Пример #1
             // custom field properties
             $cf_dbfield = $cfield['dbfield'];
             $cf_label = $cfield['label'];
             $cf_default = $cfield['default'];
             $cf_data = isset($cfield['data']) && $cfield['data'] ? $cfield['data'] : array();
             // custom field processing
             if (in_array($cfield['type'], array('text', 'longtext', 'numeric'))) {
                 $cf_max = isset($cfield['max']) ? $cfield['max'] : '200';
                 $cf_width = isset($cfield['width']) ? $cfield['width'] : '50';
                 $form->addTextField($cfield['type'] == 'longtext' ? 'textarea' : 'text', $cf_dbfield, $cf_label, isset($rec_cust_d[$cf_dbfield]) ? $rec_cust_d[$cf_dbfield] : $cf_default, 'style="width: ' . $cf_width . '%;" maxlength="' . $cf_max . '"');
             } else {
                 if ($cfield['type'] == 'dropdown') {
                     $form->addSelectList($cf_dbfield, $cf_label, $cf_data, isset($rec_cust_d[$cf_dbfield]) ? $rec_cust_d[$cf_dbfield] : $cf_default);
                 } else {
                     if ($cfield['type'] == 'checklist') {
                         $form->addCheckBox($cf_dbfield, $cf_label, $cf_data, isset($rec_cust_d[$cf_dbfield]) ? $rec_cust_d[$cf_dbfield] : $cf_default);
                     } else {
                         if ($cfield['type'] == 'choice') {
                             $form->addRadio($cf_dbfield, $cf_label, $cf_data, isset($rec_cust_d[$cf_dbfield]) ? $rec_cust_d[$cf_dbfield] : $cf_default);
                         } else {
                             if ($cfield['type'] == 'date') {
                                 $form->addDateField($cf_dbfield, $cf_label, isset($rec_cust_d[$cf_dbfield]) ? $rec_cust_d[$cf_dbfield] : $cf_default);
 // biblio hide from opac
Пример #2
     // form record title
     $form->record_title = $rec_d['member_name'];
     // submit button attribute
     $form->submit_button_attr = 'name="saveData" value="' . __('Update') . '" class="button"';
 /* Form Element(s) */
 if ($form->edit_mode) {
     // check if member expired
     $curr_date = date('Y-m-d');
     $compared_date = simbio_date::compareDates($rec_d['expire_date'], $curr_date);
     $is_expired = $compared_date == $curr_date;
     $expired_message = '';
     if ($is_expired) {
         // extend membership
         $chbox_array[] = array('1', __('Extend'));
         $form->addCheckBox('extend', __('Extend Membership'), $chbox_array);
         $expired_message = '<b style="color: #FF0000;">(' . __('Membership Already Expired') . ')</b>';
 // member code
 $str_input = simbio_form_element::textField('text', 'memberID', $rec_d['member_id'], 'id="memberID" onblur="ajaxCheckID(\'' . SENAYAN_WEB_ROOT_DIR . 'admin/AJAX_check_id.php\', \'member\', \'member_id\', \'msgBox\', \'memberID\')" style="width: 30%;"');
 $str_input .= ' &nbsp; <span id="msgBox">&nbsp;</span>';
 $form->addAnything(__('Member ID') . '*', $str_input);
 // member name
 $form->addTextField('text', 'memberName', __('Member Name') . '*', $rec_d['member_name'], 'style="width: 100%;"');
 // member birth date
 $form->addDateField('birthDate', __('Birth Date'), $rec_d['birth_date']);
 // member since date
 $form->addDateField('sinceDate', __('Member Since') . '*', $form->edit_mode ? $rec_d['member_since_date'] : date('Y-m-d'));
 // member register date
 $form->addDateField('regDate', __('Register Date') . '*', $form->edit_mode ? $rec_d['register_date'] : date('Y-m-d'));
Пример #3
    // user real name
    $form->addTextField('text', 'realName', __('Real Name') . '*', $rec_d['realname'], 'style="width: 50%;"');
    // user group
    // only appear by user who hold system module privileges
    if (!$changecurrent and $can_read and $can_write) {
        // add hidden element as a flag that we dont change group data
        $form->addHidden('noChangeGroup', '1');
        // user group
        $group_query = $dbs->query('SELECT group_id, group_name FROM
            user_group WHERE group_id != 1');
        // initiliaze group options
        $group_options = array();
        while ($group_data = $group_query->fetch_row()) {
            $group_options[] = array($group_data[0], $group_data[1]);
        $form->addCheckBox('groups', __('Group(s)'), $group_options, unserialize($rec_d['groups']));
    // user password
    $form->addTextField('password', 'passwd1', __('New Password') . '*', '', 'style="width: 50%;"');
    // user password confirm
    $form->addTextField('password', 'passwd2', __('Confirm New Password') . '*', '', 'style="width: 50%;"');
    // edit mode messagge
    if ($form->edit_mode) {
        echo '<div class="infoBox">' . __('You are going to edit user profile'), ' : <b>' . $rec_d['realname'] . '</b> <br />' . __('Last Update') . $rec_d['last_update'] . ' //mfc
            <br />' . __('Leave Password field blank if you don\'t want to change the password') . '</div>';
    // print out the form object
    echo $form->printOut();
} else {
    // only administrator have privileges to view user list
    if (!($can_read and $can_write) or $_SESSION['uid'] != 1) {
Пример #4
} else {
    <fieldset class="menuBox">
    <div class="menuBoxInner errorIcon">
    <strong style="color: #f00;"><?php 
    echo strtoupper(__('Finish Stock Take'));
<hr />
    echo __('Are you sure to end current stock take proccess? Once it finished there is no way you can rollback this stock take');
    // create new instance
    $form = new simbio_form_table_AJAX('stockTakeForm', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 'post');
    $form->submit_button_attr = 'value="' . __('Finish Stock Take') . '" class="button" style="color: #f00; border-color: #f00;"';
    // form table attributes
    $form->table_attr = 'align="center" id="dataList" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0"';
    $form->table_header_attr = 'class="alterCell" style="font-weight: bold;"';
    $form->table_content_attr = 'class="alterCell2"';
    /* Form Element(s) */
    // purge lost item
    $purge_options[] = array('1', __('Yes'));
    $form->addCheckBox('purge', __('Purge Lost Item'), $purge_options);
    // hidden item
    $form->addHidden('confirmFinish', 'true');
    // print out the object
    echo $form->printOut();
Пример #5
} else {
    <fieldset class="menuBox">
    <div class="menuBoxInner errorIcon">
    <strong style="color: #FF0000;"><?php 
    echo strtoupper(lang_mod_stocktake_finish);
<hr />
    echo lang_mod_stocktake_finish_confirmation;
    // create new instance
    $form = new simbio_form_table_AJAX('stockTakeForm', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 'post');
    $form->submit_button_attr = 'value="' . lang_mod_stocktake_finish . '" class="button" style="color: #FF0000; border-color: #FF0000;"';
    // form table attributes
    $form->table_attr = 'align="center" id="dataList" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0"';
    $form->table_header_attr = 'class="alterCell" style="font-weight: bold;"';
    $form->table_content_attr = 'class="alterCell2"';
    /* Form Element(s) */
    // purge lost item
    $purge_options[] = array('1', lang_mod_stocktake_field_opt_yes);
    $form->addCheckBox('purge', lang_mod_stocktake_purge_lost, $purge_options);
    // hidden item
    $form->addHidden('confirmFinish', 'true');
    // print out the object
    echo $form->printOut();
Пример #6
    $admin_tpl_options[] = array($dir, $dir);
$form->addSelectList('admin_template', __('Admin Template'), $admin_tpl_options, $sysconf['admin_template']['theme']);
// application language
require_once LANG . 'localisation.php';
$form->addSelectList('default_lang', __('Default App. Language'), $available_languages, $sysconf['default_lang']);
// opac result list number
$result_num_options[] = array('10', '10');
$result_num_options[] = array('20', '20');
$result_num_options[] = array('30', '30');
$result_num_options[] = array('40', '40');
$result_num_options[] = array('50', '50');
$form->addSelectList('opac_result_num', __('Number Of Collections To Show In OPAC Result List'), $result_num_options, $sysconf['opac_result_num']);
// homepage setting
$promote_options[] = array('1', 'Yes');
$form->addCheckBox('enable_promote_titles', __('Show Promoted Titles at Homepage'), $promote_options, $sysconf['enable_promote_titles'] ? '1' : '0');
// enable quick return
$options = null;
$options[] = array('0', __('Disable'));
$options[] = array('1', __('Enable'));
$form->addSelectList('quick_return', __('Quick Return'), $options, $sysconf['quick_return'] ? '1' : '0');
// circulation receipt
$options = null;
$options[] = array('0', __('Don\'t Print'));
$options[] = array('1', __('Print'));
$form->addSelectList('circulation_receipt', __('Print Circulation Receipt'), $options, $sysconf['circulation_receipt'] ? '1' : '0');
// enable manual changes of loan and due date in circulation transaction
$options = null;
$options[] = array('0', __('Disable'));
$options[] = array('1', __('Enable'));
$form->addSelectList('allow_loan_date_change', __('Loan and Due Date Manual Change'), $options, $sysconf['allow_loan_date_change'] ? '1' : '0');
Пример #7
    // user real name
    $form->addTextField('text', 'realName', lang_sys_conf_user_field_real . '*', $rec_d['realname'], 'style="width: 50%;"');
    // user group
    // only appear by user who hold system module privileges
    if (!$changecurrent and $can_read and $can_write) {
        // add hidden element as a flag that we dont change group data
        $form->addHidden('noChangeGroup', '1');
        // user group
        $group_query = $dbs->query('SELECT group_id, group_name FROM
            user_group WHERE group_id != 1');
        // initiliaze group options
        $group_options = array();
        while ($group_data = $group_query->fetch_row()) {
            $group_options[] = array($group_data[0], $group_data[1]);
        $form->addCheckBox('groups', lang_sys_conf_user_field_group, $group_options, unserialize($rec_d['groups']));
    // user password
    $form->addTextField('password', 'passwd1', lang_sys_conf_user_field_password_3 . '*', '', 'style="width: 50%;"');
    // user password confirm
    $form->addTextField('password', 'passwd2', lang_sys_conf_user_field_password_4 . '*', '', 'style="width: 50%;"');
    // edit mode messagge
    if ($form->edit_mode) {
        echo '<div class="infoBox">' . lang_sys_conf_user_common_edit_info, ' : <b>' . $rec_d['realname'] . '</b> <br />' . lang_sys_conf_user_common_last_update . $rec_d['last_update'] . '
            <br />' . lang_sys_conf_user_common_info_1 . '</div>';
    // print out the form object
    echo $form->printOut();
} else {
    /* USER LIST */
    // table spec
Пример #8
     // form record title
     $form->record_title = $rec_d['member_name'];
     // submit button attribute
     $form->submit_button_attr = 'name="saveData" value="' . __('Update') . '" class="button"';
 /* Form Element(s) */
 if ($form->edit_mode) {
     // check if member expired
     $curr_date = date('Y-m-d');
     $compared_date = simbio_date::compareDates($rec_d['expire_date'], $curr_date);
     $is_expired = $compared_date == $curr_date;
     $expired_message = '';
     if ($is_expired) {
         // extend membership
         $chbox_array[] = array('1', __('Extend'));
         $form->addCheckBox('extend', __('Extend Membership'), $chbox_array);
         $expired_message = '<b style="color: #FF0000;">(' . __('Membership Already Expired') . ')</b>';
 // include custom fields file
 if (file_exists(MODULES_BASE_DIR . 'membership/member_custom_fields.inc.php')) {
     include MODULES_BASE_DIR . 'membership/member_custom_fields.inc.php';
 // member code
 $str_input = simbio_form_element::textField('text', 'memberID', $rec_d['member_id'], 'id="memberID" onblur="ajaxCheckID(\'' . SENAYAN_WEB_ROOT_DIR . 'admin/AJAX_check_id.php\', \'member\', \'member_id\', \'msgBox\', \'memberID\')" style="width: 30%;"');
 $str_input .= ' &nbsp; <span id="msgBox">&nbsp;</span>';
 $form->addAnything(__('Member ID') . '*', $str_input);
 // member name
 $form->addTextField('text', 'memberName', __('Member Name') . '*', $rec_d['member_name'], 'style="width: 100%;"');
 // member birth date
 $form->addDateField('birthDate', __('Birth Date'), $rec_d['birth_date']);
Пример #9
} else {
    $lang_options[] = array('english', 'English');
$form->addSelectList('default_lang', lang_sys_conf_form_field_language, $lang_options, $sysconf['default_lang']);
// opac result list number
$result_num_options[] = array('10', '10');
$result_num_options[] = array('20', '20');
$result_num_options[] = array('30', '30');
$result_num_options[] = array('40', '40');
$result_num_options[] = array('40', '50');
$form->addSelectList('opac_result_num', lang_sys_conf_form_field_opac_result, $result_num_options, $sysconf['opac_result_num']);
// homepage setting
$promote_options[] = array('1', 'Yes');
$form->addCheckBox('enable_promote_titles', lang_sys_conf_form_field_promote_titles, $promote_options, $sysconf['enable_promote_titles'] ? '1' : '0');
// enable quick return
$options = null;
$options[] = array('0', lang_sys_conf_form_option_disable);
$options[] = array('1', lang_sys_conf_form_option_enable);
$form->addSelectList('quick_return', lang_sys_conf_form_field_quick_return, $options, $sysconf['quick_return'] ? '1' : '0');
// enable loan limit overriden
$options = null;
$options[] = array('0', lang_sys_conf_form_option_disable);
$options[] = array('1', lang_sys_conf_form_option_enable);
$form->addSelectList('loan_limit_override', lang_sys_conf_form_field_limit_overide, $options, $sysconf['loan_limit_override'] ? '1' : '0');
// enable bibliography xml detail
$options = null;
$options[] = array('0', lang_sys_conf_form_option_disable);
$options[] = array('1', lang_sys_conf_form_option_enable);
$form->addSelectList('enable_xml_detail', lang_sys_conf_form_field_opac_xml, $options, $sysconf['enable_xml_detail'] ? '1' : '0');
Пример #10
     // form record title
     $form->record_title = $rec_d['member_name'];
     // submit button attribute
     $form->submit_button_attr = 'name="saveData" value="' . lang_sys_common_form_update . '" class="button"';
 /* Form Element(s) */
 if ($form->edit_mode) {
     // check if member expired
     $curr_date = date('Y-m-d');
     $compared_date = simbio_date::compareDates($rec_d['expire_date'], $curr_date);
     $is_expired = $compared_date == $curr_date;
     $expired_message = '';
     if ($is_expired) {
         // extend membership
         $chbox_array[] = array('1', lang_mod_membership_field_extend);
         $form->addCheckBox('extend', lang_mod_membership_field_extend_membership, $chbox_array);
         $expired_message = '<b style="color: #FF0000;">(' . lang_mod_membership_common_error_membership_expired . ')</b>';
 // member code
 $str_input = simbio_form_element::textField('text', 'memberID', $rec_d['member_id'], 'id="memberID" onblur="ajaxCheckID(\'' . SENAYAN_WEB_ROOT_DIR . 'admin/AJAX_check_id.php\', \'member\', \'member_id\', \'msgBox\', \'memberID\')" style="width: 30%;"');
 $str_input .= ' &nbsp; <span id="msgBox">&nbsp;</span>';
 $form->addAnything(lang_mod_membership_field_member_id . '*', $str_input);
 // member name
 $form->addTextField('text', 'memberName', lang_mod_membership_field_name . '*', $rec_d['member_name'], 'style="width: 100%;"');
 // member birth date
 $form->addDateField('birthDate', lang_mod_membership_field_birth_date, $rec_d['birth_date']);
 if ($form->edit_mode) {
     // member since
     $form->addAnything(lang_mod_membership_field_member_since, $rec_d['member_since_date']);
Пример #11
         $cf_label = $cfield['label'];
         $cf_default = $cfield['default'];
         $cf_data = isset($cfield['data']) && $cfield['data'] ? $cfield['data'] : array();
         $form->addHidden('themeDir', $_GET['theme']);
         $form->addHidden('themeType', $_GET['customize']);
         // custom field processing
         if (in_array($cfield['type'], array('text', 'longtext', 'numeric'))) {
             $cf_max = isset($cfield['max']) ? $cfield['max'] : '200';
             $cf_width = isset($cfield['width']) ? $cfield['width'] : '50';
             $form->addTextField($cfield['type'] == 'longtext' ? 'textarea' : 'text', $cf_dbfield, $cf_label, isset($sysconf['template'][$cf_dbfield]) ? $sysconf['template'][$cf_dbfield] : $cf_default, 'style="width: ' . $cf_width . '%;" maxlength="' . $cf_max . '"');
         } else {
             if ($cfield['type'] == 'dropdown') {
                 $form->addSelectList($cf_dbfield, $cf_label, $cf_data, isset($sysconf['template'][$cf_dbfield]) ? $sysconf['template'][$cf_dbfield] : $cf_default);
             } else {
                 if ($cfield['type'] == 'checklist') {
                     $form->addCheckBox($cf_dbfield, $cf_label, $cf_data, isset($sysconf['template'][$cf_dbfield]) ? $sysconf['template'][$cf_dbfield] : $cf_default);
                 } else {
                     if ($cfield['type'] == 'choice') {
                         $form->addRadio($cf_dbfield, $cf_label, $cf_data, isset($sysconf['template'][$cf_dbfield]) ? $sysconf['template'][$cf_dbfield] : $cf_default);
                     } else {
                         if ($cfield['type'] == 'date') {
                             $form->addDateField($cf_dbfield, $cf_label, isset($sysconf['template'][$cf_dbfield]) ? $sysconf['template'][$cf_dbfield] : $cf_default);
     // print out the form object
     echo $form->printOut();
 } else {