Пример #1
 public function executeSearch()
     $feed = new sfAtom1Feed();
     $feed->setTitle('Hoydaa Snippets');
     $feed->setAuthorName('Hoydaa Snippets');
     $querystring = $this->getRequestParameter('q');
     $query = new sfLuceneCriteria($this->getLuceneInstance());
     $pager = new sfLucenePager($this->getLuceneInstance()->friendlyFind($query));
     $num = $pager->getNbResults();
     if ($num > 0) {
         foreach ($pager->getResults() as $result) {
             $item = new sfFeedItem();
             $item->setLink('snippet/show?id=' . $result->getId());
             //$item->setAuthorEmail(($code->getSfGuardUser() ?
             //	$code->getSfGuardUser()->getProfile()->getEmail() : $code->getEmail()));
     $this->feed = $feed;
  * @see sfTask
 protected function execute($arguments = array(), $options = array())
     $config = sfLucene::getConfig();
     $query = $arguments['query'];
     // check and reduce indexes
     if ($options['index'] !== null) {
         if (!in_array($options['index'], array_keys($config))) {
             throw new Exception('Index %s not exist', $options['index']);
         $config = array($config[$options['index']]);
     // build the lucene criteria
     $criteria = sfLuceneCriteria::newInstance()->addPhrase($query)->setOffset($options['start'])->setLimit($options['limit']);
     // walk over the indexes
     foreach ($config as $index => $indexConfig) {
         // check culture
         $cultures = $indexConfig['index']['cultures'];
         if ($options['culture'] !== null) {
             if (!in_array($options['culture'], $cultures)) {
                 //TODO: change to log error
                 throw new Exception(sprintf('Culture %s is not configurate for index %s', $options['culture'], $index));
             $cultures = array($options['culture']);
         $this->log(sprintf('search for `%s` from %u to %u', $query, $options['start'], $options['limit']));
         // walk over the cultures
         foreach ($cultures as $culture) {
             // get lucene instance and retrieve the results
             $results = sfLucene::getInstance($index, $culture)->friendlyFind($criteria);
             $this->log(sprintf('found %u results in index `%s` with culture `%s`', count($results), $index, $culture));
             foreach ($results as $result) {
                 $this->logSection('result ', sprintf('%s %s (%u%%)', $result->getInternalModel(), $result->getInternalTitle(), $result->getScore()));
$t->ok($query == $mock->args[0], '->find() accepts Zend API queries');
$t->isa_ok($mock->scoring, 'Zend_Search_Lucene_Search_Similarity_Default', '->find() with a Zend API queries uses default scoring algorithm');
$scoring = new MockScoring();
$t->is($mock->scoring, $scoring, '->find() changes the scoring algorithm if sfLuceneCriteria specifies it');
$t->isa_ok(Zend_Search_Lucene_Search_Similarity::getDefault(), 'Zend_Search_Lucene_Search_Similarity_Default', '->find() resets the default scoring algorithm after processing');
$lucene->find(sfLuceneCriteria::newInstance($lucene)->add('foo')->addAscendingSortBy('sort1')->addDescendingSortBy('sort2', SORT_NUMERIC));
$t->is_deeply(array_splice($mock->args, 1), array('sort1', SORT_REGULAR, SORT_ASC, 'sort2', SORT_NUMERIC, SORT_DESC), '->find() uses sorting rules from sfLuceneCriteria');
$results = $lucene->friendlyFind('foo');
$t->isa_ok($results, 'sfLuceneResults', '->friendlyFind() returns an instance of sfLuceneResults');
$t->is($results->toArray(), range(1, 100), '->friendlyFind() houses the data from ZSL');
$t->is($results->getSearch(), $lucene, '->friendlyFind() is connected to the Lucene instance');
$mock->e = true;
try {
    $lucene->find(sfLuceneCriteria::newInstance($lucene)->add('foo')->setScoringAlgorithm(new MockScoring()));
    $t->fail('if ZSL throws exception, ->find() also throws the exception');
    $t->skip('if ZSL throws exception, ->find() stills resets the scoring algorithm');
} catch (Exception $e) {
    $t->pass('if ZSL throws exception, ->find() also throws the exception');
    $t->isa_ok(Zend_Search_Lucene_Search_Similarity::getDefault(), 'Zend_Search_Lucene_Search_Similarity_Default', 'if ZSL throws exception, ->find() stills resets the scoring algorithm');
$t->diag('testing ->rebuildIndex()');
class MockIndexerFactory
    public $handlers, $deleteLock = false, $search;
    public function __construct($h, $s)
        $this->handlers = $h;
        $this->search = $s;
Пример #4
function inst()
    return sfLuceneCriteria::newInstance();
  * This action is a friendly advanced search interface.  It lets the
  * user use a form to control some of the advanced query syntaxes.
 public function executeAdvanced($request)
     // disable this action if advanced searching is disabled.
     $this->forward404Unless(sfConfig::get('app_lucene_advanced', true) == true, 'advanced support is disabled');
     // determine if the "Basic" button was clicked
     if ($request->getParameter('commit') == $this->translate('Basic')) {
         $this->redirect($this->getModuleName() . '/search');
     $form = new sfLuceneAdvancedForm();
     $this->form = $form;
     // continue only if there was a submit
     if (!$request->getParameter($form->getName())) {
         return sfView::SUCCESS;
     $values = $form->getValues();
     // build the criteria
     $c = new sfLuceneCriteria();
     $query = $values['keywords'];
     // build the must have part
     $keywords = preg_split("/[\\s,]+/", $values['musthave']);
     foreach ($keywords as $keyword) {
         $c->add("+" . sfLuceneCriteria::sanitize($keyword), sfLuceneCriteria::TYPE_NONE, true);
     $query .= ' ' . $values['musthave'];
     // build the must have part
     $keywords = preg_split("/[\\s,]+/", $values['mustnothave']);
     foreach ($keywords as $keyword) {
         $c->add("-" . sfLuceneCriteria::sanitize($keyword), sfLuceneCriteria::TYPE_NONE, true);
     $query .= ' ' . $values['mustnothave'];
     // build the has pharse part
     $c->add("+" . sfLuceneCriteria::sanitize($values['hasphrase']), sfLuceneCriteria::TYPE_NONE, true);
     $query .= ' ' . $values['hasphrase'];
     if (sfConfig::get('app_lucene_categories', true) && isset($values['category']) && $values['category'] != $this->translate('All')) {
         $c->add('sfl_category: ' . $values['category']);
     $pager = new sfLucenePager($this->getLuceneInstance()->friendlyFind($c));
     // display results
     $pager = $this->configurePager($pager, $form);
     $this->pager = $pager;
     $this->query = $query;
     $this->setTitleI18n('Advanced Search');
function inst()
    return sfLuceneCriteria::newInstance(sfLucene::getInstance('testLucene'));
function inst($app_configuration)
    return sfLuceneCriteria::newInstance();
  * For each result, converts geo_distance field value to the specified unit
  * (localsolr internally works in miles)
  * @author  Julien Lirochon <*****@*****.**>
  * @param   int $unit
  * @return  void
 protected function convertGeoDistances($unit = sfLuceneGeoCriteria::UNIT_KILOMETERS)
     $ratio = sfLuceneCriteria::getGeoUnitRatio($unit);
     if ($ratio != 1) {
         foreach ($this->results->response->docs as $index => $doc) {
             if (isset($doc->{sfLuceneGeoCriteria::DISTANCE_FIELD})) {
                 $this->results->response->docs[$index]->{sfLuceneGeoCriteria::DISTANCE_FIELD} = $doc->{sfLuceneGeoCriteria::DISTANCE_FIELD} / $ratio;
  * Wrapper function for getting the results.
 protected function getResults($form)
     $data = $form->getValues();
     $query = new sfLuceneCriteria($this->getLuceneInstance());
     if (sfConfig::get('app_lucene_categories', true) && isset($data['category']) && $data['category'] != $this->translate('All')) {
         $query->add('sfl_category: ' . $data['category']);
     return new sfLucenePager($this->getLuceneInstance()->friendlyFind($query));
  * Wrapper for Lucene's find()
  * @param mixed $query The query
  * @return array The array of results
 public function find($query)
     $timer = sfTimerManager::getTimer('Zend Search Lucene Find');
     $sort = array();
     $scoring = null;
     if ($query instanceof sfLuceneCriteria) {
         foreach ($query->getSorts() as $sortable) {
             $sort[] = $sortable['field'];
             $sort[] = $sortable['type'];
             $sort[] = $sortable['order'];
         $scoring = $query->getScoringAlgorithm();
         $query = $query->getQuery();
     } elseif (is_string($query)) {
         $query = sfLuceneCriteria::newInstance($this)->addString($query)->getQuery();
     $defaultScoring = Zend_Search_Lucene_Search_Similarity::getDefault();
     if ($scoring) {
     try {
         // as we rarely sort, we can avoid the overhead of call_user_func() with this conditional
         if (count($sort)) {
             $args = array_merge(array($query), $sort);
             $results = call_user_func_array(array($this->getLucene(), 'find'), $args);
         } else {
             $results = $this->getLucene()->find($query);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         throw $e;
     return $results;
Пример #11
  * Wrapper for Lucene's find()
  * @param mixed $query The query
  * @return array The array of results
 public function find($query, $is_sane = false)
     $timer = sfTimerManager::getTimer('Solr Search Lucene Find');
     if (is_string($query)) {
         $criteria = sfLuceneCriteria::newInstance();
         if ($is_sane) {
             $criteria->add($query, sfLuceneCriteria::TYPE_AND, true);
         } else {
         $query = $criteria;
     try {
         $change_path = $query->getPath();
         if ($change_path) {
             $old_path = $this->getSearchService()->getPath();
         $results = $this->getSearchService()->search($query->getQuery(), $query->getOffset(), $query->getLimit(), $query->getParams(), $query->getHttpMethod());
         if ($change_path) {
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         throw $e;
     return $results;
Пример #12
        if ($this->e) {
            throw new Exception('Because you said so');
        $this->args = func_get_args();
        return range(1, 100);
$mock = new MockLucene();
$originalLucene = $lucene->getLucene();
$t->is($lucene->find('foo'), range(1, 100), '->find() returns what ZSL returns');
$query = sfLuceneCriteria::newInstance($lucene)->add('foo')->addRange('a', 'b', 'c');
$t->ok($query->getQuery() == $mock->args[0], '->find() accepts sfLuceneCriteria queries');
$lucene->find(sfLuceneCriteria::newInstance($lucene)->add('foo')->addAscendingSortBy('sort1')->addDescendingSortBy('sort2', SORT_DESC)->addSortBy('sort3'));
$t->is_deeply(array_splice($mock->args, 1), array(0, 10, array('fl' => array('*,score'), 'sort' => array('score desc, sort1 asc, sort2 desc, sort3 asc')), 'GET'), '->find() uses sorting rules from sfLuceneCriteria');
$mock->e = true;
$t->diag('testing ->rebuildIndex()');
class MockIndexerFactory
    public $handlers, $deleteLock = false, $search;
    public function __construct($h, $s)
        $this->handlers = $h;
        $this->search = $s;
    public function getHandlers()
        $this->deleteLock = $this->search->getParameter('delete_lock');
Пример #13
  * This method try to parse the provided $phrase into a valid solr query
  * The method can handle +/- and quote grouping
  * @param string $field 
  * @param string $phrase 
  * @return sfLuceneCriteria 
 public function addPhraseFieldGuess($field, $full_phrase, $type = sfLuceneCriteria::TYPE_AND)
     $main_criteria = new sfLuceneCriteria();
     foreach ($this->guessParts($full_phrase) as $section => $phrases) {
         if (count($phrases) == 0) {
         $inner_type = $section == 'must_contains' || $section == 'must_not_contains' ? 'AND' : 'OR';
         $sign = $section == 'must_contains' ? '+' : ($section == 'must_not_contains' ? '-' : '');
         $c = new sfLuceneCriteria();
         foreach ($phrases as $phrase) {
             $c->add($sign . '(' . self::sanitize($phrase) . ')', $inner_type, true);
         $main_criteria->add('(' . $c->getQuery() . ')', 'AND', true);
     $this->addField($field, $main_criteria, $type, true);
     return $this;