function a52_tinymce_output_init() { global $REX; global $rxa_tinymce; $clang = 0; header('Content-type: application/javascript'); if (isset($_GET['clang']) and trim($_GET['clang']) != '' and strlen($_GET['clang']) == 1) { $clang = $_GET['clang']; } ?> /** * Callback-Funktion für das oeffnen der Linkmap bzw. Medienpool */ function rexCustomFileBrowser(field_name, url, type, win) { //alert("Field_Name: " + field_name + "\nURL: " + url + "\nType: " + type + "\nWin: " + win); // debug/testing var cmsURL = window.location.toString(); var urlbase = cmsURL.split("index.php"); if (type == 'image' || type == 'media') { nameurl = url.replace('files/', ''); if (nameurl != '') { nameurl = "&subpage=detail&file_name="+nameurl; } cmsURL = "index.php?page=<?php echo $rxa_tinymce['medienpool']; ?> &tinymce=true&opener_input_field="+field_name+"&clang="+<?php echo $clang; ?> +nameurl; popupTitle = 'Medienpool'; } if (type == 'file') { idurl = url.replace('redaxo://', ''); if (idurl != '') { idurl = "&category_id="+idurl; } cmsURL = "index.php?page=<?php echo $rxa_tinymce['linkmap']; ?> &tinymce=true&opener_input_field="+field_name+"&clang="+<?php echo $clang; ?> +idurl; popupTitle = 'Linkmap'; } cmsURL = urlbase[0] + cmsURL;{ file : cmsURL, title : popupTitle, width : 760, // Your dimensions may differ - toy around with them! height : 600, resizable : "yes", scrollbars : "yes", inline : "yes", // This parameter only has an effect if you use the inlinepopups plugin! close_previous : "no" }, { window : win, typeid : type, input : field_name }); return false; } /** * Standard TinyMCE-Konfiguration und tinyMCE.init() */ <?php /* // wird evtl. noch mal benötigt function rexCustomURLConverter(url, node, on_save) { if (url.substr(0,6) == 'files/') { url = '../' + url; } // Return new URL return url; } */ $tiny = new rexTinyMCEEditor(); echo $tiny->getConfiguration(); echo "\n\n" . 'tinyMCE.init(tinyMCEInitArray);' . "\n"; }
/** * TinyMCE Addon * * @author markus[dot]staab[at]redaxo[dot]de Markus Staab * * @author andreas[dot]eberhard[at]redaxo[dot]de Andreas Eberhard * @author <a href=""></a> * * @author Dave Holloway * @author <a href=""></a> * * @package redaxo4 * @version svn:$Id$ */ header("content-type: text/css"); include dirname(__FILE__) . '/../'; $mypage = 'tinymce'; $n = "\n"; $clang = 0; if (isset($_GET['clang']) and trim($_GET['clang']) != '' and strlen($_GET['clang']) == 1) { $clang = $_GET['clang']; } ?> Standardwerte TinyMCE-Konfiguration: <?php include dirname(__FILE__) . '/../classes/'; $tiny = new rexTinyMCEEditor(); echo $tiny->getConfiguration();