  * Handle an incoming request.
  * @param  \Illuminate\Http\Request  $request
  * @param  \Closure  $next
  * @return mixed
 public function handle($request, Closure $next)
     if (!$this->session->has('lastActivityTime')) {
         $this->session->put('lastActivityTime', time());
     } else {
         if (time() - $this->session->get('lastActivityTime') > $this->getTimeOut()) {
             return redirect($this->getRedirectUrl())->with([$this->getSessionLabel() => 'You have been inactive for ' . $this->timeout / 60 . ' minutes ago.']);
     $this->session->put('lastActivityTime', time());
     return $next($request);
Пример #2
  * Methode qui va notifier une action
  * Arguments:
  *  + $id: l'id de mon objet
  *  + $message: le message de notre notification
  *  + $nature: product | cms | categorie
  *  + $criticity:  success - danger - warning - info
  * nature: 0 mon compte,  1 product , 2 categories, 3 cms, 4 fournisseurs
 public function notify($id, $message, $nature = 'product', $criticity = "success")
     // 1. Nous récupérons dans une variable $tabsession
     // le tableau de notifications par sa nature
     // $this->session->get('nature') permet de récupérer une information par sa clef
     // le 2eme argument a la fonction get() permet d'initialiser un tableau vide
     // si ma clefs en session n'existe pas
     $tabsession = $this->session->get($nature, array());
     // 2. Nous stockons dans ce tableau
     // la notification avec un message, avec une criticité et une date
     $tabsession[$id] = array('message' => $message, 'criticity' => $criticity, 'date' => new \DateTime("now"));
     // 3. nous enregistrons le tableau des notifications en session
     $this->session->set($nature, $tabsession);
Пример #3
 function user_cpl()
     global $CONF, $DB, $FORM, $LNG, $TMPL;
     $TMPL['header'] = $LNG['user_cp_header'];
     if (!isset($_COOKIE['atsphp_sid_user_cp'])) {
     } else {
         require_once "{$CONF['path']}/sources/misc/session.php";
         $session = new session();
         list($type, $data) = $session->get($_COOKIE['atsphp_sid_user_cp']);
         $TMPL['username'] = $DB->escape($data);
         if ($type == 'user_cp') {
             // Array containing the valid .php files from the sources/user_cp directory
             $action = array('edit' => 1, 'link_code' => 1);
             if (isset($FORM['b']) && isset($action[$FORM['b']])) {
                 $page_name = $FORM['b'];
                 require_once "{$CONF['path']}/sources/user_cp/{$page_name}.php";
                 $page = new $page_name();
                 $TMPL['content'] = $this->do_skin('user_cp');
             } elseif (isset($FORM['b']) && $FORM['b'] == 'logout') {
             } else {
         } else {
Пример #4
function edit_quote($id, $date, $montant, $pj)
    global $db;
    $date = date('Y-m-d-', strtotime($date));
    $values["datinsert"] = MySQL::SQLValue($date);
    $values["montant"] = MySQL::SQLValue($montant);
    $where["id"] = MySQL::SQLValue($id);
    if (!$db->UpdateRows("quotpatronal", $values, $where)) {
        return false;
    } else {
        $sql = $db->BuildSQLInsert("quotpatronal", $values);
        logg('Enregistrement Quote Part Patronal ', 175, $id, $_SESSION['userid']);
        if ($pj != "") {
            $basedir = "upload/quotpatronal";
            if (!file_exists($basedir)) {
                mkdir($basedir, 0, true);
            $newdir = $basedir . "/";
            copyfile($pj, $id, $newdir, "Attachement_quotpatronal_");
            autoarchive($newdir . changnom($pj, $id, 'Attachement_quotpatronal_'), "Fichier joint Quote Part Patronal {$id}", 175, $id, "quotpatronal", "piece_jointe", $_SESSION['userid'], cryptage(session::get('service'), 0));
        return true;
Пример #5
 function show($id, $text = "")
     if (!session::get("tooltips")) {
         // display text from database
         if ($id) {
             $helpArray = fetch_to_array(database::query("SELECT * FROM system WHERE name='{$id}'"), "");
             if ($helpArray) {
                 $entry = current($helpArray);
             $right = right::get_field($id);
             $user = right::get("rights");
             $temp = $entry[text];
             // admin informations
             if (right::superuser()) {
                 $temp .= "<hr><table>";
                 $temp .= "<tr><td>fieldname</td><td>{$id}</td></tr>";
                 // fieldname
                 $temp .= "<tr><td>edit</td><td>" . right::int2string($right[edit]) . "</td></tr>";
                 // edit rights
                 $temp .= "<tr><td>view</td><td>" . right::int2string($right[view]) . "</td></tr>";
                 // view rights
                 $temp .= "</table>";
                 $clickEvent = " onmousedown = edit(&#34;{$id}&#34;)";
             if ($text) {
                 $temp .= "<hr>{$text}";
             return "onmouseover='return overlib(&#34;" . $temp . "&#34;);' onmouseout='return nd()' {$clickEvent}";
         // display special text
Пример #6
 public function addStepOne()
     $data = array();
     $data['boat_name'] = $_POST['headline'];
     $data['boat_type'] = $_POST['boat_type'];
     $data['construction_year'] = $_POST['year'];
     $data['ce_category'] = $_POST['boat_category'];
     $data['yard'] = $_POST['boat_yard'];
     $data['boat_model'] = $_POST['boat_model'];
     $data['latitude'] = $_POST['latitude'];
     $data['longitude'] = $_POST['longitude'];
     $data['length'] = $_POST['length'];
     $data['width'] = $_POST['width'];
     $data['clearance'] = $_POST['clearance'];
     $data['draft'] = $_POST['draft'];
     $data['weight'] = $_POST['weight'];
     $data['passengers'] = $_POST['passengers'];
     $data['cabins'] = $_POST['cabins'];
     $data['berth'] = $_POST['berth'];
     $data['deck_color'] = $_POST['deck_color'];
     $data['hull_color'] = $_POST['hull_color'];
     $data['deck_mat'] = $_POST['deck_mat'];
     $data['hull_mat'] = $_POST['hull_mat'];
     $data['type'] = $_POST['featured_status'];
     $data['userid'] = session::get('userId');
     // $data['title'] = $_POST['headline'];
     // $data['city'] = $_POST['city'];
     // $data['country'] = $_POST['country'];
     // $data['telec'] = $_POST['telecomute'];
     // $data['type'] = $_POST['featured_status'];
     // $data['userid'] = session::get('userId');
     return $this->model->addStepOne($data);
Пример #7
function editreform($nextid, $titre, $desc, $montant, $pj, $date)
    global $db;
    $usrid = $_SESSION['userid'];
    $date_operation = date('Y-m-d-', strtotime($date));
    $values["titre"] = MySQL::SQLValue($titre);
    $values["description"] = MySQL::SQLValue($desc);
    $values["montant"] = MySQL::SQLValue($montant);
    $values["date_operation"] = MySQL::SQLValue($date_operation);
    $where["id"] = MySQL::SQLValue($nextid);
    if (!$db->UpdateRows("produit_reform", $values, $where)) {
        return false;
    } else {
        $sql = $db->BuildSQLInsert("produit_reform", $values);
        logg('Enregistrement Produit Reform ', 167, $nextid, $_SESSION['userid']);
        if ($pj != "") {
            $basedir = "upload/produit";
            if (!file_exists($basedir)) {
                mkdir($basedir, 0, true);
            $newdir = $basedir . "/";
            copyfile($pj, $nextid, $newdir, "Attachement_produit_reform");
            autoarchive($newdir . changnom($pj, $nextid, 'Attachement_produit_reform'), "Fichier joint produit Reform  {$nextid}", 100, $nextid, "produit_reform", "pj", $_SESSION['userid'], cryptage(session::get('service'), 0));
        return true;
 function render_file_select()
     $id = $this->get_attribute('id');
     $md5id = substr(md5($id), 0, 5);
     $file_node_id = $this->get_value();
     if ($file_node_id && ($file_data = fetch_one_by_node_id($file_node_id))) {
         $span_name = $file_data['identifier'];
         $span_description = $file_data['description'];
         $span_size = $file_data['size'];
         $span_mime = $file_data['mime_type'];
         $start_path = '/root?action=file_select&node_id=' . $file_data['parent_node_id'];
     } else {
         $span_name = '';
         $span_description = '';
         $span_size = '';
         $span_mime = '';
     $start_path_condition = "";
     if (!$start_path) {
         $start_path = $this->get_attribute('start_path');
         if (!$start_path) {
             $start_path = session::get('limb_file_select_working_path');
         if (!$start_path) {
             $start_path = '/root/images_folder';
         $start_path .= '?action=file_select';
     $start_path_condition = "file_select_{$md5id}.set_start_path('{$start_path}');";
     echo "<span id='{$md5id}_span_empty'><img src='/shared/images/no_img.gif'></span>\n  \t\t\t\t<span id='{$md5id}_span_content'>\n  \t\t\t\t\t<a id='{$md5id}_href' href='#'><img id='{$md5id}_img' align='center' src='/shared/images/1x1.gif'/>&nbsp;<span id='{$md5id}_name'>{$span_name}</span></a><br>\n  \t\t\t\t\t<span id='{$md5id}_description'>{$span_description}</span><br>\n  \t\t\t\t\tsize:&nbsp;<span id='{$md5id}_size'>{$span_size}</span>&nbsp;bytes&nbsp;<br>\n  \t\t\t\t\tmime-type:<span id='{$md5id}_mime'>{$span_mime}</span>\n  \t\t\t\t</span><br><br>";
     echo "<script type='text/javascript'>\n\t\t    \tvar file_select_{$md5id};\n\t\t    \t\n\t\t      function init_file_select_{$md5id}()\n\t\t      {\n\t\t        file_select_{$md5id} = new file_select('{$id}', '{$md5id}');\n\t\t        {$start_path_condition}\n\t\t        file_select_{$md5id}.generate();\n\t\t      }\n\t\t      \n\t\t      function file_select_{$md5id}_insert_file(file)\n\t\t      {\n\t\t      \tfile_select_{$md5id}.insert_file(file);\n\t\t      }\n\t\n\t\t      function file_select_{$md5id}_get_file()\n\t\t      {\n\t\t      \treturn file_select_{$md5id}.get_file();\n\t\t      }\n\t\t      \n\t\t      function file_reset_{$md5id}()\n\t\t      {\n\t\t      \tfile_select_{$md5id}.id_container.value = 0;\n\t\t      \tinit_file_select_{$md5id}();\n\t\t      }\n\t\t     \n\t\t      add_event(window, 'load', init_file_select_{$md5id});\n\t\t    </script>";
     echo "<input class='button' type='button' onclick='popup(\"/root/file_select?\", null, null, false, file_select_{$md5id}_insert_file, file_select_{$md5id}_get_file)' value='" . strings::get('select_file', 'file') . "'>";
     echo '&nbsp;';
     echo "<input class='button' type='button' onclick='file_reset_{$md5id}()' value='" . strings::get('reset') . "'>";
Пример #9
function setcollecte($id, $mode_paiement, $pj, $date_paiement)
    global $db;
    $date = date('Y-m-d-', strtotime($date_paiement));
    $values["mode_paiement"] = MySQL::SQLValue($mode_paiement);
    $values["date_paiement"] = MySQL::SQLValue($date);
    $values["etat_paiement"] = MySQL::SQLValue("Payé");
    $where["id"] = MySQL::SQLValue($id);
    if (!$db->UpdateRows("collecte", $values, $where)) {
        return false;
    } else {
        $sql = $db->BuildSQLInsert("collecte", $values);
        logg('Enregistrement collecte ', 195, $id, $_SESSION['userid']);
        if ($pj != "") {
            $basedir = "upload/collecte";
            if (!file_exists($basedir)) {
                mkdir($basedir, 0, true);
            $newdir = $basedir . "/";
            copyfile($pj, $id, $newdir, "Attachement_collecte_");
            autoarchive($newdir . changnom($pj, $id, 'Attachement_collecte_'), "Fichier joint collecte  {$id}", 195, $id, "collecte", "piece_jointe", $_SESSION['userid'], cryptage(session::get('service'), 0));
        return true;
Пример #10
  * Display a listing of miembros
  * @return Response
 public function index()
     $miembros = Miembro::where('familia_id', '=', session::get('familia_id'))->get();
     $familia = Familia::where('usuario_id', '=', Session::get('id'))->get();
     // $miembros=Miembro::orderBy('created_at','desc')->limit(2)->get();
     return View::make('back.Miembros.index', compact('miembros', 'familia'));
 function render_image_select()
     $id = $this->get_attribute('id');
     $md5id = substr(md5($id), 0, 5);
     $image_node_id = $this->get_value();
     $start_path = '';
     if ($image_node_id && ($image_data = fetch_one_by_node_id($image_node_id))) {
         $span_name = $image_data['identifier'];
         $start_path = '/root?action=image_select&node_id=' . $image_data['parent_node_id'];
     } else {
         $span_name = '';
     if (!$start_path) {
         $start_path = $this->get_attribute('start_path');
         if (!$start_path) {
             $start_path = session::get('limb_image_select_working_path');
         if (!$start_path) {
             $start_path = '/root/images';
         $start_path .= '?action=image_select';
     echo "<span id='{$md5id}_name'>{$span_name}</span><br><img id='{$md5id}_img' src='/shared/images/1x1.gif'/>\n      <script type='text/javascript'>\n        var image_select_{$md5id};\n\n        function init_image_select_{$md5id}()\n        {\n          image_select_{$md5id} = new image_select('{$id}', '{$md5id}');\n          image_select_{$md5id}.set_start_path('{$start_path}');\n          image_select_{$md5id}.generate();\n        }\n\n        function image_select_{$md5id}_insert_image(image)\n        {\n          image_select_{$md5id}.insert_image(image);\n        }\n\n        function image_select_{$md5id}_get_image()\n        {\n          return image_select_{$md5id}.get_image();\n        }\n\n        function image_reset_{$md5id}()\n        {\n          image_select_{$md5id}.id_container.value = 0;\n          init_image_select_{$md5id}();\n        }\n\n        add_event(window, 'load', init_image_select_{$md5id});\n      </script>";
     echo "<br><br><input class='button' type='button' onclick='popup(\"/root/tools/image_select?properties=0\", null, null, false, image_select_{$md5id}_insert_image, image_select_{$md5id}_get_image)' value='" . strings::get('select_image', 'image') . "'>";
     echo '&nbsp;';
     echo "<input class='button' type='button' onclick='image_reset_{$md5id}()' value='" . strings::get('reset') . "'>";
Пример #12
function editdoc($titrfr, $titren, $titrar, $img, $id, $art, $typ)
    global $db;
    $values["titrfr"] = MySQL::SQLValue($titrfr);
    $values["titren"] = MySQL::SQLValue($titren);
    $values["titrar"] = MySQL::SQLValue($titrar);
    $values["article"] = MySQL::SQLValue($art);
    $values["typ"] = MySQL::SQLValue($typ);
    if ($img != "") {
        $values["img"] = MySQL::SQLValue(changnom($img, $id, 'doc_'));
    $where["id"] = MySQL::SQLValue($id);
    // Execute the insert
    $result = $db->UpdateRows("document", $values, $where);
    // If we have an error
    if (!$result) {
        // Show the error and kill the script
        $db->Kill('Error Update');
        return false;
    } else {
        if ($img != "") {
            $olddir = "upload/doc/";
            $newdir = "../upload/doc/";
            copyfile($img, $id, $newdir, "doc_");
            autoarchive($newdir . changnom($img, $id, 'doc_'), "Document page {$id} ", 12, $id, "document", "img", $_SESSION['userid'], cryptage(session::get('service'), 0));
        return true;
Пример #13
 public function getMenu($menu)
     //Llama a una funcion del ACL que carga los menus
     $menus['sidebar'] = $this->_registry->_acl->getMenusRole();
     if (Session::get('autenticado')) {
         $titulos = array(array('id' => 'inicio', 'titulo' => 'Inicio', 'enlace' => BASE_URL, 'imagen' => 'icon-home'), array('id' => 'post', 'titulo' => 'Posts', 'enlace' => BASE_URL . 'post', 'imagen' => 'icon-flag'));
         // para la redcetpros
         if (Session::get('clave_cetpro') == 'redcetpros') {
             $nom_cetpro = 'Red CETPROS UGEL 04';
         } else {
             throw new Exception('hola mucamos');
             $nom_cetpro = 'CETPRO ' . implode($this->_modelo->getCetproFromClave(Session::get('clave_cetpro')));
         $menus['top'] = array('titulos' => $titulos, 'ruta_img' => BASE_URL . 'layouts/sigace/img/', 'usuario' => ucwords(strtolower(session::get('nombre') . " " . session::get('ape_pat') . " " . session::get('ape_mat'))), 'cetpro_clave' => Session::get('clave_cetpro'), 'cetpro' => $nom_cetpro, 'role' => implode($this->_modelo->getRole(session::get('id_role'))));
         $menus['top'][] = array(
             'id' => 'registro',
             'titulo' => 'Registro',
             'enlace' => BASE_URL . 'usuarios/registro',
             'imagen' => 'icon-book'
     return $menus[$menu];
Пример #14
 function admin()
     global $CONF, $FORM, $LNG, $TMPL;
     $TMPL['header'] = $LNG['a_header'];
     if (!isset($_COOKIE['atsphp_sid_admin'])) {
     } else {
         require_once "{$CONF['path']}/sources/misc/session.php";
         $session = new session();
         list($type, $data) = $session->get($_COOKIE['atsphp_sid_admin']);
         if ($type == 'admin') {
             // Array containing the valid .php files from the sources/admin directory
             $action = array('approve' => 1, 'approve_edited' => 1, 'approve_reviews' => 1, 'backup_database' => 1, 'create_page' => 1, 'delete' => 1, 'delete_bad_word' => 1, 'delete_ban' => 1, 'delete_page' => 1, 'delete_review' => 1, 'edit' => 1, 'edit_page' => 1, 'edit_bad_word' => 1, 'edit_ban' => 1, 'edit_review' => 1, 'email' => 1, 'manage' => 1, 'manage_bad_words' => 1, 'manage_ban' => 1, 'manage_pages' => 1, 'manage_reviews' => 1, 'settings' => 1, 'skins' => 1);
             if (isset($FORM['b']) && isset($action[$FORM['b']])) {
                 $page_name = $FORM['b'];
                 require_once "{$CONF['path']}/sources/admin/{$page_name}.php";
                 $page = new $page_name();
                 $TMPL['content'] = $this->do_skin('admin');
             } elseif (isset($FORM['b']) && $FORM['b'] == 'logout') {
             } else {
         } else {
Пример #15
function editcollecte($idcontrat, $paiement, $date, $pj)
    global $db;
    $usrid = $_SESSION['userid'];
    $nextid = getnextidtable('collecte');
    $date_paiement = date('Y-m-d-', strtotime($date));
    $values["mode_paiement"] = MySQL::SQLValue($paiement);
    $values["date_paiement"] = MySQL::SQLValue($date_paiement);
    $where["id"] = MySQL::SQLValue($idcontrat);
    if (!$db->UpdateRows("collecte", $values, $where)) {
        return false;
    } else {
        $sql = $db->BuildSQLInsert("collecte", $values);
        logg('Enregistrement collecte ', 201, $nextid, $_SESSION['userid']);
        if ($pj != "") {
            $basedir = "upload/collecte";
            if (!file_exists($basedir)) {
                mkdir($basedir, 0, true);
            $newdir = $basedir . "/";
            copyfile($pj, $nextid, $newdir, "collecte");
            autoarchive($newdir . changnom($pj, $nextid, 'collecte'), "Fichier joint collecte {$nextid}", 201, $nextid, "collecte", "piece_jointe", $_SESSION['userid'], cryptage(session::get('service'), 0));
        return true;
Пример #16
function setcontrat($id, $date, $pj)
    global $db;
    $etat = "Résilié";
    $nextid = getnextidtable('contrat_location_villa');
    $date = date('Y-m-d-', strtotime($date));
    $values["date_resiliation"] = MySQL::SQLValue($date);
    $values["etat"] = MySQL::SQLValue($etat);
    $where["id"] = MySQL::SQLValue($id);
    if (!$db->UpdateRows("contrat_location_villa", $values, $where)) {
        return false;
    } else {
        $sql = $db->BuildSQLInsert("contrat_location_villa", $values);
        logg('Enregistrement Location Villa ', 233, $id, $_SESSION['userid']);
        if ($pj != "") {
            $basedir = "upload/location";
            if (!file_exists($basedir)) {
                mkdir($basedir, 0, true);
            $newdir = $basedir . "/";
            copyfile($pj, $id, $newdir, "Attachement_location_");
            autoarchive($newdir . changnom($pj, $id, 'Attachement_location_'), "Fichier joint location ville {$id}", 233, $id, "contrat_location_villa", "pj_resiliation", $_SESSION['userid'], cryptage(session::get('service'), 0));
        return true;
Пример #17
  * Initializing i18n
  * @param array $options
 public static function init($options = [])
     $i18n = application::get('flag.global.i18n') ?? [];
     $i18n = array_merge_hard($i18n, $options ?? []);
     // determine final language
     $languages = factory::model('numbers_backend_i18n_languages_model_languages')->get();
     $final_language = application::get('flag.global.__language_code') ?? session::get('numbers.entity.format.language_code') ?? $i18n['language_code'] ?? 'sys';
     if (empty($languages[$final_language])) {
         $final_language = 'sys';
         $i18n['rtl'] = 0;
     // put settings into system
     if (!empty($languages[$final_language])) {
         foreach ($languages[$final_language] as $k => $v) {
             $k = str_replace('lc_language_', '', $k);
             if (in_array($k, ['code', 'inactive'])) {
             if (empty($v)) {
             $i18n[$k] = $v;
     $i18n['language_code'] = $final_language;
     self::$options = $i18n;
     session::set('numbers.entity.format.language_code', $final_language);
     application::set('flag.global.i18n', $i18n);
     self::$initialized = true;
     // initialize the module
     return factory::submodule('flag.global.i18n.submodule')->init($i18n);
Пример #18
function addaemploi($id_aemploi, $montant, $date_paiement, $mode_paiement, $ref_pj, $pj)
    global $db;
    $nextid = getnextidtable('autorisation_emploi');
    $usrid = $_SESSION['userid'];
    $date = date('Y-m-d-', strtotime($date_paiement));
    $values["pj"] = MySQL::SQLValue($pj);
    $values["ref_pj"] = MySQL::SQLValue($ref_pj);
    $values["id_aemploi"] = MySQL::SQLValue($id_aemploi);
    $values["mode_paiement"] = MySQL::SQLValue($mode_paiement);
    $values["date_paiement"] = MySQL::SQLValue($date);
    $values["montant"] = MySQL::SQLValue($montant);
    $values["addby"] = MySQL::SQLValue($usrid);
    if (!$db->InsertRow("autorisation_emploi", $values)) {
        return false;
    } else {
        $sql = $db->BuildSQLInsert("autorisation_emploi", $values);
        logg('Enregistrement Autorisation Emploi ', 246, $nextid, $_SESSION['userid']);
        if ($pj != "") {
            $basedir = "upload/Autorisation";
            if (!file_exists($basedir)) {
                mkdir($basedir, 0, true);
            $newdir = $basedir . "/";
            copyfile($pj, $nextid, $newdir, "Attachement_autorisation_");
            autoarchive($newdir . changnom($pj, $nextid, 'Attachement_autorisation_'), "Fichier joint autorisation emploi {$nextid}", 246, $nextid, "autorisation_emploi", "pj", $_SESSION['userid'], cryptage(session::get('service'), 0));
    return true;
Пример #19
 public static function saveSession()
     $engine = EngineAPI::singleton();
     $localvars = localvars::getInstance();
     $db = db::get($localvars->get('dbConnectionName'));
     $sql = "INSERT INTO `session`(username,sessionPages,ipAddr) VALUES(?,?,?)";
     $validate = new validate();
     $username = session::get('username');
     $pages = session::get('loggedPages');
     $pages = dbSanitize(implode(',', $pages));
     $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
     $sqlArray = array($username, $pages, $ip);
     try {
         $sqlResult = $db->query($sql, $sqlArray);
         if ($sqlResult->error()) {
             throw new Exception("ERROR SQL" . $sqlResult->errorMsg());
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $localvars->set('feedback', $e->getMessage());
Пример #20
  *	Check if user is logged in
  * @return	boolean	TRUE - if user is logged in or FALSE
 public static function is_logged()
     // Get instance of authentification data interface
     $auth = data_interface::get_instance(AUTH_DI);
     if ($auth->is_logged) {
         return TRUE;
     // Get values stored in session
     $sess = session::get(array('uid', 'ulogin', 'uhash'), NULL, AUTH_DI);
     // If session values not stored then return FALSE
     if (empty($sess)) {
         return FALSE;
     // Get authentification`s data
     $data = $auth->get_by_hash($sess['uid'], $sess['ulogin'], $sess['uhash']);
     // If there is no authentification`s data then return FALSE
     if (!$data) {
         return FALSE;
     $auth->is_logged = TRUE;
     // Define UID of logged user
     define('UID', $data['id']);
     // If account_id is given then define it in AID
     if ($data['account_id']) {
         define('AID', $data['account_id']);
     return TRUE;
 function parse()
     if ($phpbb_sid = session::get('phpbb_sid')) {
         $this->xml_string = str_replace('%phpbb_sid%', $phpbb_sid, $this->xml_string);
     return parent::parse();
Пример #22
function add_contrat($nextid, $titre, $fournisseur, $date, $montant_global, $article, $paragraphe, $chapitre, $pj)
    global $db;
    $usrid = $_SESSION['userid'];
    $date = date('Y-m-d-', strtotime($date));
    $values["titre"] = MySQL::SQLValue($titre);
    $values["date"] = MySQL::SQLValue($date);
    $values["id_fournisseur"] = MySQL::SQLValue($fournisseur);
    $values["id_chapitre"] = MySQL::SQLValue($chapitre);
    $values["id_article"] = MySQL::SQLValue($article);
    $values["id_paragraphe"] = MySQL::SQLValue($paragraphe);
    $values["montant_global"] = MySQL::SQLValue($montant_global);
    $values["montant_paye"] = MySQL::SQLValue(0);
    $values["pourcentage"] = MySQL::SQLValue(0);
    $values["montant_rest"] = MySQL::SQLValue($montant_global);
    $values["addby"] = MySQL::SQLValue($usrid);
    if (!$db->InsertRow("contrat", $values)) {
        return false;
    } else {
        logg('Enregistrement Contrat Fournisseur ', 254, $nextid, $_SESSION['userid']);
        // Save PJ to archive
        if ($pj != "") {
            $basedir = "upload/contrat";
            if (!file_exists($basedir)) {
                mkdir($basedir, 0, true);
            $newdir = $basedir . "/";
            copyfile($pj, $nextid, $newdir, "Attachement_contrat_");
            autoarchive($newdir . changnom($pj, $nextid, 'Attachement_contrat_'), "Fichier joint contrat fournisseur {$nextid}", 254, $nextid, "contrat", "pj", $_SESSION['userid'], cryptage(session::get('service'), 0));
    return true;
Пример #23
function editlocation($nextid, $nom, $adresse, $pj, $tel, $mail, $villa, $date_debut, $date_fin, $type_paiement, $montant_location, $agarantie_location)
    global $db;
    $usrid = $_SESSION['userid'];
    $datedebut = date('Y-m-d-', strtotime($date_debut));
    $datefin = date('Y-m-d-', strtotime($date_fin));
    $values["nomlocataire"] = MySQL::SQLValue($nom);
    $values["adresse"] = MySQL::SQLValue($adresse);
    $values["tel"] = MySQL::SQLValue($tel);
    $values["mail"] = MySQL::SQLValue($mail);
    $values["idvilla"] = MySQL::SQLValue($villa);
    $values["date_debut"] = MySQL::SQLValue($datedebut);
    $values["date_fin"] = MySQL::SQLValue($datefin);
    $values["montant"] = MySQL::SQLValue($montant_location);
    $values["depot_garantie"] = MySQL::SQLValue($agarantie_location);
    $values["type_paiement"] = MySQL::SQLValue($type_paiement);
    $where["id"] = MySQL::SQLValue($nextid);
    if (!$db->UpdateRows("contrat_location_villa", $values, $where)) {
        return false;
    } else {
        $sql = $db->BuildSQLInsert("contrat_location_villa", $values);
        logg('Enregistrement Location Villa ', 100, $nextid, $_SESSION['userid']);
        if ($pj != "") {
            $basedir = "upload/location";
            if (!file_exists($basedir)) {
                mkdir($basedir, 0, true);
            $newdir = $basedir . "/";
            copyfile($pj, $nextid, $newdir, "Attachement_location_");
            autoarchive($newdir . changnom($pj, $nextid, 'Attachement_location_'), "Fichier joint location ville {$nextid}", 100, $nextid, "location_villa", "pj", $_SESSION['userid'], cryptage(session::get('service'), 0));
        return true;
Пример #24
function addevent($titrfr, $titren, $titrar, $contfr, $conten, $contar, $img, $id, $autfr, $auten, $autar, $dat)
    global $db;
    $date = date('Y-m-d-', strtotime($dat));
    $values["titrfr"] = MySQL::SQLValue($titrfr);
    $values["titren"] = MySQL::SQLValue($titren);
    $values["titrar"] = MySQL::SQLValue($titrar);
    $values["contfr"] = MySQL::SQLValue($contfr);
    $values["conten"] = MySQL::SQLValue($conten);
    $values["contar"] = MySQL::SQLValue($contar);
    $values["autfr"] = MySQL::SQLValue($autfr);
    $values["auten"] = MySQL::SQLValue($auten);
    $values["autar"] = MySQL::SQLValue($autar);
    $values["app"] = MySQL::SQLValue('?_tsk=event&id=' . $id);
    $values["dat"] = MySQL::SQLValue($date);
    // Execute the insert
    $result = $db->InsertRow("event", $values);
    // If we have an error
    if (!$result) {
        // Show the error and kill the script
        $db->Kill('Error Insert');
        return false;
    } else {
        if ($img != "") {
            $basedir = "upload/event";
            if (!file_exists($basedir)) {
                mkdir($basedir, 0, true);
            $newdir = "../upload/event/";
            copyfile($img, $id, $newdir, "event_");
            autoarchive($newdir . changnom($img, $id, 'event_'), "Image Evénement {$id} ", 12, $id, "event", "img", $_SESSION['userid'], cryptage(session::get('service'), 0));
        return true;
Пример #25
 public static function performChecks()
     if (session::has('username')) {
Пример #26
function addnews($titrfr, $titren, $titrar, $img, $id, $art, $typ)
    global $db;
    $values["titrfr"] = MySQL::SQLValue($titrfr);
    $values["titren"] = MySQL::SQLValue($titren);
    $values["titrar"] = MySQL::SQLValue($titrar);
    $values["article"] = MySQL::SQLValue($art);
    $values["typ"] = MySQL::SQLValue($typ);
    // Execute the insert
    $result = $db->InsertRow("document", $values);
    // If we have an error
    if (!$result) {
        // Show the error and kill the script
        return false;
    } else {
        if ($img != "") {
            $basedir = "upload/doc";
            if (!file_exists($basedir)) {
                mkdir($basedir, 0, true);
            $newdir = "../upload/doc/";
            if (!file_exists($newdir)) {
                mkdir($newdir, 0, true);
            $file = "./upload/doc/" . changnom($img, $id, 'doc_');
            copyfile($img, $id, $newdir, "doc_");
            autoarchive($file, "Document page {$id} ", 12, $id, "document", "img", $_SESSION['userid'], cryptage(session::get('service'), 0));
        return true;
	function reset()
		$this->_items =& session :: get('session_cart_' . $this->_cart_id . '_items');
		  $this->_items = array();	
Пример #28
 public function init()
     if ($this->_inited) {
     $this->_inited = true;
     if (@application::get_instance()->config->resource->lang->type == 'session') {
         $lang_cookie = @$_COOKIE[$this->_key];
         $lang_session = session::get('lang');
         if ($lang_session) {
             if ($lang_session != $lang_cookie) {
             $lang_param = $lang_session;
         } else {
             $lang_param = $lang_cookie;
     } else {
         $lang_param = application::get_instance()->request->param->lang;
     $ml = new model_lang();
     $this->data = $ml->fetch_row(array('show_it' => '1'), array('(`stitle` = ' . $ml->adapter->quote($lang_param) . ')' => 'desc', '(`is_default` = 1)' => 'desc'));
     $this->default = $ml->fetch_row(array('is_default' => '1'));
     if (!$lang_param) {
         if (application::get_instance()->config->resource->lang->type == 'session') {
             session::set('lang', $this->default->stitle);
Пример #29
  * Checks the remaining SMS left this month making a GET request
  * @return int - free SMS this month
 public function get_free()
     $response = $this->session->get($this->send_request_uri);
     $element = $this->find($response->body, '#syndication p.item span.value', 0);
     $result = intval(trim($element->plaintext));
     return $result;
Пример #30
    function add_action() {
        if(front::post('submit') &&front::post('aid')) {
        	if(config::get('verifycode')) {
	            if(front::post('verify')<>session::get('verify')) {
	                 alertinfo('验证码错误。', front::$from);
            if(!front::post('username')) {
            	alertinfo('请留下你的名字!', front::$from);
            if(!front::post('content')) {
                alertinfo('请填写评论内容!', front::$from);
            $comment=new comment();
            $archive=new archive();
            front::$post['state'] = '0';
            front::$post['adddate']=date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
            alertinfo('评论提交成功。', front::$from);
        }else {