<?php if (isset($_POST['replacemail1'])) { if (!security::isSecureString($_SESSION['username'], 3)) { $errors[] = "Username field contains forbidden symbols"; } if (!security::isSecureString($_POST['email'], 2)) { $errors[] = "Email field contains forbidden symbols"; } if (!security::isCorrectEmail($_POST['email'])) { $errors[] = "Invalid email address"; } if (count($errors) > 0) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($errors); $i++) { echo $errors[$i] . ".<br/>"; } } else { core::$sql->changeDB('acc'); $user = $_SESSION['username']; $email = $_POST['email']; if (empty($_SESSION['username']) || empty($_POST['email'])) { echo 'Error :'; echo '<br />'; echo "You left some fields blank! <a href = '?pg=forgot'>go back and try again!</a>"; unset($_POST['replacemail1']); } else { $check = core::$sql->numRows("select Name from TB_User where StrUserID = '{$user}' and Email = '{$email}'"); if ($check !== 1) { echo 'Error :'; echo '<br />'; echo "User with following email/password doesn't exist! <a href = '?pg=forgot'>go back and try again!</a>";
} break; case 'myprofile': //module disabled if ($core->aConfig['allowMyProfile'] == 0) { echo "This module is currently disabled."; return; } if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { $nGender = (int) $_POST['gender']; $szAvatarUrl = null; $szSkype = null; $szMsn = null; $nPublic = (int) $_POST['ispublic']; security::isValidUrl($_POST['avatar']) ? $szAvatarUrl = $_POST['avatar'] : ($szAvatarUrl = $core->aConfig[url] . "img/noavatar.png"); security::isCorrectEmail($_POST['msn']) ? $szMsn = $_POST['msn'] : ($szMsn = "None"); $szSkype = security::toHTML($_POST['skype']); if (strlen($szSkype) > 50) { $szSkype = "None"; } if (strlen($szMsn) > 60) { $szMsn = "None"; } if (strlen($szAvatarUrl) > 500) { $szAvatarUrl = $core->aConfig['url'] . "img/noavatar.png"; } $avatarImageData = @getimagesize($szAvatarUrl); //no error if shit happens if (empty($avatarImageData[0]) || empty($avatarImageData[1])) { $avatarImageData[0] = 0; $avatarImageData[1] = 0;