Пример #1
 * @param $businessId
 * @param $shopfrontPic
 * @param $licencePic
 * @throws Exception
function updateBusinessInfor($businessId, $shopfrontPic, $licencePic)
    $businessName = $_REQUEST['$businessName'];
    $startTime = $_REQUEST['$startTime'];
    $endTime = $_REQUEST['$endTime'];
    $lon = $_REQUEST['$lon'];
    $lat = $_REQUEST['$lat'];
    $mobilePhone = $_REQUEST['$mobilePhone'];
    $sortF = $_REQUEST['$sortF'];
    $sortS = $_REQUEST['$sortS'];
    $privileges = $_REQUEST['$privileges'];
    $description = $_REQUEST['$description'];
    $serviceindex = $_REQUEST['$serviceindex'];
    $province = $_REQUEST['$province'];
    $city = $_REQUEST['$city'];
    $addresDetail = $_REQUEST['$addresDetail'];
    $fixTelephone = $_REQUEST['$fixTelephone'];
    // 字符必须添加'',数字不必添加
    $sqlUpdate = "UPDATE\n                          `business`\n                    SET\n                          `name` = '{$businessName}',\n                          `sortF` = {$sortF},\n                          `sortS` = {$sortS},\n                          `privileges` = '{$privileges}',\n                          `picUrl` = '{$shopfrontPic}',\n                          `description` = '{$description}',\n                          `businessSTime` = {$startTime},\n                          `businessETime` = {$endTime},\n                          `licensePicUrl` = '{$licencePic}',\n                          `mobilePhone` = '{$mobilePhone}',\n                          `serviceindex` = {$serviceindex},\n                          `longitude` = {$lon},\n                          `latitude` = {$lat},\n                          `province` = {$province},\n                          `city` = {$city},\n                          `addresDetail` = '{$addresDetail}',\n                          `fixTelephone` = '{$fixTelephone}'\n                    WHERE\n                          `business`.`id` = {$businessId}";
    $connect = db::getInstance()->connect();
    $result = mysqli_query($connect, $sqlUpdate);
    if ($result) {
        echo '更新基本数据成功';
    } else {
        echo response::show(201, '更新基本数据失败');
Пример #2
 public static function storeLicenceImage($imageName, $imageData)
     if ($imageData == '') {
         echo 'licencePic图片为空';
     } else {
         $fullImageName = cLicencePath . $imageName;
         if (self::storeImage($fullImageName, $imageData)) {
             echo 'licencePic图片保存成功';
             return cPicUrlHeader . $fullImageName;
         } else {
             echo response::show(201, 'licencePic图片保存失败');
Пример #3
header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8");
 * Created by PhpStorm.
 * User: Administrator
 * Date: 2015/9/16
 * Time: 20:09
const cPicUrlHeader = '';
// 返回给客户端图片url的头部
const cPicStorePath = '/Users/wsk/pb_cs/www/uploadImages/';
// 客户端上传的图片在服务器中存放的路径
require_once './tools/db.php';
require_once './tools/response.php';
$img = base64_decode($_REQUEST['picStr']);
$picName = time() . '.jpg';
// 1、将图片的url,对应的商户id,保存到数据库中
$picUrl = cPicUrlHeader . $picName;
$connect = db::getInstance()->connect();
$sql = 'SELECT pwd FROM `account` WHERE `phone` = ' . $phone;
$result = mysqli_query($sql, $connect);
$row = mysqli_fetch_object($result);
// 2、将图片保存到指定路径下面
$picStorePath = cPicStorePath . $picName;
$fileLength = file_put_contents($picStorePath, $img);
// 返回值为图片的长度
if ($fileLength > 0) {
    echo response::show(200, '上传图片成功');
} else {
    echo response::show(201, '上传图片失败');
Пример #4

header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8");
require_once './tools/db.php';
require_once './tools/response.php';
// php5.5以后mysql全部替换成mysqli或者使用下面两行的任一行
// error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_DEPRECATED);
// error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE | E_NOTICE);
 * Created by PhpStorm.
 * User: new1
 * Date: 2015/9/13
 * Time: 16:46
$connect = db::getInstance()->connect();
$sql = 'select * from account';
$result = mysqli_query($sql, $connect);
echo mysqli_num_rows($result) . ' 行 ' . mysqli_num_fields($result) . ' 列 ' . "<br />" . "<br />" . "<br />";
echo '结果' . $result . '结果' . "<br />";
$resList = array();
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_object($result)) {
    $model = array('phone' => &$row->phone, 'pwd' => &$row->pwd);
    $resList[] = $model;
    //    echo $row->id.'手机号码:'. $row->phone. ' 密码:'.$row->password."<br />";
echo response::show(200, '成功', $resList);
Пример #5
 * Created by PhpStorm.
 * User: Administrator
 * Date: 2015/9/11
 * Time: 22:08
// $phone = 'zhxxxxxang';
// $password = '******';
//$json = json_decode($a,true);
//$json = file_get_contents('php://input');
//$json = json_decode($json);
//echo $json[0]->app_slug;
header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8");
require_once './tools/db.php';
require_once './tools/response.php';
$phone = $_REQUEST['phone'];
// 获取客户端传递过来的用户名
$pwd = $_REQUEST['pwd'];
// 获取客户端传递过来密码
$connect = db::getInstance()->connect();
$sql = 'SELECT pwd FROM `account` WHERE `phone` = ' . $phone;
$result = mysqli_query($sql, $connect);
$row = mysqli_fetch_object($result);
if ($row->pwd == $pwd) {
    echo response::show(200, '登陆成功');
} else {
    echo response::show(205, '登陆失败');
Пример #6
// ../这个是返回上一级
require_once '../../tools/db.php';
require_once '../../tools/response.php';
$img = base64_decode($_POST['picStr']);
// 图片的内容
$picName = $_POST['businessID'] . '_' . time() . '.jpg';
// 图片的名字
// 1、将图片的url,对应的商户id,保存到数据库中
$businessID = $_POST['businessID'];
// 商户id
$categoryID = $_POST['categoryID'];
// 菜品分类id
$picUrl = '' . $picName;
// 图片的下载url
$dishName = $_POST['dishName'];
// 菜品名字
$price = $_POST['price'];
// 菜品价格
$connect = db::getInstance()->connect();
$sql = "SELECT * FROM dish WHERE businessID = " . $businessID . " AND categoryID = " . $categoryID . " AND dishName = " . "'" . $dishName . "'";
$result = mysqli_query($sql, $connect);
if (mysqli_num_rows($result) > 0) {
    echo response::show(206, '该菜品已经被登记');
} else {
    $sql = "INSERT INTO `test`.`dish` (`businessID`, `categoryID`, `picUrl`, `dishName`, `price`) VALUES (" . $businessID . "," . $categoryID . "," . "'" . $picUrl . "'" . "," . "'" . $dishName . "'" . "," . $price . ")";
    if (mysqli_query($sql, $connect)) {
        echo response::show(200, '菜品登记注册成功');
    } else {
        echo response::show(203, '菜品登记失败' . $sql);
Пример #7

header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8");
require_once './tools/db.php';
require_once './tools/response.php';
$phone = $_POST['phone'];
// 获取客户端传递过来的用户名
$pwd = $_POST['pwd'];
// 获取客户端传递过来密码
if ($pwd == '') {
    echo response::show(201, '密码不能为空');
} else {
    if ($phone == '') {
        echo response::show(202, '手机号码不能为空');
    } else {
        $connect = db::getInstance()->connect();
        $sql = 'SELECT * FROM `account` WHERE `phone` = ' . $phone;
        $result = mysqli_query($sql, $connect);
        if (mysqli_num_rows($result) > 0) {
            echo response::show(204, '该手机号已经被注册');
        } else {
            $sql = 'INSERT INTO `account`(`id`, `phone`, `pwd`) VALUES (NULL, ' . $phone . ',' . $pwd . ')';
            if (mysqli_query($sql, $connect)) {
                echo response::show(200, '注册成功');
            } else {
                echo response::show(203, '注册失败');