function _propel_convert_yml_schema($check_schema = true, $prefix = '') { $finder = pakeFinder::type('file')->name('*schema.yml'); $dirs = array('config'); if ($pluginDirs = glob(sfConfig::get('sf_root_dir') . '/plugins/*/config')) { $dirs = array_merge($dirs, $pluginDirs); } $schemas = $finder->in($dirs); if ($check_schema && !count($schemas)) { throw new Exception('You must create a schema.yml file.'); } $db_schema = new sfPropelDatabaseSchema(); foreach ($schemas as $schema) { $db_schema->loadYAML($schema); pake_echo_action('schema', 'converting "' . $schema . '"' . ' to XML'); $localprefix = $prefix; // change prefix for plugins if (preg_match('#plugins[/\\\\]([^/\\\\]+)[/\\\\]#', $schema, $match)) { $localprefix = $prefix . $match[1] . '-'; } // save converted xml files in original directories $xml_file_name = str_replace('.yml', '.xml', basename($schema)); $file = str_replace(basename($schema), $localprefix . $xml_file_name, $schema); pake_echo_action('schema', 'putting ' . $file); file_put_contents($file, $db_schema->asXML()); } }
protected function schemaToXML($checkSchema = self::CHECK_SCHEMA, $prefix = '') { $finder = sfFinder::type('file')->name('*schema.yml')->prune('doctrine'); $dirs = array_merge(array(sfConfig::get('sf_config_dir')), $this->configuration->getPluginSubPaths('/config')); $schemas = $finder->in($dirs); if (self::CHECK_SCHEMA === $checkSchema && !count($schemas)) { throw new sfCommandException('You must create a schema.yml file.'); } $dbSchema = new sfPropelDatabaseSchema(); foreach ($schemas as $schema) { $schemaArray = sfYaml::load($schema); if (!is_array($schemaArray)) { continue; // No defined schema here, skipping } if (!isset($schemaArray['classes'])) { // Old schema syntax: we convert it $schemaArray = $dbSchema->convertOldToNewYaml($schemaArray); } $customSchemaFilename = str_replace(array(str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/', sfConfig::get('sf_root_dir')) . '/', 'plugins/', 'config/', '/', 'schema.yml'), array('', '', '', '_', 'schema.custom.yml'), $schema); $customSchemas = sfFinder::type('file')->name($customSchemaFilename)->in($dirs); foreach ($customSchemas as $customSchema) { $this->logSection('schema', sprintf('found custom schema %s', $customSchema)); $customSchemaArray = sfYaml::load($customSchema); if (!isset($customSchemaArray['classes'])) { // Old schema syntax: we convert it $customSchemaArray = $dbSchema->convertOldToNewYaml($customSchemaArray); } $schemaArray = sfToolkit::arrayDeepMerge($schemaArray, $customSchemaArray); } $dbSchema->loadArray($schemaArray); $this->logSection('schema', sprintf('converting "%s" to XML', $schema)); $localprefix = $prefix; // change prefix for plugins if (preg_match('#plugins[/\\\\]([^/\\\\]+)[/\\\\]#', $schema, $match)) { $localprefix = $prefix . $match[1] . '-'; } // save converted xml files in original directories $xml_file_name = str_replace('.yml', '.xml', basename($schema)); $file = str_replace(basename($schema), $localprefix . $xml_file_name, $schema); $this->logSection('schema', sprintf('putting %s', $file)); file_put_contents($file, $dbSchema->asXML()); } }
require_once SF_DIR . 'test/bootstrap/unit.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../lib/addon/sfPropelDatabaseSchema.class.php'; require_once SF_DIR . 'lib/util/sfInflector.class.php'; require_once SF_DIR . 'lib/util/sfToolkit.class.php'; require_once SF_DIR . 'lib/yaml/sfYaml.php'; $t = new my_lime_test(409); $t->diag('Classical YAML to XML conversion'); $p = new sfPropelDatabaseSchema(); $p->loadYAML(dirname(__FILE__) . '/fixtures/schema.yml'); $target = file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . '/fixtures/schema.xml'); $t->is_line_by_line($p->asXML(), $target); $t->diag('New YAML to XML conversion'); $p = new sfPropelDatabaseSchema(); $p->loadYAML(dirname(__FILE__) . '/fixtures/new_schema.yml'); $target = file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . '/fixtures/schema.xml'); $t->is_line_by_line($p->asXML(), $target); $t->diag('New YAML to Old YAML conversion'); $old_yml_target = sfYaml::load(dirname(__FILE__) . '/fixtures/schema.yml'); $p = new sfPropelDatabaseSchema(); $new_yml_transformed = $p->convertNewToOldYaml(sfYaml::load(dirname(__FILE__) . '/fixtures/new_schema.yml')); $t->is_array_explicit($new_yml_transformed, $old_yml_target); $t->diag('Old YAML to New YAML conversion'); $new_yml_target = sfYaml::load(dirname(__FILE__) . '/fixtures/new_schema.yml'); $p = new sfPropelDatabaseSchema(); $old_yml_transformed = $p->convertOldToNewYaml(sfYaml::load(dirname(__FILE__) . '/fixtures/schema.yml')); $t->is_array_explicit($old_yml_transformed, $new_yml_target); $t->todo('XML and classical YAML internal representation'); $p1 = new sfPropelDatabaseSchema(); $p1->loadXML(dirname(__FILE__) . '/fixtures/schema.xml'); $p2 = new sfPropelDatabaseSchema(); $p2->loadYAML(dirname(__FILE__) . '/fixtures/schema.yml');
<?php /* * This file is part of the symfony package. * (c) 2004-2006 Fabien Potencier <*****@*****.**> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../bootstrap/unit.php'; $t = new lime_test(1, new lime_output_color()); $p = new sfPropelDatabaseSchema(); $p->loadYAML(dirname(__FILE__) . '/fixtures/schema.yml'); $t->like($p->asXML(), '/This & That/');
protected function schemaToXML($checkSchema = self::CHECK_SCHEMA, $prefix = '', $verbose = false) { $finder = sfFinder::type('file')->name('*schema.yml')->prune('doctrine'); $dirs = array_merge(array(sfConfig::get('sf_config_dir')), $this->configuration->getPluginSubPaths('/config')); $schemas = $finder->in($dirs); if (self::CHECK_SCHEMA === $checkSchema && !count($schemas)) { throw new sfCommandException('You must create a schema.yml file.'); } $dbSchema = new sfPropelDatabaseSchema(); foreach ($schemas as $schema) { $this->logSection('convert-xml', $schema); $schemaArray = sfYaml::load($schema); if (!is_array($schemaArray)) { continue; // No defined schema here, skipping } if (!isset($schemaArray['classes'])) { // Old schema syntax: we convert it $schemaArray = $dbSchema->convertOldToNewYaml($schemaArray); } $customSchemaFilename = str_replace(array(str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/', sfConfig::get('sf_root_dir')) . '/', 'plugins/', 'config/', '/', 'schema.yml'), array('', '', '', '_', 'schema.custom.yml'), $schema); $customSchemas = sfFinder::type('file')->name($customSchemaFilename)->in($dirs); foreach ($customSchemas as $customSchema) { if ($verbose) { $this->logSection('schema', sprintf(' found custom schema %s', $customSchema), null, 'COMMENT'); } $customSchemaArray = sfYaml::load($customSchema); if (!isset($customSchemaArray['classes'])) { // Old schema syntax: we convert it $customSchemaArray = $dbSchema->convertOldToNewYaml($customSchemaArray); } $schemaArray = sfToolkit::arrayDeepMerge($schemaArray, $customSchemaArray); } $dbSchema->loadArray($schemaArray); if ($verbose) { $this->logSection('schema', sprintf(' converting "%s" to XML', $schema), null, 'COMMENT'); } $localprefix = $prefix; // change prefix for plugins foreach ($this->configuration->getPlugins() as $plugin) { $plugin_config = $this->configuration->getPluginConfiguration((string) $plugin); $plugin_root_dir = rtrim($plugin_config->getRootDir(), '/') . '/'; // if $schema starts with $plugin_root_dir if (substr($schema, 0, strlen($plugin_root_dir)) === $plugin_root_dir) { $localprefix = $prefix . $plugin_config->getName() . '-'; break; } } // save converted xml files in original directories $xml_file_name = str_replace('.yml', '.xml', basename($schema)); $file = str_replace(basename($schema), $localprefix . $xml_file_name, $schema); if ($verbose) { $this->logSection('schema', sprintf(' putting %s', $file), null, 'COMMENT'); } file_put_contents($file, $dbSchema->asXML()); } }