public function socialite_login($outh_type)
     // $user_data = [
     // 	"site_type"=>$outh_type,
     // 	"site_id"=>112617558420458089489,
     // 	"email"=>"*****@*****.**",
     // 	"name"=>"ahmed badawy",
     // 	"avatar"=>get_it('site/logo.jpg')
     // ];
     // $data = [
     // 	'route_info'=>\sr::common("projects_index"),
     // 	'theme'=>$this->themes[0],
     // 	'user_data'=>$user_data
     // ];
     // return $this->get_view("spidro.user_area.show_data",$data,'spidro'); die;
     $user = \Socialize::with($outh_type)->user();
     $user_data = ["site_type" => $outh_type, "site_id" => $user->id, "email" => $user->email, "name" => $user->name, "avatar" => $user->avatar];
     if (isset($user->user['url'])) {
         $data["url"] = $user->user['url'];
     if (isset($user->user['gender'])) {
         $data["gender"] = $user->user['gender'];
     if (isset($user->user['relationshipStatus'])) {
         $data["relationshipStatus"] = $user->user['relationshipStatus'];
     $db_user = \spidro_users_model::create($user_data);
     \Session::put("user_data", $db_user);
     // dd($user_data);
     $data = ['route_info' => \sr::common("projects_index"), 'theme' => $this->themes[0], 'user_data' => $user_data];
     return $this->get_view("spidro.user_area.show_data", $data, 'spidro');
 public function movies_index()
     $obj = new \movies_model();
     $genres = $obj->lists('genre')->unique();
     $data = ['route_info' => \sr::projects("movies"), 'theme' => $this->themes[0], 'genres' => $genres];
     return $this->get_view('Projects.movies.index', $data);
 public function render_view($page, $title, $theme_num)
     $data = ['route_info' => \sr::siteTests($page), 'theme' => $this->themes[$theme_num]];
     // err($data);
     // $data= (in_array($page, array_keys($api_arr))) ? $api_arr[$page] : $api_arr['default'];
     return $this->get_view('SiteTests.' . $page, $data);
 public function text_image_share($img_name, $title)
     $data = ["route_info" => \sr::games("text_img"), 'theme' => $this->themes[0], 'ng_app' => "myApp"];
     $title = str_replace("_", " ", $title);
     $data["route_info"]['page_title'] = $title;
     $data["route_info"]['page_desc'] = "برنامج جامد بيحط أسمك على مجموعة صور و برامج بتحبها. لازم تجرب البرنامج الرهيب ده. جرب و حط اسمك على الحجات إلى بتحبها.";
     $data["route_info"]['layout'] = $this->default_text_image;
     $full_image_path = real_imgs_dir . "games/text-images/saved-images/" . $img_name;
     // dd($full_image_path);
     if (file_exists($full_image_path)) {
         $data["route_info"]['page_img'] = "games/text-images/saved-images/" . $img_name;
     } else {
         $data["route_info"]['page_img'] = "games/text-images/saved-images/-placeholder.jpg";
     // dd($full_image_path);
     return $this->text_image($this->default_text_image, $data);
     // return $this->get_view("Games.text-img.index",$data);
 public function currency()
     $data = ["route_info" => \sr::projects("currency"), 'theme' => $this->themes[4], "currency_list" => \Lst::common("currency"), 'ng_app' => "myApp", 'ng_controller' => "googleCurrency"];
     //		die('hi');
     return $this->get_view('Projects.currency.currency', $data);
$index = ["img" => get_thumb($page_img), "title" => "My APIs! -  (API أكواد)", "desc" => "My Gift To The World.", "desc2" => "", "itiration" => sr::api()];

$index = ["img" => get_thumb($page_img), "title" => "My Ideas! - أفكارى", "desc" => "Just Testing & Documentating Some of My Projects & ideas & APIs", "desc2" => "ملحوظة: جميع البرامج هنا تجريبية - إذا كنت تريد شراء النسخ المكتملة منها يمكنك الإتصال بـ <span class='bright'>" . social('my_phone_1') . "</span>.", "itiration" => sr::projects()];

$index = ["img" => get_thumb($page_img), "title" => "My Chrome APPs !", "desc" => "My APPs on Google Chrome Plateform", "desc2" => "ملحوظة: جميع البرامج هنا تجريبية - إذا كنت تريد شراء النسخ المكتملة أو إضافة بعض الخواص لها يمكنك الإتصال بـ <span class='bright'>" . social('my_phone_1') . "</span>.", "itiration" => sr::external("chrome apps")];


    section h4 a,section h4 a:hover,section h4 a:visited{
    text-decoration: none;
        padding: 10px;
        border:2px solid #333;
        transition:all linear .2s;
 public function index()
     $data = ["route_info" => \sr::common("regist"), "ng_app" => "regist", "ng_body_controller" => "app", 'theme' => $this->themes[4]];
     return $this->get_view('Projects.registration.index', $data);
     // return VM('projects.registration.index',$data,'bootstrap-watch');
 public function pornstars()
     $data = ['route_info' => \sr::hidden("pornstars"), "ng_app" => "myApp", 'theme' => $this->themes[0]];
     return $this->get_view("Hidden/pornstars/index", $data);
 public function build_site_map()
     $site_map_links = [];
     $site_map_imgs = [];
     $site_map_vids = [];
     $time = date("Y-m-d", time()) . "T09:13:31+00:00";
     //		dd($time);
     $search_files = array_merge(find_all_files(base_path("public/site-imgs")), find_all_files(base_path("public/site-docs")));
     //		dd($search_files);
     $imgs_ext_array = ['jpg', 'gif', 'png', 'ico'];
     $vids_ext_array = ['flv', 'mp4', 'ogv', 'mp3'];
     foreach ($search_files as $file) {
         $file_ext = get_file_data($file)['ext'];
         $file_array = explode("/", $file);
         $final_file = implode("/", $file_array);
         if (in_array($file_ext, $imgs_ext_array)) {
             $site_map_imgs[] = REMOTE_SITE_URL . $final_file;
         } elseif (in_array($file_ext, $vids_ext_array)) {
             $site_map_vids[] = REMOTE_SITE_URL . $final_file;
     foreach (\sr::bulid_links_site_map() as $link) {
         $site_map_links[] = str_replace("localhost/", "", $link);
     $data = ["site_map_links" => $site_map_links, "site_map_imgs" => $site_map_imgs, "site_map_vids" => $site_map_vids, "time" => $time];
     //		dd($data);
     $view = view("", $data)->render();
     // Write the contents back to the file
     $file = base_path("backups/site-maps/site-map.xml");
     file_put_contents($file, $view);

$home_list = ["Home" => ["title" => "Home", "logo" => "home", "link" => url('/')], "My Blog" => ["title" => "My Blog", "logo" => "wordpress", "link" => url('blog')], "Contact Me" => ["title" => "Contact Me", "logo" => "user", "link" => url('contact')], "My C.V" => ["title" => "My C.V", "logo" => "suitcase", "link" => url('cv')], ["title" => "Projects", "logo" => "cogs", "link" => url('projects')], ["title" => "Tests & APIs", "logo" => "magic", "link" => url('site-tests')]];
$projects_list = get_routes_array(\sr::projects());
$apis_list = get_routes_array(\sr::api());
$games_list = get_routes_array(\sr::games());
 public function books_view()
     $books = \book_model::all();
     $categories = ['Development', 'music'];
     $data = ['route_info' => \sr::projects("books"), 'theme' => $this->themes[4], 'books' => $books, 'categories' => $categories];
     return $this->get_view("Projects.books.books_view", $data);
$index = ["img" => get_thumb($page_img), "title" => "Games I Developed", "desc" => "This is Some of the Games i have Developed.", "desc2" => 'معذرة! بعض هذه الألعاب غير مجهز للعمل مع الأجهزة المحمولة (الموبيل - التابلت)', "itiration" => sr::games()];

$index = ["img" => get_thumb($page_img), "title" => "Testing & underConstruction!", "desc" => "Just Testing & Documentating Some Of the APIs & ideas that iam working on.", "desc2" => "", "itiration" => sr::siteTests()];

$index = ["img" => get_thumb($page_img), "title" => "Hidden", "desc" => "This is my Hidden Projects Please don't share with any one", "desc2" => "", "itiration" => sr::hidden()];

 public function getUpdateInvoice($invoice_id)
     $data = ['route_info' => \sr::common("projects_index"), 'theme' => $this->themes[0], 'inner_layout' => "update-invoice"];
     \Session::flash("updated_invoice", $invoice_id);
     return $this->get_view("Selling-Manager._layout", $data);
 public function captcha_generator_view()
     $fonts = dir_to_array(base_path("public/site-docs/captcha-fonts/") . "/");
     $data = ["route_info" => \sr::api("captcha-gene"), 'theme' => $this->themes[0], 'ng_app' => "myApp", 'ng_controller' => "main", "fonts" => $fonts];
     return $this->get_view("Apis.captcha-gene", $data);
 public function one_page()
     $data = ['route_info' => \sr::common("projects_index"), 'theme' => $this->themes[0]];
     return $this->get_view("spidro.ad_area.index", $data, 'unify');
 public function get_contact()
     $data = ["route_info" => \sr::pages("contact"), 'theme' => $this->themes[4]];
     // $response = \Event::fire(new \App\Events\testEvent($data));
     return $this->get_view('', $data);