$econtroller->setEntity((string) $msg);
                $pm->subscribe($user->getUid(), 'ENTITYUPDATE-' . $msg);
                $directlink = SimpleSAML_Module::getModuleURL('janus/editentity.php', array('eid' => $msg));
                $pm->post('New entity created', 'Permalink: <a href="' . $directlink . '">' . $directlink . '</a><br /><br />A new entity has been created.<br />Entityid: ' . $_POST['entityid'] . '<br />Entity type: ' . $_POST['entitytype'], 'ENTITYCREATE', $user->getUid());
                $msg = 'text_entity_created';
                if ($type == 'saml20-sp') {
                    $msg = $econtroller->importMetadata20SP($_POST['metadata_xml'], $update);
                } else {
                    if ($type == 'saml20-idp') {
                        $msg = $econtroller->importMetadata20IdP($_POST['metadata_xml'], $update);
                    } else {
                        $msg = 'error_metadata_not_import';
                SimpleSAML_Utilities::redirect(SimpleSAML_Utilities::selfURLNoQuery(), array('selectedtab' => $selectedtab));
        } else {
            $msg = 'error_entity_not_url';
            $old_entityid = $_POST['entityid'];
            $old_entitytype = $_POST['entitytype'];
if (isset($_POST['usersubmit'])) {
    $pm->post('Userinfo update', 'User info updated:<br /><br />' . $_POST['userdata'] . '<br /><br />E-mail: ' . $_POST['user_email'], 'USER-' . $user->getUid(), $user->getUid());
// Added persistent, transient and unspecified to all entities as valid NameIDFormats
 * DbPatch makes the following variables available to PHP patches:
 * @var $this       DbPatch_Command_Patch_PHP
 * @var $writer     DbPatch_Core_Writer
 * @var $db         Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract
 * @var $phpFile    string
define('SAML2_NAME_ID_FORMAT_UNSPECIFIED', 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:unspecified');
define('SAML2_NAME_ID_FORMAT_TRANSIENT', 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:transient');
define('SAML2_NAME_ID_FORMAT_PERSISTENT', 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:persistent');
$janusConfig = SimpleSAML_Configuration::getConfig('module_janus.php');
$userController = new sspmod_janus_UserController($janusConfig, sspmod_janus_DiContainer::getInstance()->getSecurityContext());
$entities = $userController->getEntities();
/** @var sspmod_janus_Entity $entity */
foreach ($entities as $entity) {
    if ($entity->getType() != 'saml20-sp') {
    $entity->setRevisionnote('patch-0015.php: Added persistent, transient and unspecified to all entities as valid NameIDFormats');
    $entityController = new sspmod_janus_EntityController($janusConfig);
    $entityController->addMetadata('NameIDFormats:0', SAML2_NAME_ID_FORMAT_PERSISTENT);
    $entityController->addMetadata('NameIDFormats:1', SAML2_NAME_ID_FORMAT_TRANSIENT);
    $entityController->addMetadata('NameIDFormats:2', SAML2_NAME_ID_FORMAT_UNSPECIFIED);
  * Delete the ARP identified by the aid.
  * @return PDOStatement|false The statement or false on error.
 public function delete()
     if (empty($this->_aid)) {
         SimpleSAML_Logger::error('JANUS:ARP:delete - aid needs to be set.');
         return false;
     $deleteStatement = $this->execute('UPDATE ' . self::$prefix . 'arp SET
         `deleted` = ?
         WHERE `aid` = ?;', array(date('c'), $this->_aid));
     if ($deleteStatement === false) {
         return false;
     // Get all entities with the just removed ARP
     $st = $this->execute('SELECT eid
         FROM ' . self::$prefix . 'entity
         WHERE `arp` = ?;', array($this->_aid));
     if (!$st) {
         return $deleteStatement;
     $janus_config = SimpleSAML_Configuration::getConfig('module_janus.php');
     $controller = new sspmod_janus_EntityController($janus_config);
     // Remove the ARP from all entities
     $entity_rows = $st->fetchAll();
     foreach ($entity_rows as $entity_row) {
     return $deleteStatement;
  * Create new entity with parsed entityid
  * Create a new entity and give the user access to the entity.
  * @param string $entityid Entity id for the new entity
  * @param string $type     Entity type
  * @return sspmod_janus_Entity|bool Returns the entity or false on error.
  * @since Method available since Release 1.0.0
 public function createNewEntity($entityid, $type)
     if ($this->isEntityIdInUse($entityid, $errorMessage)) {
         return $errorMessage;
     if ($this->hasEntityIdBeenUsed($entityid, $errorMessage)) {
         return $errorMessage;
     $startstate = $this->_config->getString('workflowstate.default');
     // Get the default ARP
     $default_arp = '0';
     $st = $this->execute("SELECT aid FROM " . self::$prefix . "arp WHERE is_default = TRUE AND deleted = ''");
     if ($st) {
         $rows = $st->fetchAll();
         if (count($rows) === 1) {
             $default_arp = $rows[0]['aid'];
     // Instantiate a new entity
     $entity = new sspmod_janus_Entity($this->_config, true);
     $entity->setRevisionnote('Entity created.');
     $st = $this->execute('INSERT INTO ' . self::$prefix . 'hasEntity 
         (`uid`, `eid`, `created`, `ip`) 
         (?, ?, ?, ?);', array($this->_user->getUid(), $entity->getEid(), date('c'), $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']));
     if ($st === false) {
         return 'error_db';
     $ec = new sspmod_janus_EntityController($this->_config);
     $update = false;
     // Get metadatafields for new type
     $nm_mb = new sspmod_janus_MetadatafieldBuilder($this->_config->getArray('metadatafields.' . $type));
     $metadatafields = $nm_mb->getMetadatafields();
     // Add all required fileds
     foreach ($metadatafields as $mf) {
         if (isset($mf->required) && $mf->required === true) {
             $ec->addMetadata($mf->name, $mf->default);
             $update = true;
     if ($update === true) {
     // Reset list of entities
     $this->_entities = null;
     return $entity->getEid();