protected function getDiagramImage($appName) { $dependencyDiagramImage = sprintf('dependency_diagram_%s_%s.png', $appName, time()); $dependencyDiagramImageFullPath = dmOs::join(sfConfig::get('sf_web_dir'), 'cache', $dependencyDiagramImage); $dotFile = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'dm_dependency_'); if (!$this->context->getFilesystem()->mkdir(dirname($dependencyDiagramImageFullPath))) { throw new dmException(sprintf('Can not mkdir %s', $dependencyDiagramImageFullPath)); } $configFiles = array(dmOs::join(sfConfig::get('dm_core_dir'), 'config/dm/services.yml'), dmOs::join(dm::getDir(), sprintf('dm%sPlugin/config/dm/services.yml', dmString::camelize($appName)))); $projectFile = dmOs::join(sfConfig::get('sf_config_dir'), 'dm/services.yml'); if (file_exists($projectFile)) { $configFiles[] = $projectFile; } $appFile = dmOs::join(sfConfig::get('sf_apps_dir'), $appName, 'config/dm/services.yml'); if (file_exists($appFile)) { $configFiles[] = $appFile; } $sc = new sfServiceContainerBuilder(); $loader = new sfServiceContainerLoaderFileYaml($sc); $loader->load($configFiles); $sc->setService('dispatcher', $this->context->getEventDispatcher()); $sc->setService('user', $this->context->getUser()); $sc->setService('response', $this->context->getResponse()); $sc->setService('i18n', $this->getI18n()); $sc->setService('routing', $this->context->getRouting()); $sc->setService('config_cache', $this->context->getConfigCache()); $sc->setService('controller', $this->context->getController()); $sc->setService('logger', $this->context->getLogger()); $sc->setService('module_manager', $this->context->getModuleManager()); $sc->setService('context', $this->context); $sc->setService('doctrine_manager', Doctrine_Manager::getInstance()); $dumper = new dmServiceContainerDumperGraphviz($sc); $dumper->enableDispatcherLinks($this->withDispatcherLinks); file_put_contents($dotFile, $dumper->dump(array('graph' => array('overlap' => 'false', 'splines' => 'true', 'epsilon' => '0.5', 'maxiter' => '30000', 'concentrate' => 'false', 'bgcolor' => 'transparent', 'ratio' => 'fill', 'size' => '25,12'), 'node' => array('fontsize' => 20, 'fontname' => 'Arial', 'shape' => 'Mrecord'), 'edge' => array('fontsize' => 9, 'fontname' => 'Arial', 'color' => 'grey', 'arrowhead' => 'open', 'arrowsize' => 1), 'node.instance' => array('fillcolor' => '#ffffff', 'style' => 'filled', 'shape' => 'component'), 'node.definition' => array('fillcolor' => 'transparent'), 'node.missing' => array('fillcolor' => '#ffaaaa', 'style' => 'filled', 'shape' => 'record')))); $filesystem = $this->context->getFileSystem(); //$return = $filesystem->exec(sprintf('dot -Tpng %s > %s', $dotFile, $dependencyDiagramImageFullPath)); //$return = $filesystem->exec(sprintf('twopi -Granksep=5 -Tpng %s > %s', $dotFile, $dependencyDiagramImageFullPath)); $return = $filesystem->exec(sprintf('neato -Tpng %s > %s', $dotFile, $dependencyDiagramImageFullPath)); unlink($dotFile); if (!$return) { $this->getUser()->logError(sprintf('Diem can not generate the %s dependency diagram. Probably graphviz is not installed on the server.', $appName), false); $this->getUser()->logAlert($filesystem->getLastExec('command') . "\n" . $filesystem->getLastExec('output'), false); } return '/cache/' . $dependencyDiagramImage; }
protected function initializeContainer() { $name = 'SonataProject_' . md5($this->appDir . $this->isDebug . $this->environment) . 'ServiceContainer'; $file = sys_get_temp_dir() . '/' . $name . '.php'; if (!$this->isDebug && is_readable($file)) { require_once $file; $container = new $name(); } else { $serviceConfig = $this->paths['config'] . '/services.yml'; if (!is_readable($serviceConfig)) { throw new RuntimeException(sprintf("The service config file in '%s' does not exist or is not readable", $serviceConfig)); } $container = new sfServiceContainerBuilder(); $loader = new sfServiceContainerLoaderFileYaml($container); $loader->load($serviceConfig); if (!$this->isDebug) { $dumper = new sfServiceContainerDumperPhp($container); file_put_contents($file, $dumper->dump(array('class' => $name))); } } return $container; }
protected function dumpServiceContainer($name, $file) { foreach (array(sfConfig::get('dm_cache_dir'), dirname($file)) as $dir) { if (!is_dir($dir)) { $oldUmask = umask(0); mkdir($dir, 0777); umask($oldUmask); } } $this->loadServiceContainerExtraStuff(); $sc = new sfServiceContainerBuilder(); $configPaths = $this->configuration->getConfigPaths('config/dm/services.yml'); $loader = new sfServiceContainerLoaderFileYaml($sc); $loader->load($configPaths); $loader = new dmServiceContainerLoaderConfiguration($sc, $this->dispatcher); $loader->load(dmConfig::getAll()); /* * Allow listeners of dm.service_container.pre_dump event * to modify the loader */ $sc = $this->dispatcher->filter(new sfEvent($this, 'dm.service_container.pre_dump'), $sc)->getReturnValue(); $dumper = new sfServiceContainerDumperPhp($sc); $baseClass = sfConfig::get('dm_service_container_base_class', 'dm' . ucfirst(sfConfig::get('dm_context_type')) . 'BaseServiceContainer'); file_put_contents($file, $dumper->dump(array('class' => $name, 'base_class' => $baseClass))); $oldUmask = umask(0); @chmod($file, 0777); umask($oldUmask); if (!file_exists($file)) { throw new dmException('Can not write the generated service container to ' . $file); } unset($dumper, $loader, $sc); }
/** * Loads Sympal's service container * * @link */ protected function loadServiceContainer() { $autoloaderPath = $this->getSymfonyContext()->getConfiguration()->getPluginConfiguration('sfSympalPlugin')->getRootDir() . '/lib/vendor/service_container/lib/sfServiceContainerAutoloader.php'; if (!file_exists($autoloaderPath)) { throw new sfException(sprintf('Cannot find the service container library at %s. If you are including sfSympalPlugin as a git submodule, be sure to run the following commands from inside the plugins/sfSympalPlugin directory: git submodule init git submodule update', $autoloaderPath)); } sfServiceContainerAutoloader::register(); $app = $this->getSymfonyContext()->getConfiguration()->getApplication(); $name = 'sfSympal' . $app . 'ServiceContainer'; $path = sfConfig::get('sf_app_cache_dir') . '/' . $name . '.php'; if (!sfConfig::get('sf_debug') && file_exists($path)) { require_once $path; $this->_serviceContainer = new $name(); } else { // build the service container dynamically $this->_serviceContainer = new sfServiceContainerBuilder(); $loader = new sfServiceContainerLoaderFileYaml($this->_serviceContainer); $configPaths = $this->getSymfonyContext()->getConfiguration()->getConfigPaths('config/sympal_services.yml'); $loader->load($configPaths); // if not in debug, write the service container to file if (!sfConfig::get('sf_debug')) { $dumper = new sfServiceContainerDumperPhp($this->_serviceContainer); file_put_contents($path, $dumper->dump(array('class' => $name, 'base_class' => sfSympalConfig::get('service_container', 'base_class', 'sfServiceContainer')))); } } }
* OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ require_once __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'autoload.php'; use pantr\pantr; if (!class_exists('pantr\\pantr')) { exit("pantr has not been installed properly!\n"); } // load dependency injection container sfServiceContainerAutoloader::register(); if (file_exists(__DIR__ . '/pantr/core/services.php')) { require_once __DIR__ . '/pantr/core/services.php'; $sc = new pantrContainer(); } else { $sc = new sfServiceContainerBuilder(); $loader = new sfServiceContainerLoaderFileYaml($sc); $loader->load(__DIR__ . '/pantr/core/services.yml'); } // drop script name from args $args = $_SERVER['argv']; array_shift($args); // setup pantr pantr::setTaskRepository($sc->taskRepository); pantr::setApplication($sc->application); pantr::setHomePathProvider($sc->homePathProvider); pantr::loadProperties(); // load pantr.yml // load standard tasks include_once __DIR__ . '/pantr/std_tasks.php'; // include bundles $bundleManager = $sc->bundleManager;
/** * Create a container object. * The configuration may be specified in the 'config_file' * component of the options. If not specified, an empty container * will be generated. * If 'dump_file' is specified and we did not generate an empty * container, the specification is compiled into a PHP file that * can later be loaded instead of the configuration (performance). * * @return sfServiceContainerInterface The container */ public function makeContainer() { if (!isset($this->_options['config_file'])) { return new sfServiceContainer(); } /** * Attempt to load the generated PHP file, if defined * and exists. If succesful, the class we need should be * defined, so create and return it. */ $file = $this->_options['config_file']; $class = isset($this->_options['class']) ? $this->_options['class'] : 'Container'; if (isset($this->_options['dump_file'])) { $dumpFile = $this->_options['dump_file']; if (file_exists($dumpFile)) { require_once $dumpFile; return new $class(); } } /** * Create a builder to which we attach a loader so * we can load the configuration file. */ $parameters = $this->getParameters(); $sc = new sfServiceContainerBuilder($parameters); $ext = pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); switch ($ext) { case 'xml': $loader = new sfServiceContainerLoaderFileXml($sc); break; case 'init': $loader = new sfServiceContainerLoaderFileIni($sc); break; case 'yaml': $loader = new sfServiceContainerLoaderFileYaml($sc); break; default: throw new Exception("No loader available for extension '{$ext}'"); break; } $loader->load($file); /** * If a dump file was specified, make the dump * so that it can be loaded in the future. */ if (isset($dumpFile)) { $dumper = new sfServiceContainerDumperPhp($sc); file_put_contents($dumpFile, $dumper->dump(array('class' => $class))); } return $sc; }
copy('bin/pantr.bat', 'build/bin/pantr.bat'); }); /** * Creates a PEAR package * * @dependsOn test, build:init * @before config:deploy-local */ task('build:package', function () { $spec = PackageSpec::in('build')->setName('pantr')->setChannel(property(''))->setSummary('pantr is a simple php build tool.')->setDescription('pantr is a simple php build tool.')->setNotes('n/a')->setVersion(property('pantr.version'))->setStability('beta')->setLicense(PackageSpec::LICENSE_MIT)->addMaintainer('lead', 'Patrick Gotthardt', 'pago', '*****@*****.**')->setDependsOnPHPVersion('5.3.0')->addFiles(fileset()->ignore_version_control()->relative()->in('build'))->addFiles(array('bin/pantr', 'bin/pantr.bat'))->addExecutable('bin/pantr')->addExecutable('bin/pantr.bat', null, PackageSpec::PLATFORM_WIN)->createPackage('dist'); }); // compilation File::task('build:services', 'build/pantr/pantr/core/services.yml', ':dirname/:filename.php')->dependsOn('build:init')->run(function ($src, $target) { // compile dependency injection layer $sc = new \sfServiceContainerBuilder(); $loader = new \sfServiceContainerLoaderFileYaml($sc); $loader->load($src); $dumper = new \sfServiceContainerDumperPhp($sc); $code = $dumper->dump(array('class' => 'pantrContainer')); file_put_contents($target, $code); }); /** * Updates the version number in the pantr.php file * * @hidden * @dependsOn build:init */ task('build:version', function () { // update version number replace_in('build/pantr/pantr/pantr.php', function ($f, $c) { writeAction('rewrite', $f);
public function getFilesAsArray(array $files) { return parent::getFilesAsArray($files); }