Пример #1
<form id="add-char-form" class="form-horizontal" id="register" action="/Public/User/editprofile.php" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post">

require $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/include.php";
require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/config.php";
$post_array = ["about"];
$avatar_img = !empty($_FILES) ? $_FILES['files']['tmp_name'] : null;
Not considering session security at the moment. This is easily hijackable.
$connection = $DB->connect();
$user_query = new sqlDBQueryResult($connection, "SELECT * FROM USERINFO WHERE UserID=\$1", $params = [$USERSESS->getUserID()]);
$user_fields = $user_query->getRow();
$rendlist = new RenderList(new Text('<div class="form-group">'));
$rendlist->addRenderable(new Text('<textarea rows="7" columns="20" name="about">' . $user_fields["about"] . '</textarea>'));
$rendlist->addRenderable(new Text('<img src="' . Config::USER_IMAGE_ROOT . $user_fields["avatarpath"] . '">'));
$rendlist->addRenderable(new Text('</div>'));
	<input name="files" type="file" accept="image/*">
	<div class="form-group">
		<button type="submit" class="btn" value="Submit">Submit</button>


if (isset($_POST) && !array_diff($post_array, array_keys($_POST))) {
Пример #2

include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/include.php";
include_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/config.php";
$post_array = array("firstname", "lastname");
if (isset($_POST) && !array_diff($post_array, array_keys($_POST))) {
    $SANTIZER = new InputSanitizer($_POST);
    $SANTIZER->addFilter("firstname", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
    $SANTIZER->addFilter("lastname", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
    $sant_array = $SANTIZER->filter();
    $conn = $DB->connect();
    $char_query = new sqlDBQueryResult($conn, "SELECT CharacterID, FirstName, LastName, AvatarThumbPath FROM Character WHERE FirstName=\$1 or LastName=\$2;", array($sant_array[0], $sant_array[1]));
    $result_list = new RenderList();
    $media_head = '<div class="media">';
    $result_list->addRenderable(new Text($media_head));
    //Turn this into a file. More convenient.
    while ($row = $char_query->getRow()) {
        $media_rend = new RenderList(new Text('<a class="media-left" href="/Public/Waifu/waifu.php?characterid=' . $row["characterid"] . '">'), new Text('<img class="media-object" src="' . Config::THUMB_IMAGE_ROOT . $row["avatarthumbpath"] . '">'), new Text('<div class="media-body">' . $row["firstname"] . $row["lastname"]));
    $result_list->addRenderable(new Text("</a></div></div>"));
    //Add this encapsulation functionality in render list class? or different object?
Пример #3

include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/include.php";
if (isset($_POST['username']) && $_POST['password']) {
    if ($USERSESS->isLoggedIn()) {
        echo 'You are already logged in';
        //A dirty fix to try to fix the attempt relogging. Will have to put the login html at the top of the page at some point.
    $SANTIZER = new InputSanitizer($_POST);
    $SANTIZER->addFilter("username", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
    $sant_array = $SANTIZER->filter();
    $username = $sant_array[0];
    $password = md5($_POST['password']);
    $connection = $DB->connect();
    $login_query = new sqlDBQueryResult($connection, "SELECT UserID FROM USERINFO WHERE USERNAME = \$1", $params = array($username));
    $login_result = $login_query->getRow();
    if ($login_result == null) {
        echo 'No such username was found';
    } else {
        $userid = $login_result["userid"];
        $USERSESS->setUserFields($username, $userid);
Пример #4

require $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/include.php';
if (isset($_GET['characterid'])) {
    $SANTIZER = new InputSanitizer($_GET);
    $SANTIZER->addFilter("characterid", FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT);
    //Add Validation
    $sant_arr = $SANTIZER->filter();
    $connection = $DB->connect();
    $character_query = new sqlDBQueryResult($connection, "SELECT * FROM CHARACTER WHERE characterid = \$1 LIMIT 1", $params = $sant_arr);
    $char_stat_arr = $character_query->getRow();
    if ($char_stat_arr == null) {
        $RENDENGINE->render(new Text("NO WAIFU DESU!!!! Nonexistent Character!"));
    } else {
        $rendList = new RenderList();
        $rendList->addRenderable(new Text('<div id="waifu">
											<div class="waifuinfo"> 
												<tr> <th> Field </th> 
												<th> Value </th></tr>'));
        $key_arr = ["CharacterID" => "pub", "First Name" => "pub", "Last Name" => "pub", "Hair Color" => "pub", "Eye Color" => "pub", "Height" => "pub", "Weight" => "pub", "Bust" => "pub", "Waist" => "pub", "Hips" => "pub", "Body Type" => "pub", "Personality" => "pub", "Description" => "protect", "AvatarPath" => "protect", "AvatarThumbPath" => "protect"];
        $val_arr = array_combine(array_keys($key_arr), array_values($char_stat_arr));
        foreach ($val_arr as $key => $value) {
            if ($key_arr[$key] == "pub") {
                $rendList->addRenderable(new Text("<tr> <td> {$key} </td> <td> {$value} </td> </tr>"));
        $rendList->addRenderable(new Text("</table>"));
        $rendList->addRenderable(new Text('<h3> Description </h3> <div class="waifudescrip">' . $val_arr["Description"] . '</div> <a href="#"> Edit this page </a> </div>'));
        $rendList->addRenderable(new Text('<img src="' . Config::IMAGE_ROOT . $val_arr["AvatarPath"] . '"style=float: right; margin-left: auto;>'));
Пример #5

require $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/include.php';
if ($USERSESS->isLoggedIn()) {
if (isset($_POST['username']) && isset($_POST['password'])) {
    if ($USERSESS->isLoggedIn()) {
        echo 'You are already logged in';
        //A dirty fix to try to fix the attempt relogging. Will have to put the login html at the top of the page at some point.
    $username = trim($_POST['username']);
    $password = md5($_POST['password']);
    $connection = $DB->connect();
    $username_available_query = new sqlDBQueryResult($connection, "SELECT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM USERAUTHINFO WHERE USERNAME = \$1);", array($username));
    $exist_row = $username_available_query->getRow();
    //Username is already taken.
    if ($exist_row['exists'] == 't') {
        echo 'Username is already taken. Please try again.';
    } else {
        (new sqlDBExecute($connection, "INSERT INTO USERAUTHINFO VALUES (\$1,\$2);", array($username, $password)))->execute();
Пример #6

require $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/include.php';
if (!$USERSESS->isLoggedIn()) {
} else {
    $connection = $DB->connect();
    $key_arr = ["Username", "About", "AvatarPath"];
    $user_query = new sqlDBQueryResult($connection, "SELECT " . implode(", ", $key_arr) . " FROM USERINFO WHERE UserID = \$1", $params = [$USERSESS->getUserID()]);
    $user_result = $user_query->query();
    $user_val_arr = $user_query->getRow();
    if ($user_val_arr == null) {
        $RENDENGINE->render(new Text("Invalid or Nonexistent UserID"));
    } else {
        $rendlist = new RenderList();
        $rendlist->addRenderable(new Text('<legend>' . $user_val_arr["username"] . '\'s Profile </legend>'));
        $rendlist->addRenderable(new Text('<div id="user">'), new Text('<div class="userinfo">'));
        $rendlist->addRenderable(new Text('<div class="aboutuser">' . $user_val_arr["about"] . "</div></div>"));
        $rendlist->addRenderable(new Text('<img src="' . Config::USER_IMAGE_ROOT . $user_val_arr["avatarpath"] . '">'));
        $rendlist->addRenderable(new Text('</div>'));
        $rendlist->addRenderable(new Text('<a href ="/Public/User/editprofile.php"> Edit your profile</a>'));
        $RENDENGINE->render($rendlist, $standard = True);