switch to StandardShipping on Error !!! require_once( CLASSPATH . 'shipping/standard_shipping.php' ); $shipping = new standard_shipping(); $shipping->list_rates( $d );*/ return; } // UPS returns Charges in USD ONLY. // So we have to convert from USD to Vendor Currency if necessary if ($_SESSION['vendor_currency'] != "USD") { $convert = true; } else { $convert = false; } if ($_SESSION['auth']['show_price_including_tax'] != 1) { $taxrate = 1; } else { $taxrate = $this->get_tax_rate() + 1; } foreach ($shipment as $key => $value) { //Get the Fuel SurCharge rate, defined in config. $fsc = $value['ServiceName'] . "_FSC"; $fsc = str_replace(" ", "_", str_replace(".", "", str_replace("/", "", $fsc))); $fsc = constant($fsc); if ($fsc == 0) { $fsc_rate = 1; } else { $fsc_rate = $fsc / 100; $fsc_rate = $fsc_rate + 1; } if ($convert) { $tmp = $GLOBALS['CURRENCY']->convert($value['TransportationCharges'], "USD", $vendor_currency); // tmp is empty when the Vendor Currency could not be converted!!!! if (!empty($tmp)) { $charge = $tmp; // add Fuel SurCharge $charge *= $fsc_rate; // add Handling Fee $charge += UPS_HANDLING_FEE; $charge *= $taxrate; $value['TransportationCharges'] = $CURRENCY_DISPLAY->getFullValue($tmp); } else { $charge = $value['TransportationCharges'] + intval(UPS_HANDLING_FEE); // add Fuel SurCharge $charge *= $fsc_rate; // add Handling Fee $charge += UPS_HANDLING_FEE; $charge *= $taxrate; $value['TransportationCharges'] = $value['TransportationCharges'] . " USD"; } } else { $charge = $charge_unrated = $value['TransportationCharges']; // add Fuel SurCharge $charge *= $fsc_rate; // add Handling Fee $charge += UPS_HANDLING_FEE; $charge *= $taxrate; $value['TransportationCharges'] = $CURRENCY_DISPLAY->getFullValue($charge); } $shipping_rate_id = urlencode(__CLASS__ . "|UPS|" . $value['ServiceName'] . "|" . $charge); $checked = @$d["shipping_rate_id"] == $value ? "checked=\"checked\"" : ""; if (count($shipment) == 1) { $checked = "checked=\"checked\""; } $html .= '<label for="' . $shipping_rate_id . '">' . "\n<input type=\"radio\" name=\"shipping_rate_id\" {$checked} value=\"{$shipping_rate_id}\" id=\"{$shipping_rate_id}\" />\n"; $_SESSION[$shipping_rate_id] = 1; $html .= $value['ServiceName'] . ' '; $html .= "<strong>(" . $value['TransportationCharges'] . ")</strong>"; if (DEBUG) { $html .= " - " . $VM_LANG->_('PHPSHOP_PRODUCT_FORM_WEIGHT') . ": " . $order_weight . " " . $weight_measure . ", " . $VM_LANG->_('PHPSHOP_RATE_FORM_VALUE') . ": [[" . $charge_unrated . "(" . $fsc_rate . ")]+" . UPS_HANDLING_FEE . "](" . $taxrate . ")]"; } // DELIVERY QUOTE if (Show_Delivery_Days_Quote == 1) { if (!empty($value['GuaranteedDaysToDelivery'])) { $html .= " - " . $value['GuaranteedDaysToDelivery'] . " " . $VM_LANG->_('PHPSHOP_UPS_SHIPPING_GUARANTEED_DAYS'); } } if (Show_Delivery_ETA_Quote == 1) { if (!empty($value['ScheduledDeliveryTime'])) { $html .= " (ETA: " . $value['ScheduledDeliveryTime'] . ")"; } } if (Show_Delivery_Warning == 1 && !empty($value['RatedShipmentWarning'])) { $html .= "</label><br/>\n * <em>" . $value['RatedShipmentWarning'] . "</em>\n"; } $html .= "<br />\n"; } } echo $html; //DEBUG if (DEBUG) { /* echo "My Services: <br>"; print_r($myservicecodes); echo "<br>"; echo "All Services: <br>"; print_r($allservicecodes); echo "<br>"; echo "XML Result: <br>"; echo "<textarea cols='80' rows='10'>".$xmlResult."</textarea>"; echo "<br>"; */ } return true; }