include_once ''; require_once ROOT . '/class/relation.class.php'; //check_user check_user(); if ($url->get('source_class') && $url->get('source_type') && $url->get('source_id')) { $source = $url->getObject('source_'); debug($source, 'Source'); $session->set('relation_source', $source->getUid()); } elseif ($url->get('action')) { $source = $thinkedit->newObject($session->get('relation_source')); } else { echo translate('save_before_relating'); die; // todo more gracefull : do not display relation iframe iframe in edit when editing new record } $relation = new relation(); /*********** handle actions **********/ if ($url->get('action') == 'relate') { //echo 'I must relate'; $target = $url->getObject('target_'); $relation->relate($source, $target); } if ($url->get('action') == 'unrelate') { //echo 'I must relate'; $target = $url->getObject('target_'); $relation->unrelate($source, $target); } $relations = $relation->getRelations($source); if ($relations) { foreach ($relations as $relation_object) { $relation_object->load();
<?php require_once '../thinkedit.init.php'; require_once ROOT . '/class/relation.class.php'; $articles = $thinkedit->newRecord('article'); $authors = $thinkedit->newRecord('author'); // get first article $article = $articles->findFirst(); // get first author $author = $authors->findFirst(); $relation = new relation(); debug($article); debug($author); $relation->relate($article, $author); //$relation->unRelate($article, $author); $relations = $relation->getRelations($article); foreach ($relations as $related_item) { $related_item->load(); echo $related_item->getTitle(); } echo $total_queries;
check_user(); if ($url->get('action') == 'init') { if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) { $session->set('action', 'relate'); $session->set('referrer', $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); } else { trigger_error('no referrer found, cannot relate currently'); } } if ($url->get('action') == 'relate') { $session->delete('action'); echo 'I need to do a relation'; } if ($url->get('action') == 'cancel') { } $source = $url->getObject(); debug($source, 'Source'); require_once ROOT . '/class/relation.class.php'; $out['title'] = 'Relations'; $relation = new relation(); $relations = $relation->getRelations($source); if ($relations) { foreach ($relations as $relation_object) { $item['title'] = te_short(20, $relation_object->getTitle()); $item['icon'] = $relation_object->getIcon(); $out['relation']['data'][] = $item; } } debug($out, 'OUT'); debug($relations); die;
// add a picture to each article $child->addChild($thinkedit->newModule('image')); } } // what is under node id 0 ? $mynode = $thinkedit->newModuleByNode(0); debug($mynode->id); debug($mynode->type); $mynode->load(); // post a message to mynode (arbitrary defined) $post = $thinkedit->newModule('post'); $post->setTitle('Do you agree?'); $post->set('message', 'here we go gentlemens'); $post->save(); $mynode->addChild($post); // or $post->addParent($mynode); // will this work ??? // relate this post to the news category $relation = new relation(); $relation->makeRelation($post, $news); // or $post->makeRelation($news); // Append an image file to the post : $image = $thinkedit->newModule('image'); // load image data here $image->setContent($imagedata); $image->save(); $post->makeRelation($image); //or $image->makeRelation($post);