function sendtestmail($from, $to) { $unix = new unix(); $smtp = new smtp(); $tt = explode("@", $to); $domainname = $tt[1]; $TargetHostname = $smtp->ResolveMXDomain($tt[1]); echo "Connect: {$TargetHostname}\n "; $params["host"] = $TargetHostname; $params["helo"] = $unix->hostname_g(); if (!$smtp->connect($params)) { smtp::events("[{$domainname}] {$domainname} -> Could not connect to `{$TargetHostname}`", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); return; } $body[] = "Return-Path: <{$from}>"; $body[] = "X-Original-To: {$to}"; $body[] = "Date: " . date("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " +0100 (CET)"; $body[] = "From: {$from} (Test sender)"; $body[] = "Subject: Test mail " . date("D, d M Y H:i:s"); $body[] = "To: {$to}"; $body[] = "Auto-Submitted: auto-replied"; $body[] = "MIME-Version: 1.0"; $body[] = ""; $body[] = "This is a tests mail"; $MAILDATA = @implode("\r\n", $body); if (!$smtp->send(array("from" => $from, "recipients" => $to, "body" => $MAILDATA))) { echo "Failed\n"; return; } $smtp->quit(); echo "Success from=<{$from}> to=<{$to}>\n"; }
function SendTest($Key) { $GLOBALS["WRITETOFILE"] = dirname(__FILE__) . "/ressources/logs/{$Key}.log"; $sock = new sockets(); $unix = new unix(); $datas = unserialize(base64_decode($sock->GET_INFO($Key))); $listen_addr = null; $recipient = $datas["smtp_dest"]; $sender = $datas["smtp_sender"]; smtp::events("Resolving From {$sender} to: {$recipient}", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); if (preg_match("#(.+?)@(.+)#", $recipient, $re)) { $domainname = $re[2]; } if (!is_numeric($datas["smtp_auth"])) { $datas["smtp_auth"] = 0; } $TargetHostname = null; $servername = $datas["servername"]; $BinDTO = ""; if ($servername != "master") { $instance = $servername; $main = new maincf_multi($servername); $listen_addr = $main->ip_addr; $BinDTO = $listen_addr; } else { $instance = $unix->hostname_g(); } $smtp = new smtp(); $NOresolvMX = false; if ($datas["smtp_auth"] == 1) { $TargetHostname = $datas["relay"]; } if ($datas["smtp_local"] == 1) { $TargetHostname = inet_interfaces(); if (preg_match("#all#is", $TargetHostname)) { $TargetHostname = ""; } smtp::events("Local, instance {$servername}: Sock to `{$TargetHostname}`", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); if ($servername != "master") { smtp::events("Local, instance {$servername}: changed to inet_interfaces()::{$TargetHostname}", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); $TargetHostname = $listen_addr; } } if ($TargetHostname == null) { $TargetHostname = $smtp->ResolveMXDomain($domainname); smtp::events("Resolving {$domainname} = `{$TargetHostname}` bind address: {$BinDTO}", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); } $params["helo"] = $instance; $params["bindto"] = $BinDTO; $params["debug"] = true; smtp::events("smtp_auth: {$datas["smtp_auth"]}, user:{$params["user"]},relay:{$datas["relay"]} ", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); smtp::events("Me: HELO: {$instance}", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); if ($datas["smtp_auth"] == 1) { $params["auth"] = true; $params["user"] = $datas["smtp_auth_user"]; $params["pass"] = $datas["smtp_auth_passwd"]; if (trim($datas["relay"]) == null) { if ($TargetHostname != null) { $datas["relay"] = $TargetHostname; } } $TargetHostname = $datas["relay"]; } $params["host"] = $TargetHostname; if (!$smtp->connect($params)) { smtp::events("Error {$smtp->error_number}: Could not connect to `{$TargetHostname}` {$smtp->error_text}", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); return; } $boundary = md5(uniqid(microtime(), TRUE)); $body[] = "Return-Path: <{$sender}>"; $body[] = "X-Original-To: {$recipient}"; $body[] = "Date: " . date("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " +0100 (CET)"; $body[] = "From: {$sender} (Mail Delivery System)"; $body[] = "Subject: Test Message"; $body[] = "To: {$recipient}"; $body[] = ""; $body[] = ""; $body[] = "This is the mail system at host {$instance}."; $body[] = ""; $body[] = "I'm glade to inform you that your message is"; $body[] = " delivered to you..."; $body[] = ""; $body[] = "For further assistance, please send mail to postmaster."; $body[] = ""; $body[] = "If you do so, please include this problem report. You can"; $body[] = "delete your own text from the attached returned message."; $body[] = ""; $body[] = " The mail system"; $body[] = ""; $body[] = ""; $body[] = ""; $finalbody = @implode("\r\n", $body); if (!$smtp->send(array("from" => $sender, "recipients" => $recipient, "body" => $finalbody, "headers" => null))) { smtp::events("Error {$smtp->error_number}: Could not send to `{$TargetHostname}` {$smtp->error_text}", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); $smtp->quit(); return; } smtp::events("Success sending message trough [{$TargetHostname}:25]", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); $smtp->quit(); smtp::events("Test message Success From=<{$sender}> to=<{$recipient}> ", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); chmod($GLOBALS["WRITETOFILE"], 0775); }