Пример #1
  * Initializes invoice data.
  * This method is equivalent to the old getInvoice()
 protected function _initData()
     $invoices = new SimpleInvoices_Db_Table_Invoices();
     $invoiceItems = new SimpleInvoices_Db_Table_InvoiceItems();
     $payments = new SimpleInvoices_Db_Table_Payment();
     $this->_data = $invoices->getInvoice($this->_id);
     if (!is_array($this->_data)) {
         require_once 'SimpleInvoices/Exception.php';
         throw new SimpleInvoices_Exception('Invalid invoice identifier.');
     // I unset the ID as I don't want it to be present in inserts or updates.
     $this->_outData = array();
     $this->_outData['calc_date'] = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($this->_data['date']));
     $this->_outData['date'] = siLocal::date($this->_data['date']);
     $this->_outData['total'] = $invoiceItems->getInvoiceTotal($this->_id);
     $this->_outData['gross'] = $invoiceItems->getGrossForInvoice($this->_id);
     $this->_outData['paid'] = $payments->getPaidAmountForInvoice($this->_id);
     $this->_outData['owing'] = $this->_outData['total'] - $this->_outData['paid'];
     if (isset($this->_data['inv_status'])) {
         // This seems to be a thing of the past.
         // I think we could delete the whole "if".
         $this->_outData['status'] = $this->_data['inv_status'];
     } else {
         $this->_outData['status'] = '';
     #invoice total tax
     $result = $invoiceItems->getTotals($this->_id);
     //$invoice['total'] = number_format($result['total'],2);
     $this->_outData['total_tax'] = $result['total_tax'];
     $this->_outData['tax_grouped'] = taxesGroupedForInvoice($id);
Пример #2
 public function select($id, $domain_id = '')
     global $logger;
     if (!empty($domain_id)) {
         $this->domain_id = $domain_id;
     $sql = "SELECT \n                    i.*,\n\t\t            i.date as date_original, \n                    (SELECT CONCAT(p.pref_inv_wording,' ',i.index_id)) as index_name,\n                    p.pref_inv_wording AS preference,\n                    p.status\n                FROM \n                    " . TB_PREFIX . "invoices i LEFT JOIN \n\t\t\t\t\t" . TB_PREFIX . "preferences p  \n\t\t\t\t\t\tON (i.preference_id = p.pref_id AND i.domain_id = p.domain_id)\n                WHERE \n                    i.domain_id = :domain_id \n                AND \n\t\t\t\t\ti.id = :id";
     $sth = dbQuery($sql, ':id', $id, ':domain_id', $this->domain_id);
     $invoice = $sth->fetch();
     $invoice['calc_date'] = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($invoice['date']));
     $invoice['date'] = siLocal::date($invoice['date']);
     $invoice['total'] = getInvoiceTotal($invoice['id'], $domain_id);
     $invoice['gross'] = $this->getInvoiceGross($invoice['id'], $this->domain_id);
     $invoice['paid'] = calc_invoice_paid($invoice['id'], $domain_id);
     $invoice['owing'] = $invoice['total'] - $invoice['paid'];
     $invoice['invoice_items'] = $this->getInvoiceItems($id, $this->domain_id);
     #invoice total tax
     $sql2 = "SELECT SUM(tax_amount) AS total_tax, SUM(total) AS total FROM " . TB_PREFIX . "invoice_items WHERE invoice_id =  :id AND domain_id = :domain_id";
     $sth2 = dbQuery($sql2, ':id', $id, ':domain_id', $this->domain_id);
     $result2 = $sth2->fetch();
     //$invoice['total'] = number_format($result['total'],2);
     $invoice['total_tax'] = $result2['total_tax'];
     $invoice['tax_grouped'] = taxesGroupedForInvoice($id);
     return $invoice;
Пример #3
 public function check_reorder_level()
     global $db;
     global $auth_session;
     $domain_id = domain_id::get($this->domain_id);
     //sellect qty and reorder level
     $inventory = new product();
     $sth = $inventory->select_all('count');
     $inventory_all = $sth->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
     $email = "";
     foreach ($inventory_all as $row) {
         if ($row['quantity'] <= $row['reorder_level']) {
             $message = "The quantity of Product: " . $row['description'] . " is " . siLocal::number($row['quantity']) . ", which is equal to or below its reorder level of " . $row['reorder_level'];
             $return['row_' . $row['id']]['message'] = $message;
             $email_message .= $message . "<br />\n";
     #$attachment = file_get_contents('./tmp/cache/' . $pdf_file_name);
     $email = new email();
     $email->notes = $email_message;
     $email->from = $email->get_admin_email();
     $email->to = $email->get_admin_email();
     #$email -> bcc = "justin@localhost";
     $email->subject = "Simple Invoices reorder level email";
     return $return;
Пример #4
function smarty_function_total($params, &$smarty)
    $subtotal = 0;
    foreach ($params['cost'] as $key => $value) {
        if ($value['product']['custom_field1'] == $params['group']) {
            $subtotal = $value['total'] + $subtotal;
    $subtotal = siLocal::number($subtotal);
    return $subtotal;
Пример #5
  * Initialize payment data.
  * replaces method getPayment($id)
 protected function _initData()
     $tbl_prefix = SimpleInvoices_Db_Table_Abstract::getTablePrefix();
     $select = new Zend_Db_Select($this->_db);
     $select->from($tbl_prefix . 'payment');
     $select->joinInner($tbl_prefix . 'invoices', $tbl_prefix . "payment.ac_inv_id = " . $tbl_prefix . "invoices.id", NULL);
     $select->joinInner($tbl_prefix . 'customers', $tbl_prefix . "invoices.customer_id = " . $tbl_prefix . "customers.id", array('customer_id' => $tbl_prefix . "customers.id", 'customer' => $tbl_prefix . "customers.name"));
     $select->joinInner($tbl_prefix . 'biller', $tbl_prefix . "invoices.biller_id = " . $tbl_prefix . "biller.id", array('biller_id' => $tbl_prefix . "biller.id", 'biller' => $tbl_prefix . "biller.name"));
     $select->where($tbl_prefix . 'payment.id=?', $this->_id);
     $this->_data = $this->_db->fetchRow($select);
     $this->_data['date'] = siLocal::date($payment['ac_date']);
Пример #6
 public static function number_trim($number)
     global $config;
     $formatted_number = siLocal::number($number);
     //get the precision and add 1 - for the decimal place and reverse the sign
     $position = ($config->local->precision + 1) * -1;
     if (substr($formatted_number, $position, '1') == ".") {
         $formatted_number = rtrim(trim($formatted_number, '0'), '.');
     if (substr($formatted_number, $position, '1') == ",") {
         $formatted_number = rtrim(trim($formatted_number, '0'), ',');
         /* Added to deal with "," */
     return $formatted_number;
Пример #7
 public static function select($id)
     global $logger;
     global $db;
     global $auth_session;
     $sql = "SELECT \n                    i.*,\n\t\t            i.date as date_original, \n                    (SELECT CONCAT(p.pref_inv_wording,' ',i.index_id)) as index_name,\n                    p.pref_inv_wording AS preference,\n                    p.status\n                FROM \n                    " . TB_PREFIX . "invoices i, \n                    " . TB_PREFIX . "preferences p \n                WHERE \n                    i.domain_id = :domain_id \n                    and\n                    i.preference_id = p.pref_id\n                    and \n                    i.id = :id";
     $sth = $db->query($sql, ':id', $id, ':domain_id', $auth_session->domain_id);
     $invoice = $sth->fetch();
     $invoice['calc_date'] = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($invoice['date']));
     $invoice['date'] = siLocal::date($invoice['date']);
     $invoice['total'] = getInvoiceTotal($invoice['id']);
     $invoice['gross'] = invoice::getInvoiceGross($invoice['id']);
     $invoice['paid'] = calc_invoice_paid($invoice['id']);
     $invoice['owing'] = $invoice['total'] - $invoice['paid'];
     $invoice['invoice_items'] = invoice::getInvoiceItems($id);
     #invoice total tax
     $sql2 = "SELECT SUM(tax_amount) AS total_tax, SUM(total) AS total FROM " . TB_PREFIX . "invoice_items WHERE invoice_id =  :id";
     $sth2 = dbQuery($sql2, ':id', $id) or die(htmlsafe(end($dbh->errorInfo())));
     $result2 = $sth2->fetch();
     //$invoice['total'] = number_format($result['total'],2);
     $invoice['total_tax'] = $result2['total_tax'];
     $invoice['tax_grouped'] = taxesGroupedForInvoice($id);
     return $invoice;
Пример #8
header("Content-type: text/xml");
//$start = (isset($_POST['start'])) ? $_POST['start'] : "0" ;
$dir = isset($_POST['sortorder']) ? $_POST['sortorder'] : "DESC";
$sort = isset($_POST['sortname']) ? $_POST['sortname'] : "id";
$rp = isset($_POST['rp']) ? $_POST['rp'] : "25";
$page = isset($_POST['page']) ? $_POST['page'] : "1";
//$sql = "SELECT * FROM ".TB_PREFIX."invoices LIMIT $start, $limit";
$inventory = new inventory();
$inventory->sort = $sort;
$inventory_all = $inventory->select_all('', $dir, $rp, $page);
$sth_count_rows = $inventory->select_all('count', $dir, $rp, $page);
$xml = "";
$count = $sth_count_rows;
$xml .= "<rows>";
$xml .= "<page>{$page}</page>";
$xml .= "<total>{$count}</total>";
foreach ($inventory_all as $row) {
    $xml .= "<row id='" . $row['id'] . "'>";
    $xml .= "<cell><![CDATA[\n\t\t<a class='index_table' title='{$LANG['view']} " . $row['name'] . "' href='index.php?module=inventory&view=view&id={$row['id']}'><img src='images/common/view.png' height='16' border='-5px' padding='-4px' valign='bottom' /></a>\n\t\t<a class='index_table' title='{$LANG['edit']} " . $row['name'] . "' href='index.php?module=inventory&view=edit&id={$row['id']}'><img src='images/common/edit.png' height='16' border='-5px' padding='-4px' valign='bottom' /></a>\n\t\t]]></cell>";
    $xml .= "<cell><![CDATA[" . $row['date'] . "]]></cell>";
    $xml .= "<cell><![CDATA[" . $row['description'] . "]]></cell>";
    $xml .= "<cell><![CDATA[" . siLocal::number($row['quantity']) . "]]></cell>";
    $xml .= "<cell><![CDATA[" . siLocal::number($row['cost']) . "]]></cell>";
    $xml .= "<cell><![CDATA[" . siLocal::number($row['total_cost']) . "]]></cell>";
    $xml .= "</row>";
$xml .= "</rows>";
echo $xml;
Пример #9
$sth = sql('', $dir, $start, $sort, $rp, $page);
$sth_count_rows = sql('count',$dir, $start, $sort, $rp, $page);

$tax = $sth->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
$count = $sth_count_rows->rowCount();

$xml .= "<rows>";
$xml .= "<page>$page</page>";
$xml .= "<total>$count</total>";

foreach ($tax as $row) {
	$xml .= "<row id='".$row['tax_id']."'>";
	$xml .= "<cell><![CDATA[
		<a class='index_table' title='$LANG[view] $LANG[tax_rate] ".$row['tax_description']."' href='index.php?module=tax_rates&view=details&id=$row[tax_id]&action=view'><img src='" . $baseUrl . "images/common/view.png' height='16' border='-5px' padding='-4px' valign='bottom' /></a>
		<a class='index_table' title='$LANG[edit] $LANG[tax_rate] ".$row['tax_description']."' href='index.php?module=tax_rates&view=details&id=$row[tax_id]&action=edit'><img src='" . $baseUrl . "images/common/edit.png' height='16' border='-5px' padding='-4px' valign='bottom' /></a>
	$xml .= "<cell><![CDATA[".$row['tax_description']."]]></cell>";
	$xml .= "<cell><![CDATA[".siLocal::number($row['tax_percentage'])." ".$row['type']."]]></cell>";
	if ($row['enabled']==$LANG['enabled']) {
		$xml .= "<cell><![CDATA[<img src='" . $baseUrl . "images/common/tick.png' alt='".utf8_encode($row['enabled'])."' title='".utf8_encode($row['enabled'])."' />]]></cell>";
	else {
		$xml .= "<cell><![CDATA[<img src='" . $baseUrl . "images/common/cross.png' alt='".utf8_encode($row['enabled'])."' title='".utf8_encode($row['enabled'])."' />]]></cell>";
	$xml .= "</row>";
$xml .= "</rows>";

echo $xml;
Пример #10
    if ($row['status'] && $row['owing'] > 0) {
        // Real Invoice Has Owing - Process payment
        $xml .= "<!--6 Payment --><a title='" . $LANG['process_payment_for'] . " " . $row['preference'] . " " . $row['index_id'] . "' class='index_table' href='index.php?module=payments&view=process&id=" . $row['id'] . "&op=pay_selected_invoice'><img src='images/common/money_dollar.png' class='action' /></a>";
    } elseif ($row['status']) {
        // Real Invoice Payment Details if not Owing (get different color payment icon)
        $xml .= "<!--6 Payment --><a title='" . $LANG['process_payment_for'] . " " . $row['preference'] . " " . $row['index_id'] . "' class='index_table' href='index.php?module=payments&view=details&id=" . $row['id'] . "&action=view'><img src='images/common/money_dollar.png' class='action' /></a>";
    } else {
        // Draft Invoice Just Image to occupy space till blank or greyed out icon becomes available
        $xml .= "<!--6 Payment --><img src='images/common/money_dollar.png' class='action' />";
    $xml .= "<!--7 Email --><a title='" . $LANG['email'] . " " . $row['preference'] . " " . $row['index_id'] . "' class='index_table' href='index.php?module=invoices&view=email&stage=1&id=" . $row['id'] . "'><img src='images/common/mail-message-new.png' class='action' /></a>\n\t\t\t]]>\n\t\t\t\t</cell>";
    $xml .= "<cell><![CDATA[" . $row['index_name'] . "]]></cell>";
    $xml .= "<cell><![CDATA[" . $row['biller'] . "]]></cell>";
    $xml .= "<cell><![CDATA[" . $row['customer'] . "]]></cell>";
    $xml .= "<cell><![CDATA[" . siLocal::date($row['date']) . "]]></cell>";
    $xml .= "<cell><![CDATA[" . siLocal::number($row['invoice_total']) . "]]></cell>";
    if ($row['status']) {
        $xml .= "<cell><![CDATA[" . siLocal::number($row['owing']) . "]]></cell>";
        $xml .= "<cell><![CDATA[" . $row['aging'] . "]]></cell>";
    } else {
        $xml .= "<cell><![CDATA[&nbsp;]]></cell>";
        $xml .= "<cell><![CDATA[&nbsp;]]></cell>";
    $xml .= "<cell><![CDATA[" . $row['preference'] . "]]></cell>";
    $xml .= "</row>";
$xml .= "</rows>";
echo $xml;
Пример #11
    return $result;
$sth = sql('', $dir, $sort, $rp, $page);
$sth_count_rows = sql('count', $dir, $sort, $rp, $page);
$customers = $sth->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
$count = $sth_count_rows->rowCount();
//echo sql2xml($customers, $count);
$xml .= "<rows>";
$xml .= "<page>{$page}</page>";
$xml .= "<total>{$count}</total>";
foreach ($customers as $row) {
    $status_wording = $row['status'] == 1 ? $LANG['paid'] : $LANG['not_paid'];
    $xml .= "<row id='" . $row['iso'] . "'>";
    $xml .= "<cell><![CDATA[\n\t\t\t<a class='index_table' title='{$LANG['view']} " . $row['description'] . "' href='index.php?module=expense&view=details&id=" . $row['id'] . "&action=view'><img src='images/common/view.png' height='16' border='-5px' padding='-4px' valign='bottom' /></a>\n\t\t\t<a class='index_table' title='{$LANG['edit']} " . $row['description'] . "' href='index.php?module=expense&view=details&id=" . $row['id'] . "&action=edit'><img src='images/common/edit.png' height='16' border='-5px' padding='-4px' valign='bottom' /></a>\n\t\t]]></cell>";
    $xml .= "<cell><![CDATA[" . siLocal::date($row['date']) . "]]></cell>";
    $xml .= "<cell><![CDATA[" . siLocal::number_trim($row['amount']) . "]]></cell>";
    $xml .= "<cell><![CDATA[" . siLocal::number_trim($row['tax']) . "]]></cell>";
    $xml .= "<cell><![CDATA[" . siLocal::number_trim($row['amount'] + $row['tax']) . "]]></cell>";
    $xml .= "<cell><![CDATA[" . $row['expense_account'] . "]]></cell>";
    $xml .= "<cell><![CDATA[" . $row['biller'] . "]]></cell>";
    $xml .= "<cell><![CDATA[" . $row['customer'] . "]]></cell>";
    $xml .= "<cell><![CDATA[" . $row['invoice'] . "]]></cell>";
    $xml .= "<cell><![CDATA[" . $status_wording . "]]></cell>";
    $xml .= "</row>";
$xml .= "</rows>";
echo $xml;
Пример #12
    $sql = "SELECT \n\t\t\t\t\tc.id as CID, \n\t\t\t\t\tc.name as name, \n\t\t\t\t\t(SELECT (CASE  WHEN c.enabled = 0 THEN 'Disabled' ELSE 'Enabled' END )) AS enabled,\n\t\t\t\t\t(\n\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT\n\t\t\t\t            coalesce(sum(ii.total),  0) AS total \n\t\t\t\t        FROM\n\t\t\t\t            " . TB_PREFIX . "invoice_items ii INNER JOIN\n\t\t\t\t            " . TB_PREFIX . "invoices iv ON (iv.id = ii.invoice_id)\n\t\t\t\t        WHERE  \n\t\t\t\t            iv.customer_id  = CID ) as customer_total,\n\t\t(    SELECT MAX(id)\n\t\t\tFROM\n\t\t\t\t" . TB_PREFIX . "invoices \n\t\t\tWHERE\tcustomer_id = CID) AS last_invoice,               (\n \n\t                    SELECT \n\t                        coalesce(sum(ap.ac_amount), 0) AS amount \n\t                    FROM\n\t                        " . TB_PREFIX . "payment ap INNER JOIN\n\t                        " . TB_PREFIX . "invoices iv ON (iv.id = ap.ac_inv_id)\n\t                    WHERE \n\t                        iv.customer_id = CID) AS paid,\n\t                ( select customer_total - paid ) AS owing\n\t\n\t\t\t\tFROM \n\t\t\t\t\t" . TB_PREFIX . "customers c \n\t\t\t\tWHERE c.domain_id = :domain_id\n\t\t\t\t\t{$where}\n\t\t\t\tORDER BY \n\t\t\t\t\t{$sort} {$dir} \n\t\t\t\t{$limit}";
    if (empty($query)) {
        $result = dbQuery($sql, ':domain_id', $auth_session->domain_id);
    } else {
        $result = dbQuery($sql, ':domain_id', $auth_session->domain_id, ':query', "%{$query}%");
    return $result;
$sth = sql('', $dir, $sort, $rp, $page);
$sth_count_rows = sql('count', $dir, $sort, $rp, $page);
$customers = $sth->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
$count = $sth_count_rows->rowCount();
$xml .= "<rows>";
$xml .= "<page>{$page}</page>";
$xml .= "<total>{$count}</total>";
foreach ($customers as $row) {
    $xml .= "<row id='" . $row['CID'] . "'>";
    $xml .= "<cell><![CDATA[\n\t\t\t<a class='index_table' title='{$LANG['view']} {$LANG['customer']} " . utf8_encode($row['name']) . "' href='index.php?module=customers&view=details&id={$row['CID']}&action=view'><img src='images/common/view.png' class='action' /></a>\n\t\t\t<a class='index_table' title='{$LANG['edit']} {$LANG['customer']} " . utf8_encode($row['name']) . "' href='index.php?module=customers&view=details&id={$row['CID']}&action=edit'><img src='images/common/edit.png' class='action' /></a>\n\t\t\t<a class='index_table' title='{$LANG['new_invoice']} {$LANG['for']} {$LANG['customer']} " . utf8_encode($row['name']) . "' href='index.php?module=invoices&view=usedefault&customer_id={$row['CID']}&action=edit'><img src='images/famfam/page_add.png' class='action' /></a>\n\t\t]]></cell>";
    $xml .= "<cell><![CDATA[" . $row['CID'] . "]]></cell>";
    $xml .= "<cell><![CDATA[" . utf8_encode($row['name']) . "]]></cell>";
    $xml .= "<cell><![CDATA[<a class='index_table' title='quick view' href='index.php?module=invoices&view=quick_view&id=" . utf8_encode($row['last_invoice']) . "'>" . utf8_encode($row['last_invoice']) . "</a>]]></cell>";
    $xml .= "<cell><![CDATA[" . utf8_encode(siLocal::number($row['customer_total'])) . "]]></cell>";
    $xml .= "<cell><![CDATA[" . utf8_encode(siLocal::number($row['owing'])) . "]]></cell>";
    $xml .= "<cell><![CDATA[" . utf8_encode($row['enabled']) . "]]></cell>";
    $xml .= "</row>";
$xml .= "</rows>";
echo $xml;
Пример #13
$defaults = getSystemDefaults();
$smarty->assign("defaults", $defaults);
$products = new product();
$sth = $products->select_all('', $dir, $sort, $rp, $page);
$sth_count_rows = $products->select_all('count', $dir, $sort, $rp, $page);
$products_all = $sth->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
$count = $sth_count_rows->rowCount();
//echo sql2xml($customers, $count);
$xml .= "<rows>";
$xml .= "<page>{$page}</page>";
$xml .= "<total>{$count}</total>";
foreach ($products_all as $row) {
    $xml .= "<row id='" . $row['iso'] . "'>";
    $xml .= "<cell><![CDATA[\r\n\t\t\t<a class='index_table' title='{$LANG['view']} " . $row['description'] . "' href='index.php?module=products&view=details&id=" . $row['id'] . "&action=view'><img src='images/common/view.png' height='16' border='-5px' padding='-4px' valign='bottom' /></a>\r\n\t\t\t<a class='index_table' title='{$LANG['edit']} " . $row['description'] . "' href='index.php?module=products&view=details&id=" . $row['id'] . "&action=edit'><img src='images/common/edit.png' height='16' border='-5px' padding='-4px' valign='bottom' /></a>\r\n\t\t]]></cell>";
    $xml .= "<cell><![CDATA[" . $row['description'] . "]]></cell>";
    $xml .= "<cell><![CDATA[" . siLocal::number_clean($row['unit_price']) . "]]></cell>";
    if ($defaults['inventory'] == '1') {
        $xml .= "<cell><![CDATA[" . siLocal::number_trim($row['quantity']) . "]]></cell>";
    if ($row['enabled'] == $LANG['enabled']) {
        $xml .= "<cell><![CDATA[<img src='images/common/tick.png' alt='" . $row['enabled'] . "' title='" . $row['enabled'] . "' />]]></cell>";
    } else {
        $xml .= "<cell><![CDATA[<img src='images/common/cross.png' alt='" . $row['enabled'] . "' title='" . $row['enabled'] . "' />]]></cell>";
    $xml .= "</row>";
$xml .= "</rows>";
echo $xml;
Пример #14
function getCustomerInvoices($id, $domain_id = '')
    global $config;
    $domain_id = domain_id::get($domain_id);
    // tested for MySQL
    $sql = "SELECT\t\n\t\tiv.id, \n\t\tiv.index_id, \n\t\tiv.date, \n\t\tiv.type_id, \n\t\t(SELECT SUM( COALESCE(ii.total, 0))     FROM " . TB_PREFIX . "invoice_items ii WHERE ii.invoice_id = iv.id AND ii.domain_id = iv.domain_id) AS invd,\n\t\t(SELECT SUM( COALESCE(ap.ac_amount, 0)) FROM " . TB_PREFIX . "payment ap       WHERE ap.ac_inv_id = iv.id  AND ap.domain_id = iv.domain_id) AS pmt,\n\t\t(SELECT COALESCE(invd, 0)) As total, \n\t\t(SELECT COALESCE(pmt, 0)) As paid, \n\t\t(select (total - paid)) as owing,\n\t\tpr.status,\n\t\tpr.pref_inv_wording\n\tFROM \n\t\t" . TB_PREFIX . "invoices iv\n\t\tLEFT JOIN " . TB_PREFIX . "preferences pr ON (pr.pref_id = iv.preference_id AND pr.domain_id = iv.domain_id)\n\tWHERE \n\t\tiv.customer_id = :id\n\tAND iv.domain_id = :domain_id\n\tORDER BY \n\t\tiv.id DESC;";
    $sth = dbQuery($sql, ':id', $id, ':domain_id', $domain_id);
    $invoices = null;
    while ($invoice = $sth->fetch()) {
        $invoice['calc_date'] = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($invoice['date']));
        $invoice['date'] = siLocal::date($invoice['date']);
        $invoices[] = $invoice;
    return $invoices;

	$sql = sprintf('SELECT cost FROM '.TB_PREFIX.'products WHERE id = %d LIMIT 1', $_GET['id']);
	$states = dbQuery($sql);
//	$output = '';
	if($states->rowCount() > 0)
		$row = $states->fetch();

	//	print_r($row);
	//		$output .= '<input id="state" class="field select two-third addr" value="'.$row['unit_price'].'"/>';
			/*Format with decimal places with precision as defined in config.ini*/
			$output['cost'] = siLocal::number_formatted($row['cost']);
	//		$output .= $_POST['id'];

		$output .= '';

	echo json_encode($output);

} else {

echo "";
Пример #16
global $dbh;

$sqlTotal = "SELECT count(id) AS count FROM ".TB_PREFIX."invoices";
$tth = dbQuery($sqlTotal) or die(end($dbh->errorInfo()));
$resultCount = $tth->fetch();
$count = $resultCount[0];
//echo sql2xml($invoices, $count);

	$xml .= "<rows>";
	$xml .= "<page>$page</page>";
	$xml .= "<total>$count</total>";
	foreach ($invoices as $row) {
		$xml .= "<row id='".$row['id']."'>";
		$xml .= "<action><![CDATA[<a href='index.php?module=invoices&view=quick_view&invoice=".$row['id']."'>".utf8_encode($row['id'])."</a>]]></action>";
		$xml .= "<customer><![CDATA[".utf8_encode($row['customer'])."]]></customer>";
		$xml .= "<date><![CDATA[".utf8_encode($row['date'])."]]></date>";
		$xml .= "<invoice_total><![CDATA[".utf8_encode(siLocal::number($row['invoice_total']))."]]></invoice_total>";
		$xml .= "</row>";		
	$xml .= "</rows>";

echo $xml;

Пример #17
function getCustomerInvoices($id)
    global $dbh;
    global $config;
    global $auth_session;
    // tested for MySQL
    $sql = "SELECT\t\n\t\ti.id, \n\t\ti.date, \n\t\ti.type_id, \n\t\t(SELECT sum( COALESCE(ii.total, 0)) FROM " . TB_PREFIX . "invoice_items ii where ii.invoice_id = i.id) As invd,\n\t\t(SELECT sum( COALESCE(ap.ac_amount, 0)) FROM " . TB_PREFIX . "payment ap where ap.ac_inv_id = i.id) As pmt,\n\t\t(SELECT COALESCE(invd, 0)) As total, \n\t\t(SELECT COALESCE(pmt, 0)) As paid, \n\t\t(select (total - paid)) as owing \n\tFROM \n\t\t" . TB_PREFIX . "invoices i \n\tWHERE \n\t\ti.customer_id = :id\n\t\tand\n\t\ti.domain_id = :domain_id\n\tORDER BY \n\t\ti.id DESC;";
    $sth = dbQuery($sql, ':id', $id, ':domain_id', $auth_session->domain_id) or die(htmlsafe(end($dbh->errorInfo())));
    $invoices = null;
    while ($invoice = $sth->fetch()) {
        $invoice['calc_date'] = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($invoice['date']));
        $invoice['date'] = siLocal::date($invoice['date']);
        $invoices[] = $invoice;
    return $invoices;
Пример #18

if ($_GET['id']) {
    $sql = sprintf('SELECT unit_price, default_tax_id, default_tax_id_2 FROM si_products WHERE id = %d LIMIT 1', $_GET['id']);
    $states = dbQuery($sql);
    //	$output = '';
    if ($states->rowCount() > 0) {
        $row = $states->fetch();
        //	print_r($row);
        //		$output .= '<input id="state" class="field select two-third addr" value="'.$row['unit_price'].'"/>';
        /*Format with decimal places with precision as defined in config.ini*/
        $output['unit_price'] = siLocal::number_clean($row['unit_price']);
        $output['default_tax_id'] = $row['default_tax_id'];
        $output['default_tax_id_2'] = $row['default_tax_id_2'];
        //		$output .= $_POST['id'];
    } else {
        $output .= '';
    echo json_encode($output);
} else {
    echo "";
// Perform teh Queries!
//$sql = 'SELECT * FROM si_products';
//$country = mysqlQuery($sql) or die('Query Failed:' . mysql_error());
Пример #19
$sth = sql('', $dir, $sort, $rp, $page);
$sth_count_rows = sql('count', $dir, $sort, $rp, $page);
$payments = $sth->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
$count = $sth_count_rows->rowCount();
$sqlTotal = "SELECT count(id) AS count FROM ".TB_PREFIX."payment";
$tth = dbQuery($sqlTotal) or die(end($dbh->errorInfo()));
$resultCount = $tth->fetch();
$count = $resultCount[0];
//echo sql2xml($customers, $count);
$xml = "<rows>";
$xml .= "<page>{$page}</page>";
$xml .= "<total>{$count}</total>";
foreach ($payments as $row) {
    $notes = si_truncate($row['ac_notes'], '13', '...');
    $xml .= "<row id='" . $row['id'] . "'>";
    $xml .= "<cell><![CDATA[\n\t<a class='index_table' title='{$LANG['view']} " . $row['name'] . "' href='index.php?module=payments&view=details&id={$row['id']}&action=view'><img src='images/common/view.png' height='16' border='-5px' padding='-4px' valign='bottom' /></a>\n\t<a class='index_table' title='{$LANG['print_preview_tooltip']} " . $row['id'] . "' href='index.php?module=payments&view=print&id={$row['id']}'><img src='images/common/printer.png' height='16' border='-5px' padding='-4px' valign='bottom' /></a>\n\t]]></cell>";
    $xml .= "<cell><![CDATA[" . $row['id'] . "]]></cell>";
    $xml .= "<cell><![CDATA[" . $row['index_name'] . "]]></cell>";
    $xml .= "<cell><![CDATA[" . $row['cname'] . "]]></cell>";
    $xml .= "<cell><![CDATA[" . $row['bname'] . "]]></cell>";
    $xml .= "<cell><![CDATA[" . siLocal::number($row['ac_amount']) . "]]></cell>";
    $xml .= "<cell><![CDATA[" . $notes . "]]></cell>";
    $xml .= "<cell><![CDATA[" . $row['description'] . "]]></cell>";
    $xml .= "<cell><![CDATA[" . siLocal::date($row['date']) . "]]></cell>";
    $xml .= "</row>";
$xml .= "</rows>";
echo $xml;