Пример #1
$culture = $settings['culture'];
$today = date('Y-m-d');
$page_slug = $slot->getPage()->getSlug();
$page_date = is_numeric(str_replace('-', '', substr($page_slug, 0, 10))) ? substr($page_slug, 0, 10) : $today;
$dt = new sfPlopDate($page_date);
$c = new sfEventCalendar('month', $page_date);
$current_month = explode('-', $dt->dump());
$prev_month = substr($dt->reset()->subtractMonth()->dump(), 0, 10);
$next_month = substr($dt->reset()->addMonth()->dump(), 0, 10);
$page_month = explode('-', $page_date);
// search for events
$events = sfPlopTools::getCalendarPages($culture);
if ($events) {
    foreach ($events as $calendar_event) {
        if ($calendar_event->getIsPublished()) {
            $c->addEvent(substr($calendar_event->getSlug(), 0, 10), array('title' => $calendar_event->getTitle($culture), 'url' => sfPlopTools::urlForPage($calendar_event->getSlug(), '', $culture)));
$calendar = $c->getEventCalendar();

<table class="calendar_table">
      <th class="th"><?php 
echo jq_link_to_remote('&#9668;', array('update' => 'inner_content_' . $slot->getId(), 'url' => '@plop-cms-module-calendar', 'with' => "'slug=" . $page_slug . "&slot_id=" . $slot->getId() . "&sf_culture=" . $culture . "&date=" . $prev_month . "'"), array('class' => 'link', 'title' => __('Previous month')));
      <th class="th" colspan="5"><?php 
echo format_date($page_date, 'MMMM yyyy', $culture);
Пример #2
// Initialize the event calendar with two parameters
// 1.) The style of the calendar (day, week, month, year)
// 2.) Any date within the specified time period. The script will automatically determine the best calendar days to return.
//     For example, if you choose "month" and pass 1/15/2006, the calendar will return all dates and events from 01/01/2006 - 01/31/2006.
//     If you choose "week" and pass 1/18/2006, the calender will return all dates and events from 01/16/2006 - 01/22/2006.
$c = new sfEventCalendar('month', date('Y-m-d'));
// The style of the calendar, any date within the specified time period
// Add an event to the calendar
// You must enter a date for the calendar event.
// You can enter as many options as you'd like that best fit your circumstances.
// For example, i've passed a title, and url to the calendar.
// You can pass these, or any number of parameters you'd like to associate with the event
foreach ($project->getTasks() as $task) {
    $c->addEvent(format_date($task->getFinish()), array('title' => $task->getName(), 'url' => '@show_task?project=' . $project->getSlug() . '&task=' . $task->getUuid(), 'alt' => 'Task deadline approaching: "' . strip_tags($task->getDescription()) . '"'));
// Return an array of calendar dates with the events attached to them.
// You can use this array to formulate a calendar in any way you'd like.
// The array automatically breaks years into months and months into weeks, etc...
$calendar = $c->getEventCalendar();

  <table style="width:100%;">
echo __('Monday');